My son is still recovering from his MMRV injury over two years later. My sister had ITP and was hospitalized for 18 months when she received the original conjugate formulation as a child. I still, reluctantly, and stupidly vaccinated my children.

I can never forgive myself for my ignorance. My son developed a measles type rash within days of his shot. He also had hard, cystic nodes that would spring out of nowhere and cause him immense pain. Everything lead to a new round of skin bumps and breakouts. This went on for over a year. According to the Summary Basis for Approval, ~7% of children develop a lasting measles like infection. My sons skin began to improve, as his lungs and breathing capacity have gotten worse. It seems the damage being done and expressed on his skin had now internalized. I have done everything to reduce his eosinophil and basophil levels and allow him to breathe freely. ‘Vaccine specialist’: “some kids just develop asthma, it happens all the time.” 😡

It’s all poison, cancer and auto immune conditions for a future revenue stream. There is not one meritorious inoculation. I would do anything to give my son his lungs back and reverse the damage done by ‘safe and effective’.

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My son also got the measles from the MMR shot! Thankfully, he overcame it with no lasting effects. Wishing your son all the best….

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My sister also nearly died from ITP after mistakenly being given a double dose of MMR in the 1970's. I didn't learn this was a side effect until decades later. To this day she refuses to believe this and is all in on vaccines. I completely agree with you.

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Seems that when numbers are low they compare with percentages from the previous year.

Last year there were 2 infections, this year 3! A dramatic % increase....

I see the Polio news in Israel repeats every 6 months and probably did for years, just never paid attention.


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Relative risk can be your friend!

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I didnt pay taxes(theft) for decades to be lied to by government. Nor their left arm, the diabolically evil MSM.

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“But what do the experts say?” LMAO, Meryl, what a perfect response!

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Dr. Nass - thank you. My daughter has neurological problems from the rabies series and now her son who is 19 months old started twitching after the HIB shot - just like my daughter. So she has decided not to vaccinate her son any longer since there seems to be a familial connection - I will send this to her to allay her fears. I'm 68 so I believe in natural immunity -

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There are no viruses.

Please, stop the nonsense.

All disease is caused by inflammation, stress, toxicity and poor nutrition.

Remember when scurvy was thought to be a contagious disease? Good times ..

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The divide and conquer crew just doesn't stop

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The latest seems to be antisemitism, which is thrown around in the MSM, and seems to lately be showing up in substack trolling, all over the place. So maybe they throw the term into the cement mixer of the MSM, and send in the clowns/orcs/trolls in comment sections everywhere. "Fear porn extravaganza" is hilarious, like something a barker would shout!


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With all due respect, Dr.. I think you have some catching up to do, compared to us, the "conspiracy theorists".

Please, do some research on the fraud called germ theory, and how terrain theory explains everything, without an invisible boogieman involed

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Suggest you buy a microscope

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Ad-hominem much?

I can answer in same fashion, and suggest you go back to school and learn how to read a scientific study.

There's no good evidence of pathogenic germs..

Here's a good starting video for you, and if you'd like to know more, I can help you out:


I can only show you the door, but you must walk through it.

You have a lot of unlearning to do, from the Rockefellers school of medicine where you were educated..

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You're right - Biologist, Stefan Lanka won a court case. There is no proof that measles is caused by a virus.

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Suggesting to buy a microscope isn’t an ad hom. Ironically, the response does foment a sense of disrespect for the doctor suggesting she doesn’t know how to read a scientific study. Hubris.

We’ve come to her forum, and our tone shouldn’t come across as condescending or creating a false dichotomy of “either or” when the answer can be “both and”.

People got deadly sick of something that caused brain damage, loss of smell and a host of other issues. If the bioweapon wasn’t a virus how should we classify it? 5G? Poisoned foods / water? Chemtrails? Mix of the above?

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No proof measles virus exists. https://archive.is/MZbRS

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"Suggesting to buy a microscope isn’t an ad hom. "

Oh, really.. what is it, then? Please, enlighten me?

"If the bioweapon wasn’t a virus how should we classify it? 5G? Poisoned foods / water? Chemtrails? Mix of the above?"

---Yes, all of the above. Did you notice how the flu disappeared in those two years of 'pandemic'? How odd.. and how the flu has very similar symptoms. Add some other symptoms in the mix as "optional", and you got a new disease! How convenient.

There are good Substack posts on this very topic, describing how "COVID" is nothing more than a redistribution of other diseases.

"We’ve come to her forum, and our tone shouldn’t come across as condescending or creating a false dichotomy of “either or” when the answer can be “both and”."

I wasn't the one starting the feud, first with 'divide and conquer' statements, and then suggesting that I don't know shit and I should buy a microscope.

I can respond same way I am treated. If I'm treated as a fool, I can treat the other guy as a fool as well.

You don't know what you don't know. Admittedly, I don't know much, but I do know certain things. And it seems that I know more things than our Dr, in certain areas..

If our Dr treats me as a 'conspiracy theorist ' or 'paid Russian troll', I will treat her same way, as an ignorant, but educated fool..

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Thank you. And measles is nothing more than childhood growth and a necessary function of the body.

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100% agree - unfortunately it seems like 99% of the world has succumbed to the pathogenic virus fairytale. This is the perfect Orwellian "terrorist" - invisible and can show up anywhere, anytime the demons dictate.

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Can't get anything better than that.

Just blame it on the invisible Boogeyman, which cannot be proven, and justify all your actions (lockdowns, vaccines, etc) on that.

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Exactly! And so obvious once a person has the veil lifted from his eyes. Anyone who still trusts the accepted explanation needs to take a few minutes to learn the process used since the 1950s to isolate and then identify the genomic sequence of the so-called pathogenic "virus." It's such a bold fraud it boggles the mind that it hasn't been more exposed or known; especially by medical professionals. Clearly the demonic Rockefeller medical education model is working as intended.

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I have come to that conclusion also. Most of the modern stone age medical system is built on fear and fakery.

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Good ol' snake oil salesmen..

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I'll say it directly, because I don't see enough "experts" or others doing it:

Never (again) get any vaccine or booster.

You are welcome.

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“and most can be traced to a case that came in from overseas.” True, ...or our southern border!


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Any article by MSM can be safely ignored

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Remember that Andrew Wakefield was totally pilloried for his observational study in about 12 autistic children with gut issues. Wakefield's specialty is gastrointestinal conditions. He found live measles virus from the vaccines in these children's guts. Their doctor then treated them, probably with a.b.s and the report was great improvement in the autism symptoms. This must have been a situation of these viruses remaining/duplicating in the gut for several years. Of course Big Pharma went after him via a front organization that had no legal status and Wakefield's license was removed. This was in the UK.

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So vaccines were causing the disease.. who would've thought?? 🤔

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This is the problem when corporate industry controls the media and the agencies set up to monitor them! It has been known for decades that vaccines can always cause problems, especially the ones they are supposed to prevent. Look at the Covid drugs. And going back we have polio which was caused by the vaccine. And dont forget the infamously touted flu vaccine where people who never got the illness got the worst case ever after getting the shot. And of course there is all the other damage from these drugs like autism now at the rate of 1:35 young children who were born normal, developed normally until there was one too many shots and they spiral backwards with drug corporations never having any liability!

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Of course there will be measles. They refuse to tell us the vaccines cause measles. I don't know why we vaccinate for measles anyhow. IN my generation, four million people caught measles, four hundred already sickly died in any given year. That's fewer than kids who die annually on ATVs. But they imposed this intervention on all children, it's hazardous, and as a CONSUMER, not a scientist, I can use the words "IT DOES NOT WORK". We can probably control measles by isolating the infected.


"During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of

suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences

obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J.

McNall, unpublished data). "

Package insert:



The following adverse reactions include those identified during clinical trials or reported during post-approval use of M-M-R II vaccine or its individual components.

Body as a Whole

Panniculitis; **********atypical measles;********** fever; headache; dizziness; malaise; irritability.

Cardiovascular System


Digestive System

Pancreatitis; diarrhea; vomiting; parotitis; nausea.

Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems

Thrombocytopenia; purpura; regional lymphadenopathy; leukocytosis.

Immune System

Anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid <snip, it goes on and on>"

Very ugly business. The claims that measles are rising is intended to frighten people into consuming product.

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And the PROPAGANDA SLOGAN "they" get eedjots to go around parroting goes like this: "Measles is a DEADLY DISEASE that KILLS x number of CHILDREN EVERY YEEEEEARRR!!!---AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" You'da thought it was mesothelioma or at least leukemia. Now, I have a colleague who ALWAYS reads Yahoo News (translated: Feeds at the Trough of Poisoned Mainstream Media "news..." daily...) never stopping to think WHO is paying for the Big Pharma stories about bio "threats," never understanding that we are in fact in the Age of BioWarfare, like it or not!

Meanwhile, back in my childhood, circa 1960 and on up, we never heard of a measles vaccine. Instead, we did it the Good Old Fashioned way: Parents had measles parties to get their kids naturally immunized. I never even got measles though I was exposed to it many many times, and NO ONE in my community ever died of measles. Or mumps. Parents these days are absolutely HYSTERICAL in what looks like an OCD paranoid rush to be CERTAIN that their kids NEVER SUFFER ONE NEW YORK NANOSECOND of discomfort-- EVER. They are soooo STUPID that they don't even know you HAVE an immune system. NOOOO-- they want a SUBSCRIPTION to a STORE-BOUGHT brand of so-called "health," and "immunity," neither of which they can possible get this way.

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I had German measles, and red measles and mumps. Better to get when you are a kid. With government’s purposefully poisoning our food, giving us wrong nutrient pyramid advice our amuse systems are naturally weaker but still better when you are a kid. Although gaits is planning something for the children by 2025 so get organic fermented food, take mega c, d3, zinc and stay safe.

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Nauseating,....let the kids get their measles then they really are protected for life. The vaccines cannot protect you for life!?!

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Thanks for the level-headed explanation, Dr. Nass. It removes the potential leverage that officials have over the masses when they shout:

"Look! Over there! Something really scary, but which I can protect you from, if you only hand over to me just a little bit more money and power!"

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Merck's MMR has been an ongoing lawsuit, brought on by their own whistleblower employees, over efficacy data falsification, since 2010.

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worth noting that there are several strains of measles, and our domestic vax uses maybe 6 of them, and this is why other strains coming from overseas might spread here

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