The sheer gall of these bought-and-paid-for criminals beggars the imagination. Fire him? Resignation? I believe we’re past that point. It’s time to press charges. #NoAmnesty
Keep writing Meryl. We all appreciate your background and commentary. How that Federation of state boards ever acquired any influence is beyond my grasp but I suppose the new golden rule is that those with the gold make the rules.
Another terrific article, as always. Love this one especially, because you zero-in on some of the roots of the suppression of true science and doctors who dissent.
It's ALWAYS money or power or both that corrupts, so those from the 4 boards/associations you listed who are involved in the suppression of truth, have absolutely been corrupted with money/power. There are never any exceptions when it comes to corruption and such blatant lies.
The Rockefeller Foundation is one the principal funders of those boards you listed, perhaps the #1 funding source. I don't know this, but I wouldn't be surprised if Gates is also involved in funding these groups.
BTW I had looked up Baron's salary last year. It has gone up by 200K in the ABIM's 2021 tax return, which I have now linked. Do you think the 20% increase is related to his misinformation antiexpertise campaign?
The Rockefeller Foundation is heavily invested in Pharma. They earn huge revenues from drugs and vaccines. So they do everything possible to increase sales. They also invested in or sponsored such global initiatives as Event 201, Agenda 2030, Future of Technology and International Development and Reset the Table. The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the key globalist villains.
The Rockefeller Foundation as an entity, as an organism, is a globalist villain. Always has been from its inception. The original John D and the Rothschilds were bosom buddies and global allies. Both Foundations are still allied. It's irrelevant if not every employee of the Rockefeller Foundation knows the true mission. The ENTITY is a key globalist player.
Well, they certainly have saved me some money. I dropped out of every money, grubbing society of doctors taking my money to use against me.It saved me from getting any more vaccines or anyone I know that wants my opinion. It’s interesting how they’re going after the virus theory of disease my hunch is that this will be a biggie and blow a hole a mile wide through the practice of so called virology. I will suggest anybody who wants to be in the know would read a book called “virus mania” If you can’t see it, it becomes more terrifying but what if it’s not there? You’re being lied to especially by pompous dumb ass doctors on medical boards.
I've always suspected the people pushing the no-virus and magnet theories (and contrails/5G/etc...) were instigated as a psy-op to discredit people who have legitimate concerns about the vacs. And here it is in direct action.
Here in San Diego (California) I have videotaped them spraying daily. I wake to lovely BLUE skies, and then I see the planes spraying lines all over the skies to block the sun.
Billions all over the world have uploaded video footage of the same thing.
I have stood and watched the chemicals dissipating down over our city within seconds, and they are absolutely not normal engine condensation. (Aka contrails)
I used to think people who believed in chem trails (PS even Prince the singer talked about it on television) were nuts - until I saw the chemicals spreading out before my eyes one day like wet paint on watercolor paper.
I realized THAT was NOT normal.
They clearly were chemicals that expanded laterally - and were not evaporating.
And so I curiously watched Dan Wiggingtons videos (from Northern California) and his presentation of evidence of air samples taken and his experts who were previously involved in spraying…and have had a change of heart. He’s been warning people for years about this and trying to stop the government and other private groups funding this from proceeding.
The former NASA scientist says what they are doing is actually DESTROYING our planet even more.
And opening up cancer causing X-ray level rays.
it’s been going on for years, and I believe its the reason we have very high neurological Alzheimer’s disease. (Aluminum is one of the chemicals in the chemical spray. So is barium and Strontium-90)
By the way Bill Gates is invested in the plan to BLOCK the SUN! Why would he want to do that?
He’s also invested in the largest seed collection bank.
If you block the sun, guess what will happen to the plants
Without the sun, plants can't get the food they need to grow.
Plants need the energy from light or the sun, water and gases from the air to create glucose. This process is known as photosynthesis and all plants, algae and even some microorganisms use it.
Hmmm so they want us to cut out meat and eat crickets and Frankenstein lab grown meat, now dimming the sky, and that will affect the grains, vegetables, … They are also attacking the farmers by taking away generations old farms in the Netherlands, one the largest producers of grains for the world…their president is captured and owned by the globalists.
And yet…Bill Gates is establishing a food business there. Now why on earth would he be doing that! His food centers are being BURNT down by angry farmers or citizens who see what the plan is.
You should maybe read Karen Kingston's substack of today wherein she details of the inclusion of graphene oxide in the vax formulations. And the shit is 5G responsive. 5G radiation poisoning produces symptoms very similar to Covid. Read more. It isn't over.
Thanks, I’ll take a look . I am familiar with her research and findings.
She’s recently also been very influential in Florida with halting the gene modification shot.
She’s taking the documented public evidence (including patents), to show the local state authorities and they are horrified, as everyone should be.
Watch the unhinged moron (FCC CHairman) saying how DAMN Important 5G is, and you better stay out of the way of its implementation.
He doesn’t care about safety of humans….what the heck are they up to!
And you try get them to NOT place one of those 5G residential towers RIGHT in front of your home…you will get no-where. They can put them in front of your child’s bedroom, and you have no legal recourse because just like the liability free vax, they have created laws to prevent you from exerting your rights to your own property and health.
They are. This whole thing has been in the works for maybe our whole lives, generations even. I have a modicum background in medicine, US Army Medic, Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic, 1 yr pre med. This Covid/5G Unrestricted Warfare is so excruciatingly complex, I am sorely taxed to just follow the basic outlines. Prophylaxing myself and my wife daily, Vit D3, C, Zinc, NAC, Quercetin, and now Nattokinase (best thing so far to break down the syn-bio spike protein - per Dr. Peter McCollough) I'm finding, is about the best I can do. To say I have been able to reach even 3 souls with this info might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm trying to remain teachable and open to trying. I was fourteen years overcoming my own cognitive dissonance r.e. 9/11 and that psy-op was amateurish by comparison to what we've seen in these last three years. Be well.
My, how far NEJM, The Lancet, Science, et al. have fallen. I like your point that they list the extremes as what they are focusing on when in reality they're going after the guy prescribing a little IVM or making a risk/benefit assessment with an individual patient that happens to land on the side against jabbing.
The last few years have been wonderful for tearing away the cover hiding the corruption. I mean, we all knew in the past that there may be some shenanigans between the FDA and drug companies - a little back room dealing, perhaps, but who knew it was actually so corrupt as to make the FDA less than useless?
...less than useless, and downright dangerous. All of them are finished at some point, hopefully soon. The uncovering cannot be unseen. Time for action. Thank you Meryl for fighting, for all of us. My trust in any medical institution is shattered, possibly forever...same goes for media, government, banks, tech, social media...the list is long. It's a wonder we can still be positive about some things. Upside down, and inside out.
Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass
What would be helpful to know is the ratio of OUTSIDE capital versus MEMBER contributions.
THAT would be telling. If outside capital is higher - well then guess whose interests they are going to favor.
The power we the people DO have is our local politicians want to remain on the gravy train. We must apply pressure on them to prevent the various tyrannies being conducted .
We must make sure there is a vote RECORD so we can say>” we see you NOT caring about our doctor patient personalized decision relationship, or child parent , etc etc.”
We have to make the effort to communicate with them, or we will be living in an Orwellian nightmare very soon.
The practice of occupational culling medical dissidents is S.O.P. for the AMA since its inception. They want a smaller group of absolute conformists who can charge ever more for their “services” absent competition and dissent that points towards effective generics. See, e.g., Eustace Mullins, “Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.” It is replete with examples of very specific blatant crimes that went almost unchecked and fully achieved their aims. I also recommend “The Dark Truth of America's Federation of State Medical Boards” and the commentary that goes with it.
How dare they?! They dare with the same daring and guile and open effrontery to morality and common sense with which they have been daring for well over a century.
Unfortunately, what you term the "rogue interlopers" are the medical establishment, Big Pharma, all the regulatory agencies, and both the CIA and DOD. Most of the people working within them are quasi-blind functionaries--think of Eichmann and paint his soul any color from un-reflective ambitious underling to vaccine enthusiast--who are easily set into play by the darker souls who run the show. It is also a sad fact that what is "presently illegal" is a matter of choice and discretion by others.
I think the Catholic Church enjoys more protective privacy RIGHTS (between priest and confessor), than we now have with patient vaccination and physician patient encounters .
There are no vaccination privacy rights between patient and physician ICD-11 has instituted a "diagnostic" code that allows the hospital, HMO, or physician's office to bill and collect a fee for designating whether a patient is fully vaccinated and if not, why not. Non-compliance is now a billable diagnosis.
THAT needs to be reversed, IF we can get the right people in office.
We must not accept these types of changes, and must call our reps to complain and expose these things. They don’t know all the minutia of terrible things going on.
Often we are the ones who alert them to these potential abuses of power.
IBMs database in Germany was used to single out Jews -
this too will highly likely result discrimination , and it is a violation of our privacy.
We’ve seen what pressure the gov took in a round about way to force employees to take an experimental chemical genetic modifying shot, or be fired and be homeless, and unable to feed their families.
The FSMB was established the same year, 1913, as Rockefeller medicine. It exists for the sole purpose of greasing the skids for pharma sales, and, as far as I know, the state medical boards in all 50 states slavishly follow its dictates.
Rockefeller’s legacy of destruction through deception has left a massive wake, and continues to feed the beast system by financing universities and medical orgs among other “programs” to enslave - not educate and elevate.
Just as the Rothschilds , Morgan Chase and friends have damaged banking .
The ponzi pyramid scheme they built is about to collapse, thanks to their tremendous greed. That’s why the digital currency system is currently being built and being tested in Nigeria (they are rioting about cashless mandates!).
We have to reject that happening here - or social control will be the arrival of George Orwells nightmare. Just as we must let our local reps know we do NOT want a digital vaccine passport EVER.
We have to chop off the many tentacles connected to the monster, and use the model we THOUGHT we had, to rebuild it , to truly regulate and protect citizens -
I want to promote today's airing of Meryl & Corbett on CHD TV discussing the WHO IHR "health ammendments". In this discussion Dr. Nass points out that billions$$ have already been appropriated by the US congress to implement a "One Health" international authority as part of the NDAA passed in December. The ramifications are dire. I've been learning from Corbett for many years. Together, Nass & Corbett are a wonderful source of info and analysis. BTW, Corbett has been as radically anti-establishment a commentator as I have judged valuable to listen too. Accordingly, It seems to me that Dr. Nass' choice of allies has been carefully considered and ought not to be frivolously impugned by observers.
LMFAO. Expertise, is it? The FSMB has none, except in the specialty of CYA. After renewing my boards in FP 5 times I stopped throwing away precious time and money to "re-certify" about 10 years ago. The certification exams were not learning exercises for me , they were indoctrination and compliance training. Let me add that I am still in practice and still getting paid by some insurance. The lack of "current" board certification or "maintenance" has not been an insurmountable obstacle. The tide has turned, and all the rats will be drowned. Bless you Dr. Nass.
None of these SCIENTISTS! "missed the facts of record excess deaths". They were merely busy checking the direct deposit streams from pharma and government.
Factitious disorder imposed on self, also known as Munchausen syndrome, is a factitious disorder in which those affected feign or induce disease, illness, injury, abuse, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.
Munchausen syndrome fits within the subclass of factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms, but patients also have a history of recurrent hospitalization, travelling, and dramatic, extremely improbable tales of their past experiences.
The condition derives its name from the fictional character Baron Munchausen.
I enjoyed that movie. It was quite silly, but funny and fantastical. I think it’s a good story of delusion and super imagination.Allegory?
But definitely delusional lead character.
I myself, presently feel like the child in the book THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES…
Standing on the side of the procession watching the MAD King stark naked walking proudly with his invisible clothes with his moronic yes men side kicks….
We are living through The Emperor Has No CLothes regarding all the things transpiring about safe and effective vaccines, and the insane (gender obsession, CRT,…) fiction being created all around us to distract.
If only , like the child in the story, we could whisper truth , and everyone would listen to turn things around…
The sheer gall of these bought-and-paid-for criminals beggars the imagination. Fire him? Resignation? I believe we’re past that point. It’s time to press charges. #NoAmnesty
Keep writing Meryl. We all appreciate your background and commentary. How that Federation of state boards ever acquired any influence is beyond my grasp but I suppose the new golden rule is that those with the gold make the rules.
Another terrific article, as always. Love this one especially, because you zero-in on some of the roots of the suppression of true science and doctors who dissent.
It's ALWAYS money or power or both that corrupts, so those from the 4 boards/associations you listed who are involved in the suppression of truth, have absolutely been corrupted with money/power. There are never any exceptions when it comes to corruption and such blatant lies.
The Rockefeller Foundation is one the principal funders of those boards you listed, perhaps the #1 funding source. I don't know this, but I wouldn't be surprised if Gates is also involved in funding these groups.
BTW I had looked up Baron's salary last year. It has gone up by 200K in the ABIM's 2021 tax return, which I have now linked. Do you think the 20% increase is related to his misinformation antiexpertise campaign?
I’ll wager serious money his increase is related.
The Rockefeller Foundation is heavily invested in Pharma. They earn huge revenues from drugs and vaccines. So they do everything possible to increase sales. They also invested in or sponsored such global initiatives as Event 201, Agenda 2030, Future of Technology and International Development and Reset the Table. The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the key globalist villains.
Rajiv Shah and Rick Bright are two of them at Rockefeller.
The Rockefeller Foundation as an entity, as an organism, is a globalist villain. Always has been from its inception. The original John D and the Rothschilds were bosom buddies and global allies. Both Foundations are still allied. It's irrelevant if not every employee of the Rockefeller Foundation knows the true mission. The ENTITY is a key globalist player.
Well, they certainly have saved me some money. I dropped out of every money, grubbing society of doctors taking my money to use against me.It saved me from getting any more vaccines or anyone I know that wants my opinion. It’s interesting how they’re going after the virus theory of disease my hunch is that this will be a biggie and blow a hole a mile wide through the practice of so called virology. I will suggest anybody who wants to be in the know would read a book called “virus mania” If you can’t see it, it becomes more terrifying but what if it’s not there? You’re being lied to especially by pompous dumb ass doctors on medical boards.
I've always suspected the people pushing the no-virus and magnet theories (and contrails/5G/etc...) were instigated as a psy-op to discredit people who have legitimate concerns about the vacs. And here it is in direct action.
CHEM trails are no conspiracy.
Here in San Diego (California) I have videotaped them spraying daily. I wake to lovely BLUE skies, and then I see the planes spraying lines all over the skies to block the sun.
Billions all over the world have uploaded video footage of the same thing.
I have stood and watched the chemicals dissipating down over our city within seconds, and they are absolutely not normal engine condensation. (Aka contrails)
I used to think people who believed in chem trails (PS even Prince the singer talked about it on television) were nuts - until I saw the chemicals spreading out before my eyes one day like wet paint on watercolor paper.
I realized THAT was NOT normal.
They clearly were chemicals that expanded laterally - and were not evaporating.
And so I curiously watched Dan Wiggingtons videos (from Northern California) and his presentation of evidence of air samples taken and his experts who were previously involved in spraying…and have had a change of heart. He’s been warning people for years about this and trying to stop the government and other private groups funding this from proceeding.
The former NASA scientist says what they are doing is actually DESTROYING our planet even more.
And opening up cancer causing X-ray level rays.
it’s been going on for years, and I believe its the reason we have very high neurological Alzheimer’s disease. (Aluminum is one of the chemicals in the chemical spray. So is barium and Strontium-90)
By the way Bill Gates is invested in the plan to BLOCK the SUN! Why would he want to do that?
He’s also invested in the largest seed collection bank.
If you block the sun, guess what will happen to the plants
Without the sun, plants can't get the food they need to grow.
Plants need the energy from light or the sun, water and gases from the air to create glucose. This process is known as photosynthesis and all plants, algae and even some microorganisms use it.
Hmmm so they want us to cut out meat and eat crickets and Frankenstein lab grown meat, now dimming the sky, and that will affect the grains, vegetables, … They are also attacking the farmers by taking away generations old farms in the Netherlands, one the largest producers of grains for the world…their president is captured and owned by the globalists.
And yet…Bill Gates is establishing a food business there. Now why on earth would he be doing that! His food centers are being BURNT down by angry farmers or citizens who see what the plan is.
Now THAT sounds like a REAL PLANDEMIC!
You should maybe read Karen Kingston's substack of today wherein she details of the inclusion of graphene oxide in the vax formulations. And the shit is 5G responsive. 5G radiation poisoning produces symptoms very similar to Covid. Read more. It isn't over.
Thanks, I’ll take a look . I am familiar with her research and findings.
She’s recently also been very influential in Florida with halting the gene modification shot.
She’s taking the documented public evidence (including patents), to show the local state authorities and they are horrified, as everyone should be.
Watch the unhinged moron (FCC CHairman) saying how DAMN Important 5G is, and you better stay out of the way of its implementation.
He doesn’t care about safety of humans….what the heck are they up to!
And you try get them to NOT place one of those 5G residential towers RIGHT in front of your home…you will get no-where. They can put them in front of your child’s bedroom, and you have no legal recourse because just like the liability free vax, they have created laws to prevent you from exerting your rights to your own property and health.
They are beyond caring anymore.
They are. This whole thing has been in the works for maybe our whole lives, generations even. I have a modicum background in medicine, US Army Medic, Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic, 1 yr pre med. This Covid/5G Unrestricted Warfare is so excruciatingly complex, I am sorely taxed to just follow the basic outlines. Prophylaxing myself and my wife daily, Vit D3, C, Zinc, NAC, Quercetin, and now Nattokinase (best thing so far to break down the syn-bio spike protein - per Dr. Peter McCollough) I'm finding, is about the best I can do. To say I have been able to reach even 3 souls with this info might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm trying to remain teachable and open to trying. I was fourteen years overcoming my own cognitive dissonance r.e. 9/11 and that psy-op was amateurish by comparison to what we've seen in these last three years. Be well.
That stuff just happens organically. We all know one or more of “that uncle” who comes out with the wild shit at the family get together.
Seems you haven't read THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW yet.
The Body Electric is good too
ivermectin is effective. i take from and i received now i feel good. thanks for ivermectin.
My, how far NEJM, The Lancet, Science, et al. have fallen. I like your point that they list the extremes as what they are focusing on when in reality they're going after the guy prescribing a little IVM or making a risk/benefit assessment with an individual patient that happens to land on the side against jabbing.
The last few years have been wonderful for tearing away the cover hiding the corruption. I mean, we all knew in the past that there may be some shenanigans between the FDA and drug companies - a little back room dealing, perhaps, but who knew it was actually so corrupt as to make the FDA less than useless?
...less than useless, and downright dangerous. All of them are finished at some point, hopefully soon. The uncovering cannot be unseen. Time for action. Thank you Meryl for fighting, for all of us. My trust in any medical institution is shattered, possibly forever...same goes for media, government, banks, tech, social media...the list is long. It's a wonder we can still be positive about some things. Upside down, and inside out.
They are no longer safety regulators , they are business partners with Big Pharma.
What would be helpful to know is the ratio of OUTSIDE capital versus MEMBER contributions.
THAT would be telling. If outside capital is higher - well then guess whose interests they are going to favor.
The power we the people DO have is our local politicians want to remain on the gravy train. We must apply pressure on them to prevent the various tyrannies being conducted .
We must make sure there is a vote RECORD so we can say>” we see you NOT caring about our doctor patient personalized decision relationship, or child parent , etc etc.”
We have to make the effort to communicate with them, or we will be living in an Orwellian nightmare very soon.
The practice of occupational culling medical dissidents is S.O.P. for the AMA since its inception. They want a smaller group of absolute conformists who can charge ever more for their “services” absent competition and dissent that points towards effective generics. See, e.g., Eustace Mullins, “Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.” It is replete with examples of very specific blatant crimes that went almost unchecked and fully achieved their aims. I also recommend “The Dark Truth of America's Federation of State Medical Boards” and the commentary that goes with it.
How dare they?! They dare with the same daring and guile and open effrontery to morality and common sense with which they have been daring for well over a century.
Unfortunately, what you term the "rogue interlopers" are the medical establishment, Big Pharma, all the regulatory agencies, and both the CIA and DOD. Most of the people working within them are quasi-blind functionaries--think of Eichmann and paint his soul any color from un-reflective ambitious underling to vaccine enthusiast--who are easily set into play by the darker souls who run the show. It is also a sad fact that what is "presently illegal" is a matter of choice and discretion by others.
I think the Catholic Church enjoys more protective privacy RIGHTS (between priest and confessor), than we now have with patient vaccination and physician patient encounters .
There are no vaccination privacy rights between patient and physician ICD-11 has instituted a "diagnostic" code that allows the hospital, HMO, or physician's office to bill and collect a fee for designating whether a patient is fully vaccinated and if not, why not. Non-compliance is now a billable diagnosis.
THAT needs to be reversed, IF we can get the right people in office.
We must not accept these types of changes, and must call our reps to complain and expose these things. They don’t know all the minutia of terrible things going on.
Often we are the ones who alert them to these potential abuses of power.
IBMs database in Germany was used to single out Jews -
this too will highly likely result discrimination , and it is a violation of our privacy.
We’ve seen what pressure the gov took in a round about way to force employees to take an experimental chemical genetic modifying shot, or be fired and be homeless, and unable to feed their families.
The FSMB was established the same year, 1913, as Rockefeller medicine. It exists for the sole purpose of greasing the skids for pharma sales, and, as far as I know, the state medical boards in all 50 states slavishly follow its dictates.
Rockefeller’s legacy of destruction through deception has left a massive wake, and continues to feed the beast system by financing universities and medical orgs among other “programs” to enslave - not educate and elevate.
Just as the Rothschilds , Morgan Chase and friends have damaged banking .
The ponzi pyramid scheme they built is about to collapse, thanks to their tremendous greed. That’s why the digital currency system is currently being built and being tested in Nigeria (they are rioting about cashless mandates!).
We have to reject that happening here - or social control will be the arrival of George Orwells nightmare. Just as we must let our local reps know we do NOT want a digital vaccine passport EVER.
We have to chop off the many tentacles connected to the monster, and use the model we THOUGHT we had, to rebuild it , to truly regulate and protect citizens -
if we are to move forward .
As long as society allows the redefinition of words, ie “The Science is settled” it will reap the consequences of compliance.
I want to promote today's airing of Meryl & Corbett on CHD TV discussing the WHO IHR "health ammendments". In this discussion Dr. Nass points out that billions$$ have already been appropriated by the US congress to implement a "One Health" international authority as part of the NDAA passed in December. The ramifications are dire. I've been learning from Corbett for many years. Together, Nass & Corbett are a wonderful source of info and analysis. BTW, Corbett has been as radically anti-establishment a commentator as I have judged valuable to listen too. Accordingly, It seems to me that Dr. Nass' choice of allies has been carefully considered and ought not to be frivolously impugned by observers.
LMFAO. Expertise, is it? The FSMB has none, except in the specialty of CYA. After renewing my boards in FP 5 times I stopped throwing away precious time and money to "re-certify" about 10 years ago. The certification exams were not learning exercises for me , they were indoctrination and compliance training. Let me add that I am still in practice and still getting paid by some insurance. The lack of "current" board certification or "maintenance" has not been an insurmountable obstacle. The tide has turned, and all the rats will be drowned. Bless you Dr. Nass.
None of these SCIENTISTS! "missed the facts of record excess deaths". They were merely busy checking the direct deposit streams from pharma and government.
Constructive debates require the parties to be dealing in good faith.
Factitious disorder imposed on self
Psychiatric factitious disorder
Factitious disorder imposed on self, also known as Munchausen syndrome, is a factitious disorder in which those affected feign or induce disease, illness, injury, abuse, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.
Munchausen syndrome fits within the subclass of factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms, but patients also have a history of recurrent hospitalization, travelling, and dramatic, extremely improbable tales of their past experiences.
The condition derives its name from the fictional character Baron Munchausen.
Yes but look up the original book about Baron Munchausen, which I linked to, for the accurate allusion
I enjoyed that movie. It was quite silly, but funny and fantastical. I think it’s a good story of delusion and super imagination.Allegory?
But definitely delusional lead character.
I myself, presently feel like the child in the book THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES…
Standing on the side of the procession watching the MAD King stark naked walking proudly with his invisible clothes with his moronic yes men side kicks….
We are living through The Emperor Has No CLothes regarding all the things transpiring about safe and effective vaccines, and the insane (gender obsession, CRT,…) fiction being created all around us to distract.
If only , like the child in the story, we could whisper truth , and everyone would listen to turn things around…
Here’s dreamin and hoping.
Well, they are guilty of aiding and abetting murder, iatrogenocide, so this is precisely the dissimulaton by the likes of Mr Baron I would expect.