
Let me tell you about my week:

Monday get car fixed. Tuesday night give lecture. Wednes drive 3.5 hrs then meet with lawyer. Thursday Board hearing all day . Friday drive home. Saturday Hold 5-6 hr Symposium on the attack on food and agriculture and how to fight back--i am producer and MC. Sunday--give another lecture.

So sorry Allen, since you have more spare time than I do, suggest you go read the blog since my positions are in black and white for all to read. It's searchable.

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Dear, I said put up or shut up. I am tired of baseless accusations.

There are lots of substacks where people speculate without evidence. I don't want mine being one of them.

Ms. Coraggio, whom I respect, provided the evidence for her conclusions. That is fine with me.

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Help me understand. At 1 hr he is discussing Ebola and zika vaccines as if these were legitimate endeavors and successful medical products? These are both scams that never worked for anything other than causing injuries and death. Remdesivir came out of the same bogus "development during a tropical outbreak". Their favorite activity is to play pandemic in some tents in African jungle that nobody can monitor or check for clinical trial compliance or ethics. These practice runs were used by the US DOD to iron out the kinks in the "outbreak playbook" before they unleashed the covid warfare on the world.

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I subbed him and asked questions. Also on SageHana's stack. He doesnt answer.

Why does he continue to support mRNA? Why did he recommend his finding to be used for vaccines when they never studied downstream and long term effects on animals? Studies done in animals and human children show genetic injections have caused cancer leukemia within a handful of years. He knows about telomerase, reverse transcriptase and potential damage to genes. He knows LNP are meant to enter all cell types and pass BBB. He was recently connected with vaccine makers and has ties to all of these people. Why is he bragging and encourage others to brag about his invention which enabled inventions leading to medical genocide and tyranny? He claims he's vaccinated. I might too if I wanted to appear innocent and get away with bragging about my invention and recommendation for use in vaccines that paved the way....

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Why is he trying to silence and destroy the Breggins and there book “COVID 19-we are the prey”

With a $25 M lawsuit with a high dollar DC law firm he is not paying for. Actions speak louder than words.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you for flagging this interview. Dr Malone is one of my most trusted sources. BTW, I try to avoid giving any views to YouTube.where anything that differs from the state propaganda is deleted. So here's the same interview on Rumble. They actually allow free speech.


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Robert Malone believes there was a pandemic in Spring 2020. RFK also holds this belief. They are flat wrong on this point as the evidence illustrates conclusively. This is not some minor side issue.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no 'lab leak'- there is no unique viral pathogen- no "targeted aerosolization"- no "China Virus"- there is no "There" there. It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

This kind of nonsense becomes the "acceptable alternative Covid narrative" if not challenged. This is isn't simply a host of minor omissions it is completely misdirecting people AND covering up what ACTUALLY happened which had NOTHING to do with any "Lab leak" or GoF or unique medical emergency.

We are way past the point in understanding why it is that reifying the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" in 2020 is hugely problematic. This needs to be confronted head on in the "health freedom movement" as those with the biggest audiences by and large reinforce the "pandemic" narrative and create fertile ground for justifying all sorts of "emergency measures" in the future.

Does Malone highlight the slaughter in the nursing homes that occurred in Spring 2020?

Does Malone highlight the iatrogenic events in hospitals around the world and how they were called "Covid?"

Does Malone highlight how "Covid deaths" were manufactured through false attribution and recategorization of mortality data?

Does Malone reinforce the pandemic narrative- falsely claiming that there was one?

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Meryl, please cite the scientific evidence of "the virus", since you claim that Robert (known to some as "the Dark Vaccine Wizard": https://rense.com/general96/DR-ROBERT-MALONE-DARK-VACCINE-WIZARD.pdf) is telling the truth. Or better yet, have your buddy cite it.

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I love Dr. Malone! The opposition would love us to think he’s “controlled opposition”. They have tried to do that to Robert Kennedy Jr. too. Time will prove he’s on our side. I am just so extremely grateful to him and his wife for all that they’re doing!

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Have you seen Aubrey Marcus interview with Ed Dowd? It’s also amazing

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Have followed Malone since first Weinstein interview. He’s obviously VERY intelligent, and speaks many things true. However, his substack offering yesterday, “the banality of evil” in his own words is the best case yet for him being controlled opposition. While urging everyone to check out Katherine Watt, He is actually doing a limited hangout on her by giving her faint praise for “granular documentation” and redirecting readers away from the overwhelming legal evidence she documents showing crystal clear intent to destroy the U.S. and its citizens. Malone’s long winded intellectual smoke screen concludes that there is no intent to harm by any organized entity, its just those goofy pesky greedy people misbehaving. You’d have to be an idiot to believe this nonsense at this point, which Malone clearly is not.

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What an interview! Thank you Dr. Nass for posting this. My husband and I are 76 and 73...never had the shot, followed the FLCCC protocol, take ivermectin once a week and the appropriate supplements and I make my own elderberry syrup, which we take daily five days a week . We have never had Covid. Our adult children are all “shot” up and think we’re crazy....they have all had Covid..some twice and say ..well at least we didn’t die! I pray for them.

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Since you know Robert, Meryl, why is he acting so badly towards Peter Breggin and wife?

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Attn. Merl w regard to the kangaroo court and Dr Faust (the name fits) didn’t the PCR get contraindicated from the relevant time frame pertaining to Harvey’s studies that he testifies were unimpressive? In other words, you were treating patients appropriately for a set of symptoms one could only assume were cv19..this problem has reared it’s head over and over again. He’s fine backing the advice of the agencies that quietly admitted their ‘test’ was full on what all of us knew , a parlor trick. So why trust the advice w/regard to HCQ or anything else they say?......Let them have their standard protocol for their replication incompetent BS diseases and you can continue to treat for the intentional poisoning that you’ve encountered your whole career. Case dismissed!!! We’ll await 9 pages of new Merck Manual sars 2 diseases actually caused by the quackzine.

Btw please may I offer some perspective?


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I've been looking forward to watching this. I subscribe to Aubry Markus' YouTube channel and saved this one to watch later due to the length. Markus does outstanding interviews by the way. Speaking of subscriptions, I believe it is time to do one here.

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And it's on youtube -- seems complete, because it hits _very_ hard. This is a really good sign.


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