Fantasic explanation... God bless you Dr. Ness, you are a pillar of strength and intelligence! I will share this with as many people as I can! The UN and the WHO is part of a social engineering group for global takeover.

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Excellent talk, Dr. Nass. Thank you for your contributions to and leadership in the medical freedom community.

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I am assuming the UN wants this power grab to consolidate power for world affairs as a stepping stone to One World government. I am also assuming that this attempt is their B plan for issuing pandemic orders since the WHO could not get it through by themselves. After all if Trump gets in as president I figure the Deep State will have to put their plans on hold for at least another 4 years. Other countries are waking up and turfing their liberal and dictator governments. The Cabal does not want to lose its grip.

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What everyone misses about the UN is that it was originally a Banker's Union, formed in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, then formalized at a San Francisco convention. Its origin was at the intersection of debts and money, and it backed a radically new Modern Monetary theory: Just as nuclear physicist Schroedinger proposed a magic box containing a cat that was both alive and dead at once, paedophile economist Keynes proposed that debt could become the basis of money. This idea gave incredible power to bankers because they could use debt to print money. 8 decades later the US led the effort, owing its own people $110 trillion in unfunded liabilities (Medicare, Social Security, Pensions) and owing a "national debt" to bond owners of an additional $30 trillion.

Fearing that if Keynes' theory is wrong, the entire global financial structure will implode in a heap, UNocrats and Eurocrats seek massive powers over literally everything, so that they can control the collapse and save some parts of the structure. If they do not achieve this control, ordinary citizens voting in democratic elections will vote for some necessary changes, but worse yet, they will vote with their money by abandoning financial structures that are collapsing.

In short, the UN has always opposed Democracy, by bringing Soviet dictator Stalin in as a founding member and whitewashing his genocide of 20 million Ukrainians. Had the West been more vocal about this outrage, the Nazi Holocaust might never have happened, for despite their superficial differences, propaganda was run from the same playbook. Films critical of Ukrainian kulaks inspired the infamous Leni Reithenstahl films of rats wearing yarmulkes and running in sewers whilst the narrator spoke of the imagined health threat posed by Jews, Poles, and the "lesser evolved" races. Hitler wanted it, but the reason he went through with it was that Stalin's genocide in Ukraine had been forgotten. So 11 million Jews and Poles perished in a Holocaust, because Stalin had murdered 20 million without there being a murmur about it while it could have been stopped.

Bottom line is it was a dumb move for democratic nations to treat Stalin's dictatorship as a potential ally in global governance. The reason we did it is that many Western political leaders wanted to become tyrants like Stalin, saw tyranny as efficient in reaching decisions, and ignored the strength of democracy in slowly coming to correct decisions rather than efficiently implementing bad decisions.

So, we're stuck with FDR and Stalin's white elephant. We need to summon the courage to ask whether anything the UN does, is good. When we do that, we find that ICAO and IMO standards, usually agreed upon informally by the world's airline companies and cargo ship operators then rubber-stamped with the UN label, pretty much accomplish some good. When we look to the UN for diplomatic solutions its record is poor. We need look no further than the Hamas takeover in Gaza to see the results of UN outsiders meddling in the affairs of neighboring nations. They get most of their facts wrong and the errors compound themselves by repetition. So the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that when the UN stands aside and lets ordinary people create solutions, it gets good results, and when it tries to boss ordinary people around, the results are atrocious.

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The age of free dumb must come to an end. It’s been way too easy to fool us. We’ve accepted information from the schooled daze to university daze to authority daze. The daze must be brought to a glaring stop. Regurgitation for A’s must end. Peer review must end, this is governance via consensus not scrutiny and definitely not science/sense. Paradigms are challenged by outsiders because they are free of obligation to the status quo.

To recover our heritage we must become the free mighty. This requires due diligence. We use our scrutiny and analysis of all information to solve problems. This requires asking the perfect questions and not waiting for an expert to solve it for us.

The sickness industry profits from suffering and death. The more suffering (Cancer) the higher the profile, the higher the salaries and prices of treatment. Not a design I endorse.

Propaganda to institute salt restriction has caused the massive increase in chronic dis-ease.

I have logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.

Hydration equals SALT plus water.

Dehydration is our Achilles heel.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

I tip over a few sacred cows, be prepared to have your schooled daze challenged.

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The cry "God is Dead" is now "Free Dumb is Dead" Is there a connection? Yes, I think so!

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Not sure how you make that connection, I’m pointing out how easy we’ve been led along the evil ones garden path. Simply because we have been trained to accept authoritative information as if it were unquestionable. The idea of being free and purposely dumbed down as opposed to being free and mighty. We are naturally problem solvers but if the information we are relying upon to make pertinent decisions is faulty, well never solve the worse problems. Eg cancer, free energy….

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The death of God didn’t strike Nietzsche as an entirely good thing. Without a God, the basic belief system of Western Europe was in jeopardy. He estimated millions would die because of that sickness, and he was right!

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Posted to X.

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Great that the 26 Governors registered that they would not comply.

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So the world leaders are basically being proposed more of the same that WHO was trying to sell off. I'm really beginning to see this Pact be rejected just like the WHO's Pandemic Treaty was.

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The problem now is, that the world leaders are led by Satan, not by "Our Creator" God!

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Thank you for cooking this down into such a clear and concise explanation, Warrior-Sister.

I will put this in front of the other 2 from you in today's blog post, so people who want to dig deeper can choose to.

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The world needs intellectual leaders like you to explain how, using words in documents via the WHO, a group of 300 men “Club of Rome” wants to take over the world without bullets of bombs but enjoy the new powers as if they did. Basically attempting to steal everything from everyone justified by non-existent climate change and other fake international concerns..

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A world led by worldly leaders is doomed! It's why our founders were led by & followed "Our Creator's" wisdom! NOT Man's!!!

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Clear and to the point, great job!

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Better late then never but it’s close to the eleventh hour so time is of the essence. Many more have awaken with mixed emotions and little time to get up to speed.

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Have the BRICS nations taken a stand on these kind of proposals?

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We know that multiple nations rejected earlier versions of the Pact, but we don't know who they are, yet.

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I'd certainly like to know.

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Thank you for your tireless efforts and sense of civic duty.

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We the people have determined that the unelected, and now Gates corrupted, World Health Organisation and United Nations are inadequate, obsolete, out of touch with reality, and no longer fit for purpose! The WHO and the UN no longer deserve consideration. They are of NO CONSEQUENCE!

They are both corrupt and so fail to represent the world's population. They are guided to create policies that suit the WEF's New World Order (The Super-Wealthy) which is contrary to their original purpose. and what was best for the people.

The WHO & UN are now finished! we, the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Terminating those who wish to take away our freedoms!

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Thank you Dr. Meryl again!

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"Not now, not ever." Bravo, Meryl!

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