A heartfelt thank you Dr. Nass for your tireless commitment to expose the truth; this is a fantastic presentation. I don't see how anyone could possibly NOT see where "they"are taking us; this is so clear.

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Kissinger, Gates and Fauci included on one slide?? I suddenly feel the need for a shower. Scumbags of the lowest order. On the upside, one down two to go.

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Well, we're not done yet, we've still got Herr Klaus Schwabenzee-poopdecks and his evil protege, the self-hating Jew a.k.a. Yuval Noah "Horror-eeee," and then we have ANOTHER 'un, Gyorgi Schwarz and his heir-apparent son who, we hear, is even crazier than his old man--- UGHHH!!!

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Klaus's papa was. I believe, a Nazi.

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beyond... Gates just gave a sinister interview. he's very detached from humanity.

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This presentation is a wow Meryl .

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We will not submit to their tyranny.

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thanks for all you do, Your headline has one word government but should be one world government

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I think the one word is 'f*ck’em' !

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EXCELLENT! Now, how do we share this with all our deep-blue-pilled "friends" who can't see any of the clues at all, even as they're being hit in the face with clues every day!

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Perhaps it’s time to stop forgiving them ?

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Hah hah haaah-- I did THAT--three years ago..

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They might be in the class of "so severely abused before adulthood that accepting authoritarian view became the automatic response to any challenge". There won't be enough therapists to properly address that, unless every cured patient is able to apply her/his cure to fellow blue-pilled victims.

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"… so severely abused before adulthood…" Oh, you mean like American public (i.e. state) schools, prison or what heretofore passed for normality?

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Plenty material available on child abuse in the USA.


In the United States, at least one in every seven children has been a victim of child abuse or neglect in the past year



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HAH HAH HAAH--aGAIN!! There aren't enough red-pilled therapists out there. And my response to abusive behaviour was STAND UP AN' FIGHT BACK!!!!

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You must be kidding. The US population is the world's best armed and yet didn't act re massacres, genocides and comparable issues (as a majority of armed patriots isn't required for a morally justified coup) . Even the UNARMED Chinese population did better than that, demonstrating against zero-covid policy and ending that.

Re "comparable issues":

100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats


Secret World War II Chemical Experiments Tested Troops By Race


Shocking new details of US STD experiments in Guatemala


That suggests nobody is brave enough to fight back against evil.

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L.O.L., hah hah haah-- So Meryl, Vigilant Fox, A Midwestern Doctor, Pierre Kory, Bret and Eric Weinstein, Joe Mercola, Steve Kirsch, Jenna McCarthy, 2nd Smartest Guy, Sasha L. AND her "nemesis," Robert Malone, Matt Taibbi, Lee Fang and dozens of others that there isn't room here to list, aren't fighting evil, eh? Well, it's clear we can call TOTAL bee ess on your lying psywar crap with complete confidence :-) And-- you entirely missed my drift-- I was referring to me, personally, in much closer-to-home settings... and N.O.T. in regard to your assumed setting of major international circumstances. BTW: Learning to work against injustice starts at home ;-)

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My experience has been and still is that the relationship between "local" and "international" only needs someone pushing a wrong red button to leave no doubt for anyone such a relationship does exist. BTW it won't be the cat or the owner ;-)


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...roflmao, troll for sure, hah hah haah!!!

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Thank you, Dr. Nass. Any 15 slides have never said it better than these ones

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RESCUE THE REPUBLIC Join us 29 September 2024 - 12PM-7PM


Our Republic is under attack by a conglomerate of industrial complexes.


We need YOU to join the resistance. Together, we can restore the values that make our Republic and the Western world so beautiful and worth preserving.



RescueTheRepublic @RescueRepublic - It's our time.

We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC.

Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24



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One word governance. In a way, yes. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God....

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And the Word was God. And only He has the power, the wisdon and the glory now and Forever.

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Electing Trump / RFK Jr. is a must if we are to have the slightest chance of beginning to reverse all this One Brave New World madness. For God’s sake put an end to the WEF - UN - WHO - WTO - World Bank - BMGF and an endless list of etc’s with all their Technocratic post human diarrhoea. It is so disheartening to witness that the vast majority of the world’s population appear to be so feeble minded, ignorant and gullible - outright stupid - as to fall for these fairy tales and promises of a Brave New World. It is no wonder that they also continue to believe such dim-witted mantras such as vaccines are safe and effective.

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This is a real war of evil against God. Pray🙏

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I sincerely hope so, but Trump has proven unreliable in the past, and is self-admittedly influenced by donors (recently shown in videos of Trump bragging how generous he has been to his largest [zionist] contributors. We can only pray that he doesn't cave, and that he is also not assassinated for it.

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I pray and know God is in control. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏

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So many of my intelligent friends in Ireland have TDS and don’t see through the BS. My friends from upper State New York as well. Although they are beginning to see that this massive migration is a problem, they’re not assigning blame to the right place. They still think that the current Democratic Party is the “good” party. And they totally bash RFK Jr. Blows my mind.

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They hate GOD and always seek to place themselves upon His Throne. Humanity is God’s ultimate creation, but we’re always rebelling against His Sovereignty.

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The issue of takeover by the KM is much older than 50 years. Already in the early 1950s it was clear that the Nazis had won the war: both German industry and workers were rapidly restored to full operation while the countries that had been occupied / plundered by the Nazis still were struggling to get back to pre-war level. And instead of a German occupation force there was a US occupation force (also in Japan).

The objective for the (oligarchic) KM always has been to conquer all global resources and Russia is number 1 on the list. Hence in Russian (and allied nations (BRICS etc.)) the opinion on this UN crap (worse than horse manure which is quite useful) has been expressed like:


Futile and completely pro-Western UN should end its existence


See more at https://english.pravda.ru/world/160739-russia-un-future-pact/

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Imagine a world where billionaires were grateful for their good fortune and used their money to not only enjoy their lives, but to actually do things to fix problems and find solutions that don't destroy people's liberty, joy, creativity, etc. Evidently, if one becomes a billionaire, you become bored to death and feel the only way you can entertain yourself is by destroying the world and trying to remake it in your own devilish image.

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Dalai Lama had a great statement about this, saying, if you want to be selfish, be smart-selfish. By taking everything for oneself, one is then obliged to live in an impoverished environment and in fear that everyone hates you; a smart-selfish person would invest in enriching his environment and those around him, thus guaranteeing life in a more enjoyable, safer world.

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On target. Bored people get in trouble and Satan comes calling, and they sell their souls to Satan for more power and money.

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Since the Japanese Parliament is called the "Diet", I am inclined to make a "going on a diet" joke here, but it's awkward. Can anybody help?


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we need a UN-free Diet for all!

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Hai! So desu!


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Most appear to have gone along with the scam until these globalist monsters began their Genocide against the people

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Get out of the UN, take back our sovereignty (ALL countries), stop fighting in the forever wars.

Thank you, Meryl

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