All my best wishes for what I believe to be an important Oct. 11th date . You have been invaluable for me throughout this otherworldly journey and really can't image what it's been like for you with your vast amounts of skill sets and knowledge that many of us would never have had the opportunity to read . As always , another golden piece of information here .

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Event 201 Monkey Style:


Wag The Monkey: Monkeypox Fake News Galore


Clairvoyant Fauci Funded Research into Monkeypox Cures BEFORE the "Unexpected" Outbreak


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I'm glad CHD is helping with your defense. It would have been a financial hardship even after 40 years of practice. We all hope you will emerge vindicated (possibly after appeal or suit of the board) and that will encourage others to come forward. Meanwhile, plenty for you to do at CHD.

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Hundreds of Belgians went across the border to get the shot in France, where it was much easier to get. People are just needle happy these days. Or completely out of their minds.

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‘Vaccinated Thinking’ I’ve also witnessed a deterioration in driving which I point to and say (to myself) ‘that’s vaccinated driving right there’.

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It’s the mRNA brain fog

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Yes, needle happy describes them well. It was like the Covid shots opened a big well of desire for injections that they never knew they had. I know many people who never bothered with flu or other shots pre-2020 now getting them and bragging about it.

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Just read the c h d write-up about your case, which I want you to post and send in this stack for your readrrs please.

So the thing that strikes me is how first they suspend or expel you then keep you out of license for nine or ten months no hearing...

Reminds me exactly of how they closed my business first , then were able to prosecute me after .

Guilty first, is their game.

Hope you can win, I predict they will cancel the hearing but not necessarily reinstate you because folks who do these sorts of things are slimey squirrels.

Not to insult squirrels, whom i love and adore.

On the east coast I only saw grrey squirrels.

In Killafornia we have smaller black squirrels too.

They seemed to have poisoned the whole peninsula to get rid of mosquitoes,as an aside.

I believe we'd be better off with mosquitos and without the poison.

But they shut me down and threw me in jail.

Killafornia sucks big wazooo

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Would this be what Malone calls 'Original antigenic sin priming'?

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Thank you for you integrity and compassion.

Will be cheering you on for the court case.

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Do NYC & CDC claim the monkeypox vaccine caused this reduced case count?

What actually did cause the reduced case count?

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Keeping stuff to themselves for a few weeks?

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It's like the gov bought a garbage dumb, digs through it and sells the stuff like it is rare antiques.

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Your studies I found to be credible ■ later to learn that your adversaries exhibit narcissism; Prayers continuously, 'Called, chosen, and faithful' to the [e]nd.

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What sort of test do they do for moneypox? Another PCR test? If so, the number of "cases" they report is entirely dependent on the number of tests they do. This is because (if the test is anything like that for SARS-CoV-2) MOST of the samples scored as positive are false positives. In other words, they don't show that the testee has ANY virus. https://www.thekiwioptimist.com/post/what-is-a-case-of-covid

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conditioning for another mark of the beast. nazis went after the gays first too

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Speaking of the beast, if you haven't heard Paul Harvey's 2-3 minute monolog, "If I Were the Devil," I urge you to do so. I's on UTube.

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Good to hear the disease is leaving.

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Maybe they’ll tout the MP vaccine efficacy with this data

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We have an urgent solution!

It doesn't matter that you don't personally have a problem.

You sound like Putin when you ask those silly "does it work" questions.

Get in line and do your part, right now!

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💉 madness

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