
THey didn't miss anything, they are under full operational control of the DoD and Big Pharma/

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Right! Always hiding something and lying!

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The more that is found out, the more it looks like these nefarious actions were intential. These people need to be stopped and put to justice.

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Also remember that Pfizer’s report on myocarditis was due December, 2022, but they got a 6 month extension so it was due June, 2023 and we still haven’t seen it.

Walensky lied through her teeth all during her tenure, but the good news is that there is no statute of limitations on murder. Same thing applies to Fauci who should have been charged 40 years ago during the AIDS epidemic.

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In a report filed March 9, 2021 they said they had seen 27 cases of myocarditis. Interesting because by March 9th the vaccines were still limited to the "severely immunocompromised" in the lower age classes. That likely means that 27 cases represented a huge number when compared to a relatively small number of young people being jabbed. By the time young people were being jabbed in mass, there were so many VAERS reports backlogged that they could have no idea what the actual incidence of myocarditis was as it was happening until at least several months later.

When the VAERS implosion happened because there were so many reports coming in they could not be processed in a timely manner, they should have paused the vaccination program because there was quite clearly a huge problem with the vaccine if it was causing such high levels of adverse event reports to be filed.

On the first day of vaccination at the hospital here there were 2 nurses who had anaphylactic reactions and another who experienced several syncopal episodes within minutes of injection. That was among a pool of about 100 people who were jabbed the first day. 1 of the nurses retired early because she became unable to do the job and another died, "suddenly and unexpectedly" a year later, she was 34 and had no medical history.

If the system to report adverse events is overwhelmed it should be taken as prima facie evidence that there is something bad happening and it needs to be stopped. The nurses went from doing choreographed videos during the "peak of the pandemic" to being swamped with patients with possible vaccine side effects in short order.

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I discovered The Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com) a couple of years ago, and it very quickly became my #1 source of news. Almost as quickly Zachary Stieber became my favorite reporter there. I highly recommend it to everyone.

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He’s an amazing journalist.

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No mistakes were made. Everything was planned and intentional.

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You would have to be a blithering idiot not to see that the VAERS warning signs were blaring and the jabs should have been stopped right then and there!

"A day after Dr. Walensky's unambiguous statement, CDC officials privately acknowledged the difficulty in processing VAERS reports because so many had been lodged.

"Due to the large number of reports that we are receiving at this time, processing is taking longer than usual," one official said. The message was sent to a woman who said she'd filed a VAERS report for her son's myocarditis on April 21 but that the report had still not appeared in the system days later."

There would only be one reason why so many reports were coming in. THERE IS A PROBLEM!

Great article that should be read at the source.

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What’s disappointing is how we’re talking about safety signals and side-effects 3 years post public delivery, which normally is discussed 3 years (or more) prior to public delivery.

But science keeps changing, so…

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Only, once science turns into something else entirely, that's abandoned all scientific methodology, it needs to be relabelled something different. Other than 'speedy', I mean.

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Words are part of the trick.

"Science" is now unverifiable assertions of authority, "progress" throws society further back into feudal age caste structures, "equity" makes everything unfair by favouring arbitrary groups, "conspiracy theories" are just honest questions, etc.

Real science, the kind that investigates dispassionately, and yields the honest and brutal results, never disappeared, but was cleverly re-framed as unsafe magical thinking. Evil has employed the finest and most immoral wordsmiths.

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Well said.

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Personally, I typically refer to the 'science'/claims and aims of the perps as 'Opposite Day'/'Mad Scientism'. But, to mangle a quote, if they can get people to believe absurdities they can get people to commit atrocities. Evil, indeed...

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Nothing missed. It's not difficult to get receipts on dates. It's difficult to find anyone of legal stature (and nads) to do anything about the crimes. Time will tell. Truth always comes to light. Sadly, only after millions have been sacrificed. Their lives lost are not in vain. God knows what's in our hearts. HE gives us the tools and the means and we find the courage and the way through HIM.

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This is a fantastic summary and timeline of reports and studies and data showing link of myocarditis and vaccination yet the CDC and FDA knowingly failed to inform the public of the risks of covid vaccine. This is a great synopsis to share to those who still think covid vaccines are “safe and effective”. It’s well referenced throughout the reporting. Thank you

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Some groups like HART in the UK have been on this for a long time.

Please subscribe to our substack.


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I submitted a FOIA request this year asking for post vax myocarditis data in WA in summer 2021. One email indicated there were 308 cases, if I recall, by July. I'm happy to email that to you if you'd like to see it. Of course, we all were told there was no connection. The spin was unbelievable. I have other correspondence as well you might like to see. Tracy Hoeg was intrigued back in 2021.

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Thank you for all this detail!

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They ALL lied in ALL countries

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There will be a day of reckoning: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Peter%202&version=ESV Claiming to be wise, they became fools.

God's Word does not return void.

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'Informed consent' went out the window, when the medical profession was instructed by 'the ESTABLISHMENT' to plough into the world's population with untried, unsafe, and often deadly injections they call 'VACCINES', even though other proven medicines existed - but had to disappear!

They all hid ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc, in order to enable the corrupt FDA & CDC to allow Big Pharma to enjoy an unwarranted Emergency Use Authorisation for deadly jabs.

The entire Medical, industry from drug, injection, medicine makers, doctors, nurses, The CDC, FDA, etc are all complicit in promoting deadly injections for a 'man-enhanced disease (Fauci's Gain of Function Experiments = Maximising the deadly potential of viruses against humans)

Big Pharma enjoys immunity from LIABILITY for any/all injuries and VAX-induced DEATHS! How can this nonsense persist?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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