Why not go back to even before the vaccine?

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Or back when wise, non-fear-movoted people had measles parties, to induce immunety?

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the vaccine came out in 1986 as far as I know. so this is before the vax.

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The MMR vaccine came out in 1962. After measles cases had already decreased. My sons received it in the late 1960s.

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I.e., post-measles parties, or post-mass increase in childhood disorders, Right?

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Is she on the take?



If i know this; why doesnt she (a medical doctor) know this ?

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I hope HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will launch an investigation into why measles vaccination was ever implemented?

For instance, an article published in 1962, authored by Alexander D. Langmuir, Donald A. Henderson et al*, indicates measles was seen as a "self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality" which "has maintained a remarkably stable biological balance over the centuries".

It is unaccountable that natural protection against this 'self-limiting infection' was interfered with by a manufactured vaccine product.

The hubris of the people who sought to interfere with the natural protection against measles is evident at the conclusion of Langmuir and Henderson et al's article, where they say:


To those who ask me, "Why do you wish to eradicate measles?," I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, "Because it is there." To this may be added, "...and it can be done."


What breath-taking arrogance...

Again, I hope HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr will launch an investigation into measles vaccination, which was subsequently mandated by US states, thereby violating valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

How could vaccinators collaborate with vaccine mandates, and forsake their own moral, ethical, and legal responsibility to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination?

This must also be considered in light of other vaccine interventions, e.g. COVID-19 vaccination, which is also on the US vaccination schedule for children, despite the fact 'Covid', i.e. a group of common respiratory symptoms, is not a serious threat for children. How did this happen?!?! How could unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination be foisted upon children?

There is a very, very large can of vaccination worms to be opened by HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., I hope this is well underway...


* The Importance of Measles as a Health Problem.

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Doesn't a childhood measles infection ward off later cancers? And so hasn't the measles vaccine really messed up a very workable system? I think it's similar with chickenpox -- that sick kids in the community offered up a natural "booster" for elders, so that shingles was kept at bay. And now, given the preponderance of vaccinated kids, we cannot go back easily -- so they have a vaccine now for shingles, pushed on everybody. Even worse, people are frantic to get it, to "protect" themselves.

Now that Facebook censors a tiny bit less, it would be great to have a list of facts with cites and sources to post. Plenty of us are compelled to look deeper by convincing information repeated often enough. And many "anti-vaxxers" are really aware ex-vaxxers. This one is going to look for tidbits of explanation to counter the pro-propaganda.

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This must all be opened up for investigation Diana.

For years any discussion on vaccination has been suppressed, it's a disaster area.

Who is behind it all?

Well, Bill Gates seems to have inordinate control over international vaccination policy...a software billionaire...

How on earth did this happen?!

And it seems to have been overlooked along the way that the vaccinating practitioners themselves have an obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination - when does that ever happen?

This medical intervention has just become a rote process, with the vaccinating practitioners having no expertise themselves in diseases and vaccine products, they just 'follow orders', follow the vaccination schedule, largely without question.

See: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

Because if they question things they might find themselves in their regulator's firing line...as no questioning of vaccination is allowed...

Imagine that - a practitioner being effectively forbidden to question the products they are administering! It's a travesty, and of course makes a mockery of 'informed consent'...

It's an absolute shambles, because there's no valid consent for vaccination - so what is this exactly? Assault with the needle and its contents?

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Not for the faint of heart: I've been reading the first volume of Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" and am becoming convinced that our thinking there are sovereign nations is absurd. The world is run by a cabal of the filthy rich, the drug lords and bankers, paramilitaries and known militaries and letter organizations within nations (CIA, etc.), casino owners and other organized crime, along with longtime eugenics families like Billy Boy's. We can vote really HARD, click our rubied heels together, and it's still not gonna change a thing.

Today I found that Mike Yeadon, hero of corvid truth-telling, has officially disavowed the existence of viruses. Or contagion.

What a FASCINATING time to be alive, and to be able to dig into the forbidden! What an interesting thing it is to talk with others ... and to see sparkles of recognition, with the possibility of a real flame in the future.

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Answer to, "How on earth did this happen"? One should ask what built this nation! It was GOD, Guns and Guts! We dumped God for Leftist Democrats [playing god by handing out "free stuff" delivering us a neo-Sodom Gamorra USA! I.e., Satan & Democrats' plan to enslave us all [not just blacks, this time!]

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Excellent remarks. My only quibble is that in rare instances, Covid is very damaging to children (PASC has left former gymnasts in wheelchairs), but so are the vaccines, and neither are the vaccines at all effective in mitigating or preventing effects from the virus.

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Yeah, if the vaccines worked even as well as the measles vaccine there would be some point but with covid you gamble on the jab and still run essentially the same, sometimes more risk with the infection.

Vitamin-D3 however does not have real downsides and does reduce covid and most other infections.



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The interesting thing is that there’s not one study which shows that vaccinated are less likely to get measles when compared to a completely unvaccinated cohort over time. We just have antibody studies and population studies. Antibodies are not equal to immunity. Likewise, viral strain/genotyping often reveals that breakthrough cases are vaccine-derived. “Conclusion: Shedding of measles vaccine

RNA is not uncommon and vaccine RNA can be detected up to 29 days post MMR; the amount of vaccine RNA shedding is low indicated by high Ct values. Clinicians and public health officials should consider performing measles vaccine testing on those testing positive for measles within one month of MMR vaccination, especially if the Ct value is high and definitive epidemiological links are absent.” - Measles in Previously Vaccinated Children:

Evaluation of an Outbreak

Russell W. Currier II, DVM; George E. Hardy Jr., MD; J. Lyle Conrad, MD

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I made a comment about informed consent above. Please have a look. I think your views would be very pertinent. I see you have that topic on your substack, which I will check out. Thank you.

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Yes, have a look at my substack MSB, valid voluntary informed consent is my main interest...and it seems it doesn't actually exist when it comes to vaccination...and coercion...and mandates...

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You are informed if you don't consent, you are denied work and life-saving medicine as seen in the Schara v. Ascension Health et al. Coved murder case!

see:@ https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/p/landmark-lawsuit-on-behalf-of-grace

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Yes, show the data BEFORE the vaccine

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Back to 1900 when health ministeries and departments began gathering this information

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Lawyer Aaron Siri gives useful history on measles vaccination in his testimony to the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee.

See Episode 352 of The Highwire: The Informed Consent Imperative: Aaron Siri Testifies: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-informed-consent-imperative-aaron-siri-testifies/

I highly recommend this video for valuable commentary. There's also a transcript available.

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I highly recommend The Highwire, Siri, and Jaxxen for quality info about vaxxines.

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Perhaps It would be nice if doctors would address these reasons instead of pushing fear and deadly vaccines?

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Unless this type of information is provided to parents, there is no genuine informed consent. Parents should be given a detailed sheet, for e.g., covering all vaccine ingredients (and percentages), all adverse reactions and number of children experiencing them and also including deaths put into context of number of deaths from the actual disease over a period of time. That said, I heard a paediatrician in Oregon (Dr Paul Thomas) lost his licence because he offered his patients choice. That does however bring up the point that if vaccines are so safe and effective, why is would there be any objection to greater transparency.

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Exactly right MSB...there is no valid voluntary informed consent...

I suggest there never has been...for any vaccine...


All the coercion and mandates...

Way past time for this to be investigated!

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.026% So what is the big deal? Historically speaking, Measles disappeared before the vaccines were invented in the 1960’s. What eliminated childhood diseases was better sanitation and hygiene methods, not vaccines. Malnutrition plays a big part in the development process of diseases as well. Having ample amounts of vitamin A reduces the severity of Measles. I remember as a child in the 60’s , having measles was no big deal, had an itchy rash, stayed home from school, nothing very eventful. Not every child gets measles, I had friends who never came down with it. Imagine that. A child who is well nourished and lives in a clean environment has nothing to worry about measles.

Besides, it has come to pass that measles is not even caused by a virus. Dr Stephen Lanke , former virologist had challenged in a court of law that measles virus has never been isolated in its original papers . He challenged all the scientific journals and won his case. The virus has not been proven to exist. Imagine that! Lanke tried to publish his papers in the scientific journals, wonder why they refused him.

I believe you would be better enlightened if you looked into the historical data of these childhood diseases. A great book is “dissolving Illusions “ by Dr. Susan Humphries, or “Virus Mania” by Former Dr. Samantha Bailey, better yet “What really makes you Ill? By couple Dawn and David Lester.

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Don't look at the Data on the mass increase of childhood disorders, going from 1 in 39,000 to our now 1 in 30! [Soon to be 1 in 1] because it may frighten and stop you from getting [cough] “Safe and Effective” jabs! And Yes, they are Safe, [pharma can’t be sued] [& Effective] for making billions in profits! So just stop thinking about yourself! Our 50 billion in fraud fines needs money to help pay the fines!

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We are done with measles, birdy flew, covid, ebola, swine flu, mysterious African viruses, and all the rest of the fakery that envelops our dastardly medical mafia. We the living are still alive despite all these deadly boogey men roaming our planet.

Last I checked, the world's population is still rising so I conclude that all of this fear mongering is nonsense. Staying away from all drugs and ignoring the MSM is more than half the battle for survival. Also, only use your doctor for emergencies that you cannot handle and that is relatively few during a lifetime.

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Thank you. And I applaud you. The medical cartel along with the pharmafia will kill you in the end.

Do you research and stop listening to mainstream allopathic medicine. Rockefeller and Flexner bastardized that years ago to create drug customers.

As far as jabs go? There are so many books to educate you as to why they’ve always been a sham and saved nobody. Here’s something to get you started:


Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception.



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There is a quick cheap treatment for measles found by Fred Klelnner in 1949 (high dose ascorbate). You can read how he found it at https://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/195x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1953-v6-p274.htm He tried it out on many viruses and was overjoyed to see it work. See https://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/194x/klenner-fr-southern_med_surg-1949-v111-n7-p209.htm .for a sample. (See www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/ for many papers in this area)

Thomas Levy MD wrote two books about this area, "Curing the incurable" 2002 and "Primal Panacea" 2011. He is at televymd@yahoo.com and knows mucho about this area.

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In the early and mid part of the last century the threatment was vitamin C and a few days bed rest at home



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My 3 children had the measles in the early 80s, before the vax, so they never got it, they also had chickenpox within a couple years. They are all hard working adults, and their children are also working but no as healthy.

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The "sad" thing is that the un-jabbed measles ones won't be needing Pharma's gout and shingles drugs! An un-damaged immune system is a money loser for our 50 billion in fraud fines, Big Pharma! Also, making it hard to get non-fruadlent research info from the vast majority of scientists who agree with whoever is funding them!

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I’ve had the singles, twice now. I’m just getting over it now. None of my children have had it, thank God.

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So did you get the Mesusl jab? Did your children get the jab? The nastey MMR jab's started in the 70's when rates of ASD's were 2-4 cases per 10,000 children! Today, through the miracles of our 50 billion in fraud fines, I.e. fraudulent Big Pharma, it's now 1 in 36! Claming they didn't know how to count ASD's before 1970's! (Any dumb-down educated cog could believe that! Right?

God save us from Pharma's death machine!

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You do need to see https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/p/landmark-lawsuit-on-behalf-of-grace . I.e. the dark side of vaccine-induced murders! Let me know if it makes sense to you!

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I was ignorant to the vax’s for my children 😞 so yes they had the mumps, rubella, measles vax. I never had those vax’s and never had measles, just chicken pox.

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Back in the 1960's/70's there was a field trial conducted, perhaps by the WHO and I can believe it but have never been able to locate the study again even though I have twice in the past 5 years searched in old WHO publications and other sources that I could find on the web.

I heard/read this 30 years ago, it might have been in a book, perhaps even one of the very first vaccine warning books, no idea.

The story went something like this.

A group of 3 matched villages in South America were selected.

One was vaccinated to the gills with everything that was available at the time.

One was provided with clean water and community nursing and a clinic


One group of saps were the control.

The outcome was that both treatment arms had improved health outcomes in the 2-10 years that the study was run compared to the control. The only marked difference in numbers was that the vaccines were cheaper to procure and more profitable to supply.

This story made me vaccine hesitant. It tells us a few things. First some vaccines work with some people some of the time for some things. (A recent vaccine trial showed no benefit for the selected disease but reduced two other unrelated diseases a little, probably due to immune system activation.) Money is the key driver of all policy and basic healthcare and sanitation is enough to manage most community health. Measles vaccines may turn out to provide some small value and be an ethical and perhaps a useful public health measure as long as they are offered at the right time to informed families with no coersion.

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If? One can believe a 50 million in FRAUD fines industry that also holds the record in cause of death medicine? (*see the Johns [low-ball] iatrogenic study. * Or the more accurate well-documented book, Death By Medicine, by Dr. Null! I.e., 12.5 to 40 million deaths in the last 50 years! [Not counting all the Coved murders] [Fact!] That IS the Godless pandemic death elephant in Godless America! Only God Jesus can save us! Not Big Pharma medicine! [fact]

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If the pros and cons are accurately determined and clearly conveyed then I feel that should there be some, even limited and/or transitory, benefit from any medical intervention then I think the patient with the guidance of an impartial health care practitioner should be allowed to DECIDE if they do or do not want to use the treatment or prophylactic. When applied to children and mentally challenged patients the state may take a greater role in deciding but only if they err on the side of caution.

I am personally doubtful that effective vaccines will be easily available but in the same way I do not want people to be forced to take a treatment I do not want to forbid a person to take a treatment.

Informed consent and personal choice must rule.

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I like your "IF" Bur remember, "“If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry Christmas.” You ignored my "if"! If? One can believe or trust 50 million in FRAUD fines pharma industry? I can't, can you?

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Yes, I have seen those charts and have shared them numerous times. I am not a advocate of vaccines, I am an advocate of PERSONAL CHOICE and what I have read there appear to be edge cases where the risk of a measles vaccine taken at the right time for a child who has a family planning to live or travel abroad might be the right choice. There may be a couple of other edge cases where some vaccines may be appropriate for some people but it should never be forced and the information should be accurate and freely given.

While I may generally come across as anti vaccine that is usually in response to ignorant vaccine groupies who have no concept of the rights violations of vaccine mandates or childhood schedules.

Sometimes I may even appear to be in favour of vaccines but I appear this way only because I want people to have freedom to choose and not force either extreme on the population.

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@Kalle: But are you an advocate of censoring and firing good doctors who don't march to our non-50 billion dollar in fraud fines pharma industry, that aso holdes the leading cause of iatrogenic death medicine? Do you believe "scientific" studys from all fraudlent people? Would you invest in a scintific 50 billion in fraud fines fininical investment componay? Or how about fradulent Satan, would he lie to you? I hope yu can get my point!

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By promoting personal choice I am also in favour of freedom of speech and any kind of censorship is almost always a bad thing. I can conceive of a few cases where information could be withheld from a child (adult things before they are emotionally/mentally ready for them) or from irresponsible individuals (nuclear launch codes from mentally unstable individuals) but in general facts and (especially public funded) research should be freely available and any discussion should be encouraged and never censored.

in my 3 previous comments in this thread I emphasise "no coersion", "personal choice" and "never be forced" so I think it should be clear that I do not advocate firing of doctors simply for speaking their mind. I have issue with authority figures FAILING to give full disclosure of information or vested interests and that could be cause to fire or prosecute.

While I have perhaps less than Christian orthodox views on Satan/the negative power and accept that they are complicit in a lot of deception I don't think it very relevant in this discussion as it adds no provable value to fundamental truths. We should act fairly with or without religion in the equation. The test of any religious tenet is to see if a person of sound mind, disciple, apostate or atheist, would come to the same conclusion. If something does not pass the logical smell test then it is faith based information rather than natural law. That does not mean it is not very powerful for some or perhaps even true and accurate in a metaphysical way, it simply means that it has not been proven so cannot bind those who do not profess faith in the specific system. It is not appropriate to force our faith on others in the same way we do not want them to force theirs onto us, each to his own.

I think we share most of the same values and you have perhaps been triggered by me being more accepting of others having the freedom to choose what we think is wrong or bad.

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Many people and religions look for happiness in this/Satan's world, where his goal is to capture you as his POW! God came from Heaven and died on the cross so as to win you over to his glorious Heaven (For all eternity!), so which one are you gunna bet on? Google "34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians, and check out their "provable values on fundamental truths."

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You keep assuming that I think differently from you simply because I do not wear my spiritual position on my sleeve.

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This, to me, sounds very much like those flu statistics that were put out by the - was it the CDC - with tens of thousands of deaths ascribed to the flu while the influenza bug could be found in precious few of the victims. I think they threw flu and pneumonia all in one basket and counted it all as flu so as to sell the flu vaccine ...

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Operation Cytopathic Storm

Classified Military Briefing – For Authorized Pathogenic Personnel Only

Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, listen up, you biochemical brutes! We’ve got a mission to complete. Orders from top brass: we need to ‘find’ a ‘measles virus.’ But we don’t find anything, oh no - our job is to create it. And how do we do that? By launching a full-scale sneak attack on an unsuspecting monkey kidney cell culture until it waves the white flag in cytopathic distress! NOW, GET TO YOUR POSITIONS!”


Major C.P. Effecter: “Troops, when the world sees those cells shrivelling up and dying, they’ll think we found a virus. So, we’re gonna hit ‘em HARD! Each of you has a job – don’t screw it up!

Gentamicin & Amphotericin B – The Biochemical Blitzkrieg!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Antibiotic and antifungal unit – your job is simple: go in first, light up that culture with maximum toxicity, and wipe out anything that could throw off our results. Who cares if the cells die from chemical warfare instead of a ‘virus?!’

Gentamicin: “Yes, sir! Just like when we ‘isolated’ ‘SARS-COV-2, sir!”

Amphotericin B: “Oorah! Same way we nailed HIV, sir! Death by chemical overload-textbook!”

Fetal Bovine Serum – The Morale Sabotage!

Major C.P. Effecter: “You! Cow juice! Before we go scorched earth, you lull these cells into a false sense of security. Give ‘em just enough nourishment so when we rip it away, they drop dead from shock. Understood?!”

Fetal Bovine Serum: “Sir, yes, sir! Just like we did for Bird Flu, sir!”

Vero E6 Monkey Kidney Cells – The Hostages!

Major C.P. Effecter: “You poor, clueless monkey cells… You’re the cannon fodder. You’ll take every hit, suffer the consequences, and the world will never question why you’re dead. Just the way we like it!”

Vero E6 Cells: “Sir… wait … this doesn’t seem – AAARGH – (cytopathic effect in progress).”

Trypsin – The Enforcer!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Trypsin! If these cells don’t ‘naturally’ develop those lovely spike-shaped artifacts for our electron microscopy show, you go in and carve them out! We’ll say they’re ‘spikes’ on the ‘virus,’ not just cellular damage from digestion. You got that?!”

Trypsin: “Sir, got it! Just like when we ‘discovered’ HPV, sir!”

PCR Recon Team – The Clean-up Crew!

Major C.P. Effecter: “PCR team, you stay on standby! If anyone starts asking too many questions, we’ll just amplify some random genetic fragments until we find something that fits our story. No virus? No problem – we just print one!”

PCR Team: “Sir, same as always! Just like ‘confirming’ Ebola, sir!”


Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, now that we’ve turned that cell culture into a biochemical war zone, it’s time for the victory parade: the Electron Microscopy Glamour Shot! I want those ‘viral particles’ looking sharp – literally! EM Unit, get in position!”

Glutaraldehyde – The Preservative Sergreant!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Lock those cells in place before they completely disintegrate! We can’t have the evidence vanishing on us before the big reveal.”

Glutaraldehyde: “Yes, sir! Just like for Polio, sir!”

Osmium Tetroxide – The Shadow Master!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Blacken those cells just right, so everything looks extra dramatic. The scarier, the better!”

Osmium Tetroxide: “Sir! Worked great for Zika, sir!”

Uranyl Acetate – The Heavy Metal Nightmare!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Hit ‘em with uranium! Nothing screams ‘science’ like radioactive embalming fluid!”

Uranyl Acetate: “Yes, sir! It’s the reason we keep finding ‘virus particles’ that look like random cell debris, sir!”

Electron Beam – The Final Artillery Strike!

Major C.P. Effecter: “Fire at will! Blast that battlefield with high-powered radiation, destroy any remaining cellular integrity, and make those artificial ‘spikes’ pop! If nature didn’t make ‘em, WE WILL!”

Electron Beam: “Sir! Just like ‘proving’ H1N1, sir!”


Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, troops! You’ve done it again! Thanks to this textbook demolition job, we’ve got our ‘viral isolation,’ and the world will never know the difference! Now get some rest – we’ll be doing this all over again to create the next ‘pandemic.’ DISMISSED!”


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A good description of Satan's et-al war on the world! As revealed in the book of Revelation!

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Why even post this. It's like the informed consent for COVID vaccines. Partial information that can mislead is called lying.

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Come on! Would a 50 billion in fraud fines industry lie to us?

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Rhetoric question. They have been by ommitting historical data and the media is complicit



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@ rombios;  You should remain comfortable not knowing historical data on the exponential increase of mass childhood disorders, following our 50 billion in fraud fines/ big pharma’s mass jab campaign! I.e., a once 1 in 30000 to our now 1 in 36! God save us from big pharma, their killing our kids!

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In 1982, I was required to receive an MMR. As a healthy 16 yr. old, I reacted with a major seizure and almost died. Afterwards, I lost my ability to calculate math in my head. I also lost my photographic memory and my grades went from straight A's to "average."

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Turning that graph up-side down could show the increase of MMR induced ASD's!

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Starting it from 1900 when records were kept shows vaccines are useless



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I spent a lot of time composing that post and hoped you might take the info to someone who would try it and stop the "dangerous" aspect of measles.

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Measles was considered a joke for healthy kids. Mid last century parents routinely took their kids to measles and chicken pox parties to get infected; suffer through to life Long immunity

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