"The shuttering of the project, as described in a new congressional budget document and during interviews with scientists and federal policy makers, marks an abrupt retreat by the US government from wildlife virus hunting, AN ACTIVITY THAT HAS ALSO BEEN FUNDED BY by the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health."

So other agencies better able to keep this work secret, will continue with the work.

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🎯 Bingo!

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"It seems likely that the agency assessed that the risks exceeded the benefits of the programme"

FIXED IT: It seems likely that the agency assessed that the political risks exceeded the benefits of the programme.

And as anti-republocrat implied, the money/programme will be transferred/hidden somewhere else within our bloated federal agencies...

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In retrospect, we could have repurposed that old Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall" line, to say:

"Hey, Fauci, leave those bats alone!"

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To which they might reply “money...get back, I’m alright Jack keep your hands off of my sta-ack,

Money...it’s a hit,

Ah, don’t give that do-goody-good Boool-shit”...

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And we can add (regarding Fauci = Fauxi) "You're just another brick in the wall. Hello Roger Waters? Ready for a remake?

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Meryl-these programs are often moved to another division and renamed. I would be willing to bet that's the case on this one.

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I did say that ONLY ONE was halted. Clearly there is political pushback which we can use to our advantage!

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Or handed over to private entities like the Gates Foundation.

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If there were or are any wild viruses, humanity would be wiped off the earth. No big pharma drug product could ever protect you. There are other things like bacteria, fungus and parasites that can be dangerous, but no viruses because they only exist in the modern stone age medical mafia's mind as computer generated algorithms and modeling, not in reality.

Where are the virus pandemics that have killed off hundreds of millions? No where to be found. If viruses existed, hospitals would be total death zones because we all know how unsanitary they really are as they are gathering places for the sick and diseased.

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I am very serious. Anyone who keeps posting that there are no viruses and fails to explain what else is, causing, measles, colds, influenza, shingles, chickenpox, German measles, mumps, etc. will be banned from the substack.

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Please don't resort to censorship.....

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If I think people are commenting for the express purpose of causing dissension then I will start blocking them.

Those who have something valid to say, fine. But I have only gotten plenty of comments repeating Sam Bailey's criticism of viral identification. Sorry, but no one who has claimed "no viruses exist" has taken me up on providing the alternative explanation for viral illnesses. Therefore your theory fails and I and the other readers don't owe you a duty to keep reading your failed theory that does not explain visible phenomena over and over.

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While I understand your position, and I have so much respect for you, if you silence those with whom you disagree, what is your truth? We must continue to stand for our beliefs in the face of opposition using our sound judgement and proven facts. Thank you for all you do and God bless you!

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I have allowed them to recycle the same arguments they do not even understand at least 100 times already. They have chosen to place their incomplete claims here to get an audience and cause dissension. This is my real estate and they have their own substacks and organizations where they may preach to their heart's content. I have debated 3 of their heroes, and written 3 articles about the existence of viruses. ENOUGH.

Getting rid of chaff does not silence them--I am not the CISA, WH, google or facebook with the means to "silence" anyone. They can talk to anyone who cares to listen elsewhere--just not on my time and space. If they go beyond the parameters I have established here, they must move on.

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Thank you. I do understand your frustration and I support you.

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I don’t think anybody is disputing there is an observable process at work, as evidenced by symptoms. The issue seems to be about the difficulty of isolating something called a ‘virus’ which, as I understand it, has no independent existence, and then proving this entity is the cause of the observed symptoms rather than an artefact of the disease process.

As with the virus hunting issue you described above, Virology is also big business with lots of money and jobs at stake. So other things being equal it will vehemently defend itself without necessarily feeling it needs to prove its basic assumptions.

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What a coincidence. Just now listening to an NPR program about how wonderful this new scientific research that will get access to your sewer system in your town and city and without your permission;. They can accumulate YOUR and your community's very sensitive and private DNA data. Right out of MIT of course, using grants that we most likely are funding for invasive, illegal access without our permission, for your most sensitive information they can, and will pretend sets off alarms on viruses, consumption habits like opioids and a whole host of excuses to claim a community is suffering from something, needs a medical intervention of something or needs to have their behaviour changed and intruded upon. Read First Platoon. This is what they did with their enemies in Afghanistan. Although this author doesn't tell the whole story she absolutely shows how nefarious it could be. No proof whatsoever that they can determine any such thing is my guess. It will however let them know the strengths and weaknesses of a community's health, vulnerabilities, whether they are not taking the latest coerced medical intervention? Let your imagination take it from there if such a tool is weaponised was we've all witnessed them do again and again. Whitney Webb did a great article about this. .

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Well they all have their minds in the sewer and are full of sh!t, Should they desire to visit my septic tank - they better bring a life preserver. They really are monitoring everything - no doubt they plan to use it as an excuse to lock folks down. The last thing these folks are interested in is your health or even the publics - it is all about control.

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The Ministry of Truth does not report good news.

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The reckless programs as well as the perpetrators (with BOTH immediate death and warnings to the next set of perps) that it will continue.

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One thing’s for sure, all politicians are guilty, starting with those who receive security briefings and make policy, not the people trying to survive this madness.

I insist, we must condemn both Trump and Biden, most Republicans and Democrats. This entire mess converting viruses into weapons to then force-treat a terrified populace with genetic-modifying vaxx-weapons all began in the 1960’s, and every bloody government official going back decades, including the richest investigative media producers/reporters know this truth, and so do all the guilty lawyers protecting “them” —as they persecute those of us “screaming” for legitimate justice. We must being prosecuting all the legal experts responsible for these weapons, the policies trapping us and the media propagandists covering up these crimes.

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Sep 9, 2023
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First, call them what you will, viruses are real. Measles caused a rash. Flu caused flulike symptoms. Shingles causes pimples that rapidly convert to blisters. With a good microscope you can see the viruses in the blister fluid.

All you armchair virologists using my substack to make baseless claims have never even attempted to explain what ELSE causes shingles, measles, colds, etc. Why do you only get measles ONCE if it is due to heavy metal or other poisoning? Immunity! In other words, you are bullshitters with a very limited repertoire of comments that you endlessly recyle to interfere with our work to stop the great reset.

Cognizant or not, you are helping the globalists. Go somewhere else please until you can competently tell me what else causes viral illnesses.

BTW, I agree that practically all virologists are owned by their funders.

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Sep 9, 2023
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In attempting to locate Dr Samantha Bailey's CV, I confess not looking too hard. She is a "content creator" with several book, fairly young and skilled at content it seems. Her practice must be quite limited given her age and effort at content. And analysis of her "truth" video https://blog.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog/2021/04/sam-bailey-on-isolating-viruses-and-why-she-is-wrong/.

I'm more impressed by https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01780-9, the UK Challenge study. In that experiment volunteers were intentionally infected by some substance they believed had a dose of so many virons. Most exposed to the substance became ill as verified by numerous lab detected data, well beyond PCR with samples checked daily. Stunningly nearly half were not infected revealed by no detected antibodies meaning mucosal immunity, no viral replication. A few showed infected with no symptoms.

Not sure why this discussion about "no virus" continues. At first I though it was the anti-vax team, but we now have a lot of evidence the vax can be more harmful than the illness. We have alternative treatments to avoid illness. Sadly the studies to determine why there are so many not affected by the vax nor the virus or vice-versa have not been done, but as individuals we would like to know.

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Oh, it’s scientific alright—a Frankenstein science lab monster creation beginning early 1800’s with Rockefeller bio-engineering disease, followed by these Eugenicist’s own “treatment for profit and control” policies. This process of fear & war profiteering actually goes back a few thousand years, but considering how short-sighted the sheep have been since the manmade 9/11 “fight terrorists for profit” nonsense (all by the same, few money/power junkies like Silverstein & Gates insane war & vaxx industry), I try to keep the herd focused within just one or two centuries of manmade threats & wars.

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People working those roadside food stands have no toilet or sink, are there all day, and handle food. Viruses don't scare me as much as picking up a parasite.

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Oh dear. The gravy train seems to have been come off the rails - for the moment. Will it stop them? Unlikely. Too much money, too much power, influence, research papers, and academic sinecures at stake.

As with the skirting around the 2014 Obama moratorium on GOF research by exporting the work to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, they will lick their wounds, re-group , and find a way to get the gravy train back on the rails. So this is an encouraging first step but we are not safe yet.

Next steps are to push back the WHO, and decapitate Eco Health Alliance

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Thanks -"We sure could use a little good news today".

I was wondering if a list could be started on all of the laboratory accidental releases/ intentional releases (known and suspected) and bio-weapons used as testing on human populations or for war purposes. I really think if any thing could grab the attention of folks it would be clear cases. There are many sources available -the problem is distilling it down. The Goal would be to show what has happened in the past and what the probable impact will be on the future when we not only continue down this path but encourage and mandate the course.

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Well, let’s see how the shutdown goes. After all, wasn’t GoF supposedly stopped, but that didn’t stop Fauci and his cohorts, did it? Perhaps a penalty of death for anyone engaging in such activity might give those wanting to engage pause for thought before proceeding.

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In regard to the big picture, this is a very interesting report from Australia…


Is this what Big Brother looks like?


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The vaccinated have chosen the path which, for them, they ultimately have to follow, like it or not, for the rest of us, not vaccinated: Covid Crusher

3 minutes from preparation to job done!!

Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that

Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.

My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other virus.

It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 30 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either - when your only alternative are those vaccines!!

I do my simple preparation, after I have been out and about, or come into contact with people who have been vaccinated - it has kept me safe - and I hope it keeps me safe for the foreseeable future as Graphene Oxide is in the very air we breathe, outside, as well, but now from the vaccinated!!

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but later on in that evening - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, doing just this.

For 30 years, I have NEVER been ill from viral infections and there is no reason why you should be either, if you do as I do and it costs zero tooYes, I get the viruses, but this is how I stop them from infecting me and how I have avoided vaccines (which don't work) like the plague they are, in my opinion - AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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How do you maintain such a prolific output Dr. Nass? Still with the quick flash of the most charming smile ever.

Never mind them explaining how they are doing God's work, just tell us how this is not biological weapon's research? Ok we get it there are too many of us. Must we willingly pay for all the programs to kill us?

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A follow up documentary on the timeline of crimes…

Backed up with evidence of patents new, and old…


PS: When you see Fauci speaking on stage with MILKEN INSTITUTE signage behind him in 2019, keep in mind Milken is a felon who went to jail, and was given 10 years for…FRAUD - for RACKETEERING basically . These are the bedfellows of pharma and NIAID nih FDA etc.


most victims succumbed to “bacterial “ pneumonia , In 1918 Pandemic…

the article NIH likely forgot to scrub from 2008.


IF they had anti-biotic we now have they likely would’ve survived.

Problem is now GAIN OF FUNCTION is creating MONSTERS that are hard to control …and MRNA is not going to help. Never has.

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