So sorry you’re still dealing with this. Not only has she deprived people of Covid treatments she has deprived many of us of our trusted physician. I hope this is behind you and us soon.

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What an excellent point!

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Narcan is good for progressive virtue signalling, ivermectin isn't. I'd wager it's a totally calculated decision to make herself look good and she likely doesn't care about saving lives at all.

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Hi Doctor Nass , this very short (7 minute) video by Daniel Natal called "Mortality Dividends" explains the actions of all participants of the global plandemic. https://youtu.be/_NKv_01a5y4

Mills' behavior can also be explained by her adherence to Agenda 2030 and its plans for population reduction which has been part of the United Nations agenda since the beginning. See "The United Nations Exposed" by William Jasper Pages 9 and 10. In short Mills is carrying out her duty to kill her share of the population while appearing as Maine's savior. This is common behavior amongst those being paid to commit democide, always has been. My prayers are always with you ma'am

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Meryl, Thanks for being sane in an insane world! You're awesome!

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So are you Brett!

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Oh wow. Just wow. How can she be that ignorant? My neighbour got addicted after Rx Oxy for a workplace injury to his back, progressed to fentanyl when the Rx was no longer renewed but the addiction treatment facility backlog was TWO YEARS, and his life was 'saved' four times by Narcan in a year and a half. I bet Maine would count that as four lives saved? So corrupt. Gee, do you think that when Paxlovid has to be taken three times in one month by the same Covid patient, they count THAT as three cases cured by Paxlovid too?

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Seeing how they racked up Covid death counts I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that for Paxlovid, too. .

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My thoughts are always with you Dr. Nass. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do and the lives you save

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After 2 lovely years in the PHS at the Portland Marine Hospital, I’m disgusted with your governor for contributing to the Great Reset, by redefining good as evil and evil as good.

Fauci and his army of captured minions have managed to trade our Health Care System into a modern day global Killing Field with a Plandemic and his “vaccines.” And, with the hypnotized (lobotomized) support of government, the media, most of my medical colleagues, the medical journals, the Medical Boards, Universities and even the Justice System.

All these lemmings have regressed in behavior to a lower species of animals by giving up their differentiating characteristic of critical thinking.

Win this case Meryl!

You are a true warrior for real health care.

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After the death of a local opiodidiot, one of his doper buddies was heard saying "Man........I wish I could get almost that high".

Narcan is simply a postponement for junky deaths, as you say, but even more dangerous is the message it sends to the younger generation observing this and taking it as a signal to them that there's no danger in overdosing because "there's always a second chance".

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Near where I live, there are billboards with the message (paraphrasing) that everyone should know how to use Narcan to save lives. Why do they normalize drug addiction, like everyone does it. No, we aren’t all on opioids.

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And the profit margin is very high. And the US government can determine to an extent how much fentanyl or heroin gets into the country, especially when they are working with Mexican cartels and Afghan growers

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It seems crazy, but I spent about a year researching the heroin epidemic in 2015-16 and wrote a series of articles (published by Global Research) and concluded that the USG was bringing heroin into the country from Afghanistan, which then was responsible for 93% of the world supply. One justification was to addict the Russian population.--MN

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Alert people in NYC in the 1980s knew full well that the government was bringing in cocaine and turning it into crack. My first knowledge of the government bringing in heroin was the CIA airline carrying it into the U.S. in the 1960s.

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The CIA was responsible for the 'sudden' influx of cocaine into the US in the early 1970s. George HW Bush was Director then.

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Pharma: You need this drug for (condition)

Also Pharma: we have a drug to help with the side effects of the first five drugs we sold you

People laughed in the 80s when Nancy Reagan told us to “Just Say No” to illicit drugs. Now the generation that was aimed at are in charge and still rebelling. They don’t care if people are destroying their lives with addiction and, apparently, the government is fully behind it.

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Didn't someone write a book titled "A Nation of Addicts?" With nearly everything on TeeVee "news" "Brought to you by Pfizer," wouldn'tcha kinda-sorta think there are DOTS, and they actually connect???

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Taking no prisoners, Meryl Nass #1! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

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Is the Governor qualified ■ to distribute drugs?

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They gave narccan a special disposition, turning it into essentially an OTC drug--which is what Tennessee did for ivermectin, and NH tried to do, but Gov. Sununu refused to sign the bill into law. Such hypocrites.

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OTC Ivermectin ■ I believe is available in some territories like in Africa. I was given Wormwood decades ago receiving it as a why? But after a few tea cups with very small amounts, all my family has been well; the cooking of grapefruit and lemon has been worth the tablespoon when a cold /flu detox seem to be in process. I currently hang dry the Wormwood like any other herb, but these times really cannot believe I actually own it; harvested when in bloom.

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Ivermectin is also OTC in Mexico! or it was - not positive any more. Here, mu doc wrote an RX for me early on because I showed him the FLCCC protocol. I was able to fill it at the local CVS for 10 months before they stopped - claiming my insurace ompany woul no longer pay for it! But we were still able to order from India for awhile....

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It's OTC everywhere south of the border. My Panamanian neighbor gets it from relatives still there, so does my Argentine friend.

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I have family that has recently ordered from a Doctor to have supply if needed/desired ■ Ivermectin

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So happy to see this!! I have ordered Dr. Kory's book "The War on Ivermectin" Due out soon!

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Where is this doc, outside the U.S.?

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There is a great list of providers and pharmacies on the FLCCC website:


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No ■ I believe he is Pharmacist and Doctor combined; something like that, I do not know who because it is not my care; I grow Wormwood. If you are looking for an order, check around.

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Dispensation not disposition--Meryl

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Gov Sununu needs to be sued for interfering with medical treatment and charged with homicide!

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Hm. I wonder if that is the status in MA. Someone mentioned billboards- they are here too.

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It was odd to me why the Assistant AG was acting as prosecutor during the medical board meeting earlier this week - this has never been about health, how ever more obvious once we see the full picture of politics and special interests.

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There has to be distance between the Board lawyers who made up all the complaints and the prosecutor, so they just get another AAG to do the prosecuting. I must say I felt sorry for the young AAGs handed this unprosecutable case--and with 6 lawyers working against me (3 Board staff and 3 more prosecuting AAGs) nobody but my attorney seemed to have looked up the law on the complaints that had been stitched together. To learn there was no law supporting any of it.

Looking forward to the next hearing date on October 25.

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We continue to stand with you Dr. Nass!

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We will be praying for you, your lawyer, and all involved for the very best

outcome at your next hearing.

God Bless You and thank you for keeping us informed.

These criminals want this all done in the dark and in secret so thank you for bringing

all this nasty business to light.

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hi ya, back at ya!

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I posted this already, but take heart and good cheer knowing many more are becoming aware: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/american-inquisition/

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As did I and told Meryl about it as well. I see she now has the article posted!!!

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Politicians are double-tongued creatures.

I will not send any of the politicians who have been active since December 2020 a dime unless they are tireless medical freedom warriors who speak out against masks, lockdowns, and mandatory shots of any kind. Also if running for office, their campaign websites should state in bold clear writing how they plan to turn this tyranny around. God Bless You for sharing this information.

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We know who's on the right side of history and whose not. Outrageous.

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Truly... She'll be in kids history books, and med school ethics books, as will some others.

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So much evil, it's in every nook and cranny of our society. But now we see it...in living color. Justice will be served, praise be to GOD

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More like "every crooked nanny."

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the criminal elite, always seem to skate away from consequences that, if we were the offenders, would be locked up for decades

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