They are all in a panic over 2 measles deaths but could give a rat's butt about the millions that have died from the COVID shot and disabled. Or the millions of children that have autism and a myriad of other diseases because of vaccines.

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The big distraction, the big cover-up. These people think they are God and everyone should see what they tell you to see.

Plus, if they promote Vitamin A, they promote RFK Jr. and the Vitamin industry--a dangerous approval which if it became the norm, would greatly compete with their big pharma backers.

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Maybe RFK,Jr. could tell people that measles is still a problem in third world countries & it is not because there is a shortage of measles vaccines. It is because many people in these countries are severely lacking in Vitamin A.

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What became high-vitamin A (carotene precursor) "golden rice"?

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Most people in Asia wash their rice 3 times before cooking; any vitamin enhanced coating will wash away.

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Grown into the rice. Probably GMO, however.

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It is GMO; I'd avoid it like the plague.

Personally, I take cod liver oil daily.

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You are correct- there is no actual Vit A in plants, only precursors. It requires a good bit of energy for the body to take carotenoids through the several steps it takes to turn it into retinol - actual Vit A - which the body may not do effectively when it is battling an illness.

Vit A is a fat soluble vitamin found naturally in animal fats- egg yolks, marbled meats, butter and other full-fat products from the dairy, wild caught fatty fish. Levels are particularly high in foods from animals raised naturally on pasture, aka 'grassfed'.

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Right. So carotenes may not work as a rescue dose if already deficient. Use actual vitamin A for that.

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Plus all of the babies that die soon after their "Wellness Visits", where they received a battery of vaccines.

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which may not have been measles deaths. The 2015 case was an adult who was on immunosuppressive drugs, she died of pneumonia, but "tested positive" for measles, so they recorded it as a measles death. They were lying then and they are lying now!

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With all these bio labs and patented products they certainly could have a way of starting any kind of outbreak any time and place they want. Ideally they also have the antidote, god feels so outrageous to actually write that all out.

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Have you noticed that the numbers of deaths from any given contagious disease have dropped when they’re trying to panic the population? During Ebola, on another continent yet, it took several hundred people to die that panicked America (headlines; we’re all gonna die”!) and now we’re down to kicking off a panic with only one or two deaths.

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Or seizing upon reddened eyelids/pink-eye/or any red blemish of or around the eye being labelled as the 'bird flu' they've been pushing for years, in the attempt at panicking people and as an excuse to kill off livestock or pets, when using a replicating machine or other high--false-positive test to 'justify' this... vicious insanity...

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How about the food contamination in this country? Many more children die of diabetes, cancers due to toxic food in this country and yet they are not showing that on MSM . Because they are pharma whores who must continue the fear porn to keep everyone running to get more vaxes. Just walk into CVS these days and you are inundated with overhead ads to get vaxed over and over again. Visit your dr - same thing with signs everywhere. Login into your health portal , same thing. It’s beyond perverse.

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I too had measles as a child. Came down with it on a family trip to Death Valley, LoL! I developed a high fever & kept calling for water. The older kids thought this was so funny. Guess it was. But seriously, I was extremely sick for about 3 weeks. In those days, doctors made house calls. So I remember my wonderful doctor at my bedside; he was Jewish & we were Catholic & he was fascinated by the crucifix hanging on the wall above my head. I still remember my mom & doctor discussing this. But I was in & out of reality having fever dreams & yes, horrible sore throat… measles was rather like a rite of passage. Years later in Haiti I was helping out in a home for abandoned street boys & I was exposed again to measles but never became ill. I never caught it. I deduced from that experience that I must have immunity given to me by my childhood bout with measles. What a fantastic body we have been given by God.

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I too had all the childhood illnesses; our doctor also made house calls. Medicine sure has changed since then.

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How true! From a once, God based 2500 year old, sworn oath!..... "According to MY ability and Judgment! (Not pharma-funded science.).... I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to MY greatest ability and judgment! (Doctors are now banned for doing that!) ......and I will do no harm or injustice to them. (Tell that to 70 million aborted babies!) ....[6] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly, I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.... I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, (I.e. no gender transmutation) I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets." That once Primum non nocere/ "First do no harm" has been reversed with the advent of toxic "First do Harm" vaccines from our 50 billion in fraud fines, Big Pharms! God save us from Big Pharma!

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Excellent overview of the oath doctors are supposed to follow. I am thankful that I did not go into any medical field. Initially, I was going to train to be a nurse. Unfortunately, I went into education. Another profession that has become overrun with bizarre and ridiculous theories masquerading as facts. Sadly, the misinformation begins in college, continues through the endless in- service trainings, and ends with teachers turned administrators looking for bigger pensions.

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Excellent work choice you made! The book Dumbing Us Down best explains "education" I.e. "The make cogs to support the industrial complex." The book, What The Nurses Saw, explains how nurses were involved in coved Murder! Typical stuff in a Godless neo-Sodom-Gomorrah world!

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Now, I am privileged to be helping my daughter with the homeschooling of her two children. The curriculum is challenging, and there is an emphasis on critical thinking. We didn’t want them ruined by a system that has nothing to offer them academically, socially, and spiritually.

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So, critically think, what built this once Godly nation of Liberty and Freedom! Most all the founding fathers [and later most universities] were God based/ Godley people! Then think critically on what happened after we dumped God, Church, and Christian home life! So I recommend a strong Christian elementary or homeschooling before their brains are warped in woke, Godless leftist’s [so-called] education! I.e. a “Dumbing Us Down” schooling, as educator John Gatto’s book educates us on! I.e., educating “Cogs” looking to the government instead of God for salvation!

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I was sent to play with a girl down the street with one job: catch the measles she had so my two younger sisters could catch it from me.

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YOU were a, God's vaccine! That didn't cause an exponential increase in childhood disorders like ASD Cancer Diabetes etc. etc. etc. As our Godless fraudulent pharma "medicine" does!

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Accurate Assessment. It is likely that you contracted a solid case of whatever it is,

due to a compromised immune system. That is where the emphasis should have been, outside of managing symptoms...

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Sounds like heat stroke. I'd guess what they were actually doing was adding things to the measles diagnosis in the years leading up to the 'vaccine' to reduce the decline so they could then shift them back out again and claim measles vaccine had done it. 'Measles' would have been a catch all like covid, leprosy, plague or smallpox. They say they had 500,000 cases recorded a year out of 60 million children under 18. That could easily exceed the once in a life time event if you estimated the unrecorded 'cases'. Greater than 1 in 6 being recorded would do it and what about earlier when they try to hide the case numbers and just mention deaths? You can see on this graph how the cases were level for 40 years leading up to the 'vaccine' whilst child mortality was dropping. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/measles-cases-and-death-rate

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I remember my doctor coming to my home as a child too…good old days.Turned up in his gown and was so caring.

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Before 1950 (in Europe) I had been through all of the childhood diseases and back then the doc's advice was to stay warm ( = fever) and drink plenty of water. When feeling an infection coming I still follow that advice, "cranking up the heat" but instead a week (measles, chicken pox etc.) the infection gets defeated in about 2 days. I think the healing effect of fever has been intentionally suppressed.

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Fever= immune system helping the body get well. We are “ fearfully and wonderfully made.”

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When I was a student living in a student apartment, electric power was included in the rent (no meter) and when I felt a cold or flu coming, I set up a sauna in the bathroom with electric heaters. Sweating up to 4 hours, the next day the infection had been flushed out. Having to work to pay for my study, this was highly useful.

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I like the Jewish interpretation of that scripture “We are AWESOMELY and WONDERFULLY made”. A Jewish friend shared the translation with me. I love it!

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There is a coordinated hit on RFK jr. The WSJ has a hit piece on RFK Jr today as well. Important news like he is tanned. He works out in jeans and he is chewing Tucker Carlson’s new chew product. Its a classic smear piece most likely ghost written by some Big Pharma PR firm that paid the WSJ to run it not a single word about how the child who died was denied the steroid starting with B that Meryl mentioned as effective treatment for Measles as reported by a doctor who knows the family and was treating others successfully

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It's a war, we are all in it one way or another.

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I have worked with many people with MD after their names and they don't seem to be as smart as they themselves think; doesn't mean that they are stupid, by any means.

The same can be said for PhDs, a funny group of people if I do say so myself (and I can because I have one).

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They are highly educated, and equally highly indoctrinated. There is no way for any of them to proceed to graduation without total compliance to the Cartels narrative.

Once graduated they are highly compensated to perform. Nearly all do so...

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When the Scamdemic hit, I knew immediately that it was a scam, and I credit my education in realising that... but I was shocked to realise that most 'educated' people fell for it completely.

Guess there must have been something wrong with my education!

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Read somewhere that PhDs had the highest percentage of noncompliance. In feeble defense of MDs, it’s tough to lose your livelihood with the a mortgage and med school debts hanging over your heads. If only everyone had spoken out in unison at the outset!

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The facts were out for years on fraudulent pharma’s fraud fines (I.e. Frauds that harmed and killed many people). It shouldn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to miss trust their fear based advertisements and evil! FEAR Big Pharma’s mass-death evil! “For the wages of sin is evil, Vs. The gift of God Jesus is everlasting life! So pick one!!!

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So hard to believe that a pediatrician has not heard that vitamin A in the form of cod liver oil can help kids deal with measles!

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I was given cod liver oil as a child. Horrible tasting stuff, but cured whatever I had. ( I can’t remember why I was given it.)

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I still take it every day. As a capsule so as not to taste it 😜

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I muscle through.

Actually, I now take a brand that combines concentrated butter oil with the fermented cod liver in a cinnamon flavored gel. I keep it in the refrigerator, so it's fairly solid when I scoop it out. The cinnamon masks the flavor reasonably well.

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65 years ago, a “pediatrician” / pharma pimp, unable to heal my little brother's granulated lids, ridiculed my Mom for healing him with boric acid! Just as todays snake-oil pimping quacks ridiculing wise people for using horse past and dog de-wormer/ Ivermectin & Fendbendozal to treat killer pharma's gain of function Co-V 10! Will the evil and stupidity ever stop? Inquiring minds want to know!

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What do you mean by "granulated lids"? Boric acid is interesting stuff.

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Sorry, I meant granulated eyelids! A crusty flake & goo buildup on eyelashes (collarettes) or Demodex blepharitis! After months of the doctor's nontreatments, Mom read a folk remedy that worked well in two days. My little brother is 78 now and has never had that trouble again! But "medicine" stays the same, bad-mouthing HCQ Ivermectin Fendbendozal, [cough] "safe" and "effective"/ non-working clot shots!

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Who knows what they don't want them to know these days?

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Answer; God knowes!

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Butter or cheese from 100% 'grassfed' cows, sheep, goats, etc is also a good source of Vit A. It tastes a lot better than cod liver oil - and is not rancid.

The molecular structure of oils that makes them liquid at room temperature also makes them oxidize - go rancid - rapidly. While the Vit A and D in cod liver oil is still beneficial, liver from 100% grassfed cattle or lambs, or from chickens or ducks raised on pasture, and the yolks of pastured eggs, are also good sources- and don't have the toxicity of oxidized oil.

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I have a PHD,.... in Post Hole Digging! So what!

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MD - mindless doofus. 😁

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PhDs - 'real' doctors- are at least supposed to be able to think independently, and produce and defend an original thesis.

Physicians used to get a basic education in science, and were taught to practice 'the art of medicine'. But since the consolidation of medical practices & hospitals under ownership of a handful of corporations, the practice of medicine has been mostly replaced with one-size-fits-all 'protocols' - heavily influenced if not controlled by a handful of insurance corporations & government insurance.

It was shocking how many intelligent people with college degrees missed the obvious signs that we were all subjected to a scamdemic, but I was shocked at how many people from all walks of life fell for it, 'hook, line, and sinker'. That said, it was reported that the 'hesitancy' / refusal of the "investigational new drug" fraudulently labeled as "COVID-19 Vaccine" was highest among the least educated - and those with advanced degrees.

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It is said that PhDs has pretty much the highest level of rejection of the fake mandates, but is this really the truth?

I'm not sure.

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@Neil; I have a PHD,.... in Post Hole Digging! So what!

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Mine gave me Permanent head Damage, such that I could only work in Pizza hut Delivery.

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What, your post hole digger or your PHD "doctor"? They both can kill, you know!

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Indeed, they both can!

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I wrote for a small newspaper once. I must tell you that when it comes to the media (place any call letters / names here) you are dealing with those who have the disease of hubris. Matthew 7:6 “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”

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The same people (regulators and scientists) who say the Covid/SmallPox/Anthrax/HepB vaccines are safe also say the measles vaccine is safe and effective. You mentioned Maine, but I live in super-vaxxed Thailand and I've seen more vaxx injuries in people and animals than I ever noticed in the US. Just an hour ago I saw a formerly-friendly coffee-shop kitten who now has a small spasm and is terrified of people and it all started almost immediately after his vaccine.

I guess we'll have to disagree. For me, the lack of data means don't do it.

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And lack of testing. I wonder how many, whose immune systems are at peak performance, & unvaxxed, contract measles?

A lot of parents & pediatricians don’t make sure the kid’s natural immune systems are functioning well & in tip top shape. This is what I focused on after our son was injured by the MMR, & I lost trust in mainstream healthcare. I turned to holistic care & homeopathy, as well as, emphasis on a super clean diet. He rarely if ever got sick the whole rest of his childhood. I don’t know whether viruses truly exist or if severe illness happens because of a weakened immune system? But it’s my opinion vaccines are not safe, due to the adjuvants & now mRNA LNP technology the manufacturers are utilizing. I don’t think the testing is stringent enough, the data is truthfully reported, nor research on the effects of the adjuvants has been collected and taken into account. Especially on the very young, the elderly, as well as, the disabled population. It’s my opinion that vaccines are not safe, nor effective, but high risk for an adverse event & should be avoided. It’s just another profitable business. An industry. Like everything else. And in order to make the most profits, they must scare you, shame you, demonize you in your community, & threaten you at the Dr’s office & schools with “consequences” for not obeying the masters on high. Yeah, no thanks. Not buying into the bs. If it comes outta msm, it’s a lie folks. Propaganda all the way.

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I wonder what the measles prevalence rate is in completely unvaccinated communities--say the Amish. Is that why NY state is viciously trying to ban the Amish's religious vaccine exemption (and thereby remove them as a control group)?

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They will always be a reliable control group because they’ll never comply with any mandates. They school their own, & produce all their own goods, so the government will have a hard time messing with them.

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The government in Penn. is attacking the Amish way of life. Remember, they have to interact with the wider community and sell products - furniture, produce, etc - in order to pay property taxes.


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It seems likely that removing the control group is the goal. Along with further abolishing the rights of all the people.

Remember, the Amish are not the only people whose religious / spiritual beliefs are violated by trying to thwart God's / nature's design by injecting foreign material into the body, or otherwise interfering with the natural function of the immune system, including oral vaccines, and now vaccines in food. Especially vaccines that were developed, tested, or contain aborted human fetal cell lines, which most do.

Or medical products that can ALTER our genes - like the synthetic modified mRNA in the lipid nano-particles can.

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Sure, Jan.

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The effectiveness of combined vitamin D and vitamin A (from cod liver oil extract) treatment of infants and children hospitalised with measles has been known since 1932: https:// pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2521770/.

The seasonality of viral infections, including measles, is well established and is largely explained by the relatively low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in winter and spring: https:// scholar.google.com.au/scholar? hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=seasonality+measles+ %22vitamin+D%22&btnG=

The immune system needs 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in order to function properly - as can be seen in this analysis of post-operative infections according to pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at Massachusetts General Hospital: https://jamanetwork.com/ journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085. Please see Figures 1 and 2 in the PDF, which do not appear in the web version of the article.

50 ng/mL is 2.5 times the level governments and many doctors consider adequate for good health - but this lower level, 20 ng/mL, is just what the kidneys require in order to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Most people with modest vitamin D3 supplementation (1000 IU or less a day, as recommended by governments and many doctors) and/or a little ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin have levels around 20 ng/mL. Many people have less than this - and some, especially the elderly and those with black or brown skin, have as little as 5 ng/mL

There's very little vitamin D in food, including that which is fortified with vitamin D3 or the less effective D2. Far from the equator, UV-B in sufficient quantities to appreciably raise 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening.

Please also see the research on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol (AKA "calcidiol") is produced, primarily in the liver, from ingested and UV-B -> skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. 25-hydroxyvitamin D is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. It is needed by the kidneys and by many types of immune cell. Immune cells need it to supply their intracrine, internal to each cell, signaling systems which play a crucial role in each cell's ability to change its behavior in response to its changing circumstances.

Vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D have different roles in the body. Neither of them function as hormones. The third compound, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol, has one well known hormonal function - when it is released into the bloodstream as a long-distance (endocrine = hormonal) signaling molecule to affect the function of multiple cell types which are involved in calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. The immune system does not use hormonal signaling. Immune cells produce calcitriol, by hydroxylating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, when they detect a cell-type-specific condition. This intracellular calcitriol functions as an intracrine agent, which alters gene expression in a cell-type-specific manner to change the cell's behaviour in response to the detected condition. This intracrine signalling system is not understood by most immunologists or healthcare professionals. It can only operate properly with 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

When treating measles, cod liver oil extract has some vitamin D3, but what is almost certainly needed is to boost the patient's circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D from 25 ng/mL or less (and those with brown or black skin can easily have just 5 to 10 ng/mL) to over 50 ng/mL ASAP.

Ordinary daily healthy intakes of vitamin D3 (and the cod liver oil might approximate this for children) take months to build up 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. So it would probably be better to treat with a carefully chosen dose of vitamin A (I don't know enough about forms of vitamin A, quantities, and safety to be more specific) and a bolus (single, high, "loading") dose of vitamin D3. 1.25 mg (500,000 IU) is recognised as safe for adults, but less would be required for infants and children, according to body weight.

The ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) guideline on clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit, Singer et al. 2014: Clinical Nutrition https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261561418324324 states that "a single high dose (500,000 IU) can be administered in the first week and seems safe in patients with deficiency." Most people are deficient with respect to 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

A smaller amount, according to body weight, would be appropriate for infants and children.

This vitamin D3 takes a few days to be hydroxylated, mainly in the liver, to the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs. (Only about 1/4 of ingested or UV-B -> skin produced vitamin D3 becomes this circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.)

The best approach, as recommended by Prof. Wimalawansa, is a single oral dose of about 1 mg of calcifediol (for 70 kg body weight). Calcifediol *is* 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is easily absorbed and goes straight into circulation in the bloodstream. This will raise the 25(OH)D level safely over 50 ng/mL in about 4 hours. https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.7.

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My mom told me I was VERY sick with measles. She (a nurse) mentioned "cerebral irritation" in later years when we discussed it. I vaguely remember having very high fevers, and finally being able to go outside in my pajamas to wade in our new kiddy pool. I'm not surprised that I was so sick, because I was a very picky eater as a child and was probably somewhat Vit A deficient. I, my brother, and several cousins all came down with measles AT THE SAME TIME after we went to see Captain Kangaroo and Co. at a local venue- the virus deniers can never sufficiently explain that.

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Blatherfest. The syndrome you "got" and partially explained proves exactly nothing.

One does not start by "splaining" based on the assumption that the virus caused the syndrome... That fails basic logic. Not surprising the good doc likes the comment, being a virus chaser that defaulted to a somewhat holistic model. However health is complex,

and real doctors teach about health...

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We all got measles - a very contagious viral illness - like most of the kids who went to see Captain Kangaroo. Syndrome? No.

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What exactly is your point ?

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If you read the post you'll know what my point is.

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What was the weather like? Maybe there was something wrong with the popcorn. Wikipedia says this was a tv show tho.

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You must be gen Z

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Can you explain which virus makes trees drop their leaves AT THE SAME TIMEl? If we could make a vaccine there could me a big increase in oxygen levels and it could reduce CO2. There could be more food. The anti orange juice movement can never adequately explain this.

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It takes higher levels of CO 2 in the air to produce more food. Commercial greenhouses pump many times the atmospheric level of CO2 - currently reported at 0.04% - to increase produce yields. At around 0.03% plants become stressed and some will die.

Plants take in CO2 from the air, and using energy from sunlight, and combine it with water from rain to make carbo-hydrates releasing breathable oxygen as a by-product.

Herbivore and omnivore animals eat the plants, that often benefit from the 'pruning', and fertilize the plants and the millions of organisms in the Soil Food Web with urine and manure.

Animals benefit from the oxygen plants emit, and the plants benefit from the CO2 that animals exhale.

While this is a simplification, this is one of the basic 'Cycles of Life'.

(By the way, fresh or fresh-frozen meat contains Vit C. For nutrition reference tabels, the U.S. government never actually measured it, instead stating "assumed to be zero" and publishing that as though it was fact. Yet fresh meat was used for centuries to prevent and cure scurvy.)

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COVID stands for Citrus Orange Varieties Instant Date. We can talk about how the anti orange juice movement got that way but first they need to be brought to heal. The expert consensus is that everyone including fruit in their avatars is needed to achieve community immunity. Why aren't you wearing your fruit?

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An eye-opening Interview with Dr. Rasheed, the Measles Virus

Interviewer: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Pathogen Profiles, where we sit down with the biggest names in microbiology—real or imagined! Today, we have a very special guest: the one, the only… Dr. Rasheed, the measles virus!

Dr. Rasheed: Thank you, thank you! It’s an honor to be here. I usually make my appearances as rashes and in dubious lab experiments, but hey, exposure is exposure!

Interviewer: Fantastic! Let’s jump right in. Now, Dr. Rasheed, let’s talk about how you prove your existence to the world. Walk us through the process—how does it all begin?

Dr. Rasheed: Oh, it's a magical journey, really. It all starts with a nice, invasive nasopharyngeal swab - a glorified cotton bud rammed so far up someone’s nose that it practically tickles their brain.

Interviewer: Sounds delightful.

Dr. Rasheed: Oh, it is!!! Once I’m extracted from my comfy human host - assuming I was even there in the first place - I get dunked into Viral Transport Medium (VTM), a lovely cocktail of antibiotics, antifungals, and stabilizers. You know, just in case some pesky bacteria try to steal my spotlight.

Interviewer: Right, because nothing screams ’natural conditions’ like being marinated in chemicals.

Dr. Rasheed: Precisely! Then, I’m off to the lab, where the real fun begins. Scientists, bless their gullible hearts, take my sample and squirt it onto a petri dish of starving Vero cells - monkey kidney cells.

Interviewer: Ah, so not even human cells?

Dr. Rasheed: Oh heavens, no!! Why use human cells when we can use cells from a completely different species and pretend the results apply? Science!!

Interviewer: Genius. Then what happens?

Dr. Rasheed: Then they start poisoning the cell culture!! First, they reduce nutrients, so the cells are practically begging for mercy. Then, they douse them with a lovely array of toxins:

Actinomycin D to stop ’DNA’ synthesis.

Trypsin to chew up proteins.

Amphotericin B to kill off any fungi that dare to survive.

And my personal favorite - antibiotics galore!!

Interviewer: Sounds like a medieval torture chamber.

Dr. Rasheed: Oh, it is!! The best part? When the cells inevitably shrivel up, burst, or fuse into multinucleated blobs, scientists throw their hands up and yell, “Aha!! Cytopathic Effect!! Proof of measles virus!!“

Interviewer: Just to clarify, this “Cytopathic Effect“ you're talking about - couldn't it just be, I don't know... the result of poisoning the cells?

Dr. Rasheed: Oh, absolutely. But where's the fun admitting that?

Interviewer: Fair point. What happens next?

Dr. Rasheed: Ah, now comes the ultracentrifugation stage. They spin me at ridiculous speeds - 100, 000 times the force of gravity - to ’purify’ me, which really just means I get separated into a mystery soup of cellular debris, and whatever random junk survived the chemical apocalypse.

Interviewer: Sounds incredibly precise.

Dr. Rasheed: Oh, it's all very... interpretive. Then, they hit me with even more delightful treatments:

Glutaraldehyde to glue everything together.

Osmium tetroxide to stain ’my’ lipid coat (or whatever they think is my lipid coat).

Ethanol baths to dehydrate me.

And then I get embedded in epoxy resin like a fossilized mosquito in amber.

Interviewer: I’m starting to think you'd have an easier time proving your existence if you just introduced yourself directly from the fluids of a sick person and show that you're capable of infecting the cells of a healthy individual.

Dr. Rasheed: That would ruin the mystique!! After all that abuse, I get sliced into ultrathin sections, stained with heavy metals, and finally, the moment of truth - I get blasted with a powerful electron beam.

Interviewer: A literal zap of electrons?

Dr. Rasheed: Yeo!! At 80 to 300 kilovolts!! If I wasn't dead before, I certainly am now. And what does all this effort produce? A grainy, black-and-white image featuring some indistinct blobs, which scientists interpret as measles virus.

Interviewer: Let me get this straight. No actual isolation, just a mix of chemicals, starvation, poisoning, centrifugation, resin entombment, heavy metal staining, and good old-fashioned electrocution... all to produce a fuzzy picture of some cell debris?

Dr. Rasheed: That’s right!! And when someone asks, "Where's the control experiment?" ー meaning, "Did you do this whole process with a sample that doesn't contain any measles ’virus’?" ー we just... don't talk about that.

Interviewer: So... it doesn't really look like your existence has been proved at all. It just looks like a lot of poisoning of a cell culture has taken place.

Dr. Rasheed: Marvelous, isn't it? The best part? We get to keep deceiving the world with this nonsense, and the funding never stops rolling in!!

Interviewer: Incredible. Dr. Rasheed, thank you for your enlightening conversation. I need a drink.

Dr. Rasheed: Make it a double. Cheers to viroLIEgy!!

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*Applauds loudly, startling the cat and a few of the neighbours*

Beautifully done!

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As this outbreak occurred, my first thought was, if it didn't occur, it should have beed invented.

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It was invented... however that should NOT have occured

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I loosely paraphrased Voltaire.

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Here's something I'm really tired of: Why do all the public figures "in this space" (MFM) continue to refer to the Media@ as though they were some whiney bratty capricious teenage girl (no misogyny intended) who just happens to insist on flapping lips arbitrarily to prove independence from...reality. We all know damn well all the legacy media organs are not just bought and paid for independent propaganda operations but are in fact arc-welded to their deep state controllers from at least the Dulles brothers' time and probably at least 50 years prior. One gets the irritating impression that MFM mouthpieces actually think they are fighting to win the hearts and minds of their "mainstream" counterparts like some intercollegiate sport competition. Stop the kabuki dancing already (I know, it's good for business/stacking up views) and the pretense that you're engaged in some reasonable facsimile of an intellectual debate, a competition of ideas. There is no heart to be won over among the enemy and their mind is singularly focused on hardcore brainwashing merely for efficiency; minimizing the wet works required of their co-conspirators in the intelligence/security state apparatus to prevail in the war they wage. We are in an actual war for survival and have been for decades; the brutal CovidScam merely pushed it further out of the shadows to become more widely visible and undeniable. I don't blame all the public MFM personalities for being shy to call out the Deep State. They are all too aware (as are so many of us in the general public) of all the alternative doctors, microbiologist, etc., that have met convenient suspicious ends in the years leading up to and just before the Big Scam went live. It happens when such persons start to gain just a little too much visibility and potential influence that threatens established order. But to continue to publicly pretend that the media is just "getting it wrong" like an ignorant and arrogant teen just to suit its biases and not call them out as the softer side of the wicked and deadly operation that they are is simply to play into their game and facilitate their aims. It's time to choose sides in this battle, relegate controlled-ops to the other side, and call a spade a spade. Let the cards fall where they may; when they all get counted, we'll be seen holding the winning hand.

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I found this idea of dog whistling in narcissistic abuse. I think many of these words like vaccine and virus are dog whistles and the concept could help with understanding. These are probably some of the most complex and multi faceted dog whistles there are.


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Thank You, Meryl. I'm sorry you were miserable with the measles.

So was I, the most miserable I have ever been in my life full of unapproved offroad miles and occasional life-threatening infections.

60 years ago today I was getting better...

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I had measles in Europe as a kid, all school had. Nobody died/hospitalized, as far as I know.

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Same growing up in CT Late 1950, early 1960s.

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Thank you for reviewing all the subtleties of this complex subject. IT seems that not enough populace is familiar with Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas’ evaluation of fully vaccinated children / slowly vaccinated children and the unvaccinated children, showing Zero Autism amongst un-vax The real culprit may lie in that it’s completely unknown what response to multiple shots are.

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Florida MRNA vax news: De Santis -



Someone with a conscience who REALLY follows the “science” which shows past and present DANGERS of MRNA “anything”.

Florida’s awesome Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo was also instrumental in this decision, along with DR SANSONE.


Dr SANSONE filed injunction to BAN the MRNA Vax mandates. (To set a precedent )

Let’s hope ALL the other states follow suit.

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