Bottom line what the WHO/UN/WEF is about and always has been about is total control of ALL human activity from life to death. The WHO is just a pawn in the many, many decades long quest of the UN to destroy property rights, destroy the middle class, depopulation and global communism (and the US is and always has been the main target). They use fear to drive compliance by the unsuspecting people of the world. Just read The First Global Revolution report by the Club of Rome 1991 and you will see who the self avowed elites truly feel is the enemy of their goals. Read the 1974 Kissinger Report on population reduction. There are so many books out there that spell out the real agenda. The issue is never the issue.

The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Other important projects are the foundation of what we are experiencing and is found in UN Agenda 21/The Global Biodiversity Assessment/The Wildlands Project. From these documents has stemmed the agenda we see today. They had to create a global boogie man. Something that is global....climate......to hide their real agenda. But to say what the WHO is doing is all about trade is naive. Just like thinking this can be fixed at the global level. The answer is at the state level, the people, the cities and the counties. Time to grow a spine folks and stand up and fight back and stop thinking the answer will come at the federal level or the next President.

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no global communism, you are wrong.

behind the great reset from below of the October revolution of '17, there were the soviets, the assemblies of workers, peasants and soldiers, who decided together and were on the front line. at the basis of the current great reset are the whores of the financial aristocracy and their lackeys, who decide at the expense of the people, as if in France, in 1789, the aristocrats and the monarchy had made a counter-revolution to prevent the people from rebelling and made them fall from their thrones, expropriating them of their privileges.

The "soviets" in the historical-political sense are originally the "councils of workers' delegates" (sovety rabocich deputyov), then the "workers' councils", the peasants' and soldiers' delegates" (sovety rabocich, krest'jankich i soldatskich MP), and finally the "workers' councils" (sovety MP trudjašcichsja). Nothing to do with the group of big capitalists behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

They, the richest, have acted patiently in a strategic manner, stalled, lied, and conspired, as the revolutionary conspirators once did, moreover they have financed proxy wars, destroyed and robbed entire countries, promoted and financed coups d'état that they brought the affected countries back to the Middle Ages..., and now they are winning, they managed to pass through the eye of the needle. and they have arrived in Paradise, their Paradise.... They are the 0.0004% and they are accumulating in their hands all the resources and goods of the earth... They are those who gather in Davos, Switzerland, once a year, authors and directors of the pandemic plan and the great environmental scam. The rulers of the world, finance capital and their government representatives, and are winning the class war.

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Call it what you want but what we are looking at is the quest for global communism/fascism/marxism/socialism..........pick any ism that meets your fancy. They all end up placing people into slavery

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no, it matters what you call them,

the Second World War was won by the Soviet communists, and almost 20 million Russians perished in the war against Nazi-fascism. Don't forget, because the dead must be honored. Only if the people of the earth understand who are the ones who are enslaving and destroying them, that if the law of the strongest prevails, we will be destined to become subhumans, (the Nazis called the Russians Untermenschen and invaded Russia to plunder its resources and enslave its population, what the American and European elites want to do even now....) Only if we go back to organizing ourselves and fighting from below, do we have any chance of returning to free human beings. It's called class struggle, and it's the only salvation we have.

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It was obvious right from the start calling the leader secretary general and working with five year plans that's straight out of the communist playbook

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you will see what communism there will be in the socio-economic sphere! not even a gram of communism, these are oligarchs, they practice systematic dispossession from above of communities, workers and the middle and lower classes. I am Italian, our constitution had communist elements, in the sense that it was also written by communists, after the Second World War, and had common goods at its center. They swept it away, crumbled it, these elites who took power in the West. The thing that terrifies them most is communism. Don't let the fine words fool you, do you think that Gates, Larry Fink, and von der Leyen, whose ancestors got rich from the exploitation of slave labor in South Carolina, are communists?

No, they are not, you can be sure of that, find another name, call it slavery, or Feudalism. This is class struggle from above, the triumph of the richest 0.0004% of humanity, at the expense of the people of the earth, who are robbing resources, work, territory and even the ownership of their own bodies, reduced to slaves, Untermenschen.

communism, the real one, is exactly the opposite.

Let's not fool ourselves, the left, the real one, is now out of the game like the Cathars and the Albigensians in the Middle Ages. In Latin America the socialists and communists are attacked and conquered by armies, like the "Perfects" in Carcassonne. So in Africa and in every place where the class struggle is the only hope of redemption of what is destined to be a subhuman, an object for the use and consumption of white people. Which is what we too are destined to become, in their plans, then perhaps we will understand that it wasn't communism they were talking about...

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Well in my puny mind slavery and communism are the same thing.......the same result for WE THE PEOPLE. I don't care about the affect on the leaders behind whatever it is you call it but for the people we will be slaves and communism creates slaves out of people just like the other "isms"

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Having been born in Europe too, history class dedicated much to the common past of feudalism. The difference with communism, in feudalism a citizen has no rights, only an owner. This owner could do anything to the properties, including rape and murder of every owned human. The "progress" of (unless stopped) mainly US neo-feudalists and their increasingly parasitic organizations reminded of the issue over 20 years ago, when politicians started making "decisions" strongly opposed by their increasingly impotent voters.

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These Davosians belong to the richest elite on earth, and they talk about expropriating the people because they want to bring them back to the condition of the proletariat of the 19th century, before the class struggle and socialism. We know that the proletariat was called that because the only good they possessed were their children, no house, no property, nothing at all. Just like old Schwab wants. Well, that's feudalism, not communism.

And also think about the concept of non-alienated labor. Marx says that humanity changes the world and knows itself through unalienated labor.

And work is also studying, teaching, discussing, exchanging ideas. After the revolution, men will teach or learn in the morning, in the afternoon they will build their own objects, cultivate the land or go fishing.

But look at what the WEF publishes on its page: “When artificial intelligence and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people etc. '' then adds: ''“Everything you considered a product has now become a service. [. . .] From time to time it bothers me that I don't have real privacy. I can't go anywhere and not be recorded. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream is recorded. I just hope no one uses it against me. [. . .] (translated from the WEF website)

It is the height of alienation, we will be monitored 24/7, fetishism at its peak.

The Marxian concept of commodity fetishism always comes to mind. “Fetishism means that things govern society instead of human beings, since they (things) contain their (human beings) social relations. Fetishism is introjected into us, it is difficult to disidentify with this. Fetishism represents the heart of the Marxian conception of capitalism not only as an unjust society, but also, in its fundamental categories, destructive and self-destructive. Now we can no longer even understand the concept of alienation, of commodity fetishism, but it is from there that we arrive at the current absurdity, in which a group of oligarchs, from above, claims the right to control bodies and minds as commodities. But it's a long story, this is the history of capitalism, nothing has changed, it's the new metamorphosis of capitalism.

I often read on social media: oh my God the oligarchs of Davos want to take away private property and establish communism... Which is not true, they want to expand their property, taking it away from us proles, what the proles have always done capitalists since the days of the 'Enclosures'. This is what the IMF will do all over the world, like one of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse... It would be fantastic if nature, the environment, water, land were declared a COMMON GOOD! But that's exactly what they don't want to do, they want to privatize everything that is alive in their favor. They are not Bolsheviks, they are capitalists.

And it will be the final accumulation.

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The neo-feudal takeover by the gang of Sabbatean Frankists is being forced with increased speed. Test ground is the Ukraine, with digital ID coupled to "everything", which there implies serving as cannon fodder in the "all or nothing" war against the world's last truly Christian nation with religious freedom.


From that perspective the supported importation of illegal aliens (EU, US) makes sense: after digital ID (and CBDC plus handout by regime) they will have no choice but to serve as cannon fodder as well. What the late George Carlin called "your owners", that's the Sabbatean Frankist cabal, subverting moral, ethics wherever.

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Do you think politicians are elected or bought, or one and the same? Lobbyists have known buying powers. Biden is a prime example of a clear shadow government different than a deep state. Rumble Kevin Shipley ex CIA. Teach the children what to think instead of how to think and control will be accomplished.

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It's worse than that: the rule is to compromise Western politicians and comparable people of power, think Epstein orgy island videos that will be used against anyone following his/her conscience and skills. As many chose a job for $ and fame, they will follow orders from what also has been called "the satanic sect". However those with conscience and a love for excelling at their job can't be compromised nor bought with this scheme so when becoming "too dangerous" are "accidented", "suicided" and when that's impossible, killed in plain daylight. JFK was such a sad case and the death of Western democracies, as it was meant as an example.

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Come into my web said the spider (WHO)

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The WHO will kill as many people as necessary to ensure our safety. Be it withholding medications for infections and taking as back to the pre-antibiotic era or maybe designing new protocols so that if we have an infection we will struggle to survive, we all know how the health professions love their protocols. Health surveillance will take on a new vigorous lease of life where we will have to prove to the authorities that we are free from disease, vaccinated to the hilt and pose no threat to our fellow humans, if you cannot prove this you will be going nowhere.

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Correct, but you'll be going somewhere. You will only have a number.

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Again, even if a pandemic hits, why would any American listen to what the WHO has to say? I don't even listen to my own government so listening to a foreigner is not on my list of who to listen to.

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"even if a pandemic hits" - a minor adjustment, a pandemic, with all related BS, is thrown at us.

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Thank you for your dedication to inform us.

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Excellent article Meryl.

Also, check out this great background information from Dr Jacob Nordangard (start watching at 14:17 until 57:00 - 43 minutes total)


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Ground troops: One Health and climate change is ensconced in our public health media CdC, public health associations, veterinary medicine What is a One Health Practitioner ?https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352771419300485


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This is Global Governance by way of fake public health rules and regulations. Do not comply, if we all stood up and peacefully resisted their Covid nonsense, they would have backed off long ago. Too many fearfully complied, thinking they were going to comply their way out of tyranny. It has never worked for anyone in history. We can no longer allow fools to drag us into the abyss. Our lives depend on it.

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I'm including this in the post I am putting together today.

Thank You again, Warrior Sister.

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The just completed latest WEF meeting was tasked to win back trust. What they had before was blind faith.

You don't win that back when all ya got is one long losing streak. Killing innocent people repeatedly is not a win for us. In their enthusiasm for genocide they seemed to have missed that memo.

We need to rebuild our faith in God and stop with obeying evil, greedy, creeps just cuz they keep inheriting vast sums of money and hiring fantastic public relations teams that make them look like they are here to save us, when it could not be clearer, they despise us.

They seemed to revel in rubbing their obvious conflicts of interest in our faces. How do they intend to win back our slavish obedience? Same old, propaganda and censorship. You expected something different from the double downers?

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thank you for your efforts during these turbulent times

an issue dear to many,

has us dismayed

we're still being denied access to doctors

who refused to adhere to the allopathic school of medicine

divide health practitioners into two groups

allopathic or non-allopathic

after the last four years it's shocking, so many people

continue to trust our duped pharma grads

we used to call them doctors, now we don't call them at all

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Their syndicate ends very badly.

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WHO has been around for over 70 years and has yet to make a dent in the improved health of the world. It has been hijacked as the "new father of tyranny", headed by teddy the skunk. This is another of the myriad of agencies that are not needed for anything. Destroy it and live well.

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The WHO is a tantrum throwing baby.

And because we take it this behaviour has become abusive and very dangerous.

We are dealing with very harmed children!

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Meryl, you are trapped in a paradigm. Noone needs drugs. Pre Rockefeller hijack of medicine, nature provided all we need. "Equity" is BS

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