Meryl you are in especially good writing form tonight. This is hilarious. Dr. Zit has definitely had a hard life with that unattractive name. Poor sop. Your self portrait is priceless. Thank you for this use of humor to defuse more officious madness from our wonderful medical system.

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She's laughing in the face of utter malicious intent, and she will not be broken! I actually think it makes her stronger!!

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They've made Meryl Nass a celebrated name, so will test her all the more! I pray she is properly arming herself. They've also accomplished their hard-won goal of chaos which can't be filtered.

Entirely seriously, it's become impossible now to separate the "official" from the unexorcised perverse.

Once again I submit, we've arrived at certainty of deranged motive.



1. Infirmity that's appointed rather than treated)

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Yes. Meryl is our Rasputin

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So agree! This was so wonderfully written and I thoroughly enjoyed your humor! Meryl you are a gem and a patriot! God bless you! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Is there an honest medical board in the United States of America?

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"Honest" and "medical board in the USA" in the same sentence?! There must be a name for this grammatical error...

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Oxymoron. ;)

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I doubt it.

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I highly suspect NOT.

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Dr. Faust was an unbelievable schill highly practiced in the art of deception.

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Just like in mystery novels, let's look into financial relationships.

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The justice system has gone to the dark side with the rest of authority in this country.

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The no is in response to …are there any medical boards that aren’t captured ? … they are all captured… follow the money 💰

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They (the medical board) is a corporation in texas. they really have no say, maybe in texas. But not here in Maine or Mass. They just want us to think that. Docs probably don't need anything from them. We are so brainwashed in so many ways. We need to step out of the Truman show

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Art was truly mimicking life in that movie! Perhaps it was a message for us to wake the heck up!!

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No… very sad all the Malfeasance

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It would be interesting to gather the collective credentials of every medical board member in every state and the federal one as well. Also CVs of all their so-called expert witnesses over past 20 years.

The zits will be like cockroaches.

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Coming from you Steve, definitely a rhetorical question!😉

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Well, Steve the answer is no! They are not independent because they all are governed by the Federation of state medical board in Texas. I just posted who and what they are somewhere below, Jack Williams

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I believe there is an agenda that goes beyond the FSMB, to eliminate from practice any physician who is not controlled by an institution. Already 85% of physicians a mere employees of institutions and practice institutional medicine (and I mean that in the most pejorative way). This action in a state where you don't even have an active license is being done for political reasons (duh!) but no one is addressing the real agenda and I believe it is already too late to fix this.

It is my hope when our unlovely society reorganizes itself over the next few years, there will be enough physicians who will be able to pick up the pieces left behind by those of us who were willing to stand in our truth and not be under the thumb of the medical cartel.

Modern conventional medicine led us all down a very dark path as a result it will be destroyed.

Many of us are anxious for the transition, but it as always... timing.

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It may be useful to refer to just refer to them as the drug cartels of North America instead of "under the thumb of the medical cartel." E.g., the Pfizer drug cartel, etc.

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Yes, we’re seeing organized crime. Global.

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That’s why Obamacare was never completely eliminated so that the doctors would have to follow the corporate line and play along or lose their livelihood wasting years of very expensive education. At least that’s my view on it.

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Yes, Obamacare encourages the elimination of solo private physicians because of all the red tape, administrative issues and restrictions.

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They’re driving the people with integrity out of the system. Out of medicine, education, the military....

It’s a purge, for political ends.

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We are the transition. This is an invitation to walk away.. Each of us. All of us. I did two years ago and have never looked back.

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My father had a practice in NE Harbor (retired in ‘93) and he also asked his patients to send a check in the mail. Like you, he did not think poor patients needed to go without seeing a doctor. He also despised the paperwork and preferred to treat people for free than be a slave to it. He’d be in trouble now!

You are doing amazing work and I am proud to have been one of your patients years ago.

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I did that when I was in rural private practice, too.

I never turned anybody away for lack of payment.

That was a long time ago. "They" tightened-up the "system" a lot since then.

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So very true. In my younger years, nobody had health insurance. In fact in the 70's when drug advertising was illegal, prescription prices were based on AWP (ave. wholesale price) PLUS a $2.50 dispensing fee. No insurance. WT heck happened? The only 'standards of care' remain in the minds of those that know 'how it used to be'.

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Massive, vast rent-collection scheme in "American medicine" is what happened. Rent collection at every level and barriers to care to aid the collection of all those rents.

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I knew one of the key doctors who founded the Kaiser plan based on serving the needs of plantations workers as the motivations back in Hawai'i--1930s I think.Got coopted big time.But why not have a few liberated doctors start their own coop and pool resources, like that again?

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They will not get paid. The control is through money, computers, rules and review-processes.

It is tied up tight. It was not that way in the 1980s.

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In the early nineties the huge push to "proletarianize" independent, private practice physicians went into full swing. One of the most difficult aspects for independent practices was insurance-related paperwork, arbitrary claims denials etc. There certainly was fraud too. Bottom line is that independent docs were rapidly becoming extinct. It correlated sharply to computerization of information systems where large institutions had a huge edge over the small doc/practice.

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infuriating! i’m so sorry you’ve been treated like this. come and move to Orlando and let me be your first patient 💕

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Good idea! Dr Nass, walk away!! Go to Florida where you will be welcome to treat patients.

(I know, I know - it’s not that easy to pick up & go!)

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She is doing far more as an international ambassador for the medical freedom movement right now. No need to focus on individual patients, but great to force them to give back her license anyway.

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Does organized medicine have ANY dignity left? The answer is now clear: NO, there is NO dignity left in organized medicine!

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Personally I have ZERO faith in the system now. Like millions of others I’m doing everything I can to stay fit & well - and have been studying natural medicine since....2020.

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All I can think to say is Welcome to the lumpen proletariat. Your legal experience is so like that of the poor and particularly people of color. The art of kangaroo courts is quite well known, especially by political prisoners as I saw in the 1960-70's. The courts, like the press and all social institutions have the primary job of protecting the 'system,' no matter how stupid they may sound. They have the power and control the public narrative so getting an opposite story out there is a major fight against the tyranny of the oligarchy. I noted the Julian Assange debacle but can also note the Andrew Wakefield clown show that cost him is license in the UK. That case was live streamed online and one could listen to the kangaroos jumping all over the place and denying any witnesses on his behalf. His choice was to recant on a 10 published observation study that simply suggested further study of vaccine virus observed in the guts of autistic children or to lose his license. His cohorts recanted; Wakefield to his credit stood his ground. Sound familiar?

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omg, omg, omg... Dr Nass, you are one hell of a spunky ol' gal! I just read this entire post out loud, to my 85 yr old mom, complete with every dramatic inflection I'm sure that you intended. she and I laughed till we had tears in our eyes, I could hardly finish the entire post!!

these 'medical board' morons are just too ridiculous to believe. its like a rejected SNL skit or something. do they really STILL have no idea what a rock star they have helped turn you into?? to quote an old boxer (who's name I can't recall), "I pity the fool," to dares take you on. Brava, my dear. you SLAY!

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Yes but it’s hard to hive any pity for these fools. BTW the old boxer was the fictional Clubber Lang in the film Rocky III played by none other than Mr T. It’s a line you never forget.

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it was Mister T!! okay, cool. (not a big Rocky fan here, lol) but heck yeah, that delivery of that line is unforgettable, even if I forgot it was a fictional character.

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When you watch some of the older movies, it’s shocking how many profound and poignant lines there are we have collected into our memory bank. My all time favorite came from drug kingpin Frank White in King of New York delivered by Christopher Walken - “I never killed a man who didn’t deserve to die.”

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You couldn't make this up if you tried. Your response is priceless. Made my evening!

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Bravo! Some of your funniest writing yet.

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Ladapo can find a good spot for you somewhere in the Team Florida system. It's far from perfect here....dingbats abound, but the waters are far less choppy. Seems like the entire Northeast is oozing into a hot steamy sewer.

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EXCELLENT!!! Funny, scathing and eye-opening to those who haven’t a clue how their tax dollars are being spent. Thank you, Meryl!

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I sent your cartoon of the snake (the newest one) to the printer today to make a poster of it for CPAC!

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That’s great, Meryl! I trust it’s a high-res jpeg. If not, just let me know and I’ll send you one.

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I love your sense of humor! I guess in this instance, which is just so ridiculous it really is laughable, you either have to laugh about it or go crazy. By the way-you look great for being in your 70's. I never would have guessed! God bless!

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Dr Nass is wonderful! She's sooo funny! I read the entire letter, definitions too, and she's right I'd be mad too if that were my name!! She's worked her career honorably and is helping to lead the battle in a fight for a new and just future!! She will have a special place in the history books!!

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Public education is a cartel. Only rogue and truthful history books will tell the stories. Keep writing and a mountain of homeschoolers will buy your scripts to share the crime of two centuries.

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KB - I can attest to Dr. Nass appearing at least 20 years younger than her age. She literally vibrates with energy and brilliance.

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Oh my, "before the lips turn blue", how avante gard, how progressive, how cutting edge, how 1990's... you are a breaker of sound barriers, a zephyr of change, how do you do it? What's your secret? Please tell? Let me guess, you refuse to watch the boob tube.

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You got it. I have not watched TV since I was 10. And rarely listen to the radio. I suspect the subliminal messages just didn't percolate in as much.

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Like-minded soul! I stopped watching TV in 1968 and have never owned one. You are correct...the mind control can't work if you're not locked into the tractor beam. Blessings to you!!!!!

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I mostly stopped in 1973, and did not own one until the late 1980s, but did not strictly give TV up until Babylon-V ended in 1999.

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Meryl, You are a Wonderful Treasure! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this at this juncture in your life. The Medical clown show, known as the American sick care system is indeed in critical condition when they have nothing better to do than harass a bona fide highly Integris medical practitioner as yourself. This attempt to make you an example of wrong think will of course not work. It only serves to elevate you in the eyes of those who know you. Love that sense of humor! I pray that this goes away quickly for you.. Keep shining your very special light you are deeply appreciated..!

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So beautifully expressed! Thank you Curt Sanders!!

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