Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Ludwig von Mises is 100% on point. Everyone needs to try to help their small local farmers as soon there will be none left. Don't buy from supermarkets buy direct from the farmers. We musn't let Gates et al replace the famers with their giant agribusinesses and fake meat and insect products

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Why has there been deafening silence regarding Biden’s Transhumanist executive order signed during the 2 weeks of 24 hour media coverage of the Queen’s traveling casket? Including Fox and Newsmax. Biden has no idea of the horrific impact of what he signed. If anything, he’s being used as a technological experiment.

The Malthusian Mengelian Machiavellian Megalomaniacal Malevolent Maniacal Murderous Monsters of the WEF “ Great Reset” is even darker ( if possible) than the feudalist fascist global power/control agenda. I really believe the Faustian psychopaths are seeking eternal life. Why else would a cabal of old men be so hyper-focused on the “future”? Klaus Schwab, Soros,Kissinger,Bloomberg,Fauci,Collins,Buffett,Gergen,Xi,Biden,Clinton,Kadlec,Gutierrez,Gates,Cook,Merkel,King Charles,Larry Fink, Janet Yellen,Tony Blair,Sarkozy,Bourla,Bancel,et al… they are of an age where most spend their remaining days making peace and surrounded by loved ones. Not seeking greater power. We are their lab rats. They have no souls

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Like so many other voiceless humans desperate to stop this madness, having tried every damned thing possible to garner a platform… a movement… sought anybody with power to act within the interests of “ We The People”… I’m gutted.

Nobody is protecting us. Our vaunted “ elected representatives” are a triumvirate of cowardly, corrupt and clueless. A trinity of holes.The no longer remotely recognizable Democrat Cult Of Death, the too recognizable “ morally righteous” homogenous Republican Party of interchangeable old when they’re young culturally extinct zero energy , incurious nebbishes and religious zealots and the Establishment corporporate multinational globalist neocon UniParty duopolists… I really wish this was a parallel universe. Alas, it’s what was once unthinkable. Huxley’s “ Brave New World” is the WEF’s playbook.

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They have co-opted the term “regenerative.” Regenerative farming cannot be done on a global (central planning) scale. It relies on local farms and personal relationships among the farmers and their customers. Regenerative farming DOES NOT allow widespread pesticide applications; this in turn precludes most GMO crops, which are merely designed to be resistant to a given pan-toxic herbicide or pesticide.

Regenerative beef farming reduces greenhouse gases. Pesticides kill, on a massive scale, the microbiome in soil that traditionally absorbed vast amounts of CO2; they also kill the pollinators that are absolutely essential to agriculture.

Don’t even get me started on Solar Radiation Management!

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Of these soulless pretenders to power, not a single one currently wields power at the behest of the voting public. In other words, they are pretenders who do not do so with the consent of the governed. Their perceived “power” is ILLEGITIMATE! It does not exist except what’s volitionally granted them!

People of the world WAKE UP! Only with the tacit silence of complicity can these purveyors of evil enjoy dominion over you. Only by the consent of the governed can they govern you! YOU’RE LETTING THEM!!

Take back your power NOW, or consent to your own descent back into SERFDOM, from which your forebears fought so hard to emerge centuries ago! JUST SAY NO!!

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So maddening that these corporate criminals can profit endlessly from toxins, disease, and lies—and despite their track records—continue to be allowed to steer policy. Unapologetically, in plain sight, in everyone’s face.

This will only stop when people make it stop.

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“changing the way we produce and consume food could create USD 4.5 trillion a year in new business opportunities.” All other things being equal, that would mean the extraction of 4.5 trillion extra for zero additional output.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

It seems to me that the agenda is not really about the farming. It is about control of the food supply, control of all land, and control of the people. It possibly could also be about engineering food shortages and causing famine/death.

If the world was that concerned about peoples health and about farming, then they would implement a slow transition into restorative farming, which when done correctly is sustainable, efficient, and effective.

About the insects consumption. Only the very poorest of the world has historically eaten insects. There is a reason. Many of the edible insects carry parasites that would affect humans.

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I hope "regenerative agriculture" has nothing to do with the new innovative methods of "death composting." The patent laws are screwing all of us and putting our food production in the hands of giant chemical corporations is basically putting farming in the hands of pharmaceutical companies. Monopolistic globalization of food production sucks the vitality out of our communities and only enriches the oil companies. Who knows what we'll be eating under the guidance of our FDA. The government and the giant corporations clearly demonstrated their greed, ignorance, and reckless arrogance throughout this pandemic.

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Wishing that others "need to be made to realize" anything is never useful. Making people realize anything is pretty easy. It's the same principles we use to sell clothing and laundry soap. We don't get the realizations we want when we allow others to control the narrative. The forces behind our oppression are currently doing a better job of teaching their objectives than we are of ours.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Rangeley to Standish to Auburn/Lewiston.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

It is a startup. We are under the 1st amendment protection of a church. Www.livingagoodlifechurch.org. As with the Free State Project nobody would be required to join anything. Let me know if you get a warning for phishing. Somebody tried to sabotage us already. I would be happy to speak to you about what I am trying to do.

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Nothing wrong with true "regenerative agriculture" as Will Harris of White Oak Farms defines it, but as with so many other terms like "vaccine," its meaning has been distorted by bait and switch corporations. They pay lip service to real regenerative farming, but what they actually mean is eating insects etc. Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote an article for organicconsumers.org about Mr. Harris, whom he has known since at least 2016 [https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/regenerative-farmer-will-harris-regenerative-agriculture] and the CHD Defender recently published a version of Mercola's article [https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/will-harris-white-oak-pastures-regenerative-farming-cola/].

Real regenerative agriculture provides many benefits if done by individual farmers like Will Harris, but Harris himself warns that the term is being redefined1984-style by Big Ag to stealth market their chemical and GMO "solutions."

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seems to me that their (global corporations) talk of 'regenerative farming' is disingenuous at best. as an urban dweller all my life, I am hardly any expert but it seems to me that true regenerative farming can only be smaller scale and not terribly profitable. I was fascinated by Joe Rogan's thoughtful and informative interview of Will Harris (Bright Acres Farm in Georgia, I believe). the man said it took 20+ yrs and major capital investment to transition to a successful regenerative operation. I somehow cannot see these global players doing this. clearly its about control of resources and taking the wildcard of private ownership off the table.

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this was already tried in Sir Lanka who was self sufficient in food production, Immediate reduction in supply followed by an actual real overthrow of a government using actual guns and real violence. If we can't kill the masses off with a experimental drug (see Africa) , surely starving them might work

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Why is it that every time I read one of your posts I get the urge to buy more ammo?

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