Wow! Sounds great! Thanks! Out here in California Ive just joined a lawsuit initiated by Reinette Senum, activist, environmentalist and former Mayor of Nevada City, California to sue the perptraitors who have been spraying the clear blue skies with nano aluminum,,strontium, barium and other toxic chemicals in this hare brained “geoengineering” to “block the sun”! According to Senum its killing the redwood forests and the conifers and of course, it cant be any good for people or animals lungs either. Theyre “cloud seeding” as well and we have had torrential rains this winter with record snow pack in the mountains but only the reservoir capacity to save 13% of what falls in spite of Californians voting Billions of dollars to build new reservoirs a few years ago! Of course instead of using the money to do that, our imbecilic “haircut looking for a brain”, Newscum apparently used it in the “war against covid”… and common sense!

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We should try to put a compensation amount of money to all the damage the geoengineering industry has caused, including our own health, to pay it all back so that we can start a clean-up. Sounds naive...We should do it as one global group of people in one global court case. The money we have to spent on ourselves to keep detoxing all their filth is beyond measure. I assume it would smash all the wealth of all elites.

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I would think most of the geoengineering pilots are military or ex-military. When will they wake up to seeing they are poisoning everyone? There is a silver lining to the fact that so many pilots are dying, as I am seeing that commercial planes are also involved. The trails were quite exemplary yesterday, more than a dozen that stretched the length of the horizon, planes still visible at the end of the trails, and flying simultaneously. It's a crazymaker not to be able to DO much about it, (yes I listen to Wiggington and write to my congressdorks who like to say 'we need good studies' blablabla). A few good missile hits and I bet the pilots would be less likely to take the assignments....

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Very cool. Will there be videos or reports on Substack afterwards? Go Dr. Meryl Go! 🤸‍♂️👍🤗🥦🍉🍇🍓🫐🐂

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I don't see anything on the iatrogenic slaughter that defined the Covid Operation. Is that going to be included in any of the talks?

If that's not covered then the conference is not covering what is perhaps the most vital aspect of the entire "Covid" march of death.

In order to launch the shock-and-awe phase of the Covid Operation into the Western world it was necessary to create the illusion of a viral invasion. To conjure a post-modern Potemkin plague you need to come up with the dead bodies. These iatrogenic deaths of fragile people were used to give the impression that there was “a deadly virus” circulating.

The only pandemic was one of violent government and biomedical assault against people. The official narrative of "Covid" is a cold-blooded organized deception- all facets of it.

There was no pandemic.

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Super! I will try to donate some money. Hello from Belgium!

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Can't wait for the fallout from this event!

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I sooo wish I could be there.

May truth and Justice prevail!

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Thats great. Do you know if there are also video recording made of [ parts of ] the conference?

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I had such a laugh seeing Malone leading the final session on Psyops & 5th generation warfare. The guy who worked for agencies of the deep state, codeveloping the mRNA poison, magically having woken up to supposedly only now realize its a poison, then viciously suing into oblivion anyone who lightly critiques him, including Dr Breggin, an actual national hero who got lobotomy stopped as a so called “medical practice” and who dared critique Malone as putting out distraction and deflection decoy to the masses. Distraction and deflection helps prevent the masses from organizing to pursue critical goals. Malone is not going to point out or encourage the masses on how to actually organize effectively. He’s just going to talk about the fireworks.

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Dr. Robert W. Malone

Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone

c/o The Malone Institute

Dear Robert,

You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.

I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:

Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.

It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.

It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.

You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.

You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.

Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.

Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:


They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.

It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:

“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.

Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:

Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.

The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.

The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.

Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.

Bring it home. Bring it home for us.

WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.

Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.

Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.

5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.

Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.

They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.

If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.

Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.

Go see Del. And you know why:

That man doesn’t need a saddle.

And he always rides ahead.

🟢 Pinned @ Thomas Lewis

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Wonder if ICC is speaking?

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