Thank you Dr. Nass for all your hard work and dedication to the truth. I choose to never give up hope as that is a paralyzing feeling and I want to keep moving. I believe that we will persevere as to think otherwise is to give up. Never give in to a bully, especially such a horrible one as TG!

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irrepressible Dr. Nass.

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Than I guess we better stop these thugs asap.

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Excellent essay. Need to get to academics to do, as Jim Morrison sang, circa 1970 "Break on through to other other side."

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Thankyou DrNass for your tireless truth. Fighting hard Downunder. www.australiaexitsthewho.com working with more than 30 groups represnting over 1.2 million Australians www.alignedcouncilofaustralia.com.au

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What would induce a nation to allow this to happen? Deliberately-induced fear?

The essay is frightening, that is the totalitarian future it describes is frightening. I cannot see the point of my life moving from the freedom to choose my friends, subjects to study, employment to undertake, and the location of my home - only to have the straitjacket of totalitarianism imposed on me and my friends, family, and neighbors.

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How about the USA road to totalitarianism? We need to separate Mason "church" and State: they buy and corrupt everything with fake money!

The way out?

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


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I realize there are people who have to be optimistic to persevere. But they shouldn't assume that everyone is wired that way. I have no idea if we will win or not. The odds don't look good to me for the long run given all the other systemic problems in the world.

But we need to function as a team. Because it may ultimately come down to pure non-compliance. That could be very ugly. But if it causes the government to resort to draconian action, that may be enough to wake up enough other people to cause them to back-down or at least postpone. Be prepared to make sacrifices if you really want to win. Huge sacrifices have been made by others in the past. Praying for us all.

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Great essay highlighting the wisdom of Arendt. Totalitarian Terror hides its' face because it knows it cannot withstand the wrath of people who are awakening and freely joining together to reclaim their natural right to liberty.

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Evil Versus Team Humanity! Katherine Watts on her substack lays out the legal path to defeat these demons. Praying daily for the God Warriors like James Roguski who are working on the efforts to stop this tyranny 🙏

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You would need to ask who is ruling the WHO. My guess is that those people who also control the US and the EU.

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“What I would like to do instead is to pursue the question, what the implications would be for people worldwide if this organisation were to be successful in getting the representatives of member countries to accept the proposed amendments. More specifically, what are the likely consequences in terms of the concept and practice of totalitarianism?”

I cut and pasted the above words because of my one concern which is this;

After what we experienced and we’re still experiencing, “Covid lockdowns”, haven’t we already become “totally controlled”?

Everything the so called “Globalist Elites” forced upon us is exactly what will be! Except now they want it in writing.

Whether they have it in writing or not, they proved to the world, literally how easily, they can manipulate, force, coerce or down right demand, us into compliance, am I wrong?

Something tells me, it doesn’t matter what America or the Western World signs or doesn’t sign, the push for a “One World Order” will take place, whether we want it or not!

Another words, “We’re Damned If We Do Damned If We Don’t”! Come “hell or high water” the global elites are taking over!

We can see this happening in Washington, in Canada, the UK and Australia. I understand our sovereignty and revised pandemic treaties agreements are on the table, but does it really matter if we don’t agree?

I personally believe it doesn’t matter, whether we sign or not, Covid proved how dangerous and despicable the “Globalist” are!

Look how, as I like to call their method, “slow boil frog” tactics, have been executed against us. Slowly but surely. They have already created and already have in place, a “One World Order“, regardless if we want it or not! This has already been ushered in.

IMO, Formality and or the formalization has all been assured. When the world was forced into lockdown 4 years ago! Regardless if we sign off or not, algorithms have been used to precisely predict how humanity will respond. Even when forced, people will comply!

The world has been cooked. First we hear, “oh it’s not so bad” or “it’s for the betterment of society” or whatever the prevailing winds, hot air blows are, at any given moment.

This tells me, something more diabolical will be used.

“If we don’t sign off on their behalf, they’ll sign off on our behalf”!

Giving up our freedom’s, as we so easily complied, is exactly how they’ll use another covid like plan, to initiate the final push for their “One World Order”!

I do pray I’m wrong, I seem to be saying this a lot lately. I feel the inevitable is, “inevitable”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Hi Dr Nass!! You’re busting through to the Lame Steam Media!! Great work, you are saving Democracy from the technocrat World Government wannabes!

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"it is worthwhile exploring the full implications of this 'anonymous' mode of governance here"

yes that is what technocracy is


It needs to be exposed for what it is: another form of totalitarianism

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After reading this essay of yours, I feel there is not much we can do. As Solzhenitsyn once opined in his masterpiece, 'The Gulag Archipelago', humanity is a mix of good and bad.



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