It's much broader than pharma. The medical industrial complex functions as a guild with a primary objective of protecting itself, not patients. They control med schools, limiting the workforce to assure shortag3 and dependence. They establish standards of care to direct practitioners to push the "right" pharmaceuticals. They direct rules of behavior to weed out resistance.
Yes, and that is exactly how the Rockefellers set it up in the early 20th century, with the help of the Flexner brothers.
Now that everyone in the system uses digital medical records, all practitioners are monitored to ensure that they diagnose and prescribe according to orthodox, approved parameters. For instance, anything related to high blood pressure and cholesterol should result in a prescription for statins, period. And if statins are not prescribed the doctor gets audited, and unless statin prescriptions are not given the license is eventually yanked.
You can start in medicine quick and cheap, too. Some start as PAs or nurses or even orderlies. Plumbers start at the bottom and go through years of apprenticeship to become good.
I trust plumbers more than doctors. I'd probably even trust a plumber more than a doctor. And only because I won't let an allopathic doctor anywhere near my plumbing.
Some are more ethical and honest than others, and some are less ethical and honest than they used to be. Human nature is neither ethical nor honest, and cooperation with others requires continuous conscious effort. Trust but verify.
so california will be left with doctors who have no capacity for independent creative thought and no regard for their patients and who are only good at being automatons, following orders and doing whatever the state tells them to do. we've seen those types before
Because today the criteria for entry to medical school are demographics and social justice warrior score, rather than intelligence, capacity to succeed, and desire to help patients, the cohorts graduating now will do just fine with this. Most of them (there are rare exceptions) wouldn't know how to think if they were offered thinking on a silver platter.
It would take a LOT of courage to remain and speak out. The Narrative Police will carry those docs off to jail. This is NOT our country, this is evil taken over.
It's also not true to California roots. We've traded in barefoot grow-your-own-granola for social media plastic. Or rather, the plastic has overgrown and the barefeet ran north and east.
Perhaps when the jab maiming and deaths reach their own family? Doctors and nurses are the worst for protocols, even when they are homicidal. The more education, the thicker the wall I guess. I guess it's gotta get personal before they will wake.
and Medical school tuition to pay down. Medical training is free with a hitch in the armed services, or it should be free if you agree to do a hitch with Doctors Without Borders for a number of years.
FYI: Doctors without Borders is antisemitic. They don't recognize Israel as a country. They do recognize "the Palestinian Territories". A self-respecting Jew who wants to associate with a relief organization should stay away from this one.
"Thank you for sharing." That said: O.M.G!! I FORGOT--- Everyone MUST BE TOTALLY AWARE OF OTHERS' SENSITIVITIES, HURTS, INJUSTICES AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE, AT ALL TIMES!!!!! SO, maybe we shouldn't get out of bed in the morning for fear Someone Other will be mightily offended and have the right to attack us because THEIR religion says it's the WRONG side? Maybe the new docs could volunteer in YOUR organization 😁👍
Donicia provides a perfect example of why Jews do not always speak up against antisemitic comments and actions. Because whenever Jews dare to speak up, antisemites like Donicia put them on blast. "How dare these Jews point out antisemitism! They need to shut up and quit bothering the rest of us!" Thanks for showing folks how antisemites do it, Donicia.
Possible, but probably not doing a lot of doctoring anyway if that’s the case. A lot of them believe all the crap anyway including my former doctor in my red state. Wanted me to take the shot.
My paycheck went away because I worked hard to understand COVID, well before the political positions were set, and the penalties, and I would not un-know what I had learned, especially the efficacy of early antiviral treatment.
I hope you and your family weather this long storm well...
Allowing a medical guild to decide how to accomplish an essential public service is predictably subject to corruption. That is one of the major flaws in our society that must be corrected. We need a doctors bill of rights. No doctor should be restricted in any way without adjudication by public courts. Doctors who fail to perform would be sued civilly or prosecuted criminally to motivate competence.
Many stay for the money and the weather, but most stay because they want to do well while doing whatever good they can within a deeply flawed system.
It's a developing news story, Granny, basically two years old, with the origins going back about three decades to the rise of the HMO "care" model. I've watched it unfold, first with a sense of distaste and vague foreboding, then with a rising horror.
First, we have to remember that every undertaking has a "business model" of one sort or another. Medical practices are no different. The HMO/PPO model, along with vertical integration (think "Kaiser," with it's business model one that contains every specialty including pharmacy operations under one financial umbrella) relies on economies of scale and regulatory loopholes for its inexorable expansion.
Whenever a Kaiser or Sutter enters a regional medical market, the very first thing it does is to enter into direct competition for paying customers. This results in bankrupting small private practices, absorbing the physicians and patients with payment ability (think "access to insurance coverage") and preventing newly-formed "small business" from getting a foothold in the market.
There was a sort of uneasy balance between medical "main street and wall street" medical provision, until the great recession. With the rise of unemployment, the market became weighted in favor of the group model. With fewer patients having private medical insurance, many private practices expanded their discounting for long-term patients that suddenly became penniless. In other words, they provided in-house financing by allowing patients to pay over time; the small offices "carried the notes" and their cash flow suffered. With rising numbers of defaults, the little guys were driven into bankruptcy.
Increasingly, the physicians in private practice found themselves robbed of sleep and patient face-time spent on the financial aspects of running a small business. Increasing regulatory burdens also had a hand in this.
A lot of doctors began collaborating in the formation of small, independent groups that alleviated some of the time-sink that business meetings represented, but preserved their independent ability to treat patients.
Still, the attrition rate slowly increased, with small groups adding doctors and expanding, growing to the point of becoming attractive targets for takeover buyouts by the rising corporate behemoths.
Then came Covid. The corrupt governor of California pulled a "Cuomo," murdering seniors by forcing infected patients out of hospitals with isolation wards and back into care homes to infect otherwise stable but vulnerable patients.
Then a bevy of local unelected county health officers forced the small practices to stop seeing patients. The public health authorities are, by their very nature, collectivist, concerned with people as statistics, not individuals. This is a feature of "public health," not a bug and is necessary to their function. What is NOT necessary to their function is the right to dictate circumstances that guarantee bankruptcy for small medical practices. For that, they had to collaborate with politicians that held the power to enforce diktats by means of law enforcement. In other words, at gunpoint.
Small businesses do not have the wherewithal to outlast negative cash flow conditions, and all over California small practices were literally forced to go out of business while the authorities directed subsidies toward the hospital system-affiliated large groups. These subsidies were both explicitly transparent, as with the PPP loans, and "sub rosa" as with the financial incentives to misclassify patients presenting with various ailments as "covid cases" by means of universally PCR-testing every admission.
I watched office after office close, with some of the practitioners leaving the state, others taking early retirement and many seeking refuge within the corporations.
back during the great recession, my doctor's three-physician practice sold itself to one of the corporations. I spoke with the physicians, and having been a patient of theirs for three decades, they were willing to share with me that they became doctors in order to help the sick and suffering, not to exhaust themselves trying to keep a business afloat in a hostile inflationary environment with new layers of regulatory burden being imposed every year. They didn't name him, but Obama's mania for regulation and cost inflation correlated precisely with the "straw that broke the camel's back."
The electronic medical records mandates alone, imposed both a capital investment and time-sink that distorted the medical marketplace, and no good has come of it. I say this because any advantage created by "instant access" is offset by data retention policies and technology expenses, both for dealing with hardware and networking infrastructure obsolescence expense, and for software licensing fees and the time sink of adapting to ever-changing software interface learning curves.
So those kind, self-sacrificing doctors reasoned that by selling their practices and becoming employees, they would be able to focus all of their time helping patients without the stress and distraction of running a small business. Without exception, the various doctors surrendering their practices were assured that their new corporate masters would not infringe on their right to treat patients according to their own medical judgement. A free hand in treating patients is what they were promised.
They were lied to.
Those of us dealing with corporations as a matter of lifelong, daily business, could have told these doctors what to expect; bait-and-switch is endemic, an integral aspect of the everyday mendacity of the business world.
But doctors are often subject to a curious duality of personality traits. That dichotomy consists of an (usually) benign arrogance derived from years of education resulting in facing the reality of uncertain patient outcomes, combined with a rather touching naivete concerning the promises made by murderously avaricious corporate administrators. Administrative avarice is not confined to personal remuneration; it extended to greed for status and includes the heady wine of power over the fate of others.
The doctors who stay are often motivated to do so by the knowledge that, even if they are compelled to deny proper care for some of their patients, if they wren't there to act as a bulwark against administratively-imposed patient suffering, then who would do so?
I could continue this little screed with anecdote after anecdote, example after example, but I think you get my drift; it's a complex situation that has significantly deteriorated in a very sudden fashion.
I'm a doctor (since 1986) and I concur, even though I was practicing in Texas (and Navajo Nation, and rural Hawaii at times) until I was fired for refusing COVID-vaccination almost a year ago.
The layers of "management" and profit-taking which have been added to medicine since the early 1980s promised to make everything better for everyone, but they have put a vast drag on the American economy, worsened patient care by making doctors always too busy for face-time, and they have made every aspect of medical records a lie through electronic medical records.
That is important and overlooked. "If you didn't document it, you didn't do it" has been a saying for decades, but electronic records will populate in a lot of information at the click of a mouse, or the dictated words "Standard Negative Physical Exam", which is really just made-up. I started seeing this in ER records in the 1990s. I could tell the ER doc did not do an exam, because he/she would have seen what I was looking at, and it was "documented" to be completely normal.
I don't know how we get to honest medicine. I had 18 cumulative years at a public health clinic, and saw the dehumanization of "the unvaccinated" as the same thing that happened in Germany and Cambodia (killing-fields). I immediately said that I would "stand naked with the Jews" on principle. I have not been chasing work, because it is becoming harder again to get paid to take care of poor people, and I only provide good care. Trying to do otherwise would break me.
There is other good to do in our world of lies and extortion, and we must prepare for the privations coming our way. Look. We are not immune, not protected in this decade of turmoil.
I don't know any California MD's personally. But two nurses and one respiratory therapist I know personally have left the state, the profession, or both. The respiratory therapist had all of her shifts "rescheduled" when she refused to conduct regular Convid tests and submitted a religious exemption to the quaxxine requirements. She was close enough to retirement that she initiated a wrongful termination lawsuit and moved to Arizona.
One nurse quit nursing entirely, sold her house for a large profit, and moved to Kentucky, and the other nurse moved to South Carolina, where she works unmasked and pure blooded in a hospital.
Voting is a scam, just like nearly everything we've been taught or conditioned to believe. If we could vote our way out of this then voting would be illegal.
Remember how speakeasies became prominent during the prohibition era?
Would it ever be possible to boycott the established and corrupted system we have and build a network of real community clinics with real doctors and healers who actually offer medical advice based on medical science, and not just corporate or political interests. Cause I want those doctors. Not a retail worker in a lab coat.
Me too! I understand that Peter McCullough's teaming with a group in Canada that's starting a telemedicine medical business, then they're taking it to in-person consultations in offices.
That's what we need. Different medical system, different justice system (with justice), different school system.... etc. Strip off the artificial constructs and start creating something valuable from the ground up.
It's being created now. Dr. Pierre Kory has one. Front Line has one.
What needs to go is the control pyramid that enables corruption of a few to control entire industries. Get rid of that coalition of medical boards first.
leaving is not a solution. same things are happening everywhere, california is no exception.
look at canada, trudeau seized the bank accounts of truckers protesting mandatory vaxx ... similar measures everywhere. there is smt in these vaxx ... it got to be.
I respectfully disagree. The same things are not happening everywhere. I moved from the left coast (PNW), when this nightmare began. In the heartland it's still free of most of the insanity, masks, woke and otherwise. I could see what was happening with the three puppet Gov's of Calif., Oregon, and WA. There are better, saner, (U.S.) places to dig in, organize and fight back. Meanwhile, maybe just buying some time, peace, and sanity, but that's worth a lot. Watching most people lose their minds (and all common sense) on the left coast was just too painful to witness.
what makes you think is any different? same game everywhere, different players, different day ... unless you think dominion software is not good enough, and voting still matters ... yeah well, i got a bridge in brooklyn as well :)
I’m still going to vote, I’ve been in a voting booth since I could stand up. My parents used to take us 3 girls with them when they voted. Both of my parents were lifelong democrats, not these radical Marxist, who call themselves democrats. Those two parents, raised 3 republicans.
i hear you what we are facing though is real evil and it is sort of endgame .... to paraphrase a smart man: if voting mattered there would be no voting ...
I can tell you it's different because we left Gulag New England for Florida and it is world's away different. To keep it that way is up to "we, the people". Not voting machines, not who sits in the corner office -- "we, the people". 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 of what's taken place since "15 days to flatten the curve" could have happened without the obedience of people to that which was unlawful, unethical, and indecent.
That’s right. Your last sentence says it all. They could only get away with it because of all the fearful, brainwashed, uninformed people going along with it. Some not only going along with it but enforcing it on others. I have a sister who will fight to the death to defend all these lies
I live in Texas. It is not like CA. We have a few nut jobs and liberal cess pools. But 90% of the state follows laws that are not like that one or remotely similar.
There’s still such a thing as states rights. My governor passed a law making it illegal to ask vaccine status. The arts festival where I worked for 40 years set super draconian policies for employment and admission (which hurt ticket sales) which they had to drop the minute the governor signed the bill.
Californians who visited Florida or Texas when the pandemic was still raging on the West coast noted that things seemed normal in those other states.
I agree you can no longer talk about fleeing to Canada or Australia but you can flee to Texas.
This is likely unconstitutional so we shall see. I am sure it will be taken to court. What they do with it with the far left judicial system there is hard to predict. Because this is a serious erosion of a core right enshrined in the California constitution, there are other cases where such laws have been tossed. Sadly, of course, it takes years to go through the system. Until the, suggest you get your health care elsewhere.
1 Guess not, judges are no doctors so they can't scientifically proof doctors wrong but the doctors can show the judges they are right... so that has not been the intention
2 depends on your ideas, background circumstances. Seen like a mentall healty person from reality? No.
I do dare to say that making this bill certainly brings risks for persons how got anything to do with it. Because they really don't understand what they are saying actually makes themselves losing their jobs at best, because this bill gives people trust to take the experimental dangerous and deadly gen therapy, for a scientificaly proven non existing threath. And this is not known only untill yesterdag but for ever or at least sinds the beginnen of 2021.
I really believe within now and a year there are some really serious problems to all people who had or have anything to do with these deadly unnecessary dishonest experimental gen therapy.
I also think that there will be masses of humans super angry, and that the won't be safe no more, nowere.
My thought as well...I see vaxxed people changing...from indivuduals to covidian blind followers, and often it seems like they have become (east-indical) deaf too
California is an exception compared to state like Florida, Texas, Tennessee. There are states that start from the sanctity of the doctor/patient relationship. They are NEVER going this way.
Hope you are correct. Frightening to think that SOMEONE out there is going to be able to determine, as per his/her whim, just WHAT constitutes medical mis/disinformation.
Whoever could support such a bill is truly in need of help. Sadly, as we know, many are (in need of help), these days.
Winning will mean assurances and laws that make mandates impossible to implement ever again under any circumstances. Or at least the bar for such circumstances must be incredibly high
"More than 80% of the population has been vaccinated with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine but Low’s bill said the spread of disinformation about vaccines “has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” WHAT!!!!!!!?????? No, what has weakened it is the FACTS......VAERS, Pfizer docs being released, people dropping dead, being disabled and our effin' eyes and ears.......nothing a "dr" tells me about this mRna debacle will strengthen my confidence......NOTHING......lives have been placed at serious risk from the medical establishment.......#stoptheinsanity....
All Trust in "medical institutions" is gone, destroyed by their own actions. Allowing patients to be injected with unknown poison, or injecting them yourself with such, can mean only 2 things: Either 1) doctors are more ignorant than "some people on the internet" about the risks of mRNA jabs, or 2) doctors put their own financial interests ahead of the health of their patients.
I could "explain" #1 by saying "they follow CDC guidance" but they also ignore the blatant evidence of injuries, available to anyone, in VAERS. I could understand #2, fearing losing your license, but can I understand killing or maiming someone (possibly many people!) for that fear? Nope.
Trust is Gone. Neither Ignorance or Selfishness are excuses for killing and maiming innocent people who trusted you. If you allow this, you are Evil. Sorry.
Go read A Midwestern Doctor Substack. He has a 5-part post set that explains how that happens. He also explains why physicians cannot accept vaccine or medical treatment injuries.
Basically, accepting the connection means admitting responsibility and ignorance for many harms, followed by conflict of career income needs with that truth. They don't know how else to treat, how to rebuild their career outside of the corrupt established medicine.
It will take a generational shift to create the alternative. By those of us aware can find true healers and healthcare (instead of sick care).
If the majority stood up they couldn't fire all of them......and all of us have lost a lot during this pandemic....yes, some will be sacrificed by loss of career....that's what this is going to take.....drs can't just go on working in this current system knowing what they know....I can see at the beginning not wanting to/being able to but not now......already subscribe to that's a good read....
this won't stand up in court. guessing that ican already have have the suit ready to go and are going to ask for a TRO.
this is just to rid the state of as many competent physicians as possible so as to drive up the death rate. if you can't kill people with a covid shot, maybe you can kill them by taking away their doctors.
big pharma is getting rid of vaccines and moving to a genetic modification platform for both flu shot and childhood vax schedule. that's to head off what's going to be an orphan crisis if they don't start killing the kids sooner than later since the covid shot uptake has flatlined
Maybe this is why Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jaxxen in the most recent Highwire were surprised that some super pro-vaxx guy' name was on a paper stating that the childhood vaxxes are causing asthma - perhaps they are prepping people by saying the old one has too much Aluminum as adjuvant so dangerous and so that is why we need to switch to the new mnRNA technology jabs which doesn't contain traditional adjuvants..... just a thought.
And the combined mRNA treatment of flu and covid all in one fake vaccine shot.
Better ask if the flu shot is old school or new wave poison. And, yes, all flu shots are poison. You cannot stop viral evolution in the old way any more than the new. They cause more harm than good. Hmm. Where have I seen that before?
Welcome to Germany, 1935. Most doctors in this state have been content to push the shots, withhold therapeutics, and collect the grants given by the state. They already have blood on their hands and their complicity allowed this to happen. It’s sickening.
I have nothing but respect for Dr. Nass, Steve Kirsch and others speaking out, but after how the doctors groups have acted in such a predatory manner in California for years, there was no way I was going to lift a finger to stop this bill. In fact, the bleats of indignation made me want it to pass.
Total medical reform or else live with Richard Pan as your boss.
I am quite interested in trying to learn more about the model. How you grow these community clinics. Start more. Guerrilla GPs and commando clinics. Everywhere.
So wouldn't a Californian doctor who is telling a healthy 18-20 year-old man or a healthy pregnant or breast-feeding woman that the covid shot is "safe and effective" be breaking this law? Just needing some clarification. Thank you.
Yes, that is exactly the point. The law is designed that if CDC/Biden say EVERYONE should get the shot, if you give any contrary advice, EVEN IF IT IS PROVABLY CORRECT, because it does not adhere to the "standard" or "good practice" (terms that are whatever diktats the government wants them to be) you are up for discipline. This is designed to completely and irrevocably end the doctor patient relationship. No patient will ever be able to know that their doctor is telling them the truth as it applies to them. You hit the nail on the head.
Aren't CDC recommendations simply that and not the law? How many times did we see changes with regards to wearing masks to protect from covid? Was that the law? Many public universities are not even following CDC recommendations by continuing to implement shot mandates and treating students differently. Are t
Why would any doctor who puts his patients’ interests first stay in California?
doctors are employed by HMOs and much of the agenda is set by big pharma. it is a deeply corrupt system designed for profit not public health.
It's much broader than pharma. The medical industrial complex functions as a guild with a primary objective of protecting itself, not patients. They control med schools, limiting the workforce to assure shortag3 and dependence. They establish standards of care to direct practitioners to push the "right" pharmaceuticals. They direct rules of behavior to weed out resistance.
Yes, and that is exactly how the Rockefellers set it up in the early 20th century, with the help of the Flexner brothers.
Now that everyone in the system uses digital medical records, all practitioners are monitored to ensure that they diagnose and prescribe according to orthodox, approved parameters. For instance, anything related to high blood pressure and cholesterol should result in a prescription for statins, period. And if statins are not prescribed the doctor gets audited, and unless statin prescriptions are not given the license is eventually yanked.
*Correction: unless statins ARE GIVEN, the license is yanked
Some people still think doctors are noble monks, seeking truth and wisdom. They're not. It's just a job, like a plumber.
The medical profession is as honest as the car salesmen. This is so clear now. Your on your own folks.
you are in the wrong country lol
Sorcery ■ dressed in white; do not be decieved
corrupted like Saruman the white wizard!
one could get started on a career much faster and cheaper as a plumber though
You can start in medicine quick and cheap, too. Some start as PAs or nurses or even orderlies. Plumbers start at the bottom and go through years of apprenticeship to become good.
apprenticeship hones their skills and gives them experience. some people just dont have the knack, which you find out during that time.
kinda like doctor internships i suspect.
I agree that’s true for many/most.
I trust plumbers more than doctors. I'd probably even trust a plumber more than a doctor. And only because I won't let an allopathic doctor anywhere near my plumbing.
Same here!
Been there done that. No thanks.
Most are. Some are not. Human nature.
Some are more ethical and honest than others, and some are less ethical and honest than they used to be. Human nature is neither ethical nor honest, and cooperation with others requires continuous conscious effort. Trust but verify.
Mortgages probably.
Maybe a lot of doctors in California agree with the narrative. It will be hard for doctors who don’t agree and have integrity.
so california will be left with doctors who have no capacity for independent creative thought and no regard for their patients and who are only good at being automatons, following orders and doing whatever the state tells them to do. we've seen those types before
Because today the criteria for entry to medical school are demographics and social justice warrior score, rather than intelligence, capacity to succeed, and desire to help patients, the cohorts graduating now will do just fine with this. Most of them (there are rare exceptions) wouldn't know how to think if they were offered thinking on a silver platter.
Very true. Wait until this cohort hits the world of "healthcare":
My next door neighbor (a retired doctor) always says this
Lots of them here lately.
Which leads to their demise because computers already do the same thing and never argue or fight back.
Epson printers, on the other hand,....
This trend is gaining momentum in other fields as well like education .
The Antichrist is here if you believe that sort of thing.
Main point, have your orange corvette waxed before cruising down beach boulevard
It would take a LOT of courage to remain and speak out. The Narrative Police will carry those docs off to jail. This is NOT our country, this is evil taken over.
It's also not true to California roots. We've traded in barefoot grow-your-own-granola for social media plastic. Or rather, the plastic has overgrown and the barefeet ran north and east.
I agree. They trample the constitution every damn day.
And who would have to make that happen? Most likely a patient...or a staff member -- an "American" -- which is truly special.
My Google review of TX Medical Board,-85.8608005,4z?hl=en-US
WEF review also...
Perhaps when the jab maiming and deaths reach their own family? Doctors and nurses are the worst for protocols, even when they are homicidal. The more education, the thicker the wall I guess. I guess it's gotta get personal before they will wake.
and Medical school tuition to pay down. Medical training is free with a hitch in the armed services, or it should be free if you agree to do a hitch with Doctors Without Borders for a number of years.
FYI: Doctors without Borders is antisemitic. They don't recognize Israel as a country. They do recognize "the Palestinian Territories". A self-respecting Jew who wants to associate with a relief organization should stay away from this one.
"Thank you for sharing." That said: O.M.G!! I FORGOT--- Everyone MUST BE TOTALLY AWARE OF OTHERS' SENSITIVITIES, HURTS, INJUSTICES AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE, AT ALL TIMES!!!!! SO, maybe we shouldn't get out of bed in the morning for fear Someone Other will be mightily offended and have the right to attack us because THEIR religion says it's the WRONG side? Maybe the new docs could volunteer in YOUR organization 😁👍
Donicia provides a perfect example of why Jews do not always speak up against antisemitic comments and actions. Because whenever Jews dare to speak up, antisemites like Donicia put them on blast. "How dare these Jews point out antisemitism! They need to shut up and quit bothering the rest of us!" Thanks for showing folks how antisemites do it, Donicia.
Oh, also: All Lives Matter.
WOW---!!!! You sure do jump to conclusions!! BTW: Palestinians are Semites, too... and while we're at it, how do you know I am not Jewish, hmmm??
"Robert Smith" provides The Perfect Example of how TROLLS come in every religion ;-)
"Why would any doctor who puts his patients’ interests first stay in California?"
Already fired for prescribing ivermectin, perhaps? No money to move?
Possible, but probably not doing a lot of doctoring anyway if that’s the case. A lot of them believe all the crap anyway including my former doctor in my red state. Wanted me to take the shot.
It's hard to get a man to understand a thing when his paycheck depends upon him not understanding it.
Agree 100 percent and I totally understand!
My paycheck went away because I worked hard to understand COVID, well before the political positions were set, and the penalties, and I would not un-know what I had learned, especially the efficacy of early antiviral treatment.
I hope you and your family weather this long storm well...
Some want to stop the oppression. Not everyone runs from a fight.
It's easy to remove "noncompliant" doctors these days...
Just ask me.
Allowing a medical guild to decide how to accomplish an essential public service is predictably subject to corruption. That is one of the major flaws in our society that must be corrected. We need a doctors bill of rights. No doctor should be restricted in any way without adjudication by public courts. Doctors who fail to perform would be sued civilly or prosecuted criminally to motivate competence.
Many stay for the money and the weather, but most stay because they want to do well while doing whatever good they can within a deeply flawed system.
It's a developing news story, Granny, basically two years old, with the origins going back about three decades to the rise of the HMO "care" model. I've watched it unfold, first with a sense of distaste and vague foreboding, then with a rising horror.
First, we have to remember that every undertaking has a "business model" of one sort or another. Medical practices are no different. The HMO/PPO model, along with vertical integration (think "Kaiser," with it's business model one that contains every specialty including pharmacy operations under one financial umbrella) relies on economies of scale and regulatory loopholes for its inexorable expansion.
Whenever a Kaiser or Sutter enters a regional medical market, the very first thing it does is to enter into direct competition for paying customers. This results in bankrupting small private practices, absorbing the physicians and patients with payment ability (think "access to insurance coverage") and preventing newly-formed "small business" from getting a foothold in the market.
There was a sort of uneasy balance between medical "main street and wall street" medical provision, until the great recession. With the rise of unemployment, the market became weighted in favor of the group model. With fewer patients having private medical insurance, many private practices expanded their discounting for long-term patients that suddenly became penniless. In other words, they provided in-house financing by allowing patients to pay over time; the small offices "carried the notes" and their cash flow suffered. With rising numbers of defaults, the little guys were driven into bankruptcy.
Increasingly, the physicians in private practice found themselves robbed of sleep and patient face-time spent on the financial aspects of running a small business. Increasing regulatory burdens also had a hand in this.
A lot of doctors began collaborating in the formation of small, independent groups that alleviated some of the time-sink that business meetings represented, but preserved their independent ability to treat patients.
Still, the attrition rate slowly increased, with small groups adding doctors and expanding, growing to the point of becoming attractive targets for takeover buyouts by the rising corporate behemoths.
Then came Covid. The corrupt governor of California pulled a "Cuomo," murdering seniors by forcing infected patients out of hospitals with isolation wards and back into care homes to infect otherwise stable but vulnerable patients.
Then a bevy of local unelected county health officers forced the small practices to stop seeing patients. The public health authorities are, by their very nature, collectivist, concerned with people as statistics, not individuals. This is a feature of "public health," not a bug and is necessary to their function. What is NOT necessary to their function is the right to dictate circumstances that guarantee bankruptcy for small medical practices. For that, they had to collaborate with politicians that held the power to enforce diktats by means of law enforcement. In other words, at gunpoint.
Small businesses do not have the wherewithal to outlast negative cash flow conditions, and all over California small practices were literally forced to go out of business while the authorities directed subsidies toward the hospital system-affiliated large groups. These subsidies were both explicitly transparent, as with the PPP loans, and "sub rosa" as with the financial incentives to misclassify patients presenting with various ailments as "covid cases" by means of universally PCR-testing every admission.
I watched office after office close, with some of the practitioners leaving the state, others taking early retirement and many seeking refuge within the corporations.
back during the great recession, my doctor's three-physician practice sold itself to one of the corporations. I spoke with the physicians, and having been a patient of theirs for three decades, they were willing to share with me that they became doctors in order to help the sick and suffering, not to exhaust themselves trying to keep a business afloat in a hostile inflationary environment with new layers of regulatory burden being imposed every year. They didn't name him, but Obama's mania for regulation and cost inflation correlated precisely with the "straw that broke the camel's back."
The electronic medical records mandates alone, imposed both a capital investment and time-sink that distorted the medical marketplace, and no good has come of it. I say this because any advantage created by "instant access" is offset by data retention policies and technology expenses, both for dealing with hardware and networking infrastructure obsolescence expense, and for software licensing fees and the time sink of adapting to ever-changing software interface learning curves.
So those kind, self-sacrificing doctors reasoned that by selling their practices and becoming employees, they would be able to focus all of their time helping patients without the stress and distraction of running a small business. Without exception, the various doctors surrendering their practices were assured that their new corporate masters would not infringe on their right to treat patients according to their own medical judgement. A free hand in treating patients is what they were promised.
They were lied to.
Those of us dealing with corporations as a matter of lifelong, daily business, could have told these doctors what to expect; bait-and-switch is endemic, an integral aspect of the everyday mendacity of the business world.
But doctors are often subject to a curious duality of personality traits. That dichotomy consists of an (usually) benign arrogance derived from years of education resulting in facing the reality of uncertain patient outcomes, combined with a rather touching naivete concerning the promises made by murderously avaricious corporate administrators. Administrative avarice is not confined to personal remuneration; it extended to greed for status and includes the heady wine of power over the fate of others.
The doctors who stay are often motivated to do so by the knowledge that, even if they are compelled to deny proper care for some of their patients, if they wren't there to act as a bulwark against administratively-imposed patient suffering, then who would do so?
I could continue this little screed with anecdote after anecdote, example after example, but I think you get my drift; it's a complex situation that has significantly deteriorated in a very sudden fashion.
I'm a doctor (since 1986) and I concur, even though I was practicing in Texas (and Navajo Nation, and rural Hawaii at times) until I was fired for refusing COVID-vaccination almost a year ago.
The layers of "management" and profit-taking which have been added to medicine since the early 1980s promised to make everything better for everyone, but they have put a vast drag on the American economy, worsened patient care by making doctors always too busy for face-time, and they have made every aspect of medical records a lie through electronic medical records.
That is important and overlooked. "If you didn't document it, you didn't do it" has been a saying for decades, but electronic records will populate in a lot of information at the click of a mouse, or the dictated words "Standard Negative Physical Exam", which is really just made-up. I started seeing this in ER records in the 1990s. I could tell the ER doc did not do an exam, because he/she would have seen what I was looking at, and it was "documented" to be completely normal.
I don't know how we get to honest medicine. I had 18 cumulative years at a public health clinic, and saw the dehumanization of "the unvaccinated" as the same thing that happened in Germany and Cambodia (killing-fields). I immediately said that I would "stand naked with the Jews" on principle. I have not been chasing work, because it is becoming harder again to get paid to take care of poor people, and I only provide good care. Trying to do otherwise would break me.
There is other good to do in our world of lies and extortion, and we must prepare for the privations coming our way. Look. We are not immune, not protected in this decade of turmoil.
If all the ethical doctors leave who will help the patients who can not leave the state because of family and/or financial reasons?
I don't know any California MD's personally. But two nurses and one respiratory therapist I know personally have left the state, the profession, or both. The respiratory therapist had all of her shifts "rescheduled" when she refused to conduct regular Convid tests and submitted a religious exemption to the quaxxine requirements. She was close enough to retirement that she initiated a wrongful termination lawsuit and moved to Arizona.
One nurse quit nursing entirely, sold her house for a large profit, and moved to Kentucky, and the other nurse moved to South Carolina, where she works unmasked and pure blooded in a hospital.
that is great to know thanks BonosMullet
California is a disaster. A beautiful state destroyed by these tyrants.
Every place on my bucket list is now erased - and I wish I had some hope for a brighter, freer future, but I'm not optimistic.
And those who cooperated with them.
Voting is a scam, just like nearly everything we've been taught or conditioned to believe. If we could vote our way out of this then voting would be illegal.
Remember how speakeasies became prominent during the prohibition era?
Would it ever be possible to boycott the established and corrupted system we have and build a network of real community clinics with real doctors and healers who actually offer medical advice based on medical science, and not just corporate or political interests. Cause I want those doctors. Not a retail worker in a lab coat.
Me too! I understand that Peter McCullough's teaming with a group in Canada that's starting a telemedicine medical business, then they're taking it to in-person consultations in offices.
Here is Dr. McCullough’s site
They don't call it 'careers in the medical industry' for nothing at the job fairs...
Medical Industrial Complex
That's what we need. Different medical system, different justice system (with justice), different school system.... etc. Strip off the artificial constructs and start creating something valuable from the ground up.
It's being created now. Dr. Pierre Kory has one. Front Line has one.
What needs to go is the control pyramid that enables corruption of a few to control entire industries. Get rid of that coalition of medical boards first.
Nothing will change for the better unless and until fraudulent germ theory is replaced by a holistic understanding of what makes us ill.
Hope doctors leave the state, no one should have to put up with those imbeciles.
leaving is not a solution. same things are happening everywhere, california is no exception.
look at canada, trudeau seized the bank accounts of truckers protesting mandatory vaxx ... similar measures everywhere. there is smt in these vaxx ... it got to be.
I respectfully disagree. The same things are not happening everywhere. I moved from the left coast (PNW), when this nightmare began. In the heartland it's still free of most of the insanity, masks, woke and otherwise. I could see what was happening with the three puppet Gov's of Calif., Oregon, and WA. There are better, saner, (U.S.) places to dig in, organize and fight back. Meanwhile, maybe just buying some time, peace, and sanity, but that's worth a lot. Watching most people lose their minds (and all common sense) on the left coast was just too painful to witness.
listen to this nurse ... a heroine ... there is lot going on in hospitals and it will only get worse ...
If most of the ethical doctors leave what will happen to us, the patients, who can not leave because of family and/or financial reasons?
you can leave without going to canada. you can go to texas, florida, south carolina
what makes you think is any different? same game everywhere, different players, different day ... unless you think dominion software is not good enough, and voting still matters ... yeah well, i got a bridge in brooklyn as well :)
I’m still going to vote, I’ve been in a voting booth since I could stand up. My parents used to take us 3 girls with them when they voted. Both of my parents were lifelong democrats, not these radical Marxist, who call themselves democrats. Those two parents, raised 3 republicans.
i hear you what we are facing though is real evil and it is sort of endgame .... to paraphrase a smart man: if voting mattered there would be no voting ...
I can tell you it's different because we left Gulag New England for Florida and it is world's away different. To keep it that way is up to "we, the people". Not voting machines, not who sits in the corner office -- "we, the people". 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 of what's taken place since "15 days to flatten the curve" could have happened without the obedience of people to that which was unlawful, unethical, and indecent.
That’s right. Your last sentence says it all. They could only get away with it because of all the fearful, brainwashed, uninformed people going along with it. Some not only going along with it but enforcing it on others. I have a sister who will fight to the death to defend all these lies
So many people with stories similar to yours re your sister.
I live in Texas. It is not like CA. We have a few nut jobs and liberal cess pools. But 90% of the state follows laws that are not like that one or remotely similar.
Living in a free state IS different. Migrated from unfree to free. VERY DIFFERENT REALITY.
Cynicism and despair are not winning strategies!
There’s still such a thing as states rights. My governor passed a law making it illegal to ask vaccine status. The arts festival where I worked for 40 years set super draconian policies for employment and admission (which hurt ticket sales) which they had to drop the minute the governor signed the bill.
Californians who visited Florida or Texas when the pandemic was still raging on the West coast noted that things seemed normal in those other states.
I agree you can no longer talk about fleeing to Canada or Australia but you can flee to Texas.
I’d steer clear of Brooklyn
Will this be taken to court? Is it even constitutional?
This is likely unconstitutional so we shall see. I am sure it will be taken to court. What they do with it with the far left judicial system there is hard to predict. Because this is a serious erosion of a core right enshrined in the California constitution, there are other cases where such laws have been tossed. Sadly, of course, it takes years to go through the system. Until the, suggest you get your health care elsewhere.
1 Guess not, judges are no doctors so they can't scientifically proof doctors wrong but the doctors can show the judges they are right... so that has not been the intention
2 depends on your ideas, background circumstances. Seen like a mentall healty person from reality? No.
I do dare to say that making this bill certainly brings risks for persons how got anything to do with it. Because they really don't understand what they are saying actually makes themselves losing their jobs at best, because this bill gives people trust to take the experimental dangerous and deadly gen therapy, for a scientificaly proven non existing threath. And this is not known only untill yesterdag but for ever or at least sinds the beginnen of 2021.
I really believe within now and a year there are some really serious problems to all people who had or have anything to do with these deadly unnecessary dishonest experimental gen therapy.
I also think that there will be masses of humans super angry, and that the won't be safe no more, nowere.
It's coming to digital EXPIRING currency. It will never last. We can never have wealth, if we let it happen.
My thought as well...I see vaxxed people changing...from indivuduals to covidian blind followers, and often it seems like they have become (east-indical) deaf too
California is an exception compared to state like Florida, Texas, Tennessee. There are states that start from the sanctity of the doctor/patient relationship. They are NEVER going this way.
Hope you are correct. Frightening to think that SOMEONE out there is going to be able to determine, as per his/her whim, just WHAT constitutes medical mis/disinformation.
Whoever could support such a bill is truly in need of help. Sadly, as we know, many are (in need of help), these days.
Truckers just won, though delayed. Canada revoked all the mandates.
Winning will mean assurances and laws that make mandates impossible to implement ever again under any circumstances. Or at least the bar for such circumstances must be incredibly high
over trudeau's body ...
Newsom is the criminal.
The California legislature is criminal.
Very scary. Very, very, scary. Thank you Dr. Nass for all you do. We love you!!
"More than 80% of the population has been vaccinated with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine but Low’s bill said the spread of disinformation about vaccines “has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” WHAT!!!!!!!?????? No, what has weakened it is the FACTS......VAERS, Pfizer docs being released, people dropping dead, being disabled and our effin' eyes and ears.......nothing a "dr" tells me about this mRna debacle will strengthen my confidence......NOTHING......lives have been placed at serious risk from the medical establishment.......#stoptheinsanity....
All Trust in "medical institutions" is gone, destroyed by their own actions. Allowing patients to be injected with unknown poison, or injecting them yourself with such, can mean only 2 things: Either 1) doctors are more ignorant than "some people on the internet" about the risks of mRNA jabs, or 2) doctors put their own financial interests ahead of the health of their patients.
I could "explain" #1 by saying "they follow CDC guidance" but they also ignore the blatant evidence of injuries, available to anyone, in VAERS. I could understand #2, fearing losing your license, but can I understand killing or maiming someone (possibly many people!) for that fear? Nope.
Trust is Gone. Neither Ignorance or Selfishness are excuses for killing and maiming innocent people who trusted you. If you allow this, you are Evil. Sorry.
Go read A Midwestern Doctor Substack. He has a 5-part post set that explains how that happens. He also explains why physicians cannot accept vaccine or medical treatment injuries.
Basically, accepting the connection means admitting responsibility and ignorance for many harms, followed by conflict of career income needs with that truth. They don't know how else to treat, how to rebuild their career outside of the corrupt established medicine.
It will take a generational shift to create the alternative. By those of us aware can find true healers and healthcare (instead of sick care).
If the majority stood up they couldn't fire all of them......and all of us have lost a lot during this pandemic....yes, some will be sacrificed by loss of career....that's what this is going to take.....drs can't just go on working in this current system knowing what they know....I can see at the beginning not wanting to/being able to but not now......already subscribe to that's a good read....
What’s “ weakened public confidence” is people seeing for themselves that these so-called vaccines don’t work and the harm they can cause.
this won't stand up in court. guessing that ican already have have the suit ready to go and are going to ask for a TRO.
this is just to rid the state of as many competent physicians as possible so as to drive up the death rate. if you can't kill people with a covid shot, maybe you can kill them by taking away their doctors.
I am wondering same, is this an empty threat? Might need to start looking forward, like all the flu shots slated for the upcoming winter.
big pharma is getting rid of vaccines and moving to a genetic modification platform for both flu shot and childhood vax schedule. that's to head off what's going to be an orphan crisis if they don't start killing the kids sooner than later since the covid shot uptake has flatlined
Maybe this is why Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jaxxen in the most recent Highwire were surprised that some super pro-vaxx guy' name was on a paper stating that the childhood vaxxes are causing asthma - perhaps they are prepping people by saying the old one has too much Aluminum as adjuvant so dangerous and so that is why we need to switch to the new mnRNA technology jabs which doesn't contain traditional adjuvants..... just a thought.
bingo. when frank destefano - one of the top vax propagandists in the world - comes out against his own product, you know something's up.
and notice the pivot: "aluminum causes asthma." not a word about autism
And the combined mRNA treatment of flu and covid all in one fake vaccine shot.
Better ask if the flu shot is old school or new wave poison. And, yes, all flu shots are poison. You cannot stop viral evolution in the old way any more than the new. They cause more harm than good. Hmm. Where have I seen that before?
Welcome to Germany, 1935. Most doctors in this state have been content to push the shots, withhold therapeutics, and collect the grants given by the state. They already have blood on their hands and their complicity allowed this to happen. It’s sickening.
I have nothing but respect for Dr. Nass, Steve Kirsch and others speaking out, but after how the doctors groups have acted in such a predatory manner in California for years, there was no way I was going to lift a finger to stop this bill. In fact, the bleats of indignation made me want it to pass.
Total medical reform or else live with Richard Pan as your boss.
In spite of that, there are clinics springing up in Germany taking care of the injured and "long covids."
Any links you can share?
I am quite interested in trying to learn more about the model. How you grow these community clinics. Start more. Guerrilla GPs and commando clinics. Everywhere.
So wouldn't a Californian doctor who is telling a healthy 18-20 year-old man or a healthy pregnant or breast-feeding woman that the covid shot is "safe and effective" be breaking this law? Just needing some clarification. Thank you.
Yes, that is exactly the point. The law is designed that if CDC/Biden say EVERYONE should get the shot, if you give any contrary advice, EVEN IF IT IS PROVABLY CORRECT, because it does not adhere to the "standard" or "good practice" (terms that are whatever diktats the government wants them to be) you are up for discipline. This is designed to completely and irrevocably end the doctor patient relationship. No patient will ever be able to know that their doctor is telling them the truth as it applies to them. You hit the nail on the head.
Aren't CDC recommendations simply that and not the law? How many times did we see changes with regards to wearing masks to protect from covid? Was that the law? Many public universities are not even following CDC recommendations by continuing to implement shot mandates and treating students differently. Are t