There are no such things as pandemics. The entire medical categorization of "pandemic" is fraudulent.

In today's surreality as one commenter put it- "the importance of declaring a "pandemic" is that it triggers the implementation of pre-loaded contracts between governments and their Pharma partners that both open the public funding floodgates and provide indemnity for the pharmaceutical companies."

The "Covid-19 Crisis" was not an epidemiological event nor a medical emergency, it was and is a criminal conspiracy- an orchestrated program launched by elite Western financial interests in response to the comprehensive collapse of the Western financial systems in 2019 which itself was the result of decades long Ponzi Schemes carried out by these elites.

The Pharma Cartel makes a lot of money for large investment firms and the Pandemic Business Model is one of the more lucrative investment strategies for these firms. Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.

It's all fraud.

There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- it was mass murder.

The mandated use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/vancomyacin,fentanyl etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients.

All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system.

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country and perhaps the world.

They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the crimes committed.

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Absolutely!! It all a big sham to control the people. States must pass laws to ignore whatever they try to do.

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Amen Allen.

Thank you for telling it like it is !

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Even many in "Team Reality" don't seem up to facing what actually happened in the hospitals in Spring 2020 which illustrates that there was no unique viral pathogen and no pandemic.

People were not being impacted by germs and microbes in any way that was different from every season- they were being murdered. This renders all the absurd talk of 'bioweapons", "lab leaks", "China virus", "targeted aerosolization" and so forth meaningless.

Too much for some people to come to terms with I guess. And it happened primarily to the nameless, faceless poor and many who came from institutionalized settings.

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Truths that people are blind to.

Somehow it is all so obvious, but somehow people did not notice that they made the flu disappear and replaced it with the sham of something they named Covid 19. And it went on from there....

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Thanks, All looks very true. What is also very true is the poisons that are being sprayed from above by geoengineering that are contaminating every breath we take and destroying the environment!

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Nailed it with a sledgehammer driven with factual precision. I applaud heartily enough to probably startle the neighbours, but - well done!

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The nail has been squarely hit on the head with what's written in this comment. Spot on!

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Yes and that's why people here (Australia) have been writing to their MP's demanding that this and the so called amendments be stopped. Most of these Senators and MP's seem to think sovereignty will remain and our laws not be circumvented. I don't know if they really think that or they are turning a blind eye to it. Many of us have shown them that is not true and we will be tied to the WHO for years letting them do whatever they wish. It has been pointed out to some that they and their children/grandchildren will not escape the horrors that will result.

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It's manufactured murder and all of us are the targets.

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Giving up sovereignty is a traitors act

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Yes, that's exactly what this is.

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POTUSes and our Government have been doing it for decades. I mean think about the Federal Reserve, created in 1913. It's a PRIVATE corporation whose owners we largely only known due to educated speculation, but most are foreign. They don't give a crap about the US.

Another question to ask yourself, is why are so many people in our government, many heads of departments, dual citizens? (Israeli/US)

Food for thought ...

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stolen elections have consequences.

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Reba, did you watch the WEF video that’s referenced above re : Melissa Fleming? The UN undersecretary that was being interviewed? The CNN rep that was also in that video attacks those who say the US pres election was stolen as misinformation spreaders. Comical how outrageously biased the WEF video is masked in “polite news speak”. Evil masked. And the Fleming character was the one who said they “own” the science. My words here may act like I’m calm and collected but if either of those ladies were in the room. Their arrogance will undo them. As I recall God reminds us in his Word that those who set snares to entrap others will themselves be entrapped.

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A wonderful imprecatory prayer. Psalm 69:22 Let their own table before them become a snare; and when they are at peace, let it become a trap.

Psalm 140:Deliver Me, O Lord, From the Evil Man

1{To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.} Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

2Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.

3They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

4Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.

5The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah.

6I said unto the LORD, Thou art my God: hear the voice of my supplications, O LORD.

7O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.

8Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves. Selah.

9As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.

10Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

11Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.

12I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.

13Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

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Congress should shut this down

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“Whoever drafted this clause knew as much about U.S. constitutional law and international law as I did, and deliberately drafted it to circumvent the power of the Senate to give its advice and consent to treaties, to provisionally bring it into force immediately upon signature,” Boyle said. In addition, “the Biden administration will take the position that this is an international executive agreement that the president can conclude of his own accord without approval by Congress, and is binding on the United States of America, including all state and local democratically elected officials, governors, attorney generals and health officials.”

- That's the whole point. "Legally" this has been designed to circumvent that happening.


They'll either ignore the law or find some weasel words to get round it.

“During a secret meeting on March 10, 1975 in the Turkish Capital of Ankara with Mehli Esenbel, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Kissinger, then Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, told Esenbel:

Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I’m afraid to say things like that. .”


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Congress should impeach Biden.

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He is corrupt.

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This was the reason they deliberately didn’t allow the Senate to have a republican majority.

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McConnell deliberately did this

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But does it really bind the states? If there are state's rights to objecting to the Federal not following .. law?

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I agree, legally. And it’s a good comment. However, and I mean zero disrespect but, were you paying attention for the last three years? The “Emergency” powers seized by Presidents and Governors were unprecedented and keep in mind that HHS WROTE the 13 amendments to the IHR that were being proposed in May 2022 and only tabled, not really voted down. Dr Nass please correct me if that statement is wrong. In other words, our own federal government wants these restrictions and almost all states went along with the US govt position. While MY governor was against mandates, I highly doubt he was against the jabs (Texas). And if Beto or some Dem gets elected in the future, highly possible, what’s to stop them? All I’m saying is state rights are great but the states are run by idiots who did very very little in most cases to uphold individual rights.

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This might explain rather a lot.


Covid | Public health crisis or military operation?

Dr Mark Trozzi

February 18, 2023

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Haven’t had a chance yet to listen but thanks, that looks good.

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Good point

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Congress are in league with the demonic bankers who brought this all about.

Don't ever count on them.

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Separation is now indicated. Americans of good will should accept that and demand state-level referenda.

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Too bad that the US is trapped in a tightly-controlled 2-Party system where people can NEVER vote out corruption in both Parties, leaving the corrupt with nothing to fear from voter outrage... they both get back in every time, there being NO OTHER VOTER CHOICE.

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There are almost 3 parties. The Republicans who are rhino's, who refused to look at the election fraud, who voted to spend too much. Then there are patriots, but too few.

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But they won't. They are on the 'payroll' window dressing to make you feel like you 'have a choice' which you do not...

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Nailed it!

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You have a better chance of hitting the 1 billion dollar lottery.

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Don't hold your breath. I figure, per usual, we'll just get a strongly worded letter from the GOP.

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Sounds like a recipe for worldwide civil war against our would-be masters. I'm all for it.

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Traitorous. Murderous. Fascistic. DEMONIC. I would rather have giant asteroids destroy the entire planet than for this demonic system make slaves of all humanity.

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Me too

I’d definitely rather DIE than be forced to take their evil injections .

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Never just die. Always put yourself in a position to take at least one of the opposition with you. You own a car don't you?

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Well, we'd die if we DID take the gene-jabs, but it might take a lot longer than we'd like...

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Those will kill the soul also. I’m not willing to part with mine

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Hear Hear LDT !

Anything would be better than to succumb to their merciless madness.

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That may be coming too. But also coming: The 3rd Secret of Fatima.. or how the Western World and the Globe ends... via massive earthquakes, eruptions and FLOODS.. land shall sink, continents rise, and in the twinkle of an eye, millions and millions shall die. California shall go into the ocean, as shall Japan, waters will rise world wide.. flooding into those dumbs and 'underground' bases. Earthquakes will destroy some of those 'dumbs' and underground bases... yes, even those who look to hide from the Lord shall not be able to. There will be massive death and suffering... but Mankind shall have brought it on themselves through the arrogance and evil of the leaders. And the Leaders.. they shall perish. If they do not throw themselves on their knees and beg God for redemption... acknowledge their sins of omission, of pride, of hubris of GREED of LUST for Power and for Fleshly rewards. We may not see it, but it is coming. And not too too distant now. I'm no prophet but if even people like me see it? It IS coming for them.

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I am not Roman Catholic, so I know little of Fatima. Scripture is the Lord's plumb line. I believe He will return at the end of the age. Until then, be busy about His work.

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I wrote the following letter to representatives a few days ago. EVERYONE must do the same. If we don't resist, we will DIE! It's as simple as that. Do not underestimate the evil of these people.


After 3 years of global destruction of human freedom – especially medical freedom, we all see what is happening. Tyranny reigns. The Constitution has been ground to dust. People are dying. The world is experiencing a mass extinction event. None of this had to happen!

You can reverse the worst of this totalitarian disaster quickly and effectively. But you must act NOW before it is too late -- not just for us, but for YOU!

1. Restore the full force of the Constitution. Our natural rights must not be violated for any reason, ever!

2. Pass the following legislation (source: attorney Aaron Siri - https://www.sirillp.com/aaron-siri/):

“No law may require or coerce a person to receive or use a medical product, or impose a penalty or deprive a benefit for refusing a medical product or refusing to disclose whether a person has received a medical product.”

3. EXIT and DEFUND the WHO, which will rip away our national and bodily sovereignty through a series of International Health Regulations (IHR). These IHRs will enable unelected, global officials — most with NO medical training — to take our money, our property, our freedom, our health, our lives, and the future of human kind. NO RECOURSE. NO NATIONAL OBJECTIONS. EVERY WHO MEMBER NATION MUST COMPLY.

4. Close the U.S. border. Protect our airspace. DEFUND all programs that provide aid to the invaders.

5. Investigate, prosecute, and punish all who have perpetrated this tyranny and invasion of our country.

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Love your letter but doubtful any of our ‘bought and paid for’ Reps will do squat. They’ve already been disregarding all of these points. Still I applaud you for taking action. Similarly i wrote a critical letter to a bunch of hospital administrators about their universal masking policies even tho i know they likely won’t even read it.

Thing is with this, it will come down to having to FORCE people to comply and in the US, it will come to blows.

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Thank you, TerreP. I’m grateful for your kind thoughts, and I agree with them. We probably are heading for war with a weakened, malleable populace, as was intended.

Had people resisted masking from the very start — as you implored the hostage administrators (pun intended) — we probably would not be in this mess. The only way out is to educate the sleepers and lions as fast as we can and refuse to comply.

The idea of bloodshed on our home soil is just terrifying. Most of us here predicted this outcome.

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Thanks for your kind reply BigE. I never thought i’d live to see war on our own soil, and i really hope it doesn’t come to that. Then again, never thought I’d witness what our own government has done to us over the past 3 years.

Agreed! We must educate and create parallel economies to survive if this comes down. We are the resistance.

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The 2nd Amendment will have it's day.

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Unmentioned here is the fact that The Gates Foundation is one of the biggest (perhaps THE biggest) source of funding for the WHO, giving one man enormously outsized influence.

So Biden's signing us all up to be subjects to Emperor Bill?

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The plandemic ended when they stole the election. I had been trying to get people motivated for years aand finally was told why they won't. "Only when they reach the precipice will they act."

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Ah, the fatal miscalculation seen again and again in history. "Well, when push really comes to shove and I absolutely have to, I'll rebel." But there is no precipice moment, no one identifiable gauntlet thrown down to be resisted, it is all little by little, "slouching toward Bethlehem," and so the common folk wake up one day to discover they are Nazis (if they ever notice at all).

Rebel early, rebel often. I wish people understood that's the better strategy.

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You are 100% correct. Everyone I know is like, "The pandemic is over. Now we can can get back to normal, yay!" and I'm like wake the eff up. They are never letting us go back to our old lives and are currently working behind the scenes to set the stage for another lockdown but this time it will be much easier for them as people will be living in controlled "smart" cities billed as eco-cities (you know, good for the environment cities). https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/is-the-net-zero-greencity-really

Buckle up folks. Gonna be a rough ride.

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I wish that too. It really isn't too late yet, but there is only a small window left. I can't sayy what I've been doing, but I have been rebelling most nights.

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A fabulous comment, one I wish I had on an (oversize) T-shirt. Also, painted on the front and back of the house.

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Haha! Well thank you! So frustrating when we're told we must learn from history yet so few do.

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It might be easier to learn from history if we had the accurate versions next to those written by the victors... just a thought, lol.

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A good thought. The civil war is a glaring example of this. It was illegal, no Congressional approval. Many think about slavery, that was an afterthought-economics.

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And the oft-recycled playbook has been expanded from then; now it's to enslave everyone and own everything remaining in the smoking wreckage.

I suppose that when disaster capitalists have traditionally profited more from actually wrecking almost everything and taking the rest, they'd eventually be certain to step over the edge into destroying everything to be the masters of... nothing. Which seems to be where this pointless 'Mad Scientismist' destruction seems to be leading.

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When you find you are in the Alamo, the ending is defined, how many enemies you take out is the variable.

This world is over. Lets do this.

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So, should it really be that easy: Give all authority over 194 countries to a sinister, global institution, that will have the right to arbitrarily declare a new emergency and force "vaccine" mandates on billions of people to be injected with arbitrary, unknown substances? Kind of an unworthy end for humanity/civilisation, isn't it? But after the Corona mess, undoubtely not that farfetched anymore.

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This is so cool! I love being subject to rules generated by greedy rapist criminals! I cannot wait for forced toxic injections for the whole family to increase billionaire profits! And if we get sick from it then we get to buy more Pharma products and enrich billionaires even more. This is great because I have been worried sick recently that Pharma profits would not be as high in 2023, but maybe I was wrong. Yeah!!!

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I find it horrendous that we should even have to discuss this. Treaties should NEVER supersede our Constitutional rights. Never.

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The perps and their criminal private 'agreements' and 'treaties' actually can't supersede inalienable human and other rights - NOTHING can. That's what inalienable means.

They can con and brutalise people and they can violate rights - but they can't actually take them away. Just commit further crimes in committing Crimes Against Humanity. A hanging offense.

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The problem remains, that most people are willing to accept ANY written law without asking ANY questions because they are lacking a personal moral compass, ethics or faith. They are used to a mode of "civilized" i.e. merely "domesticized" behaving that just obeys rules and laws without evaluating what is the actual ethical substance of a given written rule, as they just believe in formal institutions of authority (which will destroy any free society if a critical mass begins acting in such an automatic/unconscious way apathetic to public political and social issues). This is a critical attack vector/achilles heel of modern, complex, but degenerated, decadent society that lost most of it's values.

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EXCELLENT point! That's how they manage to con people into thinking that democratic public servants can 'pass' illegal/unconstitutional 'laws' in violation of all pre-existing laws and norms and pretend that's not a criminal act but something legitimate that must be obeyed. Rather than challenged and 'debunked'.

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