The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)

1) It's the cure!

2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others

3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick

4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick

5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying

6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying

7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!

8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot

9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore

10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way

11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok

12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now

13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in

14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare

15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%

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Well stated!

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The first step to recovery is admitting its a military operation.

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Great presentation to the Maine Legislature Dr. Nass. You laid out all the facts so thoroughly.

Yet they still went full steam ahead with coercion, mandates and deception all over the country and the world.

I lost a dear friend of 44 years to a rare and highly aggressive cancer that she developed within a few months of taking 2 shots in order to be able to travel to Jerusalem with her church group.

So, she only took the vaccines to be able to travel. She died after 2 surgeries and other interventions that didn't work. It was a highly aggressive and rare cancer. Interesting how many people have been dying of these types of cancers since Jan. 2021.

She gave her life to Christ many years ago, so she felt comfort in that, but she shouldn't be dead at such a young age. She was perfectly healthy and had only recently retired. She had many great years ahead

but for the Covid 19 shots and mandates.

I pray for justice for all the millions (or billions?) of people who have died or been permanently disabled by these people.

And I pray for you to get Justice from the Maine Medical board.

They owe you far more than your license fully restored and an apology.

God bless you Dr. Nass for your unwavering integrity, determination and commitment.

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So sorry for your friend and that she was forced to be vaxxed in order to travel to Jerusalem. While it's true that much of the world went full steam ahead with coercion, mandates and deception it didn't happen everywhere.

In Communist China the politicians listened to and were responsive to the will of the people and a briefly proposed mandate for the traditional inactivated virus vaccines that they used

there after refusing to subject their people to the US experimental mRNA vaccines was abandoned only days after it was announced before it even got off the ground.

In Communist North Korea they refused vaccines almost entirely including the traditional vaccinescand beat the disease without them.

Mean IQ in these communist countries is almost half a standard higher than mean IQ in the US and that accounts for some of the difference from the US in how they do things there but, even though their record in this area is not perfect, they also appear to care more about human rights and the health and well-being of their people than the psychopaths in the US do about the American people, the propaganda claims of the US to the contrary notwithstanding.

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Another reason is that unlike the “us drones” who were suckled on a smart phone and video games, those kids were expected to perform and produce and not listen to some whack off tell them they’re not whom they were born.

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Based on this, mandates were inherently illegal. This should become a collection of the largest class action lawsuits ever!

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Too much fluoride in the water

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criminal trials for the perps

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I’m in.

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All the turmoil today would not exist, if our government had not made some bad moves 75 - 80 years ago.. Number one it supported and helped finance the UN...and #2 it brought 1800 German scientists, many were Nazis, to the uS, after WW11 ended. Then in the 1950s, vaccines were promoted. There is no true science connected to vaccines. No real research. Injecting the body with foreign proteins or matter is in the realm of extreme stupidity or intentional injury/murder. The only matter that belongs in the bloodstream...nutrients from nutritious food Did these scientists have anything to do with the creation of 'vaccines?' Who would promote these procedures, when the past history of vaccines indicates, they should not be used???

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"#2 it brought 1800 German scientists, many were Nazis"

I keep reading this but have never seen a credible reference. I'd like to know who those "German" scientists were. Please forward any references you may have.

Many thanks!

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Search on "Operation Paperclip" - Here are three articles I saved to disk a few years ago; followed by a Wikipedia article; followed by a search URL which will provide more articles:

1) Operation Paperclip_ Nazi Science Heads West.pdf


2) The forgotten postwar US-Nazi alliance.pdf


3) The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft in History_ Operation Paperclip (The plunder of Germany's scientific and industrial knowledge after World War Two)


4) Plus, here's the Wikipedia write-up - probably modified by the CIA:

Operation Paperclip


5) https://search.yahoo.com/search?n=10&ei=UTF-8&va_vt=any&vo_vt=any&ve_vt=any&vp_vt=any&vst=0&vf=all&vm=i&fl=0&p=%22Operation+Paperclip%22&vs=

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They also had a series on Netflix about it which was hard to watch. I believe it may have been removed. I never see it listed anymore

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Some sites censored the articles, etc. - The "The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft in History_ Operation Paperclip" was censored off of Global Research, where I found it initially.

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Many of the scientist went to nasa I believe

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I have read this many times too and from credible sources. Unfortunately I don't have the articles right now. I do know that Allen Dulles, the director of the CIA was involved with Nazis and getting them safely to the US, and Prescott Bush (George Bush Senior's father) was involved with the Nazis and their corporations as well as Wall Street. So there was quite a connection with the elite to Germany, Hitler and World War II. Here is an article in the Guardian about Prescott Bush.


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Will send them, when I come across the info I have read. I have read this a number of times; some helped work on the Atomic bomb.Others were brought here by pro-Gemrman supporters who liked the Nazi Solution!

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Vexxxine hostile.

They pumped these bioweapons w nanobottech while dey got legal immunity sick sic sicko to kill at will.

We are the targets of their countermeasures.

We are the ones they want to kill, hold out yer arm

They have damm near killed my housemate w three shots leaving him demented deluded and deranged, he told me he got the last one for the piece of paper. When the lies didn't get ya the viruganda coercion did....

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So sorry.

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I have a deep respect for your articles on Substack. I pray for your courage to continue to expose the facts about Big Pharma! Additionally, I consider your writings to be very important, critical, and and informative to all.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for that excellent and informative article. This information really needs to get out to the general public and be sent to Universities who are still forcing young people to have the vaccine. It is shocking that they were (are) pushing these vaccines on pregnant woman babies. Unbelievable!

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I will send it to Lucia Sinatra, who is working on the college mandates. Thanks!

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Very nice testimony, Meryl. Whether the legislature listens or not, let's hope that the message is received somewhere, somehow. I appreciate your keeping the pressure up. Eventually, they will relent. Just wish it was sooner rather than later.

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They were (and are) ostriches with their heads buried in the sand. But now perhaps they will wake up.

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They are spineless and brainless sycophants, who do what they are told. The lack of will to challenge the status quo is a sign of the cowardice of our time. Fortunately, we have many brave souls like yourself, whose cry is "Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead!" I seem to remember that that ended well.

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Ma'am, they cannot wake up til they grow up. And that's not likely to happen in this stupefied, narcotized, infantilized society as you already know.

You are, without a doubt, one of the few adults in this world and you have my respect for what that may be worth! Bless you and those like you.

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Funny how these 'gene therapies' were manufactured by military contractors a year before anyone ever even heard the word 'covid'. Then pfizer et al. just puts their stamp on it. And I don't mean "funny" like haha funny.

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Why do we need vaccines? I’ve never taken any no one I know I’ve taken any.

Heck, no one I know even goes to the doctors office unless they get hit by vehicle or break a bone.

I’ve looked at the data. I think it’s a big scam. they’re playing on folks and if you look at the data, you would agree

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Looking at the massive fraud fines and the missive iatrogenic death data, should put fear in people, who can overlook Godless scam propaganda!

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There’s nothing to divulge regarding Fauci’s Chinese quest - it’s freaking poison - period.

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Where can I find the attending legislative member’s comments during and after your testimony?

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There were none. And this meeting happened at the exact same time as my Board hearing so I could not present it verbally.

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Everything one wanted to know about Godless/ evil/ 50 billion in fraud fines, I.e. big pharma's evil assault on health freedom, but was afraid to ask!

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I shared this excellent, highly-qualified testimony with a couple of friends with gmail accounts and the Google email RoboCop returned them as undeliverable due to contents deemed as "This message was blocked because its content presents a potential

552-5.7.0 security issue."

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Dr. Nass,

Florida and other states have come out against the vaccine's claim to be "safe," citing DNA and immunities. What about the SPIKE PROTEIN?

Their arguments leave ample room for new mRNA vaccines, such as the AI-generated, individually biocompatible mRNA CANCER "vaccine."

Why is Trump supporting this?

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The jabs and mRNA transporting system are the perfect bioweapon. How in gods name did they get away with it as well as using the only approved drug to treat Covid was the PROVEN deadly drug meant for the viral stage in Ebola Study but it had to be stopped because all the patients that were using it were dying due to Oregon failure. What was the actual survival rate of those that got the remter severe, I love how spellchecker has forgotten how to spell it, just like it can't spell some of the top front line doctors names, all of this will stop someday soon. Praying for miracles for our world❤️

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