¨No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.¨ - William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower

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The government is doing nothing on its own. It is too stupid. It's the unelected outworldy scum that are destroying things.

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Exactly. This is why Dems don't care that the "POTUS" is senile and the new candidate is an airhead.

The POTUS has no importance - a team of unidentified others runs the USA.

For now.

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'Takes Two To Tango'?

which brings up: Which can we most readily handle/control?


Stuck In The Middle with You?



How do We actually deal with the issue / corruption / collaboration ?

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shall we be defeated by fear of goon-squad assassins,

or shall we take back our govt. & media apparatus

so to better deal with the threat of goons trying to distract us?


Reese: "It's All an Illusion!"

yet @ 38:45

it appears Reese rose out his Illusion Position into the clear light of day Solution?

(for prelude start @ 30:00)


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Exactly. I would add legacy contractors to that as well.

The US government (as well as most other governments) has essentially become (from the 1940’s forward) just a giant stage from which hidden powers pull the strings from.

The most advanced and secretive technologies aren’t even known to government… and if anyone within government tries to rein those legacy companies in, they get hit with a “no need to know” wall… and if they still persist, they get assassinated.

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Yes. True. You have to look at this : Dan Willis

Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media

and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality?


Technology Suppression - Brief History of Technology Suppression and more


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Very interesting! Thank you for those links, I will absolutely comb through them.

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Now, more than ever, we need RFK Jr. to be in a position to work his vision for a healthier America for all our children (and us as well).

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https://t.me/juerisamizdat/13882 "RFK Jr on the control of the FDA, USDA and CDC and how with Trump he is going to coordinate a re-staffing of these agencies with scientists who are not controlled by for-profit pharmaceutical companies. This is a massive step in the right direction."

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Robert Kennedy agreed to help the immoral globalist and vaccinator Trump. Shame!

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At this point do you see a better option?

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Rarely is the best option readily attainable… often it takes a reversal in trend to approach it. And Kennedy realizes that his best chance at slowing down the current elite-driven trend, and hopefully at some point reversing it, will come from within the Trump admin.

I’m not a fan of Trump at all… but I fully agree with the strategy Kennedy has employed.

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Because kameltoe will he so much better, right? Moron.

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"immoral globalist and vaccinator"


You just described Kamala and her ilk

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Exaggerate much. Another person who believes everything is black or white. No gray areas.

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But where will he find them?

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That reminds me that when Trump was questioned about why he picked so many retards for advisors he said there is no one else around here (DC).

But to your question, I don't know, but he knows a lot of people thru his environmental battles.

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"But to your question, I don't know, but he knows a lot of people thru his environmental battles." Right.

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We can thank our do nothing paid off Israel stooges in the Congress for our penchant for war and worldwide oppression. To think we can get them to give up their traitorous ways is a horrible ruse. They have sold us out with their Zionistic bootlicking. Only one member of Congress refused to show the ugly adoration with Bibi's standing ovations, Tom Massie. The rest are Bibi's buttboys. There is no wonder why we are decadent and destined for our self paying euthanasia. We pay so we can be destroyed, a helluva realization.

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Thank you.

We are living during a scary time. Only God can control it all. I pray often each day for all the children and young parents.

“Lord, please open the eyes of those hypnotized by Satan to hear only the message from left radicles. Help them see truth. Please come back to America, dear God. Forgive us for often ignoring you and not teaching our young about how you gave us this great country called America. Help us realize all the lies of the Left, and to vote, and to work hard for honesty, the American Constitution and Liberty .

Bless all those who love you, Lord, and save us from the tyranny of the Left. Thank you for listening to our prayers, Heavenly Father.”Amen

Please pray every day🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏

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I do pray, but I do not underestimate the power of Satan...

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But God is more powerful.

Read 2Chronicles 7:14

He can do anything; however we have let Him down terribly. We must repent 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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He [God] sure had a hand in developing our [once] Creator-inspired, One nation under God, land of liberty!

(Now under new, neo-Sodom Gomorra/ LGBTQIA+ management!)

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In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen and amen. 🙏✝️

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I am just going to say that water is socialist like electricity , putting water in jail yields the result one would expect.

But water can not really be contained and controlled indefinitely.

The word solution means with water. Water will find a solution to being inprisoned

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Just collect rain water! Before Bill Gates stops the rain...

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They did that in Bolivia, big multi-nationals bought up their water supplies and the people revolted and voted in Evo Morales who put a stop to that. Of course the CIA had to organize a coup to oust the popular President.

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Sure but if WE are imprisoned so as to deny us water, NO solution will solve our dilemma.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Below is a comment that I recently posted to AMD’s article on Ozempic and related issues.

“It’s no secret that the elites are hellbent on creating an in vivo surveillance/weapons platform. There is much attention being allocated towards the possibility that “vaccines” may be serving the purpose of delivering in vivo technologies/weapons. But are other types of injectables (ie: GLP-1’s) also on the table as a delivery platform? Is there a risk that, if not now, in the future GLP-1 injectables may be “spiked”?

Due to the tremendous pushback against vaccines, are the elites exploring other avenues to reestablish a reliable way to inject various technologies without the public being aware?

From a warfare perspective- - a perspective that I believe applies to the post-2020 world in the truest of senses- - the aforementioned is not only a logical proposition, but one with strong precedent (ie: when Native Americans were given smallpox laced blankets).”

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None of it makes sense as a business model. Unless the business is war. On us.


They cannot possibly prosecute their war without propaganda and censorship. We must cut through the secrecy.

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"There's class war, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning" Warren Buffet, New York Times 26. November 2006

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"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."

Iain Davis, from


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Not blackpilt but BlackRock et al!

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It has been made quite clear by more than one means, that political avenues will not lead to any successful outcome in the matter of the "trajectory" of this world at this time. Voting for one candidate or another, is inconsequential in the long haul. If a president is causing a shift in trajectory, he will be eliminated. There is no hiding from the power and deadly influence of the Jesuits or the Knights of Malta. These two organizations are prolific and well-entrenched in the society of the World. It is totally non-sensical to assume any just form of governance available to us at this point. In the annals of history, honest men have stood up to sustain liberty and justice, but it has always been derailed eventually. When evil is allowed to work, "good" is over-run, and run out of town, if not killed. But the God of heaven will eventually WIN the great battle. Many many will be lost eternally, but there will be a large group which have not "bent the knee to Baal". Keep the Commandments of God, keep a good disposition, and fret not as we "occupy until He comes". This is our "track" to stay on.


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Aug 26Liked by Meryl Nass

Nonsense, we have many good non-corrupt politicians who are shaking things up in countries all over the World. It can be done, it has been done and it will be done. And we don't need cowards, nihilists and naysayers telling us to give up and throw in the towel.

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Mr. Smith,

The "towel" that you point to, and the one that might be assumed that I advocate throwing in, are two very different things, but both have a measure of understanding of the dire circumstances that abound in society in the highest places. The "towel" (if I understand you) is one of temporal substance. The one that I advocate, is of a spiritual construct.

Please let me explain:

It is probable that there will come a time, whether it be during a small project, or in a person's business life, or regarding a City, State, Country or even the entire World, when conditions become too overwhelming to deal with; too dire, too broken, too infested to repair. "War" is often a good analogy of that. The commanders are keen to develop a feel of battle superiority vs loss of their advantage. Individual soldiers will at times wave the white flag when it's obvious they will otherwise be killed. Commanders will have entire armies to retreat as well.

If a spiritual war truly exists, and there is plenty to trust that it does, then one should be cognitive of where he or she stands. Which side is preferred to occupy? Good or evil? God or Satan, one or the other will be the "Commander and Chief."

A nation can take sides as well as the individual, but since there are souls on both sides within a nation, God judges us individually. Jerusalem was pronounced as "left desolate" by Christ. (Luke 13:35) because of its apostacy and treachery. It was beyond "repair." Yet there were "lost sheep" therein, and those were sought after by His disciples for a time.

Likewise, as my original comment made quite clear, we are to "occupy" until He comes, and that entails struggling with evil in a manner consistent with a spiritual war. It is a very difficult task to maintain positivity under dire circumstances, but we are commanded to do so. We believers have EVERY reason to have joy with gratitude for all that we have been blessed with. We MUST not wrongly attribute them to politicians or our own actions for such benefits. God's Hand is to be recognized as all powerful and instrumental in the provisions we enjoy. He is our Creator and the up-holder of all energies and systems of life.

Therefore, it will be to our best advantage to learn of Him, His Government and the promised "land" which is yet to materialize here on this earth. This is the core of my intention; to bring souls to the realization that the opposition has corrupted every known avenue of society and society's means of governing justly. The Jesuit Society, the Knights of Malta and scores more have as their "Commander" Satan himself leading out. So to try and convert such an entrenched regime as this world has in its life-blood, using the facilities that have been taken over by them, is futile.

Sorry for the long winded response, but your response required it.

Thank you


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We are all preaching to the choir, unfortunately. While there is nothing wrong with bringing information to those who might not be aware, ultimately, we need to actually DO something. Relying on politicians is naive, in my opinion. I have been through many elections in my almost 64 years. Nothing gets better. I can't even fathom believing in voting. I voted for Reagan, and never again in my life. I do believe WE are not helpless, but the lack of fortitude and interest in doing something other than incessantly talk about our continuing demise, is astounding.

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Trump and RFK Jr. working together would constitute a blessing for honest hard working decent Americans and a nightmare for the deep state. Let’s make it happen. Let’s send the Democratic Party (the war party / the military industrial complex party / the open border party / the censor party / the woke party / the anti-American party) to the dustbin of history where they rightfully belong.

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We'd better hope RFK Jr prevails in his goals, in one way or another, or our status as the sickest nation, on the highest number of Rx drugs, eating the worst food, engulfed by 80,000 untested chemicals, with the worst health outcomes, will get far, far worse.

I hope Kennedy can instill in Trump the confidence to trust Kennedy's expertise on how to drain the swamp this time around, clean up the health and intelligence agencies, dismantle the war machine, fix chronic disease and toxic food and farming, etc., in a spirit of unity to solve these existential issues that threaten us all.

I hope that working in this way, not as president, but in an unprecedented, game-changing partnership capacity, that he might be as effective as if he were president, in the things that matter most.

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Thank you for your wise words, Beth!

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Silent Weapons for Quiet War 43 pages. An Introduction Programming Manual.


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Or read this great book: Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

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Murder By Injection. Eustace Mullins



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I know and I have a download of the book.

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Congratulations on an extremely thorough and detailed explanation of what's really going on in the world today! Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without unelected WEF lunatics destroying reality for their own benefit!

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Except they’re already using weapons of Mass destruction on its citizens. Think Lahaina, HI, Santa Rosa . CA, then there’s the Geoengineering going on globally every single day, 5G, mass vaccination, D.E.W. That they used in both Lahaina & Santa Rosa. They’ve also used technologies on individuals. The list goes on and on and on

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Do they want to control water?


WEF hack Professor Mariana Mazzucato (UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose) raves about their "2-year initiative to transform the Economics of Water".

Water is a "global good" she says, among much buzzword waffle.

She says, incomprehensibly, that "managing water" is particularly important as "we" failed to vaccinate everyone in the world - but hopefully "we" will vaccinate everyone next time.

They want to control EVERYTHING. But we won't let them!


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They are Rent Seekers. And Rent Seekers just love Scarcity. Next thing they will claim ownership over the air that we breath and charge us rent just for breathing.

What needs to be done is legislate the truth that every dollar private Banks have created is debt against the Public right to create our currency debt-free. As such they will owe 100's of $trillions in interest on their debt. We will demand they pay up that rent or be evicted.

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California has had an artificial water shortage for about 20 yrs. Willfully poor management of water for agriculture.

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I would like to say that artificial water shortages have already begun. The Idaho potato farmers were restricted from watering their potato crops this spring after they had planted their crops of course. The mining industry in that area was using loads of water to mine rare elements.

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What I find interesting in all of this is how these evildoers are so out in the open with their plans and intent. Funny thing how evil makes one arrogant and stupid....not a very good combination. As time progresses the specific corporations and individuals will become know and in doing so become "targets" or pressure points to push back. Hit them where they live - of course I mean economically. Stop buying their products and services...support those who they are trying to eliminate. In essence, starve the beast. There are more of us then there are of them...become unmanageable to govern. Man I sound like a 60s radical but maybe we can learn something from those old fools who have placed us into todays position. Thoughts? Pax

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