Klaus has a definite preference for effete soy-boys. We’re well out the the “conspiracy” phase of thinking, and now onto the “how do we stop these psychopaths” phase. Mass non-compliance? Revolution?

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Klaus admits to "penetrating" the Canadian "cabinet."

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Not just Canada... he boasts of having placed his ppl in top level government positions around the world.

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Agree, Justin Turdeau has already been "penetrated"

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Serious bromance going on with Klaus, Macron, and Justin.

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The "mass" part of non-compliance is the problem. The public is largely brainwashed fully in the narrative with a smaller portion too scared to face reality. That leaves an even smaller portion who can see what's coming and take any sort of action. I don't see any way to stop the #GreatReset

Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time.

Network. Pray.

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Seems to quite like effete soy-girls too. NZ penetrated long ago. Not sure what's going to happen here.

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I agree with a single order. I'm putting myself in charge, and I say, "Off with Macron's head". Let him have some cake first, before he goes.

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Must we stop at Macron's ??

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We knew exactly where the government of France stood when they acted to restrict access to hydroxychloroquine in March, 2020, after Didier Raoult found it was useful in the treatment of Covid-19.

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Sorry late to the party. It is much worth than that. Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) is put on the prescription-only list by the government on 13 Jan. 2020 (legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000041400024), two days after Chinese media reported the first death from the novel coronavirus (11 Jan. 2020), BUT 17 days before the WHO declares the PHEIC (30 Jan. 2020),(who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-statement-on-ihr-emergency-committee-on-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov). Did we miss something?

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Thank you for the correction on the date it was made prescription-only. They evidently knew it was effective even before Dr. Raoult. They also knew the genome for SARS-Cov-2 and how to construct the mRNA to generate Spike.

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Not many of our numerous Conspiracy Theories left to be proven accurate???

Covid Jab is a Universal Cull! Stop the farse now!

Amnesty - NOT A CHANCE!

Retribution - long, fierce and fulfilling for those of us that didn't accept the 'Cull by injection' message put out by The WEF (New World Oreder), their hirelings and those that intend enslaving the unjabbed and any remaining surviving vax participants. "They will own nothing but will be happy easting bugs" Adolf Schwab = WEF.

We noticed that improperly elected UK Prime Minister (RAT) Sunak has obeyed his Boss (Adolf Schwab) by voting for NO FOREIGN TRAVEL for the UNVAXXED!

All part of the suppression of the 'little people', in order to enslave them. WEF medium term Plan.

Only the USA, China & North Korea are countries still BANNING ENTRY for fit and healthy unjabbed foreigners that realised the jab is just a CULL!

‘LIABILITY’ must be reintroduced for Vax makers then they will have to stop the mayhem and pay massive compensation = Hopefully resulting in LIQUIDATION!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I read the small print that Pfizer chose to remove.

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To you have a link or more details about the flight thing? I have a friend trapped in the UK

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Have him fly to Mexico and cross the border

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And in the meantime the Ayatollah and Putin are laughing their @$$es off at Klaus’ eunuchs.

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Sorry to say that's far from the reality as Iran and Russia are rapidly implementing NWO Technocracy and Agendas 21 and 2030. Take a look at Iran's parliament building. It's a giant pyramid with 33 windows. The Masons took root in Iran by the early 1900s, then greatly expanded their presence by the 1950s-60s. Iran's central bank is a BIS and IMF controlled bank (as is Russia's central bank). Some of their prominent central bank buildings are very symbolic in the shape of pyramids and obelisks with an all-seeing eye. Rouhani ran on a neoliberal global economy platform vowing to bring Iran into the global system. He received his PhD in Glasgow and his thesis was "The Flexibility of Sharia Law". Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the 'Supreme Leader of Iran' is a billionaire, and his sons are nearly billionaires as well with hundreds of millions of dollars in banks in Britain and France and villas around the world. In Iran many upper level religious leaders are very wealthy with their kids and grandkids living opulent lifestyles and driving very expensive race cars which has led to much public resentment as the average person struggles to buy a modest amount of meat each month to feed their families. Tehran has been an official UN SMART City for many years with a slick online Smart City brochure touting biometric RFID cards that track every purchase, use of transportation, and more. Like London, there are many surveillance cameras in Tehran watched by surveillance centers staffed to keep an eye on the public. Like most nations (Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, US, etc) Iran has been heavily privatizing for the "Great Reset" and UN Agendas. The Iranian press reported on extreme corruption in the Revolutionary Guard which manages Iran's infrastructure/public assets. That led to street protests and then came the "solution" of privatizing those public assets and services. There are mountains of information that Iran, the rest of the middle east, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, and other nations portrayed as holdouts are absolutely moving just as fast as the west (if not faster) to adopt China-style totalitarian technocracy for the global NWO. I have nothing against Iranians or Russians, I've met wonderful people from those nations and understand their long regional histories, but they are captured just as we are. We are running out of time - faster than some people realize when they follow pseudo-alt news outlets running with limited hangouts.

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Did his grandma...er, wife, advise him?

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It is unreal how many retweets and likes that clip got. I can't bear to listen to them.

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What we need is a planet without shady kleptocrats like Macron. Round em up!


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We don't need a single global order. We need to preserve all cultures on earth. They are all precious.

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Trudeau and the likes of these beings need to go!

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Changes to Chess in the New World Order...

"Authorities at the World Chess Forum (WCF) have announced plans to change the way Chess is played. The following updates will go into effect by the year 2030:"


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I'm assuming this is a relation of yours? Have read some more pieces....fabulous!!! Lmao while relaxing on my own private pillow 😊😊😊

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Clever piece of work! Thanks for sharing!

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I've heard it said everything is not falling apart, it's all falling into place. Consider Revelation 13: "And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast, saying 'Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?'....And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All those who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

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Put me in charge of the world and I will tell you 8 billion people how to do things correctly. This is your last chance. After 24 hours I will withdraw my beneficent offer and you will be on your own. I'm serious, do it now or else!

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i do not agree with Macron. we need personal sovereignty, and national sovereignty. i am not pro or con us or china. i am pro truth. for some reason, i search for truth in vain whenever i hear almost all "leaders" of countries speak on the public media.

truth wears no mask, seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human shrine, she only asks a hearing. in my experience, truth has not been given a hearing for centuries, but in particular, since the plandemic. wake up people starting with me!

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Very well-stated! Thank you🇨🇦🙏🏽

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macaroni is all bought and paid for ...

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Americans needs to take care of America, first.

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