If he questioned the mrna vaccines in march 2020, why did he take the vaccine himself?

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People like him and me did not think the fraud was possible then. We had no idea of the lengths they would go to. It had never been done before. COVID broke all the rules. I have been watching the FDA for 25 years, was involved in suing them--never saw anything like this before. Not sure why people can't understand this. I too was prepared to believe they were safe. I knew about fraud at FDA and manufacturers. But this bumped it up by orders of magnitude. People do dumb stuff. How many parents with autistic kids thought they were making a life and death decision when they vaccinated their kids? NONE.

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Th information was out there in 2019 for people to see. This whole exercise was planned for decades. There was an article written in 1981 by a Freemason called “The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own”. You can look it up by the title on Odysee. It was easy to see that this was a scam from the very start. No liability for the drug manufacturers? What kind of fool would take the jab with no liability for the manufacturer? It was an easy choice. No thank you.

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Every vaccine on the childhood schedule has no liability for the manufacturer. That includes adult flu and dpt shots.

Almost no one knew there was no liability. I tried to tell people in my blog. I wrote about it several times. BUT that message was deliberately hidden. Don't be smug. 81% of the public took at least one shot, or so we are told.

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It’s not being smug. It is being intelligent and careful. Why would you call that being smug?

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I didn't take the jab, either. Red flags went up immediately -before it was my "turn". I don't think that makes me - or you"smug". I thank God I have a modicum of self-awareness and critical thinking ability.

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Me too.

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I have a couple of friends who are arrogant and controlling. I shared sources of truth and they didn't want to hear. Even when they got sick with covid after the shot they still consider themselves so esoteric and really; its such arrogance. they cannot open their minds, they got stuck in book knowledge anyway

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Some very intelligent people missed what we didn't. I have been a disobedient trouble making know it all my whole life.

A life time of hard feelings from a lot of people, toughened me to stand alone in the onslaught.

I feel guided by angels and truly blessed. Ready to handle even more abuse.

Mostly I feel damn lucky. I know less now than ever.

Having no doubt about the value of what you know or have done, smug, yeah that fits. Precisely.

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None of the “very intelligent “ advanced degreed people I know expressed any interest or curiosity about why I was not taking the shot. They just stopped talking to me. One even asked, “Do you expect us to hang out with you?”

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Definitely hard times make strong people but I know that the majority would never have taken the shot or had their kids take it if they had the time to uncover the evil and corruption in this world.

I know now that the hardships I faced in my life were teachable moments that prepared me to stand for what was right no matter what even though everyone hated me and didn’t understand why I said NO.

Even this orchestrated charade made me stronger…

But I know the majority ( good people) were manipulated beyond belief. I only feel sorrow for them. They are victims.

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Peace to you Lucy.

This is a little odd. Be proud of your critical thinking skills and sorry for the gullible who were misled. Yes, there was plenty of published research showing the extreme risk of mRNA technology. And I think it is very suspicious that Malone went through so much public exposure without mentioning, Oh and I wrote a paper saying no human experimentation should occur as it seems too dangerous. I must say Meryl Nass has simply made Breggins case for me because I hadn't seen the article.

Malone seems like controlled ops to me. And the purpose is to control the topic of what is being discussed. Why did he waste so much time on a petty topic of "who the inventor of mRNA tech is" - truly not life-saving info in an epidemic - unless there was a point to be made, like "and I wrote a paper saying the technology is too dangerous for human experimentation."

Now Meryl Nass seems suspicious to me too. Calling what you wrote smug was uncalled for. Peace to you both and I can be wrong too.

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Excuse me but you DO sound smug. How many parents out there FULLY understand the NO LIABILITY thing? It's common knowledge at this point that most of the Uhmerukun public isn't paying that kind of close attention and for you to come here and make it sound like they would IS a form of smugness.

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My cousin has a young granddaughter and was persuaded under duress to get the jab. It had nothing to do with Pharma liability at the time My cousin was given an ultimatum by ex-daughter in law, get the jab or no visitation with child.I tried to talk to her, reinforcing her hesitancy. Her emotions took precedence over her intuition. She had significant adverse effects after second jab, now is vax injured. I am heartbroken. Her life is forever changed.

am I "smug"? I am angry.

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Slight of hand, "a form of smugness". Site a source. I used the definition of smug in my statement. Being smug and blessed are mutually exclusive. One or the other, not both.

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Yup my big sin has always been making it sound like they would, gosh that sounds like bot talk, huh? Oh or maybe you are intoxicated. Either way thanks for the spelling lesson.

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If you happen to have twigged 40 years earlier than many people, including me, and then tout how obvious it was and imply that anyone who didn't see it is worthy of scorn, isn't that being smug? Aren't you in fact behaving just like the monster overlords who orchestrated the holocaust still underway and who regard their victims as mere livestock surplus to requirements?

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As much as I HATE this Breggin/Malone thing, and as much as I think the Breggins are full of **it, it does seem odd, to say the least, that Malone, knowing that the mRNA vaccines were harmful, would go ahead and take the shots. Re NO liability:

Somehow it was made known that there was no liability for the shots. How did I know that? I'm "just" a music teacher... but I read, and I read very good sources. For one, Judy Mikovits (NO, I don't "agree" with Every Last Thing she believes, but she DOES know the FACT of the existence of VIRUSES, DAMMIT!!) was saying this, and other sources including, I think zerohedge, might have, too. The so-called "right wing" alternative news usually sniffs out and posts the bullshit going down while the blue-pilled appear comatose, probably because so many of them own stock in Big Pharma. "We don't want to kill granny," huh? So line the old folks up first in line for the death shots? Way to go, look how much money you save the "gub'mint" with all the pensioners six feet under. You also need to look at the fact that so many of them willingly "believed" in "the science" and never used one of their own brain cells.... Next, go after the grand and great-grandkids, let's f*ck 'em up for eternity, especially if you can keep them from having kids. And this is a "caring" society??

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The way I see it, there's no need to second guess the motivations of these people. The fact is germ theory, and specifically virology, is a cult and people who have spent their whole life in a cult are (by definition) irrational and in state of profound internal conflict (cult programming vs reality).

Malone will not be free of the cult until he is at least able to admit that contagion has never been proven scientifically and 'viruses' have only been observed in virology's own bizarre and convoluted un-controlled experiments. When you perform proper controls (as ex-virologist Dr Stefan Lanka did) you can produce the 'proofs' of any virus (the CPE effect and extraction of the genome) without even adding a patient sample. Dr Lanka has shown you can extract the sars cov2 genome from a sample of yeast using virology's own genome assembly software.

Such controls prove virology as a field is nonsense from a scientific standpoint - which means everything downstream from it (tests, lockdowns, vaccines, social distancing, masks, immunity etc) is also nonsense (cult rituals). Only from the perspective of industry and business does virology make any sense ..... a 20:1 return on investments (according to Gates), a great cover story for toxicological causes of disease (industrial pollution, poor diet etc) and a perfect tool for social control (including mass sterilisation/ depopulation if you want).

Until Malone is able to grasp these simple truths he is still under the spell and it's unfair for the public to put him on a pedestal and give him the responsibility of being a 'anti vax leader' or 'health freedom guru' or whatever.

Leaving a cult and reconnecting with reality (or something closer to it) is a long and arduous journey for anyone. It also needs to be a very private/ personal journey. Every doctor and scientist who has participated in the virus/ vaccination cult is going to have to confront some pretty dark truths... and if they can't face those truths they are going to have to remain in a limbo state (cognitive dissonance) with some concessions to the truth, together with lingering loyalties to the cult indoctrination.

The good news is there are plenty of people who escaped the cult decades ago, or who where never really in it to begin with, so there's really no need to pay so much attention to people like Malone. Like Hollywood celebrities having a breakdown and awakening (Hollywood is another cult), people like Malone deserve some privacy to sort through their virological baggage and reinvent (and heal) themselves.

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The thing is Meryl is also a virus worshiper :(

She has not yet dared to question her indoctrination.

I trust she will though.

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I didn't take the jab because of your writings. You advised me to get ivermectin so early that my super-conventional primary care physician gave me a prescription.

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Me too! Thanks to information from Dr. Nass and other medical mavericks (love you guys!) I am forever a "Z28.310" Unvaxed for COVID-19.

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Your comment should be "pinned." The Trolls come out of the woodwork here to deny established facts, such as the existence of viruses, which have been clearly photographed, but THEY'LL say "well, that's just cellular debris..." WhattaloadaCRAP. Wonder how much D.o.D. pays their stoopid hillbilly victims to write this kind of toxic contagious mind-sh*t?

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(And nobody should be taking those vaccines either. Risk/benefit analysis is clear unless one's eyes and ears are inclined not to see the risks.)

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The risk to old people is to date unquantified because they cooked the stats - so any risk/benefit ratio Malone was lauding was complete nonsense. It is exceedingly easy to mask the death of the elderly as "natural": when a teen dies in his sleep it makes the news, when a 90yo dies in his sleep nobody bats an eye. He knew this. Yet he insisted the old should take it.

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This is a justification for laymen, NOT Malone. Are you suggesting Malone didn't know the manufacturers were indemnified under the EUA? And please explain the reasoning behind: "Oh yeah, these shots are bad, occasionally lethal, for young people, but good for old folks", please.

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And he was promoting it to kids too on his holidays in Costa Rica, I believe it was!

Edit: Oups, I was mistaken it was in Hawaii.

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No he wasn't. I saw that video. Whenever I see a lie on this platform I will try to call it out.

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got a link?

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81% of people making a poor decision is a really bad justification.

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I really do doubt those numbers as now we have seen proof of why we should doubt anything coming out of outlets, agencies they have power and influence over.

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Dr Nass, I admire you to now end. But for me it was so simple. Knowing people whose completely normal kids became autistic after one shot, whose lives became hellish overnight, and who were thoroughly gas lit by the medical-pharmaceutical-government-healthcare cartel, was all it took for me to suspect operation warp speed and say to all of those who were pressuring me, no thank you, not for me and my family, we will be in the control group, I will wait and see, thank you. And yes, I suppose I was a little smug about it. If smug saves me and my loved ones in a life and death situation, then hell, let me be smug every time!

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What kinda of idiot would take a completely new type of so-called vaccine issued under an EUA??? Not to mention the fact that “they” went to incredible lengths to hinder, halt & slander HCQ, the first repurposed drug to be successfully used by Dr. Zelenko & others. I salute u Lucy!

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81% of Americans are that kind of idiot.

The propaganda was weapons grade.

And still is.

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Some serious contempt on display right there.

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Agreed-- I see it nearly every day. And NOT "contempt," simply a very good observation of the topographical map of critical thinking abilities across a broad section of the American public. Only about 20 per cent of us have the intellectual curiosity and interest to pursue "esoteric" topics, like microbiology and "new medical breakthroughs," the latter term which evokes in me a knee-jerk eye-roll response.

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Thank you Basina 🙏

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Here is Dr. Malone’s recent substack where he defends himself & mentions taking the vaccine.

I have listened to him so many times on Bannon’s Warroom; his words ring true for me; I think he is a warrior for good, not perfect but a very intelligent man who is trying to help.

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My feelings, too. Dr. Malone is doing the best he can to give out factual information in these unprecedented times. Malone's interview with Aubrey Marcus was like a breath of fresh air, it resonated with me and it was heartfelt and amazing.

I hope we can all have more reflective and thoughtful discussions like this in the future.

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and he should drop his suit and let Breggins say or do whatever they want so that court of public opinion sorts it out.

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well Bannon is a bit of a cult member himself - (trump, the "father of the jab) . birds of a feather, as they say

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Agreed! There was plenty of evidence for the plandemic scam lockdowns, masking, fake media, etc. long before the vaxxxes were released. There is no excuse for Malone getting vaxxxed twice (if he really did). There is no excuse for him suing the Breggins et al. for $25 mill. Unless he is controlled oppo. Read Sage Hanna's substack. Malone and his CIA buddy are always in the right place at the right time all the way back to Wuhan Institute of Virology on Jan 4, 2020. Or was it another date according to the CIA spook Callahan? They can't even get their date straight!

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And Malone loves to tell the tale about how Evil Amazon yanked his wife's book on Covid in March 2020 but we're supposed to believe that he knew so little about the deep state and was so naive that he got jabbed twice in 2021 and didn't call for banning the vaxxx until 2022? He was working for DTRA, DARPA, Fauci, DoD his whole career and he knew nothing about all the emergency powers DoD was amassing over the past several decades to allow them to release bioweapons willy nilly without any civilian oversight? Read Karen Kingston, Katherine Watt, Ana Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova substacks. If he was working with all these bioweapon spooks for the last 30 years and knew nothing about what they were actually doing than he's worse than Colonel Klink in Hogan's Heroes!

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James Grundvig just posted this:

I stumped, for a few seconds, ChatGPT with prompting it to list all of the captioned Acts in the 21st century. First it listed 6. Paused. Then 10. Paused even longer and raced out to 18.

Did ChatGPT miss any of the key Acts, not including the obligatory 2001 "Patriot Act" the result of the 9/11 False Flag Hoax?

Here they are:

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) of 2013: This act ensures that the US government has the resources and capabilities to respond to public health emergencies, including pandemics.

National Biodefense Strategy of 2018: This strategy outlines the US government's approach to preventing, detecting, and responding to biological threats, including pandemics.

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) of 2019: This act reauthorizes and updates the PAHPRA of 2013, providing funding for public health emergency preparedness and response efforts.

Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC): Established in 2020 as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the PRAC oversees the use of federal funds related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: This act provides funding for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, testing, and treatment, as well as economic relief measures for individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic.

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act: This act allows for the expedited development and distribution of medical countermeasures during public health emergencies, including pandemics.

Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA): This initiative, launched in 2014, aims to strengthen global health security by promoting collaboration among countries and organizations to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats.

World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005): These regulations provide a framework for countries to prevent and respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC): The EOC is activated during public health emergencies, including pandemics, to coordinate CDC's response efforts.

Strategic National Stockpile (SNS): The SNS is a national repository of medicines, vaccines, and medical supplies that can be deployed during public health emergencies, including pandemics.

National Pandemic Strategy: In 2021, the Biden administration released a national strategy to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes measures to accelerate vaccine distribution, expand testing and contact tracing, and provide economic relief to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic.

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA): This authorization allows the use of medical products, such as vaccines and therapeutics, during public health emergencies, including pandemics, before they are fully approved by the FDA.

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act: This act provides funding for the implementation of electronic health records, which can improve communication and coordination among healthcare providers during public health emergencies, including pandemics.

National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW): This annual observance, typically held in December, encourages people to get vaccinated against influenza, which can help prevent pandemics caused by influenza viruses.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID): This institute conducts and supports research to prevent and treat infectious diseases, including those that can cause pandemics.

One Health Initiative: This global initiative recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health and promotes collaboration among various sectors to prevent and control infectious disease threats, including pandemics.

Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN): This network, established by the WHO, brings together organizations and experts to support countries in responding to infectious disease outbreaks, including pandemics.

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI): This global partnership works to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases, including those that can cause pand

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You don't get to decide how much Malone should sue or not sue for. If the Breggins are correct about Dr. Malone then they have nothing to worry about. The Breggin's have constructed a made-up narrative about Malone and invested themselves into it. When Malone's attorney sent them a cease and desist letter they amplified their attacks. Foolish & delusional. At first I thought Peter Breggin's unfounded attacks on Malone were professional jealousy. Now I wonder if he may have lost it mentally.

I wouldn't rely on Sage Hanna's opinions. Sage Hanna is a man posing as a woman to grift for his substack. You can read Mathew Crawfords piece on his substack exposing "Sage Hanna" if you're so inclined.

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please list Breggin's inaccuracies.

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Check out Outraged post today:


It underscores everything that Alexander, Hana, I and others are saying.

BY THE WAY, just because he calls himself "Outraged" doesn't mean he is actually outraged. Many people use anonymous online handles that are not totally accurate for many reasons.

Mathew Crawford is unwilling to listen to anything I say and immediately canceled everything I wrote on his substack. I consider him unbalanced and unwilling to listen to the facts and therefore not credible. Ad hominem attacks on Sage Hana have nothing to do with the quality of his/her work.

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Political fanatics, and non-idiots who are terrorized and blackmailed would take this crap, hurting themselves and everyone else, because their acquiescence made possible the power-grab and prolongued the economic damage.

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An exhorted one. There were many who were threatened financially. Those are the ones my heart goes out to. Especially the health care workers! They put their ass on the line and had it kicked. It was a lose lose situation for them! All of the scared or enthusiastic ones who did it.....you rolled the dice!!!

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@Basina Exactly. I traveled extensively with my parents in the 50s and 60s, had a lot of vax, they did , too, none of which made us sick. As soon as my friends and family started getting jabbed they experienced adverse effects inc shingles, herpes simplex gone wild, rashes, chest pain, blood clots, migraines..obviously something's not right. It doesn't take an immunologist to see it. I understand that people who were pressured and psy-oped into to getting the jab are sensitive, but, really?

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"What kinda of idiot would take a completely new type of so-called vaccine issued under an EUA??? "

According to the CDC 90% of Americans over the age of 50.

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That’s a very sad revelation about the state of brainwashing of our population.

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and you believe the cdc?

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Nope. Never believed them. Didn't take the shot. Guess I'm in the 10% but I do understand why so many people fell for it.

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Ah another member of the smug club. The kinda with a mortgage, hard to replace good job and an ultimatum on their desk? It was so easy for you thank the lord, don't curse the unlucky.

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I agree it was a scam from the start, even though many who know the about science and the regulatory process failed to see the scam.

But I disagree with "it was an easy choice." Many people were already heavily demoralized, they were coerced to take a crappy product they didn't want because of their careers, because of their mortgage, because they wanted to go see their old folks, because of many other horrible things.

Some of these victims then engaged in self-deception to put up with the pain, and that creates another psychological wound.

You and me were "fortunate" to have enough strength and mental clarity to say no. But no one deserved to suffer this huge scientific and political fraud.

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No one deserved it that’s true. I lost my job of 30 years for defending my health and bodily autonomy. I paid a heavy price. But I made the right choice. When you lose your health you lose everything.

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You made the right choice, based on the correct reasoning.

Congratulations, and I pray you get restitution one day.

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Thank you Cosmos 🙏

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Lost my job as well. Idiotic, uneducated school district encouraged by an equally obtuse governor decided to be anti-science and terminate some of their most educated educators. 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

Not sure why I’d want to work for such a district, but I’m still ticked off with how it went down.

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You made the smart choice! Succumbing to that sort of pressure would likely have cost you your health AND self-esteem. Never cave in to something that is wrong. ❤️

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I did not take the jab because Fauci was involved. I know what he did during the AID crisis, and it was a murderous plan from the beginning. If Dr. Mengele said trust me, would you? Even if it cost you your job, but kept you from being used as a genocidal tool? No, I think not. Hidden history is, well hidden and this is the scam, if you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat it right? How can you learn from history when the history you learn is a lie or is hidden? Answer, you cannot, and it has been hidden. The people who rule over us are not going to give us an education that will allow us to overthrow them, get it?

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I agree. It was NOT easy. I did not take it and was the only one out of everyone I know not to. I was dropped as friend, uninvited to parties, weddings, neighbors turned their backs on me. I came close to being fired. I literally had people who would not come close to me physically. Would talk to me from 10 feet away like I was a leper. It was humiliating and dehumanizing.

My husband was forced to take it by his employer. I begged him not to but the thought of losing everything he had spent his life working for was too much to bear. I have never cried so hard in my life when he told me. I still worry every day for him.

There was nothing easy about anything of this. In fact, it has been pure hell.

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Yes, many of us treated the same. My family who got it did not treat me like this because they believe in medical freedom. However I also was very upset when my three young adult kids got it despite me talking to them about it and telling them to at least WAIT! My husband got it and he didn’t tell me for a month! I was so angry he wasn’t truthful with me. I pray everyday that they will be alright; I’m just not sure how this will effect them. Yes, it all was pure hell.

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I'm so sorry. I completely understand your pain. It's seems much like being the only survivor in a plane crash. Happy to be alive but not happy.

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I'm sorry.

All the dissidents have experienced things about the human condition that we didn't want to experience.

One brother of mine went with the flow because he wanted to get a promotion. And all the coercion was illegal. Those other candidates who contested the "requirements" won their case, but they did not get the job. The enemy plays with time and the finite resources of people to fight back legally.

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“ All the dissidents have experienced things about the human condition that we didn't want to experience.” yes indeed! Never been so disappointed in all my life in “la condition humaine”. The disappointment does not cut along the line of vaxxed or not, but along the line of “I’m vaxed and I am ok with you being ostracized and a second class citizen” versus those who were not ok with that. It helped in showing which friends had a sense of right and wrong.

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I recognize everything you say. Hugs to you and hoping all stays well for your husband. ❤️

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“Many people were already heavily demoralized, they were coerced to take a crappy product they didn't want...“.

This right here speaks volumes. People I know, which is most, took the first set of jabs because they ‘wanted to get back to normal’. The entire year of 2020 was a nightmare for many however, the bubble was burst when ‘back to normal’ was not going to happen. I thought things were “bizarre” from the beginning and then the mandates made me want to ‘blow a gasket.’ Masks were oppressing. I still have “PTSD” about the last couple years in what happened to people and how our citizens were treated by the govt and each other. Dehumanization full stop. I am not sure what to think about Dr Malone. All I know is there are nefarious characters literally getting away with this horrific event.

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They wouldn't have started this if they had not prepared many ways to avoid punishment.

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Many will not agree & that’s fine, but all of America bears responsibility for going astray and when we each turned from the path the founders of this country laid before us, ignoring our faith in God and each other;each doing whatever we wanted that is when the wolves who live outside the flock but are always there, that is when they descended upon us w/ a very evil purpose that we never saw coming. Man cannot live on bread alone... what Im saying is we lost our Way...

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Yes, you are correct! I have to say that after Kennedy was murdered by the state, the American people grew selfish and self-centered. The looked-for personal gain and pleasure, lost their interest in being involved in who the leaders would be, instead just voting for their party no matter who was running as long as they were the party, they were Alegent to, and it was like a sports team or racing driver. A fan base that knew nothing about the person at all, just vote for your favorite party, and then go back to sleep. They defend their party no matter what. Both parties have sold out the American people.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Yes we did. I tried to tell people that this thing was the Mark of the Beast from the very start. It was me and one other person who felt this at a gut level. All the rest mocked and scoffed and got the jab.

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If you really want to know what the mark is actually, just listen to the WEF science officer, Noel Hariri when he states we will own nothing and be happy, you will be tracked electronically with a micro needled patch or an implant in your brain, you will cease to be human, you will be transhuman. The vaccines are firstly to get us frightened into taking them, and the ingredients in them will be used to sterilize us, kill millions of us from the spike protein. This is culling the herd first, then will come the mark in the form I just mentioned. Pulse radiation from 5-G will be used for assembling the structures in the body in the form of nanoparticles made from various metals that have been seen in these vaccines as well as microscopic photos showing these forming into structures. Scientific fact. So, imagine when all these elements are combined what it could do for control. I know I know this sounds like a tin foil hat wearing nut job, right? I assure you these things are real and proven scientifically. none of this is ever talked about by Malone, Bigtree, Kennedy or any other defender protecting us from the medical tyrants that wreak havoc on us all. Do your research and you will find it as well.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Unfortunately this is not the first go round for some people. Talk to any religious group that has been against any vaccination program. Talk to NY health care workers about the experimental H1N1 mandate that Governor Patterson overturned (because there were not enough doses to go around...lol) at the last minute. Coincidence or did "they" not want a president law case saying vaccine mandates are illegal?

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your key words: "victims engaged in self-deception"

We all do it sooner or later, more or less, when, how and where ever. That in now way changes the results or excuses our cognition and our failures. if anything it highlights our faults, should make us more humble and far more cynical.

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Well stated my friend!

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I guess that some of us have been blessed with the ability to see through things more than others. None of my family, myself, my wife, 2 children and their respective partners have taken part in any of it. It was a number of factors. Firstly the pressure and psyop the government was doing was the first red flag. What we saw with our own eyes was different to what we were being told and then after listening to the likes of Dr's Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi and others, many others since, that was enough evidence for us. I'm not a fan if any vaccine or putting anything, especially allopathic garbage into my body. As you say, it was an easy choice. When you are awake to the fact that the government have not just no interest in your wellbeing but a negative one that helps to keep your eyes wide open.

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Exactly right! I suggest reading the book, Murder by injection as it explains how we wound up with allopathic medicine in the first place. Verry enlightening as well as scarry. It does explain who what and why. You will see the same fingerprints on this latest fraud called pandemic. The Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and their minions have orchestrated at all for a hundred years. The public education system has been used to brainwash the American people into mass formation psychosis, and it has worked every time. I remember the duck and cover scares we were subjected to in school. What a farce but after realizing the truth, I knew that the duck and cover would only help you to kiss your own ass goodby, not protect you from a nuclear blast. Read the book, On the beach as well as Elisburg's about atomic bombs and realize that all humanity will be destroyed or die a slow painful death from the radiation.

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Well said!

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The FDA has approved every vaccine that ever came across. I haven’t trusted any for at least 7 years since I started looking t to them

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Mar 8, 2023
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I hope people know that ALL injections now are probably mRNA. Apparently the flu shot was weaponized as early as 2019.

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Curious if you have any articles/reading on the flu shot being mRNA in 2019? My mother took the senior flu shot in 2019 and developed multiple severe autoimmune disorders a few months later. She was perfectly healthy before.

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I think you've hit on a central point here. There's obviously more than one kind of intelligence and for those who saw it - it was obvious something was deeply wrong and it wasn't about health - we watched in bewilderment as other intelligent people bought the whole thing. We had and have a different filter.

I think it comes down to that we could imagine the level of awfulness unfolding, and they could not. So talking about it as 'intelligence' doesn't really help.

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Yes, it's hard to wrap your brain around the evilness that prevailed.

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Bay of Pigs, JFK, MLK, RFK, MK-Ultra, Gulf ofTonkin, 9/11, WMDs, Afghanistan, Libya, Venezuela, Russiagate, Covid, Ukraine--- only a brief list of "awfulness" propounded by self-serving, dishonest, corrupt gov, unquestioned by America's "free press," and swallowed HL&S by the dumbed-down population no longer (if ever) capable of critical thinking.

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can't argue with any of that.

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Baloney. I researched a lot before and none of this you reference came up. How is the average person supposed to find it? Yeah. Smug like Meryl said. At first the only reason I didn’t get it was I work hard on my health and was t going to screw it up with an unknown experimental jab. That was it until I learned more. But it was enough. I am 74. I have made many mistakes in my life. Believed many things that turned out to be bullshit. If you haven’t then hooray for you.

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I agree Janet. I have been obsessed from the beginning reading everything that has evolved from 99.9% have mild cases and through all the theories of what may be causing harm: the spike? the nano particles? the method of injection? lack of control of what’s in the vials....broken MRNA strands? .... and so much more. Not until Sasha L spoke up had I ever come across anything about MRNA toxicity and that it had been determined poison from the beginning.

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There were doctors early on giving warnings about mRNA tests, stating that all the animals had died. It wasn’t always easy to find because they were ridiculed and censored, but it was there. That’s what had me taking a wait-and-see approach when the vaccine first came out. (That, plus early treatments and the 99.5% survivability for a disease I might not even get.)

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Thanks. Yes, I also read a Japanese study in which massive die of animal subjects began at shot #5 and got worse with subsequent shots. From the beginning I wanted to know how to support my immune system and saw how early treatment was important. I guess I never came across discussion of the dangers of mRNA until the last few months. Yes, all I know comes from many who have been censored.

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Maybe you were able to make a good decision because you started down the rabbit hole before the pandemic charade started. But research takes time and the majority of the population work 60+ hour weeks, are raising families and just don’t have the time to investigate and uncover the unbelievable corruption and absolute evil. I accidentally fell in the rabbit hole as I watched my neighbour’s healthy little boy go from an engaging baby to severely autistic in 1 1/2 years time. I started by researching autism and uncovered the link to vaccines and adjuvants(toxins). I was floored. I actually didn’t want to believe it ( my kids had every shot - I thought I was doing the right thing for them) but the more you look for it the more madness you uncover. Vaccines are just the tip for the EVIL iceberg.

I became very wary of this event because I looked down all the rabbit holes and figured out that there were psychopaths running things it freaked me out. Interestingly I had already read Dr Breggin’s book Toxic Psychiatry and that helped me understand that things are not as they appear.

I didn’t take the shots despite the very heavy totalitarian government campaign in Canada to force people to take the shots “ or else”. Personally, I was prepared to be arrested ( as a retired history teacher who taught students about evil in other places I was not backing down)Most people volunteered happily for the shot because they believed to their core that evil doesn’t exist in Canada. I was lucky not to be tricked possibly because I have a double degree in history with a focus on totalitarian politics/ regimes and psychology with a focus on manipulation of the mind and my parents were brutalized as children during WWII so I was taught to not trust government or a difficult childhood that also made me wary or a teacher so I have good sense when I am not being told the truth. I don’t know but I could see it and no one else did. In Canada the government first used the carrot marketing strategies and then people were bullied into taking it. I could easily resist because I have economic stability but at the cost of being attacked and vilified by everyone ( except my children). It was most intense thing I have gone through and I have had to deal with a ton of hardship. Being the target of hate is not a walk in the park. In Canada people who refused had their jobs taken from them with lots of economic results. Many didn’t want to take the shots but they were forced to choose between feeding their families or taking the risk so they risked their health. I call that love not stupid.

Every person I know, including my husband and children took the shots. They would not listen to me. Their minds were captured by the media and politicians who lied

and all their friends and family who parroted the media.?Everyone believed doctors who encouraged everyone to get the shot. My friends and family are doctors nurses, lawyers, actuaries, accountants, CFAs, successful business owners and they all lined up for the shots eagerly so they could do their part and help humanity….just like young people sign sign up to go to war so that tons of money can be made and their reward is trauma and maybe death.

The majority trusted. It was trust and not understanding that their government that had never done anything to harm them before ( or so they thought) would lead them to the so called slaughter house. Lots of psychologically manipulation of the population. THEY used every trick in the book and it worked.

I am truly grateful you saw the con but it’s not surprising that the majority didn’t. I don’t think it’s unusual the majority in North America drank the look-aid, I think it’s a miracle that many of us did.

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The majority of the population had no idea that there was no liability and that the rollout was done via secret agreements. How could anyone know that?

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Research. I can see how most people are so busy working themselves to death in our slave system did not have the time to do it.

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And the main job of "journalists" is to mislead the public away from the truth that they are under attack.

The "fourth power" was bought long ago.

The main public health measure is to lockdown all the newspapers and TV companies. Also, facebook et al. has poisoned the thinking of most people and must also be punished for the harm they have done. This pfake pandemic was a psychological operation, a crime against the people.

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I agree that people were too distracted to do the research but also believe it's more nuanced than, you failed the test because you didn't do the research. Each person had their own specific reasoning for taking it-- couldn't lose their job, believed they would kill grandma, I'm helping to save the world, I just wanna get back to normal, I have cancer and COvid will kill me, I still trust my doctor's advice. It was different for everyone.

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Only those who followed the censored voices knew.

Censorship kills!

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George Orwell made for some timely reading b4 all of this.

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He says here that Peter Marks talked him into it.



In my case, I had a teleconference because of who I am and my background. I had a teleconference specifically with Peter Marks at the FDA early on where I said, "Peter, I'm concerned about these things that are in this non-clinical package. You guys have been hoodwinked." And he told me, basically, "Robert, give me some time to get this out. I have the new data package from Pfizer. I have no concerns now. Please don't make a big issue out of this." And I stayed silent for a few months based on that, and I took the jab. And I got the toxicity. My point is I was fooled. We were all fooled. And we were all prevented from having informed consent. So forgive each other, please. Forgive me.


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Sounds right. That Peter Marks deserves a special place in hell. he went after Gruber and Krause when they finally balked.

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Why would what Peter Marks said influence the decision of a brilliant scientist on taking an mRNA vaccine?

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Because he claimed to have additional experimental data that showed the vaccines were safe. He lied. I have seen Peter Marks lie often in the VRBPAC meetings. Check out my live blogs of those meetings.

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didnt a couple of people resigned from FDA because of the vaccines? like the director and deputy director of vaccine development?? if we regular stupidos can figure out this much ... common ...

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That's more not less reason to fault someone for believing Peter Marks.

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Mar 8, 2023Edited
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Read this list of questions, pay attention to #7


And this

https://ia904609.us.archive.org/1/items/dr.-robert-malone-dark-vaccine-wizard/DR. ROBERT MALONE - DARK VACCINE WIZARD.pdf

There is no such a thing as competent jurisdiction. It's all captured, and set up to administer the debt.

The con that had been perpetrated on the people is almost inimaginable.

All western countries are corporations!

Read living in the private for a start.

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Can you help provide some evidence for a lawsuit (hopefully class action) for Geoff, mentioned at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/patents-implicate-pandemic-conspiracy and in more recent posts?

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Marks has a horribly deceitful face

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His name, Marks, is the same word used to refer to victims of fraud.

What more coincidences are there here? Was he born in the 6th month of 1966?

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Wishful thinking?


Wilfully blind?

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Yeah cause I always trust peer pressure by a swamp thing Peter Marks at the FDA.

Malone's story is beyond idiotic. He knows you don't vaccinate a previously infected person. He's a vaccinologist, so he knows this too. Stop thinking he's really that stupid.

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Exactly, immunology 101.

It is either he knows nothing about immunology (yet he worked on vaccines?) or he tells porkies. I think it is both!

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So you believe, what, that Malone faked his vaccination?

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I have no idea. I was just pointing out that vaccinologists know that you don't have good results getting a shot after being infected. This is a well known fact and vanderbosche was warning about it way before Malone.

Just cause Peter Marks says it's ok doesn't change the science.

He could be ignorant and did it.


He could be lying.

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The nature of Peter Marks may not have been so obvious in earlier years, and Malone's perspective of him would have been based having worked with him, unclear how closely.

It's well told that in a live-fire combat situation, you never know who's going to be a hero and who's going to completely lose it. The bureaucratic trenches aren't quite the same, but they're not entirely different either, as moral questions that require you to choose between your personal integrity and your personal advancement probably don't come up all that often, or at least, not so clearly.

Time is a factor, and what could be determined at any specific time.

I also wonder, what is Malone accused of here? Let's grant for the sake of argument that he's lying like a rug. To what end?

He's saying these vaxes (in particular) should be stopped. Do you disagree? He's saying he didn't always believe that, that he formerly believed vaxes were valuable tech. Do you doubt that? What harmful bullshit is he thereby promoting or enabling?

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not believable

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Sounds very disingenuous!

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You were "prepared to believe they were safe"?? You, who claims to have been watching the FDA for 25 years, believed that a safe vaccine could be made at "warp speed", (normally takes 8-12 years) and for a "virus" that was/is comparable to a bad flu/cold. I don't know what it is with people like you , with a Dr or MD in your name. It's like you have no common sense. Any WHY did you weigh in on this issue between Breggin and Malone? And you did not think fraud was possible ???? After 25 years you did not think it possible that the FDA and collaborators would try to harm us people? Were you not around during AIDS crisis and how it was handled/mishandled. Remember AZT? And your comment "people do dumb stuff etc", I don't even know what that means or how to interpret it., parents with autistic kids etc. Are you saying that parents of autistic kids were/are dumb?

That people "do dumb stuff", well I actually agree with this, and I think you have fallen into this category yourself.

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Like I said, when 4 different mfrs all claimed to have a safe vaccine, I did not think all could falsify their trials and get away with it. I did not appreciate the degree of agency capture. Sorry. I was hoodwinked. But at least I told people everything I learned about those vaccines in real time, unlike most of the critics like you.

As I have said before, for those readers who think I am dumb, controlled oppo or whatever, please feel free to avoid my work in future.

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I think you do the right thing by admitting your mistake and that is a sign of decency and intelligence. I wish more people would follow your example.

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you made sense admitting mistakes up to this sentence.

But at least I told people everything I learned about those vaccines in real time, unlike most of the critics like you.

unlike most critics?

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I won’t! It is easy to have 20/20 vision, afterwards. Very grateful for you honesty and the work you do!

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This entire discussion related to people and motives is less than helpful. I quite agree with your essay regarding the recent Breggin post. It's not clear to me why the Breggin - Malone dispute is evolving as it is. The egos seem quite at odds.

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Paul Alexander referred to the "mass formation issue that caused this." Having followed the subject closely from the outset, I saw the Breggins' characterization of the mass formation analysis as an attempt by Malone & Desmet to shift blame away from the bad guys-- and onto the public-- as substantially off-key.

For me, the mass formation label was meant by its originator to identify the phenomena where a huge part of the population succumbed to the massive, unprecedented, unrelenting imposition of a false narrative that ultimately drowned out their capacity for critical thinking and created a kind of tribal confirmation bias and a self-perpetuating ethos of unquestioning loyalty to and compliance with the false narrative they were led to believe was true.

Desmet's focus was on the societal consequences of the bad guys bullshit-- and in no way diminished or distracted from my awareness that very evil bullshit was willfully propagated by VERY BAD GUYS-- who we should all now be focused on holding accountable-- rather than undermining that objective with internal dissension that only benefits guess who.

As a retired lawyer who knows all to well what evil lurks in the hearts of men— I would implore the principals to park their egos in the hamper, and find a way to get into a room together— WITHOUT ANY FUKING LAWYERS!— to see if they can resolve their dispute, which, at root, appears to have been semantical rather than substantive, but has been allowed (perhaps encouraged?) to grow into something ugly and thoroughly counterproductive to our mutual cause.

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well said

if and when malone has virtuous intent, his lawsuit will drop or be reduced to court costs.

until then his malintent is obvious.

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If he were sincere he would sue for court costs just to get discovery.

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I really don't know what it happening with the lawsuit. I hear it hasn't been served on Breggin.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Sure, easy to pile on.

What pound of flesh do you want?

I'm reading all these remarks and they end up being in the vein of " I knew better. Everyone who took jabs has it coming. You experts didn't do enough/anything/knew better."


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Exactly. A lot of hubris with these commenters. A lot of people I love took these jabs and it's disheartening to see people say, "we'll you should have known better like me". When the jabs rolled out it was nowhere close to being that simple.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Quite right!

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Well said!

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Most parents of children who developed autism after vaccination did not have first hand knowledge of the risks. Pharma and the FDA have lied for years. And the medical doctors who administered the vaccines were ignorant and/or malfeasant. They are not comparable. Not even close.

I haven't listened to every word Malone has spoken or read every word he has written, but I never heard him come out against the mRNA "vaccines" until recently. I was unaware of the preprint article. In fact, Malone's wife was complaining (in writing, multiple times) that he was not getting credit for the tech as late as April/May 2021. He claims he was vaccine-injured. By my reckoning of the timeline he provided, he would have been experiencing symptoms during that marathon Dark Horse podcast with Weinstein and Kirsch. He said nothing about it during the podcast. The first time he mentioned it publicly that I am aware of was in January 2022. It's odd that he and his wife would take the "vaccines" with full knowledge of the dangers and neglect to mention his "vaccine" injury for months. It's odd that his wife would complain (repeatedly) that her husband wasn't getting credit for dangerous tech that he claims almost killed him.

There are problems with his story and his timeline. Whatever you may think of the Breggins and their methods, they are not responsible for the holes and the conflicts.

He and his wife were in Hawaii in September 2021. They spoke to a group of teenagers and young adults about the "vaccines". He never mentioned the danger. He never mentioned his "vaccine" injury.

He never warned them off.

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No, sorry, you couldn’t have been looking much, it was no secret to me in 2021. He brought it out in some of his early interviews. Never a hidden fact and spoke of the nature of his injuries. Go back to that timeline and listen, because it puts more holes in the rest of your assumptions than a piece of Swiss cheese.

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I didn't say Malone hid his injury. I said the first I heard of it publicly was in January 2022. He wrote about it on Telegram.

He didn't mention it in the first Dark Horse podcast with Weinstein and Kirsch in June 2021, even though he would have been experiencing symptoms. Kirsch and Malone were both asked if they were jabbed and why they chose to get jabbed. Kirsch spoke about his reasons for changing his mind on the jab. Malone did not. He really didn't explain why he changed his mind. I listened to the entire 3+ hour podcast twice.

His wife really did complain several times that he was not getting credit for the tech. Her last article was posted on LinkedIn shortly before the first Dark Horse podcast. Why would she be upset that he wasn't getting credit for tech that he had decided was dangerous? Why would she be upset that he wasn't getting credit for tech that according to Malone himself almost killed him? Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me.

They didn't warn the kids and young adults in Hawaii about the dangers in September 2021. They did not warn them off the jabs. I listened their presentation.

I'm not taking sides in the Malone versus Breggin. Frankly, I'm tired of the egos and the drama. We need some humility.

I've not made assumptions. I've made observations based on data.

I'm not looking for a hero or a leader. I've no interest in being a follower.

There are inconsistencies in Malone's story.

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I really don’t care to inspect Malone for fleas while we are looking down the barrel at WWIII. I appreciate everything he did to awaken people, and there are a good many who saw the light due to his relentless output. I vet messages, not faults of the messenger because I sincerely believe we have much higher priorities right now.

I’ll repeat regarding his invention: he did NOT invent the ‘vaccine’. He developed the TECHNOLOGY. He was 28 years old at the time !!! He had no idea then, what it would be used for in 2020. Does this make sense? So, yes, the research was a milestone at the time, done without evil intent, and the Malones have every reason to celebrate the achievement. Or does developing the wheel somehow create moral liability for all future vehicle accidents? Here are a couple of his Substack links you may enjoy. Feel free to browse on your own, his site is wide open and he is an excellent writer. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/just-the-facts?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=583200&post_id=87613609&isFreemail=true


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It appears that Dr. Jill took down her LinkedIn, so I'll leave your with this article on the subject.

Why did Dr. Jill write an article to LinkedIn in early June 2021 to complain that her husband wasn't getting credit? This was right before that Dark Horse podcast when he would have been experiencing his "vaccine" injury.

I didn't know about the article Bob wrote in 2020 until Meryl wrote this article. Why would Dr. Jill be upset that her husband wasn't getting credit for tech he had decided was dangerous...and published on it? Why would she be upset that he wasn't getting credit for tech that nearly killed him (according to Bob himself)? Why would either of them get the jabs to begin with?

The article the Breggins amplified (and that Meryl further amplified) raises more questions.

The "inventors" of the mRNA jabs were being considered for a Nobel Prize early on. Not sure whatever came of that. Perhaps that is why Dr. Jill was upset that Bob wasn't getting his due?

Why did anyone ever think it was a good idea to turn our cells into bioreactors for viral proteins? It always seemed like a bad idea to me, a recipe for autoimmunity. I didn't need experts or data or permission. It was a hard "No!". Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Just because a technology is novel doesn't mean it's good...or safe.

I was a paid reader of Malone's substack for a long time (until he sued the Breggins for 25 million). Got his book. Listened to many of his interviews. I even watched all three Headwinds films with the pretty horses. I still read his articles on occasion and listen to some interviews. I have no interest in taking sides, and I am suspicious of people who push me to take sides. As I said, I'm not looking for a leader or a hero. I've no interest in being a follower.

There are many other doctors and scientists who spoke up early about all aspects of the pandemic response, and they paid a high price for their activism. By my calendar, Bob was a little late to the party. He may be genuine, but I see problems with his story and his timeline.


As Comrade Lenin said, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

I hold onto my skepticism and my hope. And I make my own mind.

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outstanding clarity

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Mar 8, 2023
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publishing pertinent personal experience is hardly giving specific medical advice.

in this case, not stating that experience constitutes probably deception.

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He didn't have to tell them what to do. He could have spoken about his alleged "vaccine" injury. They would have figured it out.

Alternatively, he could have elected not to speak to them about the jabs at all.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Yes, he did address it actually, I think it was in his Substack. He did not invent the ‘vaccine’ if that is what you mean by ‘crap’. He invented the technology, which is different. If that is a problem then all research must be halted, lest down the line someone uses a part of an earlier invention to create something not intended or foreseen originally. Right? You may cut yourself a walking stick, and leave it behind at the trail head for common use. Except the next person kills his buddy with it.

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Also, it's one thing to invent a tech (which in Malone's case was sat on for so long that he's no longer entitled to profit from it). It's another to rush a product out when it's totally immature and untested, with a great potential for harm. Malone wasn't involved with the second of those.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Mar 8, 2023
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Come on. He's a vaccinologist. He knows the steps they skipped.

This is ridiculous.

You can be fooled but he's in the scam industry that he fell for.

Vanderbosche knew you don't vaccinate after an infection. Somehow Malone didn't?

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To me this is a strong argument that something isn't right. He was only a few months off of his Covid, and yet he got vaccinated for it anyway. He clearly had concerns.

The other part of his vaccination that I don't understand is that he has said he thought it might help with his Long Covid. What did he think was in those shots that would help with that? How could his body generating millions of spike proteins help with his symptoms?

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Long COVID is the new cover story for vac side effects. This is funny because they have no proof that COVID ever caused myocarditis!

I'll say it can do that in the case of remdesevir and ventilators, but not by this flu like illness. And now with the jab, instead of blaming the jabs they're blaming convid for the clotting etc.

Virology scam! https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Toxicology-vs-Virology-Rockefeller-Institute-and-the-Criminal-Polio-Fraud:1

He's promoting that long convid mythology.... 🤑

Interesting now knowing the current narratives....

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Well, so is Dr Ardis. May be something to these nicotinoid receptors….

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Agreed. From Europe. Guess one initially wants to hold on to a belief of some integrity of government institutions until your eyes open. Mine did when a GP came forward in March 2020 who had been giving his elderly patients with Covid infection HCQ+ and cured them, and was called a quack by the dutch health institute, and all doctors were subsequently forbidden from and fined for prescribing it. That was weird and highly suspicious action in “times of a pandemic”. For would one not be insanely happy to have found people could be cured by early treatment with an old and well-known drug??!! The subsequent censorship of all but the narrative, the deliberate focus on conspiracy theories and theorists (so easy to label and not discuss), the government’s police action, very violent, against peaceful protesters, lack of real discussion on the media, the same round of faces every night on tv (those who had already benefitted heavily from the swine flu debacle were now singing the mantra of we have to wait for THE vaccine), clinched the deal for me. I had also been reading a lot about the mRNA jabs, tough being non-medically schooled, and was not necessarily happy with my body producing a pathogen that it then had to also fight. But really, awakening was a process, which in my case was set in motion with the ban on HCQ. So by the time the vaccine rollout did start, i was firmly decided not to take it. Also because of the lack of lengthy trials (the speed of science), the lack of knowledge on long term effects, the publications about possible negative effects (OAS, ADE), the “advertising” to take a jab (why was this needed in times of a pandemic?would people not be running to get it?). Each of these considerations was a nail in the coffin for me. But this was not prior knowledge, just a process of observing, reading and reasoning, leading to awakening, as I am sure it was for many people. They simply smelled a rat. Mind you, the fear campaign was relentless! So kudos to anyone who has been able to wrestle free from it.

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Thank you for this concise and superb response.

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It has been reported that 30% of the population is immune to the brainwashing and propaganda.

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Those must be the people with a curious and questioning mind (you might also call them mistrustful of everything they are told to believe without investigating for themselves 😉). My most favorite word as a child when told something was WHY?

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And it works out to about the number of People that are unvaxed.

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Mar 8, 2023
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My entire smart family (doctoral level, md) all bought the shot and story and indeed berated me and husband (whom they suspected to be badly influenced by me) for not taking the shot. These people still did not hug or shake hands. Medical doctor. Unfathomable. Bought everything the msm put out and never read beyond. So sad.

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There's a reason that the CDC reports that only 10% of the U.S. population over the age of 50 did NOT take the vaccines. 90% of the population over age 50 got hoodwinked including Malone and almost everyone I know.

Never in a million years did this 90% think that this level of fraud was possible as Meryl states. To think that your own government is willing to kill and main millions of their own people for profit or otherwise is unthinkable to the average person. This, along with the unending propaganda, pressure, and being told you can only go back to normal if you take this shot is why so many people took it.

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90% is too high an estimation IMO. There are about 30% of the population that are not vaxed. Older people did get vaxed but no where near 90%. If that were true they would have wiped out the older population, they tried but did not succeed. Quite a few of us are healthy and unvaxed because we have critical thinking and know how to do research.

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Sorry, I one of those elderly who got the first two jabs back in the early days before the data were out. I'm inclined to accept that 90% of the elderly population did get vaccinated. I'm cautious but still succumbed to the fear mainly because of was tired of trying to avoid crowds going shopping for my groceries. Hitting the store at 6:30 AM or avoiding stores when the lot was full was tedious to my lifestyle. I thought after the shots, I would be OK because I dread the hospital itself. I and so many were fooled by those I trusted.

Guess my routine has saved me from too much vax damage. Maybe because I've been using NAC for my COPD has helped along with other supplements. OTOH, those who were trying to kill me way back many years ago didn't succeed so perhaps my real boss isn't finished with my life lessons.

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But Malone knew in a way none of the rest of us did. He had personal, scientific knowledge based on decades of experience, that these were dangerous. It really is the one piece I can’t reconcile. 2 Moderna shots? Very hard to believe.

I agree with your analysis as to the rest of us— it describes my evolution to a tee. But Malone wrote a paper on it! And less than a year later submitted to the injections? When millions like me with no actual knowledge whatsoever declined based on gut instinct alone? I just don’t buy it.

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I agree that his taking the jab is very puzzling given his background. Yet, it is not inconceivable to me that Malone himself was drenched in the same covidian fear-porn as the rest of society; having gotten covid and was ,himself, afraid of the consequences. It is reasonable to me that based upon P Marks' lies, he thought there was a snowball chance in hell the vax may help him... Who knows? Not me.

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He wrote a book with his wife 'The novel coronavirus' that was published in February 2020. How did he know it was novel and a coronavirus (well we know that no virus has ever been isolated and proven to exist using the scientific method) and already published a book on it in Feb 2020?? He must have a crystal ball .

Question #7


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Pfizer and other Pharma giants have paid billions in fines for Fraud. Penalties are just the cost of doing business. As you said you know this and that FDA is riddled with COI. Its a revolving door with Pharma. This is especially true with vaccines because the mfr has no liability unlike drugs where they can be sued for unsafe product. Then you had the Warp Speed approach. Anything done at warp speed is questionable. All you had to do is read the FDA and EMA trial summaries to see what they didn’t do to assess safety. I have a hard time believing Malone took the vax after having COVID once. He knew he was immune. But he travels so much he needed a vaccine card, but honestly, there are ways around that with his connections and money but he cant admit that (granted I am just speculating but Malone is way too smart to have taken that jab)


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he had covid? a computer virus? see david martins' exposes on this- based on a pcr test? you think he didn't know about that fraud, too? There is a reason that many of us have come to the conclusion that this is the time of the great poisoning and culling. Following the progress of glyphosate, Fukushima, the latest Dioxin spill- the single greatest environmental tragedy in history--(https://planetwaves.fm/tonight-on-planet-waves-fm-who-decides-what-is-an-acceptable-risk/) Malone lives in the science community-he has a huge ego- he had the same access to all the same info we had- and many of us were doing all the research we could 24/7. The idea doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny.

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If he's lying, to what end? That's what I still don't get. If Malone were lying about his vaccine experience, who would benefit?

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He would . He's making money off this.

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How so?

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'People' who are not scientists or doctors do dumb stuff when they entrust their children to scientists and doctors who they believe have researched thoroughly. When one's own research says something isn't safe and yet you do it anyway- isn't just dumb!

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They did not have his knowledge. There is no comparison.

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Sometimes I think you physicians are “ham-strung” by your goodness & professionalism. I admire you, yet I want you to wake up & lose the naivete. I think you & Malone now have your eyes wide open. Forgive me for being so blunt.

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Read my work throughout 2020 and early 2021 and see whether I provided some of the most accurate vaccine content there was.

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I read your work during that time, and you were a voice in the wilderness to many who were looking for answers and finding few. I thank you for your blog, which was an immense source of sanity in a world gone mad.

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Wow, this many trolls is amazing. The truth brings them in. Same dumb arguments over and over. I like that you leave them. It's good for people to see what you are up against. You are the most amazing combo of tough as nails and yet very nice, even dignified, in the onslaught of fools.

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more ad hominem

what logic are you bringing to this?

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Ah logic, a hint of your origin? Some of these are easily robots. Did you ever hit a nest of red ants in Texas, that is the volume of trolls out. This means this site is a threat to them.

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Trolls would just state something stupid, like he's a spook etc.

We're just seeing inconsistencies in his story from the beginning.

These days he's not saying idiotic shit like the vax is ok for older and pregnant before third trimester (tlav interview way back) WHILE KNOWING that they don't test vaccines on pregnant at the start. All this during a time when women were complaining of issues with periods and stillbirths increasing.

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remember the video of bill gates being asked about long term effects of the vax early on? he gave that smug duper's delight answer about if you want to know what effects the shot has in two years, well that takes two years to study.....?

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I'm not faulting your work. You helped confirm what anyone familiar with vaccines before Del Bigtree had his own show already knew. That being said your claims here all revolve around a claim to being naive. And a right to pardon for being naive. I will not do victim blaming games here. I will insist that everyone needs to recognize being naive is a fault - not an excuse. Especially more so for the more intelligent folk. Your arguments remind me of cardiac surgeons in the 60;s. They all smoked. All of them. Like chimneys. And they all argued with their children who frequently hid their cigarettes.

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Enough, troll, beat it !!! Go on, become something worthwhile in life.

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ad hominem is such a convincing argument. thank you so much.

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You're great.

It's Malone that contradicts himself and plays the card.

Or perhaps as a vaccinologist he knew nothing?

I find that hard to believe... Even Vander Bosche knew you don't vaccinate after an infection.

You probably know this too.

Either Malone is an absolute ignoramus or he's playing a role.

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Yes, but the thing is, it is not new to many of us.

Read and listen to the wonderful Susanne Humphries, nephrologist. Dissolving illusions. Her story how and why she started to study the $cience behind vaccines is also interesting.

Eustace Mullins: Murdered by injection

There are many more!

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Additionally, RFK Junior has expose the entire vaccine industry to be that of a lie. They have been poisoning our children for decades.

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funny part is RFK2 is more of an aggregator. His bibliography at end of "Fauci" is wonderful. For some of us, it's a good list of what's in our library. I learned almost nothing new reading RFK2. What most impressed me was his bringing it mainstream. Doubt anyone else can.

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That’s ridiculous. The FDA has allowed Monsanto to poisonous for years. There are plenty of other examples. They are more corrupt then we could ever imagine. The CDC and the FDA have hidden many atrocities they created like HIV and Lyme disease. Malone is a DOD operative.

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The Pfizer trial began July 27, 2020 and initial results were announced November 18, which is less than four months later.

Was that enough time to be sure that the products were "safe and effective" and would remain so? Was there enough time to be sure that ADE wouldn't start to cause problems down the road as the virus mutated?

Even assuming that the trials were honestly and diligently run, the risk was obvious. In retrospect, perhaps we're lucky that things haven't turned out worse.

Personally I'm still unvaxxed, and I give myself credit for having better judgment that Dr. Malone.

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Please consider that some of the folk more critical of Malone were less duped back then and are now sending up alarms that we;re not safe yet. Vaccine shedding appears to be more of a thing than ever consdered possible with this one.

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but Malone calls that kind of thought controlled opposition and chaos angent stuff.

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Nope. All those parents thought they were making life and death decisions. That was the basis for their decisions.

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No parents, and I am one, thought for one minute, nor did we know, that so called normal vaccines were a life & death decision. My children are 50 years old now so the few vaccines that they got were not so many. But my 50 year old son I now believe is vaccine injured. He had many problems growing up from the time of birth.

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if you didn't think it was life and death, you would not have done it to your kids, nor your grandkids. pharma convinced you that death became much more likely to anyone who disagreed.

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No, it was just a preventative measure, we didn’t think measles, mumps or rubella were fatal, just annoying bc we had them as kids. Polio was another matter, because we saw kids incased in breathing machines paralyzed. Little did we know that the vaccine was not the cure. Most childhood vaccines were given for really minor diseases. Not life or death.

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you mistake the concept for your perception of the concept. pharma sold the idea to the company that has a monopoly on violence in your world that your kids NEED their shots or people will die. your kids somebody's kids gramma whoever. no vax no school. countless careers were and are no vax no job. it has been sold as life or death from day one. it has been liability free since 1986. your lack of awareness of these marketing facts does not make them less true. it;s always been a life or death choice. had you pushed back or so much as questioned, you'd have had it rammed down your throat. ask any vax damaged parent who was compelled to vax again AFTER damage.

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Professionals in highly exposed positions are extremely guarded within their shell of professional standards. Which they carry about on their backs like a hermit crab for immediate safe deployment. These rigid attachments can, at times, literally create cognitive dissonance when standards and common sense clash. LOL, sorry, spent too much time around them. He was like that at the start, and I was on the fence about him. Then, month after month he shed the layers, until he’d finally gained clear separation from the confines and his common-sense self emerged. I get it, a whole world discarded and at that point not much else to lose, but also everything to gain. Am giving him a lot of credit for mastering the transformation, as I do for the rest of the modest group of professionals who have done likewise.

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I could see that aswell, it's as though there was a reverse chronological 'system update' proceeding from his initial realization and eventually knocking out the foundation of his belief system.

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Or did he? I don’t think he would have taken it since he knew how deadly it was. Most of the people running the charade got saline.

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That is right. Throw the spaghetti. So you are doing what the Breggins did in this article--conflating Malone with "people running the charade". Maybe some spaghetti will stick.

I SAW the symptoms, dammit.

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Dr. Nass, you have been one of my heroes going back many years; part of the reason I "smelled a rat" early in the Covid mess was due to hearing about "Emergent Biosolutions,"playing an integral role -- and knowing that they are the despicable "Bioport," traveling under a new moniker. Your writings on the horrific anthrax vaccine were stellar and so crucial at that sad time; thank you for all you did, and for all you continue to do; you are a comforting light in very, very dark times.

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The “symptoms” could have been faked. People fake a lot of things. It takes a lot of research to figure it out. In this case there is no way of knowing if it’s fake. The person having the “symptoms” is not going to tell you if it’s fake or not. Who knows?

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Lucy in Malone’s case his symptoms were a malignant hypertensive crisis. I heard him tell us on Warroom his systolic BP was 230; that’s stroke range. It sounds like Dr. Nass might have seen him at that time. So those kind of symptoms cannot be faked.

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Potty mouth to boot.

I bet your fun to be around.



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I believe him. He has spoken about it on Steve Bannon show. I get his substack & he just mentioned it again. Ill get the link.

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Not proven, your hearsay. 🙄

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Thank you 😊

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Lucy Troll, your hallmark is to sow as much dissent in society as possible, incite division and grind down the freedom movement. Why don’t you go join your many groupies on Twitter ? And think about some of your failings?

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Stop bullying people for engaging in invited discussion. Everyone has a right to their opinion and as we’ve learned so well during this plandemic, there is no ONE narrative. Appreciate the debate.

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I engaged a berating bully in my right of opinion. Did I say there was one narrative, or did I present one ?

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I’ll keep it simple for you. You’re just a rude asshole.

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He said in several videos that he is vaxx injured.

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give me a break

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Nailed. It.

Spoiler alert, he probably didn't.

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Not once but two jabs according to his recent substack article. He also had a serious adverse rxn which was malignant htn (hypertension) a systolic of 230 I recall his mentioning. Id like to read the preprint in question.

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Both the Breggins and I provided the link to the preprint--you SHOULD read it and compare with many others that were available making similar warnings.

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Yeah I was gonna ask why he'd take such an injection too. And how come all these unknown people suddenly became talking heads everywhere? very suspicious. It was obvious to me by the over hyping of a disease that seemed to kill the same as the flu that, even before they announced what kind of technology they were using, the vaccines would be horrible and toxic. I didn't even question MMR and autism then either. But it was all so obviously faked.

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It's just not believable, knowing what Malone knew- that he took the injection- and we only have his word for it. Other key players- like Fauci and Gates claim to be jabbed- do we believe that? Of course not. Do you really believe that something that he brought into being- if you believe that- that he wouldn't have been following all the latest research into what they were doing? It's ludicrous. Meryl- you cannot equate your understanding with Malones-- I don't think that's fair. You've chosen sides- you have a right to do that- you've laid out what you think is evidence- but I think it's really important that people make their minds up for themselves.

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Not only his words, cameramen took excellent close ups of him being jabbed. :D

Why all this visual documentation? Ask Kirsch if he filmed his being injected!


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Yeah whatever. Thank God you know what other people knew. Is that a woke thing? Makes it easier to assume that holier than thou hateful attitude Beggin's cultists adhere to.

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I highly doubt Malone took the pokes. He *claims* he did but did he really? In my opinion he said he took it so he would look more believable and trusted by the people in the health freedom movement. He worked for BARDA/DARPA for decades and I trust he was privy to MANY clandestine operations during his tenure. And he still stayed. But all of a sudden he had an epiphany? Nah. He is a planted “thought leader” in my opinion.

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Ah, my favorite phenomenon, Psychological projection. The pot calling the kettle black. So you just admitted to being a thought leader. The way you trot out other folks destructive nonsense it reveals you, as a minimum, as a thought leader follower. It is abundantly clear that those who threaten the power establishment are attacked the most vociferously.

The cult attack on Bob and Desmet has inspired me to read and watch them even more. Your attacks confirm my initial joy over their writings. Double true for Doc Nass.

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And as the Breggin’s pointed out in Malone’s Lancet preprint, where he and his coauthors concluded that these gene therapies were too dangerous for humans due to ADE, why would he take it after recovering from COVID? Surely, Malone knows natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity. Then to really make things even more bizarre is that the younger Malone appears to have a “Breggin senior moment” and fail to mention his preprint which talks about ADE with Rogan’s 30 million + followers. Good questions indeed raised by the Breggin’s. 🤔

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Good question. I have heard Malone elaborate, but, from what he knew of mRNA technology and big Pharma fraud over decades, why would he? I remember Thalidomide was banned from the UK and USA for causing deformed limbs in babies, then sold under a different name to other countries until they also banned it. Buyer beware. Guardisil falsely advertised to prevent cervical cancer and genital cancer was proven ineffective and unsafe was a big scandal. I'm not a physician, but was aware of these things. When Covid broke out, my first thought was what about the ads (pre-covid) for "biologics" for everything from psoriasis to Chrones disease disclaimer not to have vax or even be around people who'd had a recent vax. Obviously their immune systems were severely compromised from the drugs. They would be susceptible to Covid. How many people died because of that? I don't buy it.

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Good point. Yeah when tired default to sarcasm. Random bot ramblings to me. Then don't ask me for a loan.

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And why did he do it with ALL the fanfare and publicity around it?

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Robert commented above. This train of insinuation is getting monotonous.

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To affirm his credibility as a pro-vaccinator? It really is a wonderful ideal, vaccines.

The real question we need answered is, who said they took it, but didn't?

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It really isn’t where I want to spend my time as our countries descend into WWIII. I want to funnel my energy towards solutions and take messages I recognize as true, regardless of the messenger, to work for peace. The attacks occur on many more fronts aside the Covid hoax. WHO IHR Amendments are signed right now, deleting inalienable human rights, national and personal sovereignty; terrorist NGOs WEF, WHO and UN sealing us into One World Government. Digital currency complete with social credit system is implemented right now, rendering us slaves to a communist regime. New pandemic hoaxes being dreamt up right now. Unchecked migration pushed in from African muslim countries to dilute patriotism is wreaking bloody havoc in many western countries; engineered food and energy shortages, children sexually maimed by psychopaths…..it’s a long list, all connected to what started with Covid. You have the time to sit and ponder if Malone had his shots?

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Just answered question. With you on all these other concerns. Listening to Ukraine update as I type. Rather walk the dogs out on our frozen river.

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He's said many times he took them because he had to travel to Europe and no one could do that without being vaccinated. He took the risk to be able to speak at conferences and meet with like minded doctors.

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There was never a requirement of vaccine to travel to Europe.

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Could not even get on a plane in Canada without it.

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There was nothing like that in the US, only those without citizenship or green card couldn’t and still can’t come here without a vax.

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What about the destination in Europe. As a US citizen I could not fly to the US. Still can't last I heard. Do believe I can drive over.

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I went to Europe last Summer and nobody even checked vax status. US citizens (and green card holders) were and still are the only one who can fly in without a vax to the US. I had no problems anywhere and i flew to Germany and from Germany that was crazy about it. Go and follow Zuby on twitter, he has been flying all over the world without a vax, you just need to play their stupid game and not take the easy way out.

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Remember at the time many people said they got the shot so they could fly. Of course lots of talk about the pilots could not pilot without and now the FAA refuses to investigate numerous incidents that are happening. Your insistence on this, without any references, reminds me of the safe and effective mantra. Just rinse and repeat, ad nauseum.

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Are you sure? That article is from 2021.

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I live in a remote Canadian community. It was very common for people to say I got the jab so I can fly. I am not sure of anything except my immediate reality. I do not rely on the NYT to do anything but lie as they are amply rewarded for doing.

As someone who worked in the maintenance of airliners I don't like to fly, so driving out is ok by me, unfortunately they closed our border to the shot wary. We were trapped here.

I love the dismissive hesitant label. Anyone coming at me with a loaded hypodermic would think of many superlatives to describe my reaction, hesitant would not be one of them.

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EXACTLY!!!! I’m on team Breggin.

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Gosh... It is not a football game!

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United we love, divided we hate. Thanks for nothing.

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Thank you, Meryl. I stand with you and the sane people. And I pray for the light to cleanse the crap out of our community, and for good intention to prevail. They will prevail!!!

If anyone wants to hear additional words from me, in addition to the excellent words of yours, here is how I feel about this in more detail.


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I have a lot of respect for you, Tessa, and for Meryl. I don't know if you saw the Pandemic Postmortum that Meryl posted. In it, Malone presents anyone who thinks there is a depopulation agenda as a crazy conspiracist who calls anyone who disagrees controlled opposition. He says that the vaccines may have been stored at the wrong temp and made more toxic, but nothing nefarious. He says that 'govvies' are underpaid and not the brightest, but good guys and Pfizer pulled the wool over their eyes. Everything you write about, I think he's undermining. But I'd love to hear your and Meryl's thoughts on my post and why I'm wrong. It's a very important issue, one that determines whether we come out of this in a new world or another spin on the merry-go-round.

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Thank you, Tereza, and I have a ton of respect for you as well, you are a deep thinker!

The way I look at it, people are allowed to have their own opinions about things, and people sometimes say things in context, and sometimes just in the moment or in reaction to being attacked, and since communication is a two-way arrangement by design and we were never wired to talk to "everybody," the interpretation can vary. :) And then add the emotional element to it, the trauma, etc. etc.

Personally, I have no problem with people having their own unique shape of a worldview, and I can pick and choose what I agree with, and what I disagree with. In the end, we should be thinking from the inside anyway.

I think the dangerous part is the expectation that everyone "in the movement" needs to march in lockstep and always agree with some kind of an implied party line. (Who defines the party line? Good question for all of us!) If the "movement" slogan says that we should be talking exclusively about depopulation and condemn anyone who sees other factors such as chaos or corruption, I am not in that movement. :) I am in the movement where people can think what they damn please, and change their mind as they walk their journey, and think from the inside, wherever it leads us. You know my stance, the most dangerous person is usually the intolerant missionary... and there is no lack of those everywhere, to my chagrin!!! :))


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much love, Tessa. I'm glad we're still on the same side--the side of everybody ;-)

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Malone said he Took the shot. He pushed it on the elderly. He ignores scholars like Pat Wood on Technocracy and Eugenics.

All anyone had to do was read a few articles on STAT - the biotech insider publication - to see the ongoing problems with CRISPR/mRNA technology BEFORE the CV injection HUMAN EXPERIMENT. Duodena herself wanted a moratorium on ALL use in humans. I can’t believe Dr Nass and Tessa don’t see the Breggins’ past v. Malone’s past as indicative of who is more trustworthy. Sue someone for 25mill?!

Did they all believe in the dancing nurses and doctors too. Smh, this is distressing

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Jim, thank you for reading this whole thread and liking my comments! I don't know whether you went here from the episode I posted last night on my conversation here with Dan Freeman: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-road-to-heaven-is-paved-with good intentions. If not, I think you'll like it.

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Thank you, I did. Please see my comment per taking a look at George Webb's Twitter account today/the last few days about Malone and the Vaccine Litigation Conference. Oh what a tangled web they weave. It's so disheartening that Dr. Nass and Tessa would be so easily misled to support a guy who is suing the Breggins (of all people!?) rather than - oh I don't know - a hundred other corporate/deep state outlets smearing him...

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agree here. More of an argument that any and all such lawsuits need to be dropped.

What most upsets here is that Malone is spending so much time attacking his attackers with ad hominems for attacking him with ad hominems. Granted, he does it so gracefully (excepting lawsuits). Just the same, he's smearing credibility of those who question his credibililty. At this point, for anyone familiar with lies and case histories on tobacco, vioxx, thalidomide, bextra, zantac,................ vaccines,............ the evidence mounts fast for genocide. Spending anytme at all dismissing that view smells of controlled opposiiton every bit as much as Alex jones smells of it.

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There is a Big Pharma trail of medical devastation - from permanent injury to mortality that is undeniable.

Pfizer and friends have paid BILLIONS in fines for good reason.

Sadly the financial booty is magnetic to most humans, perhaps even Malone, as he defends these agencies who basically play with GAIN of FUNCTIOn and create bio weapons inside of the USA and worldwide via proxy. Heck, he helped them do this at one point.

It must stop.

However…Malone has done some good, and says things that are admirable .

But I have a trust issue with him, because of his past affiliations.

I am watching him and observing without judgement but remain guarded.

If he becomes an advocate for genetic modification programs once again, I will know what my opinion of him will be. A limited hangout protege of CIA .

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Totally agreed, except for dropping the lawsuit. One curious thing the Breggins mentioned early on is that they'd never actually been served. So it may have been an act of intimidation by filing only. But as I point out in my first episode, an actual court trial would enable a tremendous amount of discovery in terms of Malone's emails, phone calls, texts and financial records to prove that what the Breggins claimed is false. I think we should welcome that.

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All good points. I wrote to him about dropping the Breggins lawfare.

It was unbecoming and destructive.

Why not speak directly to someone who doubts your integrity, and resolve it like adults.

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Compared to heartfelt Dr Sucharit Bhakdi who frequently tears up at the horror of what he sees happening to the unknowing citizens of the world, and Dr Yeadon another wonderful doctor speaking truth to power - Dr Malone does tend to talk a lot about all the people he knows and things he’s done.

Perhaps he has a bit of high functioning Asperger’s and doesn’t realize how he’s perceived…

I’m not sure if it’s actual narcissism, or just an attempt to convince his audience that he has scientific cred… Time will tell.

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What's interesting, mzliz, is that Malone uses narcissism as the parasite that's infecting his opponents. Here's a quote from him in the interview with Aubrey:

"We all have it in our souls. We all have the risk of malignant narcissism, which we’ve glorified. … There are those who assert there was no virus. There are those who assert that, from the get-go, this was a depopulation agenda … and if one does not buy into that, then you’re defined as controlled opposition for the other side. … Now enter the disrupters, the chaos agents, from one side or the other, operating as if they’re from the other side, so they are true infiltrators … who will mix truth with crazy."

As I say in one of my videos on The Propaganda Playbook, a key technique is to accuse others of exactly what you are--the best defense is a good offense. And the 'double-propaganda agent', as I term it, mixes truth with crazy. This episode was linked and summarized on the first episode I did on Malone and he's subbed and 'warned me' anonymously in his next post, so I know he read it.

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Wow, the things Malone remarked on is similar to what I just wrote a few minutes ago, prior to reading your comment above.

The CIA “counter intelligence “ method, is a very effective tool used for years against Russia , and so many tactics I saw played out on the MSM were going through the play by play intelligence and sociologist playbook in the art of manipulation.

Interesting fact - The CIA were the ones who coined the accusatory phrase “conspiracy theorist “ in 1967.

The deliberately derogatory term is used to attack the messenger and to dismiss the truth instead of addressing the facts. That’s when you know you’re over the target.

With the games they play, it does make it difficult to know truly who is friend or foe though, doesn’t it.

Only if you personally know a person really well, do I believe we truly can know for sure.

And of course if we happen find their fingerprints are on the bomb intended to be used to destroy.

Patent research might provide clues because financial gain is always irresistible to many.

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Well said.

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He way he behaves is suspect. I agree.

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Tereza, I found your sub and article on Dr Malone and you make some excellent points, eyebrowing raising issues (like new ass.with NIH) Thank you for taking the other side of the argument so seriously and deeply.

I see a risk in assigning motives such as carrying water for the top down forces, to those still steeped in the system, or who have spent their career in the system, who rely on networks and people in the system for sensemaking even as they critique it, as I believe Dr Malone does. Useful idiot? Idealist? Perhaps, but puppet? I just cant see it.

I personally know a few people who heeded his very early warnings. I can't imagine what it would be like to handle thatbl kind of discrediting campaign on the world stage, we saw him go through. Like many people on these pages I can detect propoganda a mile away. I have been attacked by sock puppets, and 'campaigns' and I realize these top down forces are not only real, but far more uniquitous than many think.

However, in Dr Malone I see a man I have followed closely for three years and I recognize what I have seen in some of my friends like him. Company men in various stages of awakening, some still holding out for a return to normal. Because that's what company men do. Whether or not they believe in those running the system, they are committed to the system, the hierarchy, the structure and the state. They are the gears that move civilization just as the critics, skeptics and creatives are the grease in the machine that get us unstuck.

Although it's obvious to me there is a depop agenda, I can't fault people for not seeing it. I know people who disagree with me who work with nearly the same set of facts. It's a tough pill to swollow.

But what breaks my heart is the infighting. I am seeing it at every level of the movement. I can see top down forces at play. And I can see bottom up human nature at play. But I believe we have to give each othee the benefit of the doubt wherever possible until the fight is over.

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Thanks for reading my articles and responding, Dan. If you've been following Malone for three years, you're more prescient than anyone. As you know from reading my last article, he first published on the bioethics in the trade journal TrialSite in May, 2021, according to what he says in the interview. Except for a few in the pharma trial trade, it was unlikely to be seen by anyone. But even that's less than two years ago, yes?

I don't fault anyone for not seeing that there's an agenda, in which I go beyond depopulation to dispossession of family and community assets and destruction of sovereignty and resources. What I fault Malone for is telling people that they need to be online warriors AGAINST those opposing him, i.e. disrupting the 'unity' of the movement, in which he's controlling the narrative. If you're going to follow his agenda in this, you shouldn't start with a defense of him that seems unlikely to be true.

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Thank you, and I will educate myself further. The reason I care so much now, is because I see this argument ripping apart the movement, not just at this high level, but down on the ground, where I roam. And like you pointed out it makes you wonder, where those forces are coming from.

I know I don't want to stick my head in the sand, and I am open to hearing all arguments, but it still breaks my heart to see people I admire as courageous and lifesaving attack each other. More than that there are downstream affects that I see dividing the mf communities. When I saw Alex Berenson (who's work I relied heavily on to update my pov) attack Dr Malone (who's outspokenness saved people I personally knew) it was crushing and demoralizing. I realize this is not a hegemonic movement, but there is clearly a common enemy and a price we pay for division.

When we are already surrounded by people who are openly attacking us, I can't bare to see fighting behind the wagons. I was a Johny come lately in my area, compared to the mostly moms who were dragged away from community organized protests at our downtown. They got zero credit and all wrath. I am not sure if I will ever forgive myself for not being there. But the point is although it was clearly my failure, my motives weren't bad. I was somewhere between despondent and apathetic and couldn't see the freedom I was looking for right under my nose. But Malone was there in his TV appearances giving these people hope and something tangible to make sense of otherwise incomprehensible medical advice. How could I take that away from him? Or take his message away from the the next people who might be just waking up (believe me, they are there, I meet them all the time)

I know that people wake up at different levels and different paces for so many different reasons, so I know in my heart that I don't feel like I can assign bad motives, nor do I feel like I have the right to. But as always I will keep educating myself and updating my POV.

The one thing that links this community is a sense for pattern recognition that puts AI to shame. It's the key that has got so many ahead of the narrative. And so some of these patterns, the dissenting voices amongst the dissenters, need a voice and deserve answers. And so I appreciate that is part of what this movement is. I would simply love to see these questions get hashed out on a panel or a forum, before we assign bad motives.

Why? Because we could do that, this is the most animated, critical and creative group of people in the country and then we might avoid the risks of crushing ourselves before we're out of the trap.

But secondly, and maybe more importantly because it takes so much courage to go up against your friends, family, boss, industry etc etc, and I have seen so many people do this with some feeling like their news would be well received because it was true, then they get crushed, that I can't bare to see anyone who has stood up to the behemoth then have to suffer the double whammy of getting hit from the inside.

So I hope and pray that we can come together to hash out the tough conversations, and hold each other to account with compassion, and in doing so get stronger as a movement.

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Beautifully written, Dan. I realized after I sent the last note that I didn't know whether Malone was publishing and making public appearance in 2020. Do you have any references you can send me? I'd be interested in looking at those and seeing how his views have changed.

When you talk about division, you're defending someone who's trying to 'deputize' online warriors to go on the attack--not against the perpetrators who, he says, we may never identify, but against other citizens who may be secret chaos agents. That seems very divisive to me.

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I will look back, I know I read his work early and well before Tucker and Darkhorse, because I was excited when he was on. I had been voraciously digging through preprints in early 2020 to learn above sars-cov-2 and went down the sars cov 1, mers literature - it might have been there. I will go back and find out if i shared it...but you're not going to believe who weighed in this thread just above. Perhaps we can ask him. I asked him about a dicussion. You never know.

I was an early subscriber to trialsite. It's not really that important except to say, I've got zero medical experience - so I think there must be many non medical people who found trial site. Meaning publishing on the places that would actually accept them, even preprint servers were meaningful and the papers made their way around the world. I can't remember how I found trial site but it could have been via malone. What i do know is that it was dr malone, dr vanderbosche and dr montagnier that gave me the language to ring the bell, whereas before I was just highly skeptical due to all the dubious claims - but couldn't make a cogent argument for immune risks.

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First, I went back and I cant find any evidence I saw his mrna paper earlier or criticisms of mrna earlier than darkhorse or trial site. I may have been reading his work on sars-cov-2 and mass cell activation. But those were all productive research endeavors that got me questioning spike.

I watched your video and read your article again, plus the one from JJ and Mathew Crawford etc. Thank you.

You are diligent in your research and your questions are not only justified by patterns, but more importantly, I think they accurately point to human nature. And so I wouldnt deny the legitimacy of your questions. I agree these conversations are vital.

With so much on the line clearly there are agents acting for political and corporate interests, agitating, derailing, redirecting efforts etc, if we accept this than asking questions, poking, prodding, critiquing and categorizing, ideas and people who have stepped into the public square, is fair game and really essential. So I am not advocating for shutting down that conversation. I think what I am saying is, in so far as this is a embetterment movement, which I believe it is, then holding the line for each other is

just as important as the overall objectives. To do this I think requires a kind of accountability that should question actions and words but avoid going to motive, especially publicly. If we go there, no matter how many correlation we can find to support an idea, then there is no end to the bad faith accusations we can level at each other. I am very worried about where this goes.

I am advocating for praising someones good actions and words and critiquing their bad action and words, without going to motive. I think this sets up a kind of self governing pathway for people in a movement. It creates accountability and maintains forward momentum without running each other off the road. It also opens up the road for more people to join without fear of being hamstrung from all sides. I think we all know it's lonely taking these positions. Leaving the comfort of the group only to risk being labelled a traitor amongst the dissidents is not an attractive proposition. Any accusations towards motive on this front should be beyond reproach in my view.

All this to say that if I were to zoom out to understand this realm of dissenting and critical thought, I believe the best frame I have is that you're playing a vital role in a distributed open source intelligence network, that is benefitting the people. Where we diverge is that from where I standing, if I applied the same metrics I see Dr Malone as making contributions I would similarly categorize.

Whether, I agree with his assessment of the source of the horror, or not, (and I would say he is partly there), or even his prescription to the problem, (which I am leaning away from on a more fundamental level,) he is making a difference at both blowing the whistle on the abject risks of the tech and the breakdown of the institutions we have relied on for 'safety' data / regulations. This has saved lives.

Early enough? Enough by other measures ? I have to ask myself, what have I done in comparison? I can see that he has done unconquestionably more than most and so I am grateful.

When we are trying to make our assessments of what's real, what's a risk vs a mirage, what's the signal in the noise I think the most helpful guide for me to lift the fog is the faith lense, I have used this idea more in the last couple of years for discernment than in my combined life up to this point. 'You will know them by their fruits'. I can apply that here asking the question: 'has the things dr malone said saved lives? Unquestionably yes. Does it steer for correcting our course?" And I think it does, even if I would consider the destination off a few degrees from my perspective.

The second faith lense that has worked well is reminding myself that we are all prone to make mistakes and fail, mostly to preserve our standing. Much of the horrors of this world can be atttibuted to this. And so I don't put my faith in man or any one man, or even myself as strange as that may sound. This idea not only helps us to avoid being led down the garden path, it helps us avoid leading ourselves down the garden path. From a political social lense, it leaves room for forgiveness and redemption. It leaves exit ramps and scaffolds for each other. From where I am standing and where I have been in my short life, this is the only way that I can see we will ever be able to get out of this, no matter who buried us or why.

And so from that perspective, even if Dr Malone made a mistake or did something that was self directed or self centred, which would make him human, that is not diametrically apposed to what he is saying daily, would we want him in the fight? I think surely we do, as he has been a force for good, regardless if he has made mistakes. Mistakes are something we are bound to do by a our nature. The question is, can we also do good?

It is critical that we get the metric for approaching each other correctly, this is especially true for approaching each others mistakes, or shortcomings or blind spots or propensity for these things. If we want change, which I do with everything I am, we must somehow find the strength to see each others failures with reservations and critical anslysis, yes, but also with compassion and understanding and even forgiveness.

The hard truth is that even if we muster the collective intelligence to identify every bad actor, which we should, we have to contend with the reality, that any one of us fighting the good fight online, can be co opted as useful idiots, or chaos agents, or even controlled opposition simply as a consequence of our message interacting with an algorythm, that might never single us out, or 'know' our name but yet can and will distort, or segment and amplify our mesage to undermine our own efforts.

These are substantial challenges. And so not only do I believe we need all hands on deck for our fight for the truth, and for survival but we need every tool at our disposal, all insight, all experience, all collective intelligence, but I believe that above all else I think we need to hold the line for each other despite our short comings, and to hold the line for the hard virtues, like giving each other the benefit of the doubt, even at the risk of being taken advantage of for taking that position, because I think at some level that's what differentiates us from them.

Thank you for your work, for your contributions to the coalition of the reasonable and for taking the time to talk to me.

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Hi, Dan. I wanted to address your thoughtful and thorough response in a future episode. I think the issue that you're raising is an important one. May I quote from this?

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He is doing damage control.

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IMO, Malone explained everything well in this interview w/Aubrey Marcus 2 weeks ago. https://youtu.be/XYaLgeEBgaU

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That's exactly the interview that I analyze (after Meryl posted it) in https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/phony-maloney-and-wikispooks and then JJ Couey, Mathew Crawford and Mark Kulacz responded to my video, which I highlighted in last night's https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/5th-gen-warfare-isnt-throwing-pixels

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Mar 9, 2023
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Sasha Latypova put it better than I could so I am copying her comment re the interview here. If you read the comments below Meryl's post of this interview you will find many excellent points and food for thought - they may help you to question your beliefs. Or not, that's fine too.

"Help me understand. At 1 hr he is discussing Ebola and zika vaccines as if these were legitimate endeavors and successful medical products? These are both scams that never worked for anything other than causing injuries and death. Remdesivir came out of the same bogus "development during a tropical outbreak". Their favorite activity is to play pandemic in some tents in African jungle that nobody can monitor or check for clinical trial compliance or ethics. These practice runs were used by the US DOD to iron out the kinks in the "outbreak playbook" before they unleashed the covid warfare on the world."

And there is another comment (well many, you should read them as they might've give you different persons).

I will paraphrase and shorten it.

Malone says that "we" don't know the enemy. Etc.. go read it.

My addition: Really? And who is he speaking for. Who is WE? Millions of us know full well who are the perpetrators and who are the minors. You only have to know history!

He is doing damage control, he's is protecting the minions and perpetrators because he's part of the circle.

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Sasha Latypova put it better than I could so I am copying her comment re the interview here. If you read the comments below Meryl's post of this interview you will find many excellent points and food for thought - they may help you to question your beliefs. Or not, that's fine too.

"Help me understand. At 1 hr he is discussing Ebola and zika vaccines as if these were legitimate endeavors and successful medical products? These are both scams that never worked for anything other than causing injuries and death. Remdesivir came out of the same bogus "development during a tropical outbreak". Their favorite activity is to play pandemic in some tents in African jungle that nobody can monitor or check for clinical trial compliance or ethics. These practice runs were used by the US DOD to iron out the kinks in the "outbreak playbook" before they unleashed the covid warfare on the world."

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Mar 9, 2023
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What's your point here? You think I am stuck on big harma did bad things?

That's a decade behind me!

Nothing new here, I am afraid. I read those linked in the article. Enjoy Sasha and Katherine Watt's work.

I am not American, English is my 5th language (how many do you speak?) and Russian is one of them. I get my info in various languages. I know well the history of Ukraine, 2014, and before (a good source in English is Max Blumenthal for example ). I am sure I know more about Putin & Russia and its history than you will ever know. I know what the USA and NATO (=USA) have done all over the world.

I also know Kissinger's (hi)story.

Do you know the full history of Nuremberg, and what happened with many of the wealthiest nazi families, where did they end up? And what are they doing NOW?

If you've paid attention you should know that the retirement funds have been stolen (a gigantic amount of it).

Anyway. It's very late here but one more thing quickly.

Do you know that the USA and all western countries are corporations, and that all jurisdictions are compromised, and not working for the people? They are administering the debt. Do you know what that means?

Do you know the role of and reason for your birth certificate?

This is the big picture, this is what we all need to discover and innerstand.

Start by reading living in the private and start your journey of re-education.

This is the peaceful way forward and where we need to focus our attention.

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Mar 8, 2023
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Thanks for responding, glissmeister. Curiously Aubrey uses the same quote about malice and stupidity in his Malone interview, adding to Malone's view that nothing nefarious is going on, just underpaid 'govvies' whose first language often isn't English, who aren't the brightest bulbs because the gov't pays 80% of market. That's why HE has always been called in to fix things and translate between what they want and what the incompetents can do.

I agree with you that "This is so much bigger than Big Pharma did a bad bad thing." Malone does not. And the coordinated psychological warfare that he talks about, he took from Mathew Crawford, who sees himself as having been sidelines by the 1000 hrs of work on the DMED project that Malone handed him and then never really used. Even psy-ops can quote psy-ops strategy for their purpose.

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Very interesting. Regarding, mass formation, I realize many have dismissed it as a red herring, perhaps, but i think it goes a long way to describe the switch that turned some neighbors and friends and even family into blind-peeking covid-case counting zombies for two years. It was this phenomena, and the ease at which so many slipped into the single issue machinery, that freaked me out, far more than outbreaks or tp shortages. I see this thing now as something like an unwieldy beast that can be deployed but not fully controlled. The thick of covid hysteria was certainly led by top down hyper focused messaging, absent of distracting clubs and churches and eventually hope, we were empty vessels, but it was definitely fueled by bottom up passions, I saw otherwise normal people hysterically clamouring for their own (and my) subjugation. In the not-mass formation sphere, how else could that be explained?

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You illustrate perfectly why Malone, if he is a covert psy-ops agent, would promote Desmet's theory. "It goes a long way to describe the switch that turned some neighbors and friends and even family into blind-peeking covid-case counting zombies for two years." Without Desmet's theory, some of us are still looking at the top-down psy-ops to explain it. You, like Malone, already have your answer. And I think hysteria is still a term as insulting as when it was coined to dismiss women as emotional and prone to exaggeration. Why weren't you subject to mass formation? Obviously, some mental or moral superiority--not the circumstances of a job, school, etc that required the vax, forcing your belief to follow behavior.

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I am not going to pretend I know the things that you or Dr malone or anyone here knows. If I am being honest, I am way out of my depth on this. So I will digress with something simpler I know. I come here to learn and help with discernment in an extremely uncertain time. I chimed in on this issue because I see it hurting and dividing. Without the knowledge, all i have to fall back on is my faith and some principles that have served me well that I feel that I can advocate for. That includes recognizing courage as a touchstone for reality. That can be the moms of which I have met many who show up at the front lines, who have put men like me to shame, the truck drivers who parked their livelyhood at the gates of parliament to be used as cannon fodder, the doctors and lawyers who have lost their licenses, the scientists who have thrown away their credentials and the authors who have dedicated their life to uncovering the truth, in order to say the things that they believe to be true. These actions may not by themselves prove truth in content but they prove truth in form. And in this jungle of fiction we are lost in, that is something I can orient towards and advocate for. It's a hallmark for reality - something which in extremely short supply in our institutions and our culture's connective tissue. But even at that, when we use courage as a compass and find ourselves at door step of reality, we still have to unpack the structures that dress up the truth. So questions are good. Dissenting and highly critical questions are necessary. I am all for that. I am simply advocating for good faith and compassion in every direction. This is not a defence of an individual as much as holding the line for the system which I want so badly to restore and which I do not want to see torn down. I do not feel superior by any means, i feel compelled to do and say the things I need to say despite my shortcomings, of which I have many. I say hysteria because i don't know how else to describe it. I was not above it. I ionized my vegetables for months. I drove 600 miles to buy a respirator. I could supply my local grocery store with rice for a week. I recognize it because I was not immune. I am trying to do my part to bring attention to those who got crushed in our hysteria and try my best to ensure we don't end up back there. I feel like every day I am grateful to be alive, to walk among people that are caring and courageous and generous with their time and knowledge and I try not to get overwhelmed by the enorminity of the challenges we face. Thank you for taking the time to respond as you have.

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We, who are trying to figure it out, have no voice among the general public anyway. We might as well talk among ourselves, losing people along the way who have one particular dogma they won't question, some questions they won't ask. I'm not concerned about presenting a united front to the 'public', whoever that is, because they have a lot of catching up to do. I am concerned about them being misled AGAIN by the psy-ops within the psy-ops presented by Malone that this is just some incompetence and not listening to him by Pelozi & Marks.

On my recent episode https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/5th-gen-warfare-isnt-throwing-pixels I quote Mark Kulacz in saying we’ve come to a choice: back Malone or stop these pandemics going forward. We can’t do both. JJ says that he can’t avoid the conclusion that Malone is the 5th Generation Warrior we need to be fighting. So that's the choice you're making.

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Mar 9, 2023Edited
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Thanks. I'll dig in.

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Malone said he Took the shot. He pushed it on the elderly. He ignores scholars like Pat Wood on Technocracy and Eugenics.

All anyone had to do was read a few articles on STAT - the biotech insider publication - to see the ongoing problems with CRISPR/mRNA technology BEFORE the CV injection HUMAN EXPERIMENT. Doudna herself wanted a moratorium on ALL use in humans. I can’t believe you all don’t see the Breggins’ past v. Malone’s past as indicative of who is more trustworthy. Sue someone for 25mill?!

Did you all believe in the dancing nurses and doctors too. Smh, this is distressing

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Love you Meryl but Malone is as deep state as you can get. Many of us have figured out his MO by now.

"Malone was 61 (about 27 years younger) when he threw his career as a vaccinologist and biotech consultant away."

Press X to doubt. He is doing exactly what is required of him. Look at his "lifestyle". Travelling to Health Freedom conventions, farming, going on "nine podcasts a day" and what, writing 4,000 word + Substacks when he's on the loo presumably?

When I lived in Dubai I did some of the above. It was unsustainable. I was working 16+ hours a day. The guy has a team behind him and I would like to know who is paying for it.

He's covering for DARPA, BARDA and the DoD. I'm sorry but this article was a confusing, incoherent mess. Malone isn't to be trusted.

Even if he is "clean" (which I don't believe), by his own testimony (which I also doubt) he was stupid enough to get the clot shots. Considering I now know of 25 people who have been maimed or killed by the poison, and I warned tens of thousands of people bare minimum online; and predicted it would happen, why should I listen to this person? He's 100% worthless as an "expert" if he took it himself. What a moron.

Why should I listen to anything else he has to say, and not other people, who aren't idiots?

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If you don't like him don't listen to a word he says. But I am not going to stop saying what I know. Everything I see here is speculation and badmouthing. People claim he said this or that. Well then, provide the link, as some have already done. Because half the time what is claimed is not true. About Malone on my substack in comments.

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"If you don't like him don't listen to a word he says"

I do listen to what he says. Because I want to know which direction he is taking the psyop. Knowing your enemy is half the battle.

"provide the link, as some have already done"

I won't give a link (you can find it on rumble) but Stew Peters (who I agree may also be a Chaos Agent) pointed out that Malone's Indian Covid vaxx, that he was consulting on, was being recommended for kids. Malone had said repeatedly that kids didn't need a vaxx since Covid was no threat to them. Peters asked, bluntly, why Malone thought HIS vaxx was suitable for kids.

Malone said: "We need to look at the data".

That's pretty unforgivable quite frankly.

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I think you are too biased against Malone.

The super rich entrepreneur who owns that company in India who wanted to develop a cheap, classical vaccine (non-mrna) for this BS covid for the many poor people in India, and the Government of India, and the evil WHO are more to blame than Malone.

If anything, I think it is easier to make the case that Malone and the Indian "philanthropist" (no such thing) were trying to spare the defenseless people from a worse product. And that case may be wrong too.

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He's a limited hangout.

With respect, you took my comment at surface value. Go deeper.

Start here:


I'm sick of talking about/thinking about this guy. But I persist because it's important.

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brilliant. more to the point as to why we all continue to look at this and him. so that we find more and better sources. Like you. Thank you. Glad to find a new subscription source.

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I'm not falling out with you btw Meryl. I love your work, it's invaluable.

We are having a difference of opinion, and that's healthy.

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I agree. Something just doesn’t seem right.

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well said

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Malone seems untrustworthy to many people. And he is suing people who disagree with him. Seems strange. I’m going to do more research.

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for one thing, in his substack he writes only about horses, funnies fridays and whatever bs politics like we dont have enough of that ... where is the beef ??? it is the SPIKE PROTEIN stupid ... dont tell me you got vaxxed because uncle jammie told you to do so ... give us a break, raise the game a little ... we are not that stupid. ..

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Please read his lawsuit. That tells the story.

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Dear Dr. Robert Malone, I urge you to drop your lawsuit against Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin

We’re seeing a budding trend. Defamation suits...

Jon Rappoport

Dec 14, 2022

This piece isn’t about who said what. I’m ignoring that. So readers can put away the popcorn.

We’re seeing a budding trend. Defamation suits. They tend to put a chill on writers, who will ask themselves, “Am I going to get sued for writing THIS?”

Here’s something to keep in mind. The reputation of the plaintiff is ultimately going to be determined by those who, OVER MANY YEARS, read what he writes and listen to what he says. Not by the outcome of his suit.

And what his readers think of him depends on what he writes and says. Every day, month after month, year after year.

If someone calls me an egregious jackass and bunch of other names, and also claims I’m trying to undermine the rule of law and climate change and Joe Biden and highway safety, and also claims I’m an agent of Putin and Satan…and I sue for defamation…

How does that really help me? What does that do for me?

Again, my reputation as a writer depends on what I write every day and what readers think of it.

Newsflash: I’m not overly concerned about my reputation.

I may decide to write something about the person who is attacking me—and he may respond—and we may go back and forth—but so what?

I think Dr. Malone should step back, take a deep breath, and drop his suit. It’s not going to do anything for him.

I understand he is asking for $25 million in damages. I don’t recommend that, either. Putting a dollar figure on what he claims is the injury he’s suffered? And now he’s spending a great deal of time with lawyers and the court justifying that claim? I don’t think so. That will be exhausting.

Suppose Malone wakes up one morning and for no particular reason feels great. He doesn’t care about Peter Breggin. It’s a beautiful day and he just wants to take a walk and look at the trees. But he’s still suing for damages, and for injury. So he has to be injured. I don’t think that’s a good situation. Just saying.

I was once in that perplexing box. I was suing Moses. He had led my (presumed) ancestors around the desert for 40 years looking for the Promised Land. I claimed that was indicative of some sort of hostile intent, because anyone should have been able to find the Promised Land in, at most, five years.

My lawyers were serving papers on Moses. And then, poof, I won a few bucks on the Jets. And a few more on the Dolphins. I took my winnings and laid them down on the Bengals. And I won again. Hot streak.

So there I was, on my back porch, smoking a cigar and sipping sherry and watching my pet alligators thrash around in my moat, and life was good.

I thought about Moses and said what the hell. I called my lawyers and dropped the suit. A week later, Moses called and told me he was probably wrong for telling people I was a traitorous Jew. And we went on with our lives.

Back to the money. My thought is this. If you’re suing someone and you’re asking for a dollar figure you know is going to bankrupt the person you’re suing if you win, you really need to be sure you’re doing the right thing. You really need to think.

For instance, I would be asking myself, “Why don’t I just sue for one dollar?” Because, after all, I just want to prove I’m right. That’s all. Or, “Why don’t I just sue for my lawyers’ fees?” Why am I going for the throat? Because I’ve really lost $25 million, somehow; or because I want revenge and I want to put my accuser out of his house and on the street? And if it’s the latter, did he really do something to me that justifies the amount of pain I’m trying to visit on him? Or am I going off the deep end here and playing with fire?

A writer can always defend himself on the page and stand on his words. And leave things there.

And move on. Because, in the long run, a writer’s work and his effects on readers amounts to much more than what he sees as someone’s attacks against him. I’m talking about the long view, the reality of a writer’s career and life.

Losing perspective isn’t healthy.

Litigiousness can be an itch that comes on suddenly, and you feel you must scratch it. If I were on the verge of suing someone for defamation, I’d think about that, too. For instance, is it possible I’m rolling up all the insults people have leveled against me over the years and I’m trying to kick all their asses at once with this one claim I’m about to file?

Not long ago, I experienced a great itch. Nobody I consulted could cure it. Then I had an idea. I called my lawyer, Gloria Torquemada, and told her to prepare papers against God.

We were going sue Him for standing by and doing nothing while untold numbers people were suffering. For thousands of years.

God’s lawyer, Marty Klein, dropped by my office and talked to me. He said, “Do you really believe winning this suit is going to change anything? Get back to your work. You’re a writer, so write. You can attack God on the page every day if you want to. Trust me, He doesn’t mind. He’s a big boy. He can handle it.”

That was another suit I dropped before it came to trial.

I’m sure there are people who believe Malone’s suit against Breggin is going to bring important issues to the surface and allow us to see them and gain vital insights. I doubt that. I strongly doubt that. I think it’s going to be a mess.

And of course, the mainstream press will delight in covering the mess. They’ll use it to defame and ridicule all sorts of people who stand against official narratives of all kinds. The press owns Popcorn Inc. They manufacture tons of the stuff and sell it to an audience who just wants entertainment. If the press didn’t own that popcorn company, THEY’D be bankrupt and out on the street without a pot to piss in.

If I were about to file a defamation claim, I’d keep that in mind, too.

Can a writer’s career be destroyed by someone’s verbal attacks against him? Hmm. I don’t think so. Sometimes those attacks actually increase the writer’s audience.

And if his audience is so fragile and deserts him because of those attacks, it wasn’t such a valuable audience to begin with. It was following him for superficial reasons.

A writer keeps writing REGARDLESS of what other people think and say, DESPITE what other people think and say. It’s one of the convictions that makes him a writer. He endures. He outlasts criticism.

CODA: I did once file a defamation claim. I went through with it. Gloria, my lawyer, and I leveled a suit against the New York Times for being the New York Times. The judge was ready to dismiss it, on the grounds that it was a nuisance and I also had no standing, but in chambers we convinced him that the depositions were going to be interesting, because we were going to force the Times to define itself.

During those depositions, which lasted some 200 hours, we wound up Times employees in an alarming series of contradictions and admissions. We turned them upside down and inside out. Finally, realizing their plight, they offered to settle.

We won the damages we sought. A nickel.

In the aftermath, I glued that nickel to my right butt cheek. It’s there, every day, as I write. It CLINKS, whenever I sit down. It’s a comfort in times of trouble.

Now that was a good defamation suit. It was righteous. It went after actual bad people.

Dear Dr. Malone, take a deep breath, step back, and relax. Lighten up a little. Think it over. Is this really the right path you’re treading?

I don’t think so. I think it’s the wrong path.

Again, a lawsuit doesn’t make your case. And by case, I mean your position on an issue which, from what I understand, Dr. Breggin criticized. It doesn’t matter what the issue is. Whatever it is, you should stand on your work and your description of that work. That’s the core. That’s you saying, “These things are true, and I’ll explain why.”

Then come hell or high water, you assert and defend your position.

And if you feel someone, anyone is attacking you unfairly, say so.

And keep standing in the stream. With your work.

That’s how it really goes.

Always has, always will.

-- Jon Rappoport

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Wow, that's too much to read in a Comment.

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It's worth it. Jon is the best!

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I have been a fan of Jon's writings since before the plandemic. He is worth listening to. (Granted, I can't stand all this "in-fighting" amongst those who are all fighting on the same side, so I think you'd be better off reading one of his older posts.)

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well worth the read

thank you

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Thank you, Jon, you bring up many good points, as usual, in both logical and fantastical ways! I will have to say I did not begin doubting Malone until reading back and forth stuff about his lawsuit against Breggin.

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That was funny and poignant. Definitely worth the read 😉

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Michael Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg were raising alarms in the Fall of 2020. They even filed a legal motion to stop authorization for use.

I certainly did not have the reputational gravity, but I suggested something very close in form to the Great Barrington Declaration in Unz Review Comments in the Summer of 2020. I was strongly influenced by listening to epidemiologist and biostatistician Knut Wittkowski, formerly of the Rockefeller University.

I also did a first, neophyte-broadcaster podcast with Joe Atwill recorded December 9, 2020 and posted December 11, 2020.


Small actors like us should not be the final word, of course. I am a physiologist and neurobiologist, not an epidemiologist, virologist, vaccinologist, immunologist or infectious disease specialist. My co-host was a software developer before retirement. It is good to see that more expert scientists and physicians quickly became involved. But there is value in a PhD biologist looking at the situation. There are things that we are possibly likely to see that up-close physicians and medical specialists might overlook, especially when pressured by the centralized, bureaucratic academies, corporations, governments and meddlesome NGOS and players like Bill Gates, the WEF and the banks.

Joe and I got many things correct in this as well as in subsequent podcasts. We were early critics of the J&J product. Joe did a particularly good job in spotting the problem with the South African study.

We need better channels of information processing so that small players, with their wide-angle lenses, and moreso experts such as Drs. Wittkowski, Yeadon, Wodarg and Bhakdi can really make an institutional, efficacious difference without the harassment by governments, the Media and compromised, arrogant academics and bureaucrats.

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When I first heard the dark horse episode , where Kirsch would not let anyone speak , I searched the podcasts for Malone. There is an earlier podcast with some lady where he dismisses the potential of ADE and does not speak about them being dangerous . He was very much in favour of the vaccines then . But that I believe was already march 2021 or between January and march . I found it interesting that he went away from that position . And in fact used it to suggest my friends listen to him because like then they initially are for the shots .

What I think was happening at the time for him , by his assertions , is he was waiting on the fda to approve studies of ivermectin and other offlAbel drugs for covid . When they kept playing games is started to switch narratives .

If I now find out he has a pre print in 2020 I would like him to respond to that . Because why then does he claim to be double vaxxed when he asserts the danger before they were available ? That is odd. There are questions . I can’t say I agree with Breggins. But Malone is tied to ministry of defense and I don’t need to support or back or believe in a person . I believe in a process and ensuring fair treatment . So if people like yourself get mistreated by power I support your right to be treated fairly . It dies not mean I support what you say or that I think it’s true .

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@Survived. I think Malone's substack doesn't allow comments from nonpaid subscribers. I tend to be suspicious of anyone who doesn't allow them to comment. I'm also suspicious of him for the reason you mention. I'm suspicious of Geert ... Bosch since he worked for Gates.

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At least geert knew that you don't take a vaccine after infection.

Somehow Malone the vaccinologist didn't know this?

I think Malone is playing us for fools

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Yes I thought Aaron Siri’s letter was quite tactful. It cut through the bullshit of vaccines are good it’s just the covid mrna blah blah blah . Cause if your going to get into scientific reasoning that it has to be across the board. I think Bret and Heather have been honest and authentic . Rose and Mathew Crawford as well . Kirsch, Malone , McCullough is a mash up of who knows . But it doesn’t mean they should be excluded or something . I don’t think anyone should . It’s just when it comes to power and influence ...sorry guys the public influencer thing is a separate matter used on those that don’t have time or the head for agency .

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What letter by Aaron Siri are you referring to? Are you talking about his article?

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If you do not think that anyone should be excluded , then you must be for drag queen story hour.

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I think this goes much deeper than just the view on mRNA. I analyzed the interview you posted with Malone and Aubrey Marcus in https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/phony-maloney-and-wikispooks. JJ Couey responded to it with Mathew Crawford and Mark Kulacz on Gigaohm Biological. I just posted a YT (not yet up on Substack) responding to them: https://youtu.be/5VaYy_wGVw8.

The important points you and Kennedy raise, Meryl, are contradicted by Malone and I'm not sure why neither of you are objecting to that.

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Please list those points and their source and I will respond.

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Thanks for your reply, Meryl. Let me state the most obvious: anti-vaxxer vs vaccinologist who says on p.6 of his book: I am in no way, shape or form an anti-vaxxer.

In one line from Malone's CV: “put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the [Merck Ebola] vaccination trials.” Malone is making introductions between the World Health Organization and the Norwegian government—the one that just colluded with Biden in blowing up the Nord Streams. And then there’s ‘philanthropic leadership’ that reeks of Margaret Anna Alice’s philanthropaths. And he’s introducing them to his buddies at the Pentagon.

Some “Examples of his … oversight experience include HIV, Influenza (seasonal and pandemic), Plague, Anthrax … Ebola, Zika … and Engineered pathogens.”

Half of Kennedy’s book is about the deadly fraud that linked HIV and AIDS to move massive funding under Fauci and kill off gay men with AZT.

Kennedy’s penultimate chapter, “Hyping Phony Epidemics: Crying Wolf” includes subsections on Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, and Dengue. It ends with a macabre doodle from Fauci’s June 2021 email dump that depicts a “March Madness” of pandemic picks. From the original 16, the championship is between Coronavirus and Ebola. It’s signed and circled “—Tony F.” and dated 3/11/2020.

The last chapter is called “Germ Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.” These are the ‘engineered pathogens’ that Malone mentions last.

How does Kennedy reconcile Malone's work on all the vaccines he's exposed?

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Meryl and Tereza,

good points. Anyone familiar with Celia Farber and Liam Scheff (as RFK2 heavily referenced in "Fauci") smells Malone coming from much farther off. He's sure to know that zika is and always was nothing. it never cause microencephalitis. poisoned drinking water near Brazilian cities did that. poor women drank water poisoned by Sumitomo using Monsanto chems when they contracted with Brazilian govt to eliminate mosquitoes with chems that attack and destroy larval neural systems. any and all vaccinologists I;ve met, read and known knew this. All biologists should know this. Otherwise, where are all the tiny headed babies from past generations of zika infected mothers in South America? And yet Malone is still selling it. Same lies throughout AIDS and Ebola.

Bottom line is Malone proves his accusers accurate by suing them for anything over a dollar.

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Yes, it's exactly this (which he himself posted in 'Just the Facts') that made me first scrutinize what Malone was claiming and realize it didn't add up. That analysis is in https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malone-really.

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@Tereza. I just read your post about Maloney. Whose side is Mathew Crawford really on, if his co-author is on the other side? What about Steve Kirsch?

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Mathew Crawford is on the side of Mathew Crawford.

Officially, he is not anti-Malone or pro-Malone.

He leans anti, it seems to me, because of his "friends": Mark Kulacz and Jonathan Couey.

Here are some links:





This video is a review/commentary of the video from Tereza Coraggio: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1754892008

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Oops, thought I was commenting on my own video. I think you're talking about his co-producer, Liam. I wouldn't say that he's on the other side but he does stay objective and sticks to facts, as behooves a Wiki editor.

On their reaction vid to mine, they talk about Kirsch and I talk about him in the YT I just posted. Here's their link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1754892008.

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Damn, this is getting messy!

A lot of "he said, she said" to sort through....

Although I do appreciate the links from you & Cosmos.

I will do my best to trudge through them... on fast playback speed!

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JJ did put my vid on 1.5X speed, so that's a good technique. But mine are also in text, except for the most recent, if that's easier for skimming ;-)

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Malone is a Chaos Agent, Tereza. I suspect Crawford hasn't labelled him "officially" as one yet because he hasn't had enough personal experience of him (although his comment I read on your recent Stack strongly suggested that has now changed).

Unfortunately this article is doing exactly what is intended. The Breggins are entitled to their opinion (and all I have seen to date is opinion). In the UK, where I am from, what the Breggins wrote is probably worthy of a libel trial (the UK is the libel centre of the world, sadly). The US isn't, and I find Malone's litigation disgusting and unworthy.

We have bigger fish to fry, do we not? Or is the idea to divide and conquer (if so, he's doing a grand job).

The WHOLE POINT of the Covid psyop/BS is that in science, we need other voices to be heard, right? We have a civilized debate and the science wins out. I appreciate that most scientists are complete bastards and their outdated beliefs die when they die, and fields then move forward, but come on. Some integrity from the so-called "thought leaders" on our side would be nice.

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I think Robert Malone is awesome and has been a true leader in the health freedom movement. I recently re-upped my subscription to his Substack. Sorry, if anyone thinks I am naïve, but his writing, public speaking and advocacy are truly topnotch. As RFK said in an interview with Malone a few months ago, if he is "controlled opposition" we could use 10 more of him.

BTW, I never was injected and was immediately suspicious of all of the claims about its safety and efficacy. However, I imagine is is much harder for someone in the medical profession who made his living for years to truly acknowledge the deep corruption of our government and major institutions.

Dr. Nass, I just subscribed to your Stack. Carry on the with great work?

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You nailed it. What I don't see in this thread is the truth about the medical industrial complex. Practitioners at every level were indoctrinated many years ago. I could write endlessly on the topic but no longer have the heart for it. The take over of hospitals started back in 2003 if not sooner. The pharma/NIH/university and research hospital 'partnership' path started their murderous destruction with the opioid scam. From there they entered into algorithm medicine which stripped seasoned practitioners of autonomy and trained new ones to be subservient and obedient. These people have been frogs in the pot for 20 years and now we all know why. It was during this same period and long before covid that iatrogenic injury became the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. They groomed a class of practitioners that would not fight for their patients or fight back. Surgeons, Critical Care docs etc....(essentially people at the top) were immune and therefore unaware of how corrupt it has been. They were kept in line with enormous salaries and feeding of their egos and later as was reported.... back room exemptions to the toxic shot. That is why Drs like Kory and Marik were so few to come forward. It wasn't just fear based....many at the 'top' truly did not know how foul the system was. Talk with the nurses or interns/residents imbedded in these shit holes for 12 hour shifts and you get a dose of reality going back 20 + years. Anyway thanks for your point bc it is spot on.

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I had initially read both sides of this debate...and I hold HUGE respect for both parties so I was deeply upset from the internal fighting. I was shocked and confused that Breggin was claiming that Malone was a late-comer to questioning the narrative. Then, Breggin blamed Malone for being one of the originators of the original mRNA concept (which he was)...but Breggin seemed to forget that Malone was also so early to the game in expressing deep, strong, and powerful critique of so many elements of this pandemic and its "treatments"?

Thank YOU so much Dr Nass for untangling this web. It hurts me so deeply that Peter Breggin would stoop so low to attack Malone and pretend that Malone was some type of double-agent.

That said, I am still trying to figure out what drove Breggin to attack one of the leading lights of the movement to question the Fauci narrative.

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Keep researching. You’ll find out the truth.

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Thank you for writing this Dr. Nass.

I have followed many doctors and scientists through out this ordeal. I find Dr.Malone to have been upfront about his background early on.

This was started as a campaign to smear him on a competing podcast, that I once watched. I think the podcaster and some of his regular guests are just trying to stay relevant. It is a shame because all involved have saved lives and awakened many.

This will only cause division which is what the deep state wants.

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I'm for us dissociating from opposition agents.

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Which podcast?

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We need Malone's voice and we need Breggin's voice. We can't afford to become a circular firing squad.

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I stand for what is true and I call out BS and this is BS. Sorry. I know who needs to make that apology.

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Of course, Meryl. You did the right thing here. All I meant to say is that we can't have Malone and Breggin throwing mud at each other.

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But why is Malone suing Breggin's?

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Read the lawsuit. There is reason for Malone to sue. Breggin is vicious. I've watched his videos; I have his and his wife's book. I can't understand Breggin's personality but there's a hell of a quirk or perhaps disorder at work that takes me aback.

I think this is a true and correct copy of Malone's opening complaint: https://audio.solari.com/breggin/Malone-Breggin-Complaint.pdf

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I'd like to hear what Breggin said in a video that was so vicious. Can someone provide a link? I still suspect that Malone is trying to keep Breggin's from outing him as controlled opposition etc.

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Watching a video Malone provided in his complaint, Dr. Breggin mentioned the following link:


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Mar 8, 2023
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Megalomania runs higher by percentage in lawyers, doctors & architects. IMO Breggins initial nastiness, the source of the defamation claim, had the "smell" of being driven by envy at Malone's fame, fame which only came about after Malone spoke publicly about his emerging realizations then suffered censure, cancelation & punishment. Breggins ignores the "cost" of the fame he resents. Breggins also lets his expectation of perfection get in the way of normal common good. He should have been appreciating Malone's awakening rather than tearing him down for not yet being quite exactly where Breggins wanted. The nastiness was was ad hominem abuse, claiming the godlike ability to define Malone's interior thoughts/feelings, motivations and intentions rather than just disagreeing on an impersonal topic. But we also know this about narcissists: they take everything personally.

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Defamation lawsuits should not exist.

They are a non-solution to a non-existent problem: I don't own the opinion that others have about me, those who damage my reputation are not damaging me.

I know we are way too far from Natural Law and this basic point is incomprehensible.

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RFK2 stated when asked about fear of Tony Fauci suing him that the absolute defense against liable is the truth. Did Breggins liable Malone? What exactly is defamation? Isn't that how royals sue Brit journalists into silence when they publish dirty truths?

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The points 12 and 17 are the most interesting, IMO.

Let's remember that lawyers often say that winning a defamation lawsuit by the Plaintiff (Malone) is very difficult. That is to say: the defense lawyer has an easier job and they can only lose by being very dumb.

In any case, with these things only lawyers win, and the entire Galaxy cringes.

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Even if the lawsuit doesn't proceed, Malone still asserted a boundary against Breggins's nastiness and that's valuable. Abusers will keep abusing as long as their target keeps taking it.

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Damage to professional reputation. Its real, and costly, and in the case of the Breggin's, malicious.

It is the necessary remedy.

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Baaah, I don't trust your judgment.

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who owns the reputation?

If A slanders B lying, but the customers/clients/patrons of B still do business with B, then A has not damaged the opinion that other agents have of B.

If A slanders B saying the truth, then A is producing a benefit to the customers of B, who may have been clueless about the misbehavior of B.

If B is a bad actor and saying the truth about them, even anonymously, harms them by having more difficulty in doing business, then it was the bad actions of B what put them in danger which now is materialized.

If B is OK, then A is the bad actor, and people should know that, or B simply needs to explain A is lying about them, and if the customers of B prefer to believe A that would be for their detriment.

There is no damage to B.

But slander is not blackmail.

Blackmailing people to not hire B is real and has nothing to do with damaging the reputation of B. In that case, both B and their clients are victims.

I'm explaining why the law that allows for defamation lawsuits is wrong. Many laws are wrong, and they are routinely exploited in lawfare.

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Many laws are wrong, and some have unanticipated effects.

However, defaming someone (wrongly in my opinion) is also wrong, and can damage a business or the ability to obtain future contracts. This can be costly. If someone knowingly damages another, civil law allows compensation and in some cases severe punitive punishment.

IMHO, correctly so.

The Breggins appear to me to be malicious jealous actors, and IMHO deserve to compensate for the damage they have caused, and should be de-incentivised from continuing this kind of behavior. My humble opinion.

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I have a better opinion of the Breggins than you, and I admit I am partial.

But it is possible that someone suffers defamation and loses a future contract, which his competition gets. Then something goes terribly wrong, and the competition gets harmed by the contract they were happy to get (for instance a plane crashes a loses its cargo.) The person who lost the contract is now better indirectly, because his competition is now suffering the loss that would have been his loss, and now he can get new contracts that his competitors cannot get.

In this scenario, the slanderer should go to the judge and ask that his victim of slander shares part of his good fortune with him. He did a job to create this fortunate situation and wants to get payed.

Obviously, the judge, if she is a judge, will laugh and dismiss the slanderer. If the judge is merely a robot who follows retarded and corrupt laws, she may end up awarding a prize to the slanderer and punishing his victim for the non-crime of having a good turn of fortune.

I think culture and society becomes worse and worse when this issue of slander goes to Court. This problems should be solved in another way, which is also the first recommendation.

Bring back tar and feathers and duels to death!

As much as I have learned from everyone in the plandemonium era, I would have rather remain ignorant and have nobody suffering the crimes. We don't owe anything to the perpetrators.

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Your the BS !

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For me the issue is Malone filing a federal lawsuit using a somewhat sleazy lawyer who specializes in working for thin-skinned people who want to use asymmetric lawfare to silence critics.

It's poor behavior on his part. Did the Breggins and Jane Ruby say things that warrant a harsh verbal response? Sure, why not, and I have no problem with your article responding to him. Even I, who thinks Peter Breggin deserves a Nobel Prize for his psychiatry work, sort of bypassed what he was saying about Covid, and I never really watched Jane Ruby after the first couple of times.

You wrote "when he [Malone] threw his career as a vaccinologist and biotech consultant away". True. Even honorable of Malone. His loss of income had nothing to do with what Jane Ruby or Peter Breggin said and that's why he's just being petty.

The Breggins and Ruby didn't cost him $25 million. He's being unreasonable and pathetic in his response.

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On target. Check out the article and interview about the refiners fire and Malone here: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/catching-up-with-malone-desmet-and/comment/11711863?r=pbkzb&utm_medium=ios

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That was a good perspective, I remember listening to that. 👍🏽

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I don't think he expects to win. I do however think it's valuable to draw a boundary. Abusers will keep abusing if their target keeps allowing it. Even a garden-variety psychiatrist knows that.

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They're attacking a fireman who rescued one child from a ground floor bedroom of a burning home for not saving ten children on the second floor.

Neither Malone nor Desmet ever blamed the public for being duped by the narrative. That's a total misreading of what mass formation is. All this in-fighting makes no sense.

Thank you, Meryl, for exposing this latest hit piece.

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Thank you, Dr. Nass. To our great misfortune, we humans are capable of great nastiness for no good reason. I have read much of what Dr. Malone has written over the past three years, and listened to some of his presentations. He appears to me to be a thoughtful and honorable scientist and human being, motivated by the same values all Americans (except politicians) share and hold dear.

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I’ve been on the fence about Malone ever since I started listening to him. He seems so reasonable and calming when you listen to him speak but then these strange things pop up about him from his own account. Why would someone write up a preprint about how dangerous they are and then take one? I heard him say in one interview that it’s because he needed to travel. Really? You would risk your life to be able to travel freely instead of just attending via teleconference until it all blew over? I’m no scientist but I knew about the failed “study” or “demonstration” before the publi Was offered them. Not only that but the people pushing the injections were the same people working overtime to suppress actual safe, inexpensive, early treatments. How could people not see the red flags of this? Why would Malone need to travel to all these symposiums if the “vaccines” were safe enough to take? That’s strange to me. Why does he think the current vaccines are not suitable but is working on his own version? (For a disease that is less dangerous than the average flu and far less dangerous for children?) Isn’t it obvious that most vaccines are fraudulent? Especially those for respiratory illnesses. And why is he suing people who are trying to warn the public?

I realize that the stakes are high and so people are going to have serious disagreements but it’s just all very strange with Malone.

At this point, I don’t know who is trustworthy or not. What I do know is that somehow, despite the obvious crimes being committed, -death, destruction, widespread damage of all kinds- society just keeps going on as if everything is normal. It’s the strangest thing I could ever have imagined. Someone or some group of people are doing a damn good job of keeping the opposition from uniting and stopping these horrific plans that are being unrolled. The Psy-Ops has been mind blowing to observe (those that I can detect anyway). Most people are in a propaganda trans. The rest who see what’s going on are suspended in a state of suspicion of people claiming to speak the truth.

Covid is clearly one of many events in a long string of money and power grabs. Is this because of long term deployment of controlled opposition? Or just a general powerlessness of the common person up against the powerful machine of the ruling class? Either way, it’s demoralizing. At least I can safely trust my general mistrust of anything the government puts out. That’s the only thing one can reliably count on.

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Thank you for your response. I have one reasonable conjecture: Malone didn’t receive the real injection, but claims that he has. It’s ludicrous for us to believe he has taken the COVID vaccine. The excuse cannot even convince 6th-graders.

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I haven’t been able to travel for years because of this apartheid and could see the jabs were toxic from the start by just following the VAERS reports and d4ce.org . A good contrast to what a scientist who was embedded with Pharma and understood the risks and lies of the “scamdemic” is unvaccinated Dr. Mike Yeadon who was recently interviewed by Dr. Nass and others:


The COVID lies by Mike Yeadon:


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I agree with you. His story just doesn’t add up. Mike Yeadon has been a warrior for truth from the beginning.

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