Africa is always the canary as the WHO, Gates Foundation, and other philanthropaths and tyrants think they can get away exploiting them without the rest of the world noticing—as has been proven out by history, unfortunately.

History is changing, however, and Africans are leading the way in defending us against the totalitarianization of the world:

• “Letter to the South African Government” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-south-african-government)

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Is there a better word of moment than “philanthropaths”?


I think not.

May God save us from “good intentions”!

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Haha, thank you, Cheeps! I must say I got quite giddy when Neil Oliver used it (twice!) in a recent monologue:


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😆I meet Neil Oliver in strictly conversational dreams. His facility with language is 😶, well... I shouldn’t say.

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🤭 Your word, his accent...

I’m green!!!

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The thing that makes Ethiopia unique is that the powers that shouldn't be were never able to colonize her. They have always understood "DO NOT COMPLY!".

That is why Ethiopia is first in line. The rest will be a piece of cake in "their" eyes.

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Italy used chemical weapons on Ethiopia in the 1930s

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The Italians did try to colonize them for awhile.

What really galls me is that these idiots are justifying the retinal scans because they claim that food is being stolen. If it is, it's not being stolen by the people who need it and I'm sure that nobody but desperate people will have to have retinal scans. Such BS.

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Food theft is the excuse. A unique identifier is the goal. Necessary for chattel, pointed out Catherine Austin Fitts.

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"And here is what he had to say about Ethiopia, where most people are “UNBANKED” and the UN food program provides many with rations."

The word unbanked is thee most important word in this entire post. It is the key to everything.

The Egyptian government offered the Berbers there hospitalization and the right to vote etc. They did like Nancy Reagan said. They just said no.

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I recently flew to the Caribbean on delta. When doing the online checkin they said they are piloting new face scanning technology, but you could opt out if you wanted. So I of course opted out, but the people that boarded before me, and probably after as well, stepped right up to look into the camera and have their face scanned. 🤦‍♀️ 🐑 🐑 🐑

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Those are the cohort that get their answers from Siri and Alexa, are fully boosted, and are on the chip wait-list.

Someone should interview Temple Grandin about that behavior. 🤔Perhaps governments already have...

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I’m really hoping someone saw me NOT get scanned and maybe think for themselves and decide to be a better sheep and follow what I did instead. But it’s impossible to know. Being on these sub stacks at least helps me realize I’m not alone in my defiance to the govt BS.

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Certainly not alone.

Rightly think of defiance as sheer survival. If nothing else, the past years have proven that!

(I now identify as a horse, and demand my placebos.)

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don't demand your placebos. demand your paste!

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My meaning, exactly.

"Of no effect" against the virus, endorsed by 10 out of 10 healthy equine respondents, none requiring boosters.

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Yes, lead by example. Make people think twice...or even once ias they probably hadn't been at all if merely following the herd. 🙄

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Good for you not getting scanned. I would have said no as well.. Maybe if we can get people to understand that we are not livestock to be chipped or a grocery item to be scanned, some would rethink what they are submitting to.

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I was flying from LAX back to Europe and KLM had facial scanners. I was speaking to an American woman in line and told her you don't have to do it, you can opt to show your ID (which I do every time I fly), and that facial scanning is used to track and trace, but she went ahead to do it, because, you know, convenience.

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And also stupidity. Ugh, these people just really do want to be led by ‘authority’. She’s probably writing on Facebook about this crazy conspiracy theorist she met in the airport that wouldn’t comply to a simple face scan 😂

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your comment made me laugh, thanks! So true!

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I worry about what life will be like when 90+% of the people have opted in, quickly, and without thinking. psychologically, I've already prepared myself for a hunger strike until death (although I may get a canister of helium to help move things along)...

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That won’t happen. I still believe there are more of us than there are of them. Especially given the masses that are seemingly dying of coincidences. https://twitter.com/davidwolfe/status/1612994071362146309?s=42&t=7pDssIb9g6C0Ow87RuCXoA

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I hope you're right, but there are already loads of stories re people at airports who don't think twice (or at all) about getting an iris scan to make flying 'more convenient.' I could see the majority lining up for digital passports and CBDCs -- 'for convenience' (and because they'll do anything an 'authority' tells them to do).

again I'll say...there's thimerosol (ethylmercury) in the flu shots, and more than 50% of the populace lines up for those every year. which means more than half the people in this country have their grey matter flooded with mercury on the regular. brain damage can make people malleable. easy to control.

I hope you're right! but fear you are dreaming...

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Bill Gates loves to use impoverished African countries to augment his bottom line.

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yup. always in Africa. do those 'clinical trials' in Africa. oh gee look how awesome he is to give those poor African the first crack at all this new tech and meds... ugh.

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Sick man and more than that!

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experiments on them called them Global Burden of Disease


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Biometric checkpoints for people to get needed food? That will work great until the riots start.

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The "riots" are WAY past due! They should have started ages ago and the tyranny should have ended permanently. Sadly, the sheeple have been asleep in the belief that this all is an Alex Jones type of "conspiracy theory." Now the entire planet is facing a dire conspiracy reality.

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🎯Evil needs pruning before it spreads.

Mass assemblies still have a voice.

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Not pruning. Uprooting.

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While I fervently agree with that sentiment, uprooting is beyond man’s scope.

I leave that to the Commander, whose promises are irreproachable, and methods—beyond escaping.

There will surely be running; there’ll be no hiding.

Malachi 4:1-3:

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.(KJV)

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An awesome passage indeed! Tell me, which of the Protestant churches teach that the breathing, wicked inhabitants of the earth, when Christ comes back to gather His saints, will ALL be destroyed by the brightness of His coming? Those unfortunates will have to endure an ADDITIONAL facing of the KING, at the second resurrection, after the 1000 years are expired, when the "books of record" are investigated in Heaven by His faithful. That's right! ONLY one denomination teaches the truth of the matter and that's the SDA Church. She's mostly asleep, and is "Lukewarm" and has been infiltrated, but her doctrines are solid and standing firm, if one only will read the "Spirit of Prophecy."

I would hope that someone would develop a Stack to expose the lies and corruption which has infiltrated and entered the churches of "Christendom." It's the MOST important thing I can imagine! Truth all that can be relied upon, and I think everyone knows where it can be found by now.

Yours most Truly,


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The powers that shouldn't be are counting on you to "leave that to the Commander".

That's what makes you and everyone like you part of the problem instead of the solution. I see so many people here leaving everything up to Him, putting their faith in the Lord and so on, and so forth. This way they can go on about their business as usual because the Lord will provide.


Did you hear the one about the guy who woke up one morning, got out of bed and stood knee deep in water?

He looked out the window and saw a boat pass by. Someone in the boat said: "Come with us! We'll take you to higher ground."

"It's ok!", he replied. "The Lord will provide." He then decided he had to go upstairs to sleep.

On the second day when he stepped out of bed he was once more knee deep in water.

He looked out the window and saw a boat pass by. Someone in the boat said: "Come with us! We'll take you to higher ground."

"It's ok!", he replied. "The Lord will provide." He then decided he had to sleep on the roof.

The third day when he woke up straddled on the roof his feet were wet.

He looked up and saw a helicopter. Someone in the helicopter yelled: "COME WITH US! WE'LL TAKE YOU TO HIGHER GROUND!"

"It's ok!", he replied. "The Lord will provide."

All of a sudden he sees someone he immediately identifies as St. Peter, who promptly asks him: "What are YOU doing here? We sent two boats and a helicopter."

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Are you a student of the Holy Bible? Or is this an extra-doctrinal, human-condition gripe? Are you even a Christian believer, or exclusively an armchair quarterback and provocateur?

One might hope after these past three years that impertinence like yours would be, in fact, informed by the PROOF of God’s provision for those who courageously trusted explicitly in HIM, rather than in livelihoods secured at syringe-point! Exactly whose conduct fit your profile of “business as usual”? CLEARLY IT WASN’T THOSE BELIEVERS WHO—OUT OF CONVICTION—WALKED AWAY FROM THE PREDICTABILITY OF THEIR ROUTINE MEANS, RESTING THEIR CONFIDENCE WHOLLY IN HIS PROMISES, “...and so on, and so forth”.

I shared sacred text responsive to your initial words, and was met with an attack suggesting mine is representative of an inactive faith(accompanied by an effort at denigrating humor). The sole amusing element of your remarks: your bombastic presumptions about absolute strangers, and “...WHY NOTHING CHANGES!”. “I see so many people here leaving everything up to Him...”. Are you intimately acquainted with God’s individual directives in the lives of all believing commenters? Because, with undue respect, you know NOTHING about me, the actions I’ve taken, the hardships attending them, nor the faith they demanded.

Do you know my name and history?

I’m guessing not.

In short, we’ve yet to meet.

It may be wiser if you withheld your character assessment until we do.

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A truly straight up response to such a one as him, sister "Cheeps," Bravo! I wish I could command verbiage as well as you. Please do not allow the "arrows" from attackers strike home. Use your "shield" and know that our Lord has suffered for our sakes to the ultimate extreme, and anything we encounter is FAR below that which He endured. What a Savior we have been blessed with!

Sorry for preaching to the choir, my Sister. 'Just wanted to commend your response.


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At this point, they are for Africans receiving food handouts.

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"World Economic Forum Openly Says Those Who Submitted To The Covid Lockdowns Will Also Accept Social Credit Scores And Carbon Calculators"

That's like saying those who "submitted" to date rape will agree to another date.

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Yes. And remember, they are saying this because they want everyone to believe that is it true and that they have the power. The actual case is that they are full of *&^%

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🎯Manure as fact.

100% sustainable, government-approved all-natural.

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They think by repeating it as fact that we will be demoralized and assume it is true and inevitable. I was telling my very blue friend about Jeff Childers' analysis of FedNow and how he thinks CBDCs will fail in the U.S. and my friend (who thinks January 6 was actually a right wing uprising and not imprisonment political theater) said the US would explode if they tried to implement CBCDs, to the point that it would "make January 6 look like a child's birthday party" However my bank, which bought up a community bank/credit union that I belonged to, tried to get me to do an Iris scan for "security" Not a chance. I'm even sorry now that I filled out the census!

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Yeah, fuck that shit.

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US Green Card residents, usually on arrival, are asked to put their fingertips on a screen (fingerprints are on file for the GC), but since 2019 are asked to look at the camera. No photo taken, presuming a retina scan is happening. Beware the "Look Into The Camera" order. Coming to an Arby's near you.

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Exactly!!! They can also frame you for a crime you did not commit if you will not comply. I am sick over this. I feel like I'm living in China or North Korea. My father, and many other brave men and women, fought in a war so their children and fellow citizens would not be owned like slaves.

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I'm sorry Patricia. Your father and many other brave men and women fought in wars that made William Gates Sr., Prescott Bush and many other autocrats rich. Not only that, they kept on complying.

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It's more likely that is facial recognition.

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Nano tattoos. I have several posts in this technology

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DHS. The technology nowadays is way past facial recognition. Retinal scans are the future.

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HOW do we end this totalitarian tyranny? This is criminal madness being implemented by the globalist masters at Bilderberg, the WEF, and the UN.

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We don't need ANY of this trash. Our "leaders" are idiots - truly - they are clueless.

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We all have something which is to us, as food is to starving Ethiopians.

Just think about it. Don't speak or write it.

Prepare yourself and your family.

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No coincidence here. And not surprising given Tedros is a CCP controlled Ethiopian terrorist. Ethiopia is also CCP controlled. It was the CCP that put Tedros in as the head of the WHO.

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All I can say, zero compliance. Buy gold and silver why you can, they we use that as currency. There's no other way around it. No one can accept digital anything.

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I've not had a lot of luck convincing others that all the 'digital' crap is really a trap. I am looked at like some kind of Luddite because I refuse to do ANYTHING involving money or data or searches on my phone. my bff of 45+ yrs would not dream of giving up her Discover card for every purchase because come tax time, they do all the work FOR her (categorizing, itemizing, etc). uh huh, remember: if its convenient or 'free', the product is YOU!

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I'm ready to find a cave, and call it a day. God help us all. Its these lunatics that's going to get everyone else killed.

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“The country cannot afford food but apparently they can afford iris scans. The UN is requiring the scans to supply the food. No wonder Ethiopia is where the globalists are piloting the program.”

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That part of Dr. Nass' report hit me very hard, too.

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"financial inclusion"

I see. 🙄

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Of course it's Ethiopia... Tedros' country.... more killing at his hands.

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The walls of the digital prison are closing in. I remember reading the following somewhere. The idea was how to corral wild cattle (or maybe wild horses). Whether or not it is a real strategy for wild herds, it escapes me. The process starts by providing food in the desired location, and have the herd used to going there and finding the food, and feeding on it; next, you put one side of the fence up, and continue the process. At first, the heard will be spooked by the new structure, but patience pays off, and putting the feed at the spot eventually keeps the herd coming. Successively, al the sides of the fence are put in, with a wide gate at one of them. At one point, when the herd is in and feeding at the far side of the corral, the gate is closed. That's how I see our precarious situation.

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