Moving the genocide to Africa. Lots of land and natural resources to steel huh? This generation is rotten to the core. They are NOT business people. They are psychopath mass murderers.

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This is like the mobile execution chambers in Nutzi Germany, sick!!

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Absolutely, my thought.

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not so fast ... .

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and money changing hands I'm sure

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Life is cheap

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Dear lord, what could go wrong? 🙄 As soon as we heard Gates & the World Hell Organization were meeting with African leaders, we know the payola had started...

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Rwanda is politically stable and one of the most heavily Christian nations on the continent now. GAFCON 2023 (Global Anglican Future Conference) just met there for their conference last week. They put out a scathing statement against Canterbury and no longer acknowledge the 'See' as authoritative. The 'Kilgali Statement’, issued this past Friday, is probably one on the most traditional and biblically affirming statements put out by a very large and GROWING denomination in a very long time. Back to 'First Principals'. I hope they have the good sense to say ‘no’…

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Wow, thanks for all the info--I had no idea about any of this!

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I did not know all this - thank you!

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Apr 25, 2023
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Maybe. There is a plenitude of propaganda out there, so I can only go with past history., and that suggests that poorer nations are used as lab rats for newer products. It may be thae they don’t want a control group.

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Absolutely. Even worse... I believe Gates has set África as a key place to reduce global population. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear he was buying land there.

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They want the resources… rare earth minerals and other energy sources.

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Or they are as wicked as we fear they may be…

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The Africans should use these mini-factories for portable toilets, it would be better for their health.

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This may be their downfall, it is illegal to ship in international trade the components of or the means to produce biological warfare agents.

If the Africans are smart, they will burn these facilities down quickly.

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They’ve killed as many stupid Americans as they could. Rwandans won’t be so stupid. Money makes people stupid.

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... no way out.

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they already bought off their President, and as many as necessary. Don't forget, they plan 10 pandemics by 2030, and Gates said there would be a decade of vaccines

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They aren't done with any nation.

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Seriously, what is going on?! This sounds like a complete and total nightmare. To me there is no good explanation for this which leaves only a bad explanation as the actual explanation. Africa emerged relatively unscathed from the initial mRNA injectables campaign. Is this the follow up to ensure they are not missed? Like many on here I consider myself reasonably studied on this topic and this story literally made me feel a renewed sense of panic.

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10 pandemics in 10 years....."a decade of vaccines"...Bill Gates

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Wow! These freaks will never stop. Malaria "vaccines"? We solved the malaria problem a long time ago. Let's hope that the people in Africa understand the madness and don't accept a single shot. Peace.

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I'm not sure they mean vaccines. The articles states, "[they] will also pioneer TREATMENTS in the development phase against diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and HIV that are among the leading killers in Africa." Meryl comments, "(In other words, it will make experimental vaccines for testing on Africans...)" But vaccines are never treatments, they are intended to be prophylactic. eg, to prevent getting sick with the disease. Semantics perhaps.

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Excellent point. Thanks. Peace.

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They will vax anything to make money. Treatments in cancer kill the person before the disease with few survivors. All naturalistic medicine has been poo pood by big Pharm and Big Texh and BigMed and it probably is one of the things that could be quite effective against cancers. With mRNA they will be able to infuse pretty much what they want as we have seen post COVID including a dramatic rise in severe tumors.

HIV and AIDS have never been scientifically shown to be causally linked Fauci research! The evidence leans to the opposite- that HIV is Not the cause of AIDS. The deaths associated with AIDS were dominantly related to TREATMENTS! Malaria is NOT a vaccine illness. Most childhood diseases (MMR) are self limiting illnesses with minor problems granting autoimmunity. Why vaccines, then? Antibiotics don’t work on viruses and yet each child who has an ear infection gets one even without a fever... so antibiotic resistance is a Huge issue... why would this happen? Sells vaccines. Polio vaccine caused terrible outbreaks AFTER people were vaccinated. Polio happened in the SUMMERS, associated with our Cleanliness and sanitary measures. We stopped being exposed to polio so yes we had outbreaks. Interesting topic.

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Sounds WEF/GATES/GAVI/Pharma/Wellcome Trust and Mininig Companies w*t dream. Dump any and all vaccines into shipping container labs and disassemble/destroy (the evidence) once the injuries from this cornjucopia of all manner of vaccines (mix and match) become apparent to the local populations. My god -- the vaccine manufacturers in the US could not get it right(!!) and the FDA didn't monitor them. So now to think that the proper handling and storage will be maintained in such remote locations is BEGGARS ALL BELIEF.!!!

I also suspect there will be not one BUT MANY formulations throughout these sites-- perhaps with the real intent to "experiment" with different vaccine compositions on vulnerable African populations.

As for MINING: All the countries listed are rich in rare minerals.. Clear the land of humans just like the Ukraine.

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Interesting. I knew the vaccination rate in Africa was far below that in the US & Europe and other developed nations. I thought that was by design. I thought they were intentionally just killing off the populations of more advanced countries, hoping to re-enslave the people of Africa. This news tells me they really just want us all dead.

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Ivermectin is used by most Africans ... this is to help dispel the effectiveness of therapeutics... and give the bioshot a much needed booster... by blaming the death it causes on a horse dewormer.

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Ah, good point. I didn't think about the Ivermectin aspect. They can't have that sitting out there.

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Oh no. Gates has been delivering vax to Africa via the Foundation to kill off African people.

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getting ready for next

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I feel bad for the people of Africa. They didn't succumb to the false pandemic narrative or vaccine demand nearly as much as the rest of the world. And they are living proof (1) the pandemic hospitalization and death counts were greatly exaggerated outside of Africa, (2) Vitamin D (sun) and HCQ work wonders against covid, and (3) people don't need these deadly "vaccines."

Those involved with this covid/vaccine operation are hellbent on conquering the last bastion on earth that didn't fall prey to the manufactured fear and hysteria. They're going to get Africans vaccinated even if it kills them.

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Yes ... they will need cancer therapies once the turbo cancers begin to sweep through the vaccinated...disaster upon disaster.

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This is so darkly sinister. Like a meme I saw: we are the carbon they want to eliminate. The machine heads to Africa now.

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if i was going to build a factory, would i use brick, or steel, or cinderblock?

nah. i'd use shipping containers. old ones, not even fit for the cargo cult.

sounds like a hit and run to me

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No ... these containers are excellent for storing corpses in... it’s all good!

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dual use!

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Then they sink them in the ocean.

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Davy Jones Lockers… must be in the millions.

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Apr 25, 2023
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pbs can do a travel show to each of them, hosted by that girl who played michael j. fox's sister on family ties

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Apparently the Hutu/Tutsi genocide wasn't enough for the fasco-Marxist WEF crowd?

Of course, I'll bet dollars to donuts the somnolent wokesters have ZERO idea what that was, nor 90% could care less.

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world population is still rising despite covid. The elites are learning lessons. By the time they get a couple more under their belt, the response will be a well oiled machine.

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So the President of Rwanda is in on the Take too! “Equity” with all the Western death and destruction from this failed modality!

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what failed? they killed millions and made billions

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