The operatives are sometimes very easy to spot but always difficult if not impossible to stop. The following may provide a better sense of why our fight is so difficult. I spotted Michael Osterholm as one when he appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast March 10, 2020 assuring us that the virus had evolved naturally. I in vain warned both Paul Craig Roberts and The Saker that a large PSY-OP was afoot. Roberts came back to reality after 2-3 years but the Saker never understood the issues, though he remains an invaluable source on all matters Russian. Readers may recall Katherine Austin Fitts’ comment quoted by Meryl that she found reading Mattias Desmet “painful.” She may have been too polite to say why, but one reason is the complete absence of any architecture that generates, supports and maintains a global PSY-OP like COVID and its up-and-coming successors, and the effective denial that there is such despite fleeting reference to such actors as the Rockefeller Foundation, Event 201, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Klaus Schwab (Psychology of Totalitarianism pp.132-133) by means of inverted apophasis. Desmet mentions these to show that crazy conspiracy theorists mistake their productive planning for a possible emergency as evidence of their involvement in the production or maintenance of such. I must say, given what Robert Malone has said and written to expose such conspiracies, that it is a great surprise to find him so very close to Desmet, whom he ought to avoid like the plague. Perhaps Malone does not have time to read him. Meryl’s critique of him could have been sharper had she done so—and this is not meant as criticism when she is doing everything possible to hold the world together. Below find an excerpt about Osterholm written to someone actively opposing the COVID lies.
Background: When Vince Salandria & I were the closest of friends he used to scoff at Fletcher Prouty’s The Secret Team and the idea that covert ops were carried out by such a device—“It’s the CIA!” he'd say. But he never read Prouty, and if one does, one learns that the secret team is the CIA’s network of operatives embedded in the nexus of power at critical loci or nodules so they can be activated in time of need to perform duties essential to major operations. Most co-workers never knew they were Agency and many who once knew found that fact slipping into irrelevance as time progressed and their relationships appeared to mature, and often did mature, along perfectly ordinary lines of development.
RE: Michael Osterholm
“Upon its original release [of Contagion], this research and collaboration garnered much praise for the film, and not just from critics, but from prominent scientists and policymakers, including names that have only become more familiar in the context of COVID-19. Anthony Fauci—then and now Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who of course in 2020 became the most visible voice of the Trump administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force—attended an advance screening of the film (Harmon 2011), remarking, “It’s one of the most accurate movies I have seen on infectious disease outbreaks of any type” (Roos 2011). So impressed was Fauci, in 2011,that even the aspect of the film that might strike virologists and epidemiologists as the most far-fetched, the exceptionally short 144-day timeline to develop and confirm an accurate vaccine, was, for him, “slightly unrealistic but not egregiously so” (Roos 2011). The same account recording Fauci’s remarks on the film also cites Michael Osterholm, another prominent voice in the context of COVID-19 policy. Osterholm, who directs the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRP) at the University of Minnesota, called Contagion a worst-case scenario, yet insisted, “I’d say the potential for such an outbreak to actually occur is real...There was nothing hyped about the potential for an agent like this to actually develop” (Roos 2011). Kevin Moore “Readapting Pandemic Premediation and Propaganda.” Attached.”
Nov 14, 2020: I retired in 2006 and spent my last 20 working years as a forensic psychologist interviewing people and sorting lies from truths, liars from truth tellers. I’ve gone through the details of enough covert ops to have become a qualified sibyl, a defeasible seer. As you know, I do hard evidence but I don’t need it—I can read goat entrails. Early on I tried in vain to alert both Saker and PCR to what was happening and was dismissed—both were in profound denial for different reasons. The Saker was adamant about the earth-shaking deadly virulence of the virus and that it emerged from nature. One piece of evidence he offered on the latter topic was expert opinion in a 6-minute clip from Joe Rogan of one Michael Osterholm Dr. Michael Osterholm, Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota who explained that SC-2 was a naturally occurring virus and nothing but. So I listened and said, “this fucker’s lying” because it had all the offhand regular-guy straight CIA ipse dixit, then looked him up and discovered he was a CFR member, and later learned he just happens to have a guiding hand in UM research where placebo double-blind “gold standard” studies found HCQ to be useless by Gerry-rigging research on under-powered (i.e. too small sample size) studies of healthy healthcare professional not subject to COVID-mortality b/c of their youth and good health and discovering, horribile dictu! that HCQ did nothing to reduce mortality and was therefore proven once again to be useless even when not actively harmful. And what’s he now? Oh, President–elect Biden’s COVID advisor.
As I mentioned in a prior post to Meryl’s Substack, the WEF is the international version of the CIA’s Secret Team. Please recall the Klaus Schwab boast to David Gergen at the Kennedy School of Government of infiltrating world governments and the Johnny Vedmore WEF origin essay and discussion of such on Clayton Morris’ Redacted ( mentioned in a prior comment).
So, Maria van Kerkhove “Only 3 plus years too late, she represents the WHO in calling for more data to be released on COVID origins. Immediately!” To be fair this poor creature fails to comprehend that “immediately” implies a rationale for expedience, not anytime within a matter of years well past necessity.
I have a new declaration: Prove you have no ties that would indicate conflict of interest than we can talk. Thank goodness that was one of your earliest comment Meryl in this whole reveal. It is the biggest problem and people need to say NO until they prove they aren't bought.
Remember when the WHO Chief Scientist at the time, Soumya Swaminathan, made a public announcement about the safety of vaccines, and then five days later, during a WHO vaccine conference, questioned the safety protocols and deaths due to vaccines: ? Later she was charged with crimes against humanity by the Indian Bar Association.
There are also the medics on a retainer who do the fact-choking, like the abominable David Gorski. That man is downright evil and he comes up to the top of internet searches on specific vaxx-harm topics.
I used to like ZDoggMD before Covid - now he's one of them too.
This is a good strategy, I have been thinking about developing a map like they do when trying to solve other crime in organized crime. This may tells us which families, companies and organizations are responsible.
Nice work!
small group indeed
Hang 'em!
The operatives are sometimes very easy to spot but always difficult if not impossible to stop. The following may provide a better sense of why our fight is so difficult. I spotted Michael Osterholm as one when he appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast March 10, 2020 assuring us that the virus had evolved naturally. I in vain warned both Paul Craig Roberts and The Saker that a large PSY-OP was afoot. Roberts came back to reality after 2-3 years but the Saker never understood the issues, though he remains an invaluable source on all matters Russian. Readers may recall Katherine Austin Fitts’ comment quoted by Meryl that she found reading Mattias Desmet “painful.” She may have been too polite to say why, but one reason is the complete absence of any architecture that generates, supports and maintains a global PSY-OP like COVID and its up-and-coming successors, and the effective denial that there is such despite fleeting reference to such actors as the Rockefeller Foundation, Event 201, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Klaus Schwab (Psychology of Totalitarianism pp.132-133) by means of inverted apophasis. Desmet mentions these to show that crazy conspiracy theorists mistake their productive planning for a possible emergency as evidence of their involvement in the production or maintenance of such. I must say, given what Robert Malone has said and written to expose such conspiracies, that it is a great surprise to find him so very close to Desmet, whom he ought to avoid like the plague. Perhaps Malone does not have time to read him. Meryl’s critique of him could have been sharper had she done so—and this is not meant as criticism when she is doing everything possible to hold the world together. Below find an excerpt about Osterholm written to someone actively opposing the COVID lies.
Background: When Vince Salandria & I were the closest of friends he used to scoff at Fletcher Prouty’s The Secret Team and the idea that covert ops were carried out by such a device—“It’s the CIA!” he'd say. But he never read Prouty, and if one does, one learns that the secret team is the CIA’s network of operatives embedded in the nexus of power at critical loci or nodules so they can be activated in time of need to perform duties essential to major operations. Most co-workers never knew they were Agency and many who once knew found that fact slipping into irrelevance as time progressed and their relationships appeared to mature, and often did mature, along perfectly ordinary lines of development.
RE: Michael Osterholm
“Upon its original release [of Contagion], this research and collaboration garnered much praise for the film, and not just from critics, but from prominent scientists and policymakers, including names that have only become more familiar in the context of COVID-19. Anthony Fauci—then and now Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who of course in 2020 became the most visible voice of the Trump administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force—attended an advance screening of the film (Harmon 2011), remarking, “It’s one of the most accurate movies I have seen on infectious disease outbreaks of any type” (Roos 2011). So impressed was Fauci, in 2011,that even the aspect of the film that might strike virologists and epidemiologists as the most far-fetched, the exceptionally short 144-day timeline to develop and confirm an accurate vaccine, was, for him, “slightly unrealistic but not egregiously so” (Roos 2011). The same account recording Fauci’s remarks on the film also cites Michael Osterholm, another prominent voice in the context of COVID-19 policy. Osterholm, who directs the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRP) at the University of Minnesota, called Contagion a worst-case scenario, yet insisted, “I’d say the potential for such an outbreak to actually occur is real...There was nothing hyped about the potential for an agent like this to actually develop” (Roos 2011). Kevin Moore “Readapting Pandemic Premediation and Propaganda.” Attached.”
Nov 14, 2020: I retired in 2006 and spent my last 20 working years as a forensic psychologist interviewing people and sorting lies from truths, liars from truth tellers. I’ve gone through the details of enough covert ops to have become a qualified sibyl, a defeasible seer. As you know, I do hard evidence but I don’t need it—I can read goat entrails. Early on I tried in vain to alert both Saker and PCR to what was happening and was dismissed—both were in profound denial for different reasons. The Saker was adamant about the earth-shaking deadly virulence of the virus and that it emerged from nature. One piece of evidence he offered on the latter topic was expert opinion in a 6-minute clip from Joe Rogan of one Michael Osterholm Dr. Michael Osterholm, Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota who explained that SC-2 was a naturally occurring virus and nothing but. So I listened and said, “this fucker’s lying” because it had all the offhand regular-guy straight CIA ipse dixit, then looked him up and discovered he was a CFR member, and later learned he just happens to have a guiding hand in UM research where placebo double-blind “gold standard” studies found HCQ to be useless by Gerry-rigging research on under-powered (i.e. too small sample size) studies of healthy healthcare professional not subject to COVID-mortality b/c of their youth and good health and discovering, horribile dictu! that HCQ did nothing to reduce mortality and was therefore proven once again to be useless even when not actively harmful. And what’s he now? Oh, President–elect Biden’s COVID advisor.
As I mentioned in a prior post to Meryl’s Substack, the WEF is the international version of the CIA’s Secret Team. Please recall the Klaus Schwab boast to David Gergen at the Kennedy School of Government of infiltrating world governments and the Johnny Vedmore WEF origin essay and discussion of such on Clayton Morris’ Redacted ( mentioned in a prior comment).
Most people realize that WHO has nothing to do with health, only what "they", the health crushers want it to be.
There is one kind of truth that will stop the plandemic mass murder, and no one is telling it.
Happy Easter everyone.
So, Maria van Kerkhove “Only 3 plus years too late, she represents the WHO in calling for more data to be released on COVID origins. Immediately!” To be fair this poor creature fails to comprehend that “immediately” implies a rationale for expedience, not anytime within a matter of years well past necessity.
I have a new declaration: Prove you have no ties that would indicate conflict of interest than we can talk. Thank goodness that was one of your earliest comment Meryl in this whole reveal. It is the biggest problem and people need to say NO until they prove they aren't bought.
She and the likes of Kathy Hochul are breaking the glass ceiling for gangsters. Send them to Sing Sing.
Nope. Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib works better for these kinds of "high class" shilling criminals.
With a few long water “drinking” sessions scheduled per day.
Remember when the WHO Chief Scientist at the time, Soumya Swaminathan, made a public announcement about the safety of vaccines, and then five days later, during a WHO vaccine conference, questioned the safety protocols and deaths due to vaccines: ? Later she was charged with crimes against humanity by the Indian Bar Association.
great barrington brain trust are CO. as is vanden bossche with all his doom porn.
anyone who still uses the word "pandemic" is suspect
There are also the medics on a retainer who do the fact-choking, like the abominable David Gorski. That man is downright evil and he comes up to the top of internet searches on specific vaxx-harm topics.
I used to like ZDoggMD before Covid - now he's one of them too.
Ya gotta wonder how much Pfizer's payin' 'em..
More faces for the painted cards in the deck of scoundrels...thanks.
Good move
Good work Meryl.Name them.
Keep turning over the rocks and exposing the vermin beneath, Doc.
This is a good strategy, I have been thinking about developing a map like they do when trying to solve other crime in organized crime. This may tells us which families, companies and organizations are responsible.