I get angry about that. My Mom's birthday was also in May like Kissinger's is. However my Mom is under the ground this May and didn't get to celebrate another year of life like Kissinger did sa she believed in his dumb shots. Nothing could convince her otherwise.
Thanks...that is why I was so upset to see and read stories about folks in nursing homes that were not allowed to have visitors during the covid plandemic.
I would've been tempted to drive my car through the front entrance if she was still in a nursing home.
Good message, Sister. The greatest victory is to turn an adversary into an ally. I'm not sure Kissinger can be taught that "new trick", but he was at least somewhat reasonable about war in Europe until he was told that he had to push for Ukraine-in-NATO. I do remain surprised that he is a century old. It's like a challenge to beat his mark, but that will take me over 35 years (and counting).
https://jewishinsider.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/20015339/january-20-2023.pdf Klaus, the Saturnalia/Kabbalistic Authoritarian Leftist has a somewhat shrouded lineage, but many who have done the research find jewish strains. This man was a major part of the lies told about NatSoc Germany, which was doing its best not to fall to the Bolshevik menace to their East, in the 1930's. If you look at Schwab's right hand gay man, Harari, a gay jew, an avowed Communist, you realize the WEF is not Fascist, but instead just another arm of the jewish banking Hydra, that has nearly snuffed out free speech, clean air, and a normal life for white Westerners.
Agreed! He is also, yet another gay, Communist jew, telling the rest of humanity how to live, what we should own (nothing) and what we can and can not say.
These Authoritarian Leftists are NOT Fascists or Nazis, they are Bolsheviks. There is a very real distinction, that 75 years of being gaslit and lied to by jewish, media Bolsheviks has conflated. Fascists were real men. Two genders. High standards. They were anti-Globalist, believing individual Nations had a soul, and their people should protect and defend their borders and culture.
Kissinger, is jewish. His origins were funding from Rothschild entities to watch over and guide America to support Israel (founded by Rothschilds). Soros, Kissinger, Schwab are Communists at heart, no matter what they identify as.
In 1910, Rothschilds began to blackmail Woodrow Wilson, who had an affair with his admin while at Princeton. The bankers asked Wilson to do three things to "get out of jail," sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, take on a mysterious jewish advisor named Colonel Mandell House (Kissinger of his day) and get us in to WW I, which Germany had essentially won decisively by 1915/1916.
House, Baruch, Kissinger, Zbingnew Brzezinski, and many other JEWISH US Presidential Advisors just seem to show up out of thin air. Nobody pays much attention. Hillary had hers too. Sidney Blumenthal.
100% of the malaise afflicting once white nations has its origins in jewish hatred of us.
Evil people tend not to stress as much. Even if what he does harms someone, he doesn't stress over it. Plus Kissinger is loaded with money so he wasn't exactly out working his butt off during his life. With less stress their bodies suffer less, their adrenal glands do not get over taxed. Plus he probably gets "real" medicine including nature's good herbal meds, no poison shots. So of course he lives longer.
Always been present in the human population but usually committed murders independently. Now they are organizing and using Brain Washing to gather more Murderous Psychopaths. Like the Nazis. Many say they are descendants of the Nazis ie K.Schwalb. Important suggestion for researching, don't use gaggle for research because they won't let you, they "filter bubble " what you see AND they track you, not to mention sell your tracking data. Absolutely use a VPN also.
Supposedly safer emails exist. Hesitant to mention the name here.
Not really sure. Poetic license? artistic expression? I am trying to emphasize that word without capitalizing the whole word. Perhaps I am trying to compete or join with the crazy woke culture that express themselves in different sexes ( opposed to what they really are ) or different mammals ( opposed to what they are ). My grammatical slight of hand, is my crazy rebellion.
On second thought, I will rein it in. Most of the time. Thank you!
And if everyone would wake up to the realization that they (elitists, cabal creatures) did not take the clot shot themselves for crying out loud, we would be way ahead of breaking their sinister plan. Crimes against humanity on an epic scale for decades. Disgusting.🤬🤬🤬
As I watched the Event 201 presentation (section 4 specifically), I couldn't help but notice the INTENSE focus on censorship and co-opting many avenues of broadcasting and communication via social media platforms.
Is it any wonder that with the advent of the internet, which empowers all voices to be heard, that the shared communications of brave individuals and knowledge transfer of truth has thwarted the ability for so much damage to be had? Think about this C19 campaign 30 years ago before the internet was around. It would have been DEVASTATING! Because people wouldn't have been able to find alternative sources of information.
Thank you Dr. Nass for your help in educating us! You (and many others) truly are helping to save lives and endowing people with knowledge to help themselves and adapt.
I hope each of us will have the courage to share this information. Evil must have a spotlight shown upon it and it will wither.
That is because they are psychopaths...6% of the population, found mostly at the top of any hierachy...because they have no empathy...its always all about them.
It's funny (not in a haha way) that they are the ones that want to get rid of the rest of us who have empathy and compassion. I guess they are so psychotic, due to true psychotic disorders, that they don't understand that because we are empathetic and compassionate we have to beat them since we actually care about each other (including all the animals), all of nature, and the planet in a real way. They destroy everything first (humans, animals, the planet) then say that it's the fault of humans (meaning "the rest of us" humans), and then they have the ultimate plans to save the planet. They are truly psychotic. Just like a narcissistic psychopath to think in those terms and then the cvd followers actually believe them which is even more pathetic. And, if you try to explain ANYTHING to those followers, they will not see it and blame you. Diabolical.
I don't think enough are awake to push back which is worrisome. Those that are awake are too complacent and are doing absolutely NOTHING which is even more worrisome. It's simply mind boggling. Some people are talking to each other but not much else. I guess that's a start.
Interesting perspective. I sure hope you're right. How did you learn about the check companies? That's very interesting. I'm just surrounded by followers so I don't see it around me. Most people don't talk about any of this except for the small few that know and understand what's going on. Most people are in lala land living their digital lives and are going about their lives as if it's 2019 and they've been vaxxed. They won't believe that anyone has been harmed or died from the vax.
What do you mean "Prepper companies ( some from Lebanon!:) have been making bank for several years now."? They are creating competing banks? Lebanon the country? Where did you get this information from?
I think the future needs to have politicians and doctors with reduced egos. They need to get paid either less or nothing at all, at least the politicians. There needs to be laws with severe penalties that are followed that disallow kick backs to both politicians and doctors. I never thought about how many similarities there are between politicians and doctors. Very interesting now that I'm thinking about it. Hmmm....
VPN is a good thing for privacy - Nord or Express are good ones.
Proton mail is a free Swiss encrypted email provider.
It is encrypted and works best when both people communicating use it. Read all about it on their website.
If you use Golum (Google) email you must KNOW that they scrape and read ALL your emails.
Signal (Signal.com) Is an encrypted messaging app that is similar to Facebooks WhatsApp.
It works for calls and texts too on your phone. Encrypted!
You can choose whether you even want to share your contact list with them when you install it which WhatsApp does not allow - they want ALL your network and connection data.
It’s created by the same guys who created WhatsApp but they were peaved with Zuckerberg (Facebook) Plan, and way of using it to exploit users, that there was a falling out, and they left FB and built another one with real privacy…SIGNAL
Edward Snowden used them at one point which is a good recommendation.
And for searching dont’ use Golum (Google) , use BRAVE.
Duck duckGo now gets money from Gates of Hell Jnr so I don’t trust them anymore, even though the claim they don’t track you…
Good luck finding politicians who truly believe in the Bill of Rights. Most of them are lawyers, and they were taught in law school so that the Constitution was only really given a back seat, and they now teach that it is supposedly unethical to bring the Constitution into civil matters (let alone criminal matters). The U.S. has been socially engineered for generations, little by little, so that it would destroy itself, with a heaping amount of help from the "Fourth Reich" Nazi globalist corporate-fascists of course, thus doing away with national sovereignty and bringing in global(ist) subjugation and enslavement, as well as their mass-murderous eugenicide of most of the Earth's population that already began three years ago. Since we're all already filled with nano-tech now, we're either already the walking dead, or we will become Satanic, completely-controlled transhumanist cyborgs. That's globalist "freedom".
Most "Americans", by design, know little or nothing about inalienable rights, and that there is any necessity to constantly be vigilant to preserve and protect them, as well as see to it that they're lived up to. In fact, they consider it too much trouble to deal with, and that it's "wrong" to protest, "make waves", or dissent in any way. And most of those who recognize that such dissent is long-past necessary, can't be bothered to get off their asses and do anything about it [I have an excuse, I am physically disabled, and elderly as well (67)]. That's why I do what I can, which admittedly isn't much, speak the truth, including speaking it to power, and seek to wake people up who are "able-bodied" and can non-violently do what's necessary.
So, getting back to my original point, by virtue of the fact that politicians are politicians, they are out for money, fame and lifelong riches, and are more than willing to sell their souls to the devil (hell, they already did so), thus they are not going to save us. Lawyers and politicians who have any conscience left, if they ever had any, and who stand up for liberty, freedom, rights, the downtrodden, and preserving them and national sovereignty, are few and far between. E.g., how many "William F. Pepper" attorneys are there (he wrote the book proving that MLK was assassinated by the U.S. government, titled, "An Act of State"), who stand for truth and TRUE Justice; and, knowing what they know about how irredeemably-corrupt U.S. and global government are, are willing to wade into that swamp of the mostly-evil-and-vile? Who can blame them for not doing so? I wouldn't be caught alive in "District of the god, Columbia, a symbol of Satan". There's no "working within the system" to save this country and our world. The globalist Nazis have it sewn up.
Please don't bring up RFK, Jr., for he's either controlled opposition; or, if he stood a chance of becoming president, and he won, he would very soon completely bow down. When does he EVER give any glory to God? And, even if he did, he would only do so on a very limited basis. No, his lord and master is not God the Father through Jesus the Christ, and thus it is Satan, so he is not to be trusted whatsoever.
Yes, I realize there are some good things happening, especially on the state level, and I'm sorry to appear to be all doom and gloom, but the evil DOES outweigh the good. So, I'm just being realistic. I'm glad these people, like the one's you named, are fighting as they are, even if they are Godless, but most people who are fighting are fighting the wrong things, or the wrong people. You know we're being manipulated at every turn. For every positive step forward, the "Fourth Reich" counteracts it, or overpowers it. Besides, we are told in God's Word(s) that these things which are now happening, bringing about global enslavement and mass-extermination, have to happen, or are being allowed to happen, however you want to look at it. Millions have already died just from the "Covid" debacle alone, and millions more of them are going to soon die because of their not putting God first, TRULY first.
This global(ist) enslavement IS likely going to happen; hell, it has already begun, and we aren't going to be able to stop it. But I'm NOT saying we should give up and stop fighting for only what is right, and against all of the evil taking over for a time. We have the DUTY to fight it, and keep fighting it, even if we die in the process of doing so. I'm idealistic too, but let's be realistic. All hell on earth is breaking loose just as predicted would happen, and just as the specifics of the predictions said they would. There is no escaping that except by being truly, fully and completely right with God, but that doesn't mean He won't have to allow bad things to happen to many if not most of us. People with their eyes completely open, see that the evil is all-pervasive. It is all around us and in the majority of people all around us. Almost everyone is a servant of Satan whether they know it or not, and I am fed up with dealing with them anymore. They literally make me sick(er).
If it sounds like I'm feeling hopeless short of God, that's because I am right now. Ever since I saw the proof that we're all filled with nanotechnology, either murdering us or turning us into transhuman cyborgs, it has succeeded in getting me down. I'll likely pull out of it. Like I said, I am NOT giving up, but my entire life has been almost nothing but a struggle, and now this that's happening now, and I'm tired of watching our world go down in "hell-on-earth-flames". Good-on the truthtellers and activists who are not letting the entire affair dispirit them, at least most of the time (and I'm not letting it do so most of the time, too). But sometimes things just do seem hopeless and it is all extremely-dispiriting. I feel the tug of evil trying to take me over as well; and, though I resist the devil, I'm being attacked as never before. It is very clear that we truly are in the start of the very end. Return soon, Lord Jesus!
Thanks for trying to cheer me up, and for the "hugs". Cheers!
Oh yes Chris, I saw that video with Harris's arms out like Tom Jones.
There is a certain percentage of the population that their psychologists tell them ( the Evils ) that will march to the edge of the cliff and over, willingly and contently if not happily.
The Evils are trying to get rid of those first because those are the easy ones.
This also helps the Technocrats drive the human IQ higher faster which is another one of their goals.
These are really great links...thank you. Especially everyone should at least read Corey's Digs...Laundering with immunity. Helps people understand who THEY are...
Among other things, they should work at the local level to bring about criminal prosecutions. A few well placed criminal prosecutions will start the inevitable avalanche.
They don't have to understand everything to understand that this is criminal.
Pianka -" I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us.” I agree - we can start with the 30 "population advisors" cited in the article above.
I did the calculations a couple months ago. The final calculation is horizontal footage only.
How much land would be allotted to each person if the entire population of the world was put in the State of Texas? Call it Texas World
The earth is ~29% land
The land mass of the earth is ~57,268,900 sq miles
There are about 8,000,000,000 people on the earth
The population density of the earth is 8,000,000,000/57,268,900 sq miles = ~139 people/sq mile or 0.21 persons/acre or about 1 person per 5 acres [1sq mile =640 acres]
Texas has a land mass of 268,567 sq miles. 268,567/57,268,900 = 0.00468. So 0.468% of the earth’s land mass belongs to Texas. [The population of Texas 2023 is 31,172,832 and the population density is 1,046/sq mile 1.635/acre]
If we put the entire population of the world in the state of Texas, what would the population density of Texas be? 8,000,000,000/268,567 sq miles = 29,787/sq mile or 46.5 people/acre or each person would be assigned 936 square feet of horizontal space. [1 acre = 43,560 feet]
So what would this population density look like?
The population density of NYC is 28,211/sq mile, so Texas World would have a 5.3% increase in population over NYC.
Manhattan NYC has a population density of 69,467/sq mile, which is about 2.3 times that of Texas World.
The population density of Manila is 111,532 /sq. mile and has a population density of about 4 times Texas World.
This TED talk shows the "scientific plan" that was implemented in Africa based on a failure to understand ecology - these projects were funded by UN and global aid projects.
The design engineers move the tribes off the land and destroy 40,000 elephants to "preserve the area". Desertification was the results. Here he examines what they failed to understand. [Still, I find it a bit disturbing that he does not seem to have as much remorse for relocating tribal people as he does for executing the elephants]. But at least he is trying to correct his mistakes. What he is saying about his education and beliefs - can be applied to so many disciplines. Note although this ecologist saw the mistakes made by him and others and learned from them. Unfortunately he still is sitting on the band wagon for global warming - but like Upton Sinclair once said - It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it.
One of the biggest problems is scientist think they have all the answers and end up screwing things up when they implement their plan.
As painful as it was - you had to experience it to become who you are. Its unfortunate that so many choose to ignore or justify their own observations or close their eyes to crimes against humanity. Keep telling the truth it takes a while for folks to want to hear it. We can not be silent - that is what has allowed evil to prevail.
I have been telling people for many years, who say they don't want to have kids because the world is a mess: if you know that, and you want kids, have as many kids as you want and can afford, and bring them up in the way that they will go. They will probably make the world a better place.
Thank you for a great compelling collection of what is in their hearts, their minds, and their plans. I am confident that this is the beginning of the dialogue that the ever-so-wise Malone-mentor Mattias Desmet was guiding us towards (not!)
Two of my favorite videos that nicely convey the attitude of the globalist ruling elite toward the rest of us are Kristina Borjesson’s interview with former British intelligence agent Alex Thompson HERDING HUMAN “LIVESTOCK” UNDER ELITE RULE: DEEP COVID CRISIS HISTORY
https://www.bitchute.com/video/GzZC5nnRGmZ8/ . Alex Thompson’s history of the current globalist takeover is the same as mine but he takes it back a few decades before Cecil Rhodes’ determination to rule the world by and for the British Empire, the plan that morphed into today’s current efforts, and he has the benefit of having observed some of the machinations from a front row seat. He provides a priceless account of the English Parliament as political theater to engage and distract the masses that summons the final image of the intelligence officer at the end of Allan Francovich’s Operation Gladio displaying a machine engaging in a three-card-Monte deception of the public. The matter-of-fact entitlement of the elites is quite stunning. Borjesson made her bones as a CBS journalist with integrity who was fired for trying to expose the truth about the shooting down of TWA 800 (by the US Navy). She went on to edit “Into the Buzzsaw: The Myth of a Free Press” and was forced to become an independent journalist and remained a very good one.
For those who love David Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries, the below lets you see another side of his concern for the planet. Addressing an audience of European royalty and wealth, Attenborough is troubled that while the human population has doubled in the past few decades, the population of “the charismatic animals” (giraffes, white rhinos, elephants, hippos, highland gorillas, etc.) has suffered horribly and many species are threatened. It is quite obvious that this loss is of great concern to both David and the ruling elites because their enjoyment and entertainment is compromised, whereas the addition of another 3-4 billion human souls is of absolutely no interest or concern to them except for how it has compromised their enjoyment and entertainment. Neither the observation nor the contemplation of those masses provides them with any pleasure or benefit. This is an argument against appeals to their better nature—collectively they have none. Your Dear David quotes are even stronger.
The WHO came closer to pulling off its depopulation in 2009 than most people know. In January 2009 Baxter Pharmaceuticals had sent a large shipment of vaccine to Bio Test of the Czech Republic (and 15 other European labs) that was supposed to contain a mix of attenuated avian flu and regular influenza virus. A lab technician who was qualified but not required to do so decided to err on the side of caution by administering them to ferrets all of which died because neither virus had been attenuated. Had the “vaccine” been administered there would have been a likely combination of the lethality of the avian flu with the transmissibility of regular influenza. Following that contretemps Margaret Chan quietly had the W.H.O. definition of “pandemic” changed to require only prevalence but not pathogenicity. Teresa Forcades Benedictine Nun, M.D., Ph.D. Public Helath September 23 2009 Fake Swine Flu Pandemic
Hahaha. Peak oil! That one fell down the memory hole, along with the false story that it is 'fossil fuel'.
You have to love the unbridled horse crap that propels from the mouths of so many 'educated' persons. And politicians have honed horse crap to a whole new level.
That is nothing new, evidently, since Socrates said:
"Politics is the degenerate son of an illustrious father: Statesmanship." That was 2000 years ago.
Notice that none of the elite volunteer to go first and take their family with them. Oh no it’s always we the people who are told that we don’t belong on the earth.
Arrest him now! ( and them ) This is Premeditated Murder First Degree.
If our Law Enforcement won't do it for some strange reason, we have to defend ourselves and do it ourselves. Obviously. It is legal, our forefathers imagined this scenario and provided for it as they did most. We all need to put our thinking caps on and come up with the simplest of solutions to neutralize these Murders.
It is fine to be organized but also good not to be organized, additionally. We all need to help and support each other in bringing the Evils down for the " town reconciliation ". We need them in whatever physiological state of being. Their actual persons. It is very likely that it is their back up plans' to stage their deaths. The Billionaires way out, if you pay off enough people. We can overcome that by word of mouth if all of us are on board. We have every profession and skill among us. We must prevail.
I look forward to reading the obituary of at least one of these thought leaders reporting that they had taken the over-population issue so seriously, they had terminated their own life.
However, I get the impression that they take themselves so seriously, (and not the issue) they hang on to life like limpets onto a rock. lol.
I know Canadas birth rate had been falling since 2008. We were doing it ourselves. Japan was successful in reversing its population growth. If it weren’t for the huge populations in India and China it would have been noticeable that we were successful.
China tried the one child rule but their false paternalistic egotistic culture could only have men, so wasn’t working. The lowering of population there was going to take way too long for the genocidal programming of the 300 elite. But truth be known,....it was working.
Henry Kissinger just turned 100 years old.
He looks like a bent over shriveled up troll.
Evil takes forever to die.
We should examine his blood under dark field microscopy when we collect it from the guillotine.
After a fair trial of course.
I get angry about that. My Mom's birthday was also in May like Kissinger's is. However my Mom is under the ground this May and didn't get to celebrate another year of life like Kissinger did sa she believed in his dumb shots. Nothing could convince her otherwise.
It's so hard losing your mom.
Yep, it is.
Holidays are the worse.
So sorry.
Thanks...that is why I was so upset to see and read stories about folks in nursing homes that were not allowed to have visitors during the covid plandemic.
I would've been tempted to drive my car through the front entrance if she was still in a nursing home.
You said you lost yours too if I remember correctly?
Yes, it was years ago. She was in a nursing home for 20 months after a massive stroke.
If Kissinger thinks earth is over populated, wait til he gets to hell.
I swear, evil takes forever to die.
Apparently the evil old troll was Klaus Schwab's mentor.
Guess Kissinger ignored Schwab's Nazi DNA.
Or embraced it. We little people are too kind to each other, by their standards.
people like that view kindness as weakness but we know better
Hi Dee Dee: I have a magnet on my refrigerator that says: Don't mistake my kindness for weakness!
Good message, Sister. The greatest victory is to turn an adversary into an ally. I'm not sure Kissinger can be taught that "new trick", but he was at least somewhat reasonable about war in Europe until he was told that he had to push for Ukraine-in-NATO. I do remain surprised that he is a century old. It's like a challenge to beat his mark, but that will take me over 35 years (and counting).
https://jewishinsider.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/20015339/january-20-2023.pdf Klaus, the Saturnalia/Kabbalistic Authoritarian Leftist has a somewhat shrouded lineage, but many who have done the research find jewish strains. This man was a major part of the lies told about NatSoc Germany, which was doing its best not to fall to the Bolshevik menace to their East, in the 1930's. If you look at Schwab's right hand gay man, Harari, a gay jew, an avowed Communist, you realize the WEF is not Fascist, but instead just another arm of the jewish banking Hydra, that has nearly snuffed out free speech, clean air, and a normal life for white Westerners.
Harari is Satan.
Agreed! He is also, yet another gay, Communist jew, telling the rest of humanity how to live, what we should own (nothing) and what we can and can not say.
These Authoritarian Leftists are NOT Fascists or Nazis, they are Bolsheviks. There is a very real distinction, that 75 years of being gaslit and lied to by jewish, media Bolsheviks has conflated. Fascists were real men. Two genders. High standards. They were anti-Globalist, believing individual Nations had a soul, and their people should protect and defend their borders and culture.
I thought Kissinger, also German, I believe, was fairly Nazi, too.
Kissinger, is jewish. His origins were funding from Rothschild entities to watch over and guide America to support Israel (founded by Rothschilds). Soros, Kissinger, Schwab are Communists at heart, no matter what they identify as.
In 1910, Rothschilds began to blackmail Woodrow Wilson, who had an affair with his admin while at Princeton. The bankers asked Wilson to do three things to "get out of jail," sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, take on a mysterious jewish advisor named Colonel Mandell House (Kissinger of his day) and get us in to WW I, which Germany had essentially won decisively by 1915/1916.
House, Baruch, Kissinger, Zbingnew Brzezinski, and many other JEWISH US Presidential Advisors just seem to show up out of thin air. Nobody pays much attention. Hillary had hers too. Sidney Blumenthal.
100% of the malaise afflicting once white nations has its origins in jewish hatred of us.
Why does evil take so long to die? I think because they are so stress free since they only care about themselves.
Satan has entered their bodies.
Evil people tend not to stress as much. Even if what he does harms someone, he doesn't stress over it. Plus Kissinger is loaded with money so he wasn't exactly out working his butt off during his life. With less stress their bodies suffer less, their adrenal glands do not get over taxed. Plus he probably gets "real" medicine including nature's good herbal meds, no poison shots. So of course he lives longer.
Serial Homicidal Psychopaths
Always been present in the human population but usually committed murders independently. Now they are organizing and using Brain Washing to gather more Murderous Psychopaths. Like the Nazis. Many say they are descendants of the Nazis ie K.Schwalb. Important suggestion for researching, don't use gaggle for research because they won't let you, they "filter bubble " what you see AND they track you, not to mention sell your tracking data. Absolutely use a VPN also.
Supposedly safer emails exist. Hesitant to mention the name here.
I agree. Barbarous, homicidal. sadistic. sociopathic, wicked, heinous. malevolent, maleficent. beastly, satanic, loathsome, immoral, vile, depraved, beastly, blood drinking, cereal-eating ... oops, I mean serial-child-eating REPROBATES!
But why the random capitalization?
Not really sure. Poetic license? artistic expression? I am trying to emphasize that word without capitalizing the whole word. Perhaps I am trying to compete or join with the crazy woke culture that express themselves in different sexes ( opposed to what they really are ) or different mammals ( opposed to what they are ). My grammatical slight of hand, is my crazy rebellion.
On second thought, I will rein it in. Most of the time. Thank you!
You are a hoot! Sounds like you have a good handle on things. As long as it works....
And if everyone would wake up to the realization that they (elitists, cabal creatures) did not take the clot shot themselves for crying out loud, we would be way ahead of breaking their sinister plan. Crimes against humanity on an epic scale for decades. Disgusting.🤬🤬🤬
Yes I’ve noted the same. Why do these evil pricks get to live to a ripe old age?
I always observed this when I used to work in a nursing home. I figured God just took his angels a little earlier.
Thank you Dr Nass. If nothing else, the C19 debacle has exposed decades, if not centuries, of rot. Time to excise it.
As I watched the Event 201 presentation (section 4 specifically), I couldn't help but notice the INTENSE focus on censorship and co-opting many avenues of broadcasting and communication via social media platforms.
Is it any wonder that with the advent of the internet, which empowers all voices to be heard, that the shared communications of brave individuals and knowledge transfer of truth has thwarted the ability for so much damage to be had? Think about this C19 campaign 30 years ago before the internet was around. It would have been DEVASTATING! Because people wouldn't have been able to find alternative sources of information.
Thank you Dr. Nass for your help in educating us! You (and many others) truly are helping to save lives and endowing people with knowledge to help themselves and adapt.
I hope each of us will have the courage to share this information. Evil must have a spotlight shown upon it and it will wither.
Truth IS power!
Wield the sword of truth! And use it.
Now you’re over the target!
Did you hear VP Harris the other day on camera stating if we reduce POPULATION our children will have clean water, etc.
WTH! What!
They’re now just saying it out loud. No more hiding! But are enough people awake to push back
She should start with herself first.
Yup. None of these monsters ever think to start with themselves and their families and friends first. It's all of the rest of us that are the problem.
They are egomaniacs.
That is because they are psychopaths...6% of the population, found mostly at the top of any hierachy...because they have no empathy...its always all about them.
It's funny (not in a haha way) that they are the ones that want to get rid of the rest of us who have empathy and compassion. I guess they are so psychotic, due to true psychotic disorders, that they don't understand that because we are empathetic and compassionate we have to beat them since we actually care about each other (including all the animals), all of nature, and the planet in a real way. They destroy everything first (humans, animals, the planet) then say that it's the fault of humans (meaning "the rest of us" humans), and then they have the ultimate plans to save the planet. They are truly psychotic. Just like a narcissistic psychopath to think in those terms and then the cvd followers actually believe them which is even more pathetic. And, if you try to explain ANYTHING to those followers, they will not see it and blame you. Diabolical.
That’s why they USE empathy (equity) to so easily manipulate society.
They have used tax payer money to create think tanks working on psychological operations of mass manipulation for years.
Time to think critically or die.
They are architecting the society they want - less of us, and those who survive just serfs.
Who'd have thought that psychopaths would use our civility to claw their way to the top, so that they could then eliminate us and our families?
I making a bumper sticker that reads:
"If you think the earth is overpopulated, why are YOU still here?"
Apparently, they don't believe in doing their civic duty. Shame on them.
They never take their own medicine.
That's what I always say! Those who decide there are too many people should be the ones to go!
I don't think enough are awake to push back which is worrisome. Those that are awake are too complacent and are doing absolutely NOTHING which is even more worrisome. It's simply mind boggling. Some people are talking to each other but not much else. I guess that's a start.
Excellent points!
Interesting perspective. I sure hope you're right. How did you learn about the check companies? That's very interesting. I'm just surrounded by followers so I don't see it around me. Most people don't talk about any of this except for the small few that know and understand what's going on. Most people are in lala land living their digital lives and are going about their lives as if it's 2019 and they've been vaxxed. They won't believe that anyone has been harmed or died from the vax.
What do you mean "Prepper companies ( some from Lebanon!:) have been making bank for several years now."? They are creating competing banks? Lebanon the country? Where did you get this information from?
I think the future needs to have politicians and doctors with reduced egos. They need to get paid either less or nothing at all, at least the politicians. There needs to be laws with severe penalties that are followed that disallow kick backs to both politicians and doctors. I never thought about how many similarities there are between politicians and doctors. Very interesting now that I'm thinking about it. Hmmm....
D, Suggestions; Don't use gaggle. Get a VPN. Get a secure email.
In that order. You may have to lose your " normie " acquaintances.
VPN is a good thing for privacy - Nord or Express are good ones.
Proton mail is a free Swiss encrypted email provider.
It is encrypted and works best when both people communicating use it. Read all about it on their website.
If you use Golum (Google) email you must KNOW that they scrape and read ALL your emails.
Signal (Signal.com) Is an encrypted messaging app that is similar to Facebooks WhatsApp.
It works for calls and texts too on your phone. Encrypted!
You can choose whether you even want to share your contact list with them when you install it which WhatsApp does not allow - they want ALL your network and connection data.
It’s created by the same guys who created WhatsApp but they were peaved with Zuckerberg (Facebook) Plan, and way of using it to exploit users, that there was a falling out, and they left FB and built another one with real privacy…SIGNAL
Edward Snowden used them at one point which is a good recommendation.
And for searching dont’ use Golum (Google) , use BRAVE.
Duck duckGo now gets money from Gates of Hell Jnr so I don’t trust them anymore, even though the claim they don’t track you…
Why are you assuming that I use "gaggle"?
I'm not sure why you commented as you did. You know nothing about me or my acquaintances.
I didn't take it that the writer assumed you are using goofle, I think it was simply a blanket statement to remind we many what's necessary.
Wasn't that you that said the company you keep were not leaders and didn't know what was going on...?
Good luck finding politicians who truly believe in the Bill of Rights. Most of them are lawyers, and they were taught in law school so that the Constitution was only really given a back seat, and they now teach that it is supposedly unethical to bring the Constitution into civil matters (let alone criminal matters). The U.S. has been socially engineered for generations, little by little, so that it would destroy itself, with a heaping amount of help from the "Fourth Reich" Nazi globalist corporate-fascists of course, thus doing away with national sovereignty and bringing in global(ist) subjugation and enslavement, as well as their mass-murderous eugenicide of most of the Earth's population that already began three years ago. Since we're all already filled with nano-tech now, we're either already the walking dead, or we will become Satanic, completely-controlled transhumanist cyborgs. That's globalist "freedom".
Most "Americans", by design, know little or nothing about inalienable rights, and that there is any necessity to constantly be vigilant to preserve and protect them, as well as see to it that they're lived up to. In fact, they consider it too much trouble to deal with, and that it's "wrong" to protest, "make waves", or dissent in any way. And most of those who recognize that such dissent is long-past necessary, can't be bothered to get off their asses and do anything about it [I have an excuse, I am physically disabled, and elderly as well (67)]. That's why I do what I can, which admittedly isn't much, speak the truth, including speaking it to power, and seek to wake people up who are "able-bodied" and can non-violently do what's necessary.
So, getting back to my original point, by virtue of the fact that politicians are politicians, they are out for money, fame and lifelong riches, and are more than willing to sell their souls to the devil (hell, they already did so), thus they are not going to save us. Lawyers and politicians who have any conscience left, if they ever had any, and who stand up for liberty, freedom, rights, the downtrodden, and preserving them and national sovereignty, are few and far between. E.g., how many "William F. Pepper" attorneys are there (he wrote the book proving that MLK was assassinated by the U.S. government, titled, "An Act of State"), who stand for truth and TRUE Justice; and, knowing what they know about how irredeemably-corrupt U.S. and global government are, are willing to wade into that swamp of the mostly-evil-and-vile? Who can blame them for not doing so? I wouldn't be caught alive in "District of the god, Columbia, a symbol of Satan". There's no "working within the system" to save this country and our world. The globalist Nazis have it sewn up.
Please don't bring up RFK, Jr., for he's either controlled opposition; or, if he stood a chance of becoming president, and he won, he would very soon completely bow down. When does he EVER give any glory to God? And, even if he did, he would only do so on a very limited basis. No, his lord and master is not God the Father through Jesus the Christ, and thus it is Satan, so he is not to be trusted whatsoever.
Yes, I realize there are some good things happening, especially on the state level, and I'm sorry to appear to be all doom and gloom, but the evil DOES outweigh the good. So, I'm just being realistic. I'm glad these people, like the one's you named, are fighting as they are, even if they are Godless, but most people who are fighting are fighting the wrong things, or the wrong people. You know we're being manipulated at every turn. For every positive step forward, the "Fourth Reich" counteracts it, or overpowers it. Besides, we are told in God's Word(s) that these things which are now happening, bringing about global enslavement and mass-extermination, have to happen, or are being allowed to happen, however you want to look at it. Millions have already died just from the "Covid" debacle alone, and millions more of them are going to soon die because of their not putting God first, TRULY first.
This global(ist) enslavement IS likely going to happen; hell, it has already begun, and we aren't going to be able to stop it. But I'm NOT saying we should give up and stop fighting for only what is right, and against all of the evil taking over for a time. We have the DUTY to fight it, and keep fighting it, even if we die in the process of doing so. I'm idealistic too, but let's be realistic. All hell on earth is breaking loose just as predicted would happen, and just as the specifics of the predictions said they would. There is no escaping that except by being truly, fully and completely right with God, but that doesn't mean He won't have to allow bad things to happen to many if not most of us. People with their eyes completely open, see that the evil is all-pervasive. It is all around us and in the majority of people all around us. Almost everyone is a servant of Satan whether they know it or not, and I am fed up with dealing with them anymore. They literally make me sick(er).
If it sounds like I'm feeling hopeless short of God, that's because I am right now. Ever since I saw the proof that we're all filled with nanotechnology, either murdering us or turning us into transhuman cyborgs, it has succeeded in getting me down. I'll likely pull out of it. Like I said, I am NOT giving up, but my entire life has been almost nothing but a struggle, and now this that's happening now, and I'm tired of watching our world go down in "hell-on-earth-flames". Good-on the truthtellers and activists who are not letting the entire affair dispirit them, at least most of the time (and I'm not letting it do so most of the time, too). But sometimes things just do seem hopeless and it is all extremely-dispiriting. I feel the tug of evil trying to take me over as well; and, though I resist the devil, I'm being attacked as never before. It is very clear that we truly are in the start of the very end. Return soon, Lord Jesus!
Thanks for trying to cheer me up, and for the "hugs". Cheers!
Oh yes Chris, I saw that video with Harris's arms out like Tom Jones.
There is a certain percentage of the population that their psychologists tell them ( the Evils ) that will march to the edge of the cliff and over, willingly and contently if not happily.
The Evils are trying to get rid of those first because those are the easy ones.
This also helps the Technocrats drive the human IQ higher faster which is another one of their goals.
Summary of Everything and Quick Links
Smashing the Overton window
Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box
The Dossier acquires confidential Davos attendees list
Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1
The 150 Bilderbergers Who Influenced And Controlled The Response To COVID-19
These are really great links...thank you. Especially everyone should at least read Corey's Digs...Laundering with immunity. Helps people understand who THEY are...
Yes but people should not be discouraged.
Among other things, they should work at the local level to bring about criminal prosecutions. A few well placed criminal prosecutions will start the inevitable avalanche.
They don't have to understand everything to understand that this is criminal.
Pianka -" I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us.” I agree - we can start with the 30 "population advisors" cited in the article above.
I did the calculations a couple months ago. The final calculation is horizontal footage only.
How much land would be allotted to each person if the entire population of the world was put in the State of Texas? Call it Texas World
The earth is ~29% land
The land mass of the earth is ~57,268,900 sq miles
There are about 8,000,000,000 people on the earth
The population density of the earth is 8,000,000,000/57,268,900 sq miles = ~139 people/sq mile or 0.21 persons/acre or about 1 person per 5 acres [1sq mile =640 acres]
Texas has a land mass of 268,567 sq miles. 268,567/57,268,900 = 0.00468. So 0.468% of the earth’s land mass belongs to Texas. [The population of Texas 2023 is 31,172,832 and the population density is 1,046/sq mile 1.635/acre]
If we put the entire population of the world in the state of Texas, what would the population density of Texas be? 8,000,000,000/268,567 sq miles = 29,787/sq mile or 46.5 people/acre or each person would be assigned 936 square feet of horizontal space. [1 acre = 43,560 feet]
So what would this population density look like?
The population density of NYC is 28,211/sq mile, so Texas World would have a 5.3% increase in population over NYC.
Manhattan NYC has a population density of 69,467/sq mile, which is about 2.3 times that of Texas World.
The population density of Manila is 111,532 /sq. mile and has a population density of about 4 times Texas World.
Thanks, I will check these out. Below is a video that I posted before somewhere.
Environmental TEDtalk - Allan Savory: How to reverse climate change by greening the world's deserts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnNaLSKDf-0
This TED talk shows the "scientific plan" that was implemented in Africa based on a failure to understand ecology - these projects were funded by UN and global aid projects.
The design engineers move the tribes off the land and destroy 40,000 elephants to "preserve the area". Desertification was the results. Here he examines what they failed to understand. [Still, I find it a bit disturbing that he does not seem to have as much remorse for relocating tribal people as he does for executing the elephants]. But at least he is trying to correct his mistakes. What he is saying about his education and beliefs - can be applied to so many disciplines. Note although this ecologist saw the mistakes made by him and others and learned from them. Unfortunately he still is sitting on the band wagon for global warming - but like Upton Sinclair once said - It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it.
One of the biggest problems is scientist think they have all the answers and end up screwing things up when they implement their plan.
As painful as it was - you had to experience it to become who you are. Its unfortunate that so many choose to ignore or justify their own observations or close their eyes to crimes against humanity. Keep telling the truth it takes a while for folks to want to hear it. We can not be silent - that is what has allowed evil to prevail.
What is the difference between "depopulation" and pre meditated mass murder? Trick question, there is no difference!
I have been telling people for many years, who say they don't want to have kids because the world is a mess: if you know that, and you want kids, have as many kids as you want and can afford, and bring them up in the way that they will go. They will probably make the world a better place.
Very smart advice. Or, they could adopt and do the same thing. Make the world a better place. Don't run away from it.
Thank you for a great compelling collection of what is in their hearts, their minds, and their plans. I am confident that this is the beginning of the dialogue that the ever-so-wise Malone-mentor Mattias Desmet was guiding us towards (not!)
Two of my favorite videos that nicely convey the attitude of the globalist ruling elite toward the rest of us are Kristina Borjesson’s interview with former British intelligence agent Alex Thompson HERDING HUMAN “LIVESTOCK” UNDER ELITE RULE: DEEP COVID CRISIS HISTORY
https://www.bitchute.com/video/GzZC5nnRGmZ8/ . Alex Thompson’s history of the current globalist takeover is the same as mine but he takes it back a few decades before Cecil Rhodes’ determination to rule the world by and for the British Empire, the plan that morphed into today’s current efforts, and he has the benefit of having observed some of the machinations from a front row seat. He provides a priceless account of the English Parliament as political theater to engage and distract the masses that summons the final image of the intelligence officer at the end of Allan Francovich’s Operation Gladio displaying a machine engaging in a three-card-Monte deception of the public. The matter-of-fact entitlement of the elites is quite stunning. Borjesson made her bones as a CBS journalist with integrity who was fired for trying to expose the truth about the shooting down of TWA 800 (by the US Navy). She went on to edit “Into the Buzzsaw: The Myth of a Free Press” and was forced to become an independent journalist and remained a very good one.
For those who love David Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries, the below lets you see another side of his concern for the planet. Addressing an audience of European royalty and wealth, Attenborough is troubled that while the human population has doubled in the past few decades, the population of “the charismatic animals” (giraffes, white rhinos, elephants, hippos, highland gorillas, etc.) has suffered horribly and many species are threatened. It is quite obvious that this loss is of great concern to both David and the ruling elites because their enjoyment and entertainment is compromised, whereas the addition of another 3-4 billion human souls is of absolutely no interest or concern to them except for how it has compromised their enjoyment and entertainment. Neither the observation nor the contemplation of those masses provides them with any pleasure or benefit. This is an argument against appeals to their better nature—collectively they have none. Your Dear David quotes are even stronger.
People and Planet: Speech only. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK0rXRmC4DQ&t=221s&ab_channel=RSA
The WHO came closer to pulling off its depopulation in 2009 than most people know. In January 2009 Baxter Pharmaceuticals had sent a large shipment of vaccine to Bio Test of the Czech Republic (and 15 other European labs) that was supposed to contain a mix of attenuated avian flu and regular influenza virus. A lab technician who was qualified but not required to do so decided to err on the side of caution by administering them to ferrets all of which died because neither virus had been attenuated. Had the “vaccine” been administered there would have been a likely combination of the lethality of the avian flu with the transmissibility of regular influenza. Following that contretemps Margaret Chan quietly had the W.H.O. definition of “pandemic” changed to require only prevalence but not pathogenicity. Teresa Forcades Benedictine Nun, M.D., Ph.D. Public Helath September 23 2009 Fake Swine Flu Pandemic
I LOVE Alex Thompson and highly recommend him
I'll have to read him.
Many Thanks for your work. 🙏
Dr. Nass, anyway you look at Covid, you have to come to the same conclusion: They want us dead.
Who They are is debatable...but not the aim.
And since this is not working fast enough for them...and with all the Peak Oil doomsayers...
Something else is in the works, planned for us useless eaters.
Hahaha. Peak oil! That one fell down the memory hole, along with the false story that it is 'fossil fuel'.
You have to love the unbridled horse crap that propels from the mouths of so many 'educated' persons. And politicians have honed horse crap to a whole new level.
That is nothing new, evidently, since Socrates said:
"Politics is the degenerate son of an illustrious father: Statesmanship." That was 2000 years ago.
Nothing new under the sun, eh?
As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg pointed out in my recent interview with him: (I am paraphrasing)
Natural respiratory viruses cannot be relied on to kill us, while injections don't mutate and may be reliable for purpose.
Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’ , by F. William Engdahl
William Engdahl is fantastic.
Malthusian cultists.
Refuting Malthus: the Geopolitics of Creativity and Open Systems Explored
With a god complex
Notice that none of the elite volunteer to go first and take their family with them. Oh no it’s always we the people who are told that we don’t belong on the earth.
feels like a cult
Arrest him now! ( and them ) This is Premeditated Murder First Degree.
If our Law Enforcement won't do it for some strange reason, we have to defend ourselves and do it ourselves. Obviously. It is legal, our forefathers imagined this scenario and provided for it as they did most. We all need to put our thinking caps on and come up with the simplest of solutions to neutralize these Murders.
It is fine to be organized but also good not to be organized, additionally. We all need to help and support each other in bringing the Evils down for the " town reconciliation ". We need them in whatever physiological state of being. Their actual persons. It is very likely that it is their back up plans' to stage their deaths. The Billionaires way out, if you pay off enough people. We can overcome that by word of mouth if all of us are on board. We have every profession and skill among us. We must prevail.
I look forward to reading the obituary of at least one of these thought leaders reporting that they had taken the over-population issue so seriously, they had terminated their own life.
However, I get the impression that they take themselves so seriously, (and not the issue) they hang on to life like limpets onto a rock. lol.
I know Canadas birth rate had been falling since 2008. We were doing it ourselves. Japan was successful in reversing its population growth. If it weren’t for the huge populations in India and China it would have been noticeable that we were successful.
China tried the one child rule but their false paternalistic egotistic culture could only have men, so wasn’t working. The lowering of population there was going to take way too long for the genocidal programming of the 300 elite. But truth be known,....it was working.