It is both unbelievable and totally believable that the WHO doesn’t give member states the ability to withdraw. Thank you and your legal consultant for looking for—and finding—loopholes!
I thought Trump actually withdrew from the WHO—or did he just stop paying the membership fee? Is that a fallback option of these routes fail? If the member states stopped paying *and* stopped paying attention to the WHO, it would be defunded while becoming obsolete by default.
There is NO such thing as joining something by force or " not being able to leave". 😂
This is ridiculous Kindergarten play "rules".
These School yard bullies, also know as tyrants are laughing their asses off at their dinner tables. They make fun of their subjects ( like the " royals" do ) but they can't let you see them doing it or their glass doors and emperor with no clothes on mythology will shatter.
Exactly Bandit. They are third world thugs. That's all.
We should give them NO reverence infact, the more respectful you are to bullies and thugs the more they get off on it and inflate their egos. Put them in their low level places and keep them there at all times. Trump did that ( sorry TDSers) and the world leaders either coward to him or fell in line for him and the USA. Case in point.
Dr. Nass, Katherine Watt and so many other warriors for freedom and justice, who are too numerous to name, will live on for eternity for their AMAZING bravery, intelligence and integrity.
I think this is a bit of typical grandstanding unless we leave the UN as well and they will just step up using NGO S like GAVI , or Eco Alliance or military operations . Gates is not giving up his agendas .
This is important, as well as, arresting Bill Gates, confiscating all his assets & properties, & jailing him for the rest of his life. That way he can’t fund the WHO. That would administer a devastating blow to this evil, corrupt organization.
We have to thank the Maine board of medicine for the gift of Dr. Nass. Without them, she would not have been thrashed into the spotlight and gone after the medical criminal syndicate. She appears to work tirelessly, exposing the throne of fraud perpetrated by the medical industrial pharma syndicate. She has inspired tens of thousands of digital warriors waiting to pounce on you know WHO. thank you
The WHO is engaged in a major assault on humanity. The governments of the West are engaged in genocide against their own populations. At the center of the assault are people like Bill Gates, Fauci, Biden, and the rest of their criminal gang. Keep up the publicity. We must resist with everything we have.
From what I have read the people you mention are likely puppets, front men. It doesn't mean that they are not doing great harm. But it does mean that those who are wielding the power behind them are not seen.
World Bank, Reserve Bank - got to look to the FUNDERS of economies…that is who truly controls the levers. The families who OWN them including the royals run the world at present.
Yes they are. ☝🏼 They work in concert with Bill Gates, another major funder for them. Take out Gates & abandoning the WHO is a lot easier. Gates must be imprisoned for life, & all his assets given back the people he’s stolen from.
I am at the point that governments are corrupted. They will sign on regardless because they have not been much help to stop it from happening. I think it is now about people power.
If they wanted us dead we’d be long buried, great Illusion almost Biblical. I can hear the guy say after being Vaccinated “ it’s gunna take more than a needle to kill me “ to his tin hat friends. They are practicing turning Humans into Transhumans or organic robots that will be totally controlled. Perfect salves.
Absolutely agree. Thank you for helping us to be aware. We all need to be contacting our legislators. I don’t have a lot of hope that it will help but we should at least try. If not, we are also being complacent. Time to go write to my legislators.
I wrote to our governor and public health officials in the beginning of the pandemic and it did not help. But perhaps more public awareness is building and we can actually have more of an impact.
Funny you should say that. Whenever I talk to my parents about some of the issues, my mom feels overwhelmed and then says, “well, there’s nothing we can do except vote”. Corporate media is definitely conditioning people to think that way.
Hope Arises! God Bless you & your efforts Dr. Nass 🙏 There is always a choice to turn from’s called Free Will. It is endowed to us from our Creator, and protected in our Constitution, choose Team Humanity!
It is a very small group at the top that is ruling the world. The Deep State is just their low-level minions at the "front line". The WHO is only one element of the control grid they have put in place.
If any nation elects leaders who value their nation above others, then the leader simply DOES NOT COMPLY with the WHO. It does not matter what the legal papers say. You declare them invalid. The main problem is the deep infiltration of all levels of our government and other governments with globalist pawns acting like they care about their home country when they don't.
The thing about these international health sic regulations and who and what it is that expects people will follow, or be forced to submit.
I doubt folks will buy it even with digital currency.
When they tried last week or so to bring masks back at the hospital most folks I saw quietly refused.
I predict there will also be a quiet riot against all the other garbage they will attempt.
Although they tried to get folks to stop talking, it has failed.
No , I didn't see anyone actually die, yet, from the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda, I have seen enough illness, and have heard enough. To know.
Maybe if they poke everyone's ears out first then use the same sharpened pencils to poke out our eyeballs, then they can keep poking our desensitized corpses with their bioweapons over our dead bodies.
Maybe even us who have been killed will find a way to resist, God help us
"it is possible to suspend or withdraw from any organization based on a customary international law principle codified by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties"
Will RFK jr promise to withdraw from the WHO and the UN and withdraw any immunity they and the BIS have under US law?
How about I declare a club X exists, I spend a lot of money convincing gullible people it exists. (Because me and my friends say so - like a Frat or Sorority )
Then I start joining you. Telling you that you are a member whether you like it or not.
Then I tell you because you are a member ( I made you one ) you must do vodka shots every Friday night.
This WHO stuff sounds familiar.
You people in this world never grew up to be adults.
It is both unbelievable and totally believable that the WHO doesn’t give member states the ability to withdraw. Thank you and your legal consultant for looking for—and finding—loopholes!
I thought Trump actually withdrew from the WHO—or did he just stop paying the membership fee? Is that a fallback option of these routes fail? If the member states stopped paying *and* stopped paying attention to the WHO, it would be defunded while becoming obsolete by default.
Trump started the process but only had 6 or 7 months left in his presidency, so before the required year passed Biden announced we were not leaving.
Of course Obiden would be in sync with U.N. WEF WHO, Gobblelist blueprint of tyranny.
There are many tentacles ALL connected to the SAME HEAD.
O’Biden is a puppet morally repugnant through his constant money grubbing and obvious pedophilia.
There is NO such thing as joining something by force or " not being able to leave". 😂
This is ridiculous Kindergarten play "rules".
These School yard bullies, also know as tyrants are laughing their asses off at their dinner tables. They make fun of their subjects ( like the " royals" do ) but they can't let you see them doing it or their glass doors and emperor with no clothes on mythology will shatter.
They don't really seem much more mature than a bunch of kindergartners. Not much brighter either.
Exactly Bandit. They are third world thugs. That's all.
We should give them NO reverence infact, the more respectful you are to bullies and thugs the more they get off on it and inflate their egos. Put them in their low level places and keep them there at all times. Trump did that ( sorry TDSers) and the world leaders either coward to him or fell in line for him and the USA. Case in point.
You are, of course, talking about William Gates III when you talk about 'third world thugs', you realise?
The who can’t force anyone to do anything. What will they do? Send in the clowns even more? The people didn’t elect them. Period.
That was so frightening and powerful!
Dr. Nass, Katherine Watt and so many other warriors for freedom and justice, who are too numerous to name, will live on for eternity for their AMAZING bravery, intelligence and integrity.
That was a good watch!
From the ground up.
I think this is a bit of typical grandstanding unless we leave the UN as well and they will just step up using NGO S like GAVI , or Eco Alliance or military operations . Gates is not giving up his agendas .
I thought so too
This is important, as well as, arresting Bill Gates, confiscating all his assets & properties, & jailing him for the rest of his life. That way he can’t fund the WHO. That would administer a devastating blow to this evil, corrupt organization.
MAA, We are on the same page. See what I just posted. Away with tyrants!
We have to thank the Maine board of medicine for the gift of Dr. Nass. Without them, she would not have been thrashed into the spotlight and gone after the medical criminal syndicate. She appears to work tirelessly, exposing the throne of fraud perpetrated by the medical industrial pharma syndicate. She has inspired tens of thousands of digital warriors waiting to pounce on you know WHO. thank you
SO TRUE, John!!! Should we send those scoundrels a thank you card?
Hehe the scoundrels have received thank-you enough from now-plaintiff Dr. Nass and her attorney :D
The WHO is engaged in a major assault on humanity. The governments of the West are engaged in genocide against their own populations. At the center of the assault are people like Bill Gates, Fauci, Biden, and the rest of their criminal gang. Keep up the publicity. We must resist with everything we have.
From what I have read the people you mention are likely puppets, front men. It doesn't mean that they are not doing great harm. But it does mean that those who are wielding the power behind them are not seen.
World Bank, Reserve Bank - got to look to the FUNDERS of economies…that is who truly controls the levers. The families who OWN them including the royals run the world at present.
Yeah there are some digging deep into this.
Yes they are. ☝🏼 They work in concert with Bill Gates, another major funder for them. Take out Gates & abandoning the WHO is a lot easier. Gates must be imprisoned for life, & all his assets given back the people he’s stolen from.
I am at the point that governments are corrupted. They will sign on regardless because they have not been much help to stop it from happening. I think it is now about people power.
You can be sure Promises have been made for goodies if they cooperate with the good ol boys club .
I am seriously worried the GREAT RESET is indeed a MASSIVE GENOCIDE to roll back population of earth.
Some of us have understood this for some time. Resistance is the name of the game for us.
If they wanted us dead we’d be long buried, great Illusion almost Biblical. I can hear the guy say after being Vaccinated “ it’s gunna take more than a needle to kill me “ to his tin hat friends. They are practicing turning Humans into Transhumans or organic robots that will be totally controlled. Perfect salves.
Only if we can truly free ourselves from the tyranny!
Seems like the biggest problem we face is that few of our elected leaders want to get out.
But when asked publicly if they want to give our sovereignty away, what can they say? This is all about shining a light on the dirty back room deals.
And do they even have the right to give away our sovereignty. Where in our national documents does it say that lawmakers have that right?
Absolutely agree. Thank you for helping us to be aware. We all need to be contacting our legislators. I don’t have a lot of hope that it will help but we should at least try. If not, we are also being complacent. Time to go write to my legislators.
I wrote to our governor and public health officials in the beginning of the pandemic and it did not help. But perhaps more public awareness is building and we can actually have more of an impact.
"It is the right, it is the duty, to throw of such government and institute New government . . ".Declaration of Independence
Elections are smoke and mirrors designed to keep us quiet and uninspired to do much at ALL.
Funny you should say that. Whenever I talk to my parents about some of the issues, my mom feels overwhelmed and then says, “well, there’s nothing we can do except vote”. Corporate media is definitely conditioning people to think that way.
Hope Arises! God Bless you & your efforts Dr. Nass 🙏 There is always a choice to turn from’s called Free Will. It is endowed to us from our Creator, and protected in our Constitution, choose Team Humanity!
Yes - I love humanity too. VIVA HUMANITY!
Not altered genetically or technologically to become like soulless machines.
Dr. Meryl Nass you are an endless source of critical news for us a veritable National Treasure.
I thank the Lord our God for all remembrance of thee! - Philippians 1:3
It's not the WHO, it's the deep state ruling the western world.
Yes, that has been explained here.
It is a very small group at the top that is ruling the world. The Deep State is just their low-level minions at the "front line". The WHO is only one element of the control grid they have put in place.
If any nation elects leaders who value their nation above others, then the leader simply DOES NOT COMPLY with the WHO. It does not matter what the legal papers say. You declare them invalid. The main problem is the deep infiltration of all levels of our government and other governments with globalist pawns acting like they care about their home country when they don't.
My family and I have resigned from the WHO. The WHO no longer exists in our world. The corrupted WHO is now obsolete and irrelevant!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
The thing about these international health sic regulations and who and what it is that expects people will follow, or be forced to submit.
I doubt folks will buy it even with digital currency.
When they tried last week or so to bring masks back at the hospital most folks I saw quietly refused.
I predict there will also be a quiet riot against all the other garbage they will attempt.
Although they tried to get folks to stop talking, it has failed.
No , I didn't see anyone actually die, yet, from the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda, I have seen enough illness, and have heard enough. To know.
Maybe if they poke everyone's ears out first then use the same sharpened pencils to poke out our eyeballs, then they can keep poking our desensitized corpses with their bioweapons over our dead bodies.
Maybe even us who have been killed will find a way to resist, God help us
And see Trust & Freedom finally registered: European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) against the WHO treaty
I love that strong woman > Christine Anderson!
She says it like it is.
Now that is Courage on display!
At some point, just get the hell out, quit, leave, refuse to play, take your marbles and go home, consequences be damned. We’re at that point now.
Amen Carmen! It is time to leave!
Best of luck. ~~ j ~~
"it is possible to suspend or withdraw from any organization based on a customary international law principle codified by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties"
Will RFK jr promise to withdraw from the WHO and the UN and withdraw any immunity they and the BIS have under US law?
How about I declare a club X exists, I spend a lot of money convincing gullible people it exists. (Because me and my friends say so - like a Frat or Sorority )
Then I start joining you. Telling you that you are a member whether you like it or not.
Then I tell you because you are a member ( I made you one ) you must do vodka shots every Friday night.
This WHO stuff sounds familiar.
You people in this world never grew up to be adults.
What enforcement powers do they have?
See a previous post on this