Dr. Nass

In this interview, you said that when Trump defunded the WHO, he gave the money to GAVI, instead, for Covid Vaccine development.

This made sense in the first half of 2020, when we were working around the clock to make Covid Vaccines.

In contrast, RFK, Jr. says he will NEGOTIATE with the WHO. Negotiating with the WHO doesn't make sense at all.

Please keep pushing RFK, Jr. to commit to Exiting the WHO.


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GAVI’s Co-founder along with Bill and Melinda is the 20or so vaccines of all the diseases with a deducted distributor from within who holds a seat in the awHO and WEF. . Might focused on Africa first with a direct connection. Originally 1997 GIV and then GAVI formed after 2k.

The pandemics we will see going forward are going to be split into many epidemics regionally so as to suppress suspicion as long as they can. Daily the WHO is anouncing now globally these mini threats as we wait for the big one.

Kinda like the San Andres fault.

You can find it all in the public domain with videos with admission of the co founding.

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Tried again 20 min later. No threat of hacking. Just a stab at discouragement? Those powers that should not be are threatened by rumble.

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Did not continue with the rumble link as Foxfire warned of unsecured site where my personal information including credit card information would be hacked and shared. Did anyone else receive this threat?

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I did not. Interesting.

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