It is my understanding that these clowns believe that water is not a human right! So, they make all water within THEIR jurisdiction and only ALLOW the water they want YOU to have, if ANY at all. They are making air, water, plants, animals, elements, and people to be commodities. We are to pay RENT for all things. Am I wrong? Definitely let us get OUT of the UN and the WHO. Defund and permanently EXIT. We also need to look at our state and federal laws, which were CHANGED to make the scamdemic/NWO takeover possible. RESCIND those laws NOW.

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Yes. An understanding of natural law as the basis of law needs to take hold.

From https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/natural-law-theories/

"Natural law theories all understand law as a remedy against the great evils of, on the one side anarchy (lawlessness), and on the other side tyranny. And one of tyranny’s characteristic forms is the co-optation of law to deploy it as a mask for fundamentally lawless decisions cloaked in the forms of law and legality."

Isn't this cloaking exactly what's been happening?

In essence, natural law theories say that laws must promote human flourishing and well-being. However, everything is being perverted now to enable tyranny in the name of human flourishing-- "we must do this to make a better world." Of course it's all hogwash. It's an attempt to hide what they're doing.

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Anarchy is not lawlessness. Anarchy is removing the hierarchy so no one rules over another.

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Virtue signalling in the service of globaltarianism.

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To The Globalists: How 'bout we have a "meet and greet" committee of freedom-loving human beings of this world, to shower you with our liquidified "greetings" as you exit your private jets on the tarmac in Davos...

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They do not BELIEVE in that, they DO it the way that only THEY have control over all natural assets.

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Get the US out of the UN and vice versa.

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US runs the UN.

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okay maybe the US runs the UN but... who is 'running' the US?? that's the question and answer is not pretty nor resembling any democracy. (actually, the UN is the pseudo-legitimacy arm of the globalists.)

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It is a well-documented fact that Israel has vastly more control over our government than we the people. Then there are the tech billionaires who are embedded with our government and implementing a totalitarian state.

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What organization "runs" the U.S? W. Mom probably has it straight here. There is a shadow organization very few know about who have not investigated to the necessary depths. And since this world is temporarily "run" by Satan and his strategically placed entities which comply with his dictated will, every known agency and organization is in a great sense, under his spell; his lies of promised domination. The U.N. is a strategically planned organization toward this end. Its title defies its tack, and most are unaware of this. Completely unawares are the masses who cling to the rhetoric and propaganda of its virtue signaling, just like with the masked covidiots.

Back to the identification of the culprits: Since God is real, and cannot lie, it follows that Satan is real, and DOES continually lie as he seeks the destruction of man. Therefore, a logical conclusion can be attained in assuming that Satan has "his" workers to promote chaos (supposedly to achieve eventual "order.") Who would join such a group? Again deception and promises of high position are put forth. Enlistees are scrutinized and required to sign an oath in their own blood to obviate their loyalty within the secret society. That is; "The Society of Jesus" aka: Jesuits.

This group is the worst, morally speaking, holding nothing back from attaining their commissioned roles as militant arm of the RCC. One cannot fathom the depths of involvement to which they have sunk as they strive to further the aims of the mother "church." Total world domination is the intended goal of that Satanic organization, the Roman Church we all know as Catholicism. It's a ruse, a ploy, a deceptive entity working above ground as a sainted organization, all the while beneath the surface, she plans the ruin of men's souls and countries alike. Nothing has changed except her disguised tactics. She runs everything and has acquainted herself with Satanic advantages with which se employs against her enemies, or for the purpose of creating discord, chaos, fear, death, and every sort of trouble which she deems to her benefit. Satan is her god and leader. He is behind her motives and actions.

Therefore, to point to the WHO or the UN, or any number of complicit organizations like the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300, or any of the other foundations that are "in the news," is a lesson in the art of deception.

Guiltiness toward all the surface chaos we see, does not lie with any ONE particular entity. They're ALL partakers! It lies with those who "direct" them, which is Satan, and his prized "Mother Church" the RCC, whose military arm has a frightening grip upon, and it's "commander," a well-planned strategy now being implemented across the world's black and white checkered board.

Learn these things are true and faithful, and prepare for resistance to the coming pressures of this world. Adopt a firm stand that exemplifies the Character of Christ. Stay strong and determined to be among the saved by keeping the Ten Commandments of our Creator, and humbly praying for assistance provided by the H.S. toward this end. READ the Word daily, to familiarize your heart with what it contains, but just as much so, to encourage the H.S. to attend to your spiritual needs, which will support the edification process we all need so desperately.

May God be our Helper in this time of great need!,

Yours Sincerely,


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Yes, but without the UN butting in and interfering with other countries, the wars would be fewer.

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Not so sure, our CIA and State department cause a large number of the wars. UN is a big waste of money as it isn’t even able to stop genocides, due to US control.

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agree there. our Monroe Doctrine meddling, regime changing, spooks don't even nod to the UN. they're a front.

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This is probably related to the great taking that's being implemented: https://rumble.com/v41ow3n-the-great-taking.-how-the-banksters-plan-to-steal-everything-from-everyone..html

In a nutshell, obscure laws have been written so that "legally" we end up with rule by men instead of by law-- i.e., they write laws to suit their designs, laws that are triggered by the appropriate circumstances. Another facet of what we must do is nullify the countless laws that have been set up to abuse the population and return to a system of law based on natural law, the basis of the Grand Jury proceedings of Reiner Fuellmich. Of course the elite who have used and abused the law to enslave us don't want this, but if we ourselves "build back better" that implies the old ways have to go, and the basis for a new law-giving has to be natural law.

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Exactly, in other words they want to recreate the ancient Feudal socioeconomic system. Even predates slavery. In many ways worse than slavery. At least slaves were valuable to their owners and were usually cared for as valuable assets. Serfs have no value to the new Feudal Overlords. They won't even see their serfs, we will be just numbers in a database. To be deleted with a few keystrokes.

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Feudalism there was mutual obligation of the lords to their vassals. We have bureaucratic authoritarianism (think I’m properly stealing this choice of labels from John Michael Greer on ecosophia.net) where no one cares if you drop dead without any support system as long as the paperwork is good and proper

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Feudalism had no obligation for the landlords. The landlords had a connection to their serfs, who worked their land. In modern neo-Feudalism or techno-Feudalism, they can destroy us at their fancy, with CBDCs, plandemics, deadly vaccines, economic/energy/food/currency deprivation. The ruling class being exempt from the law. As the saying goes: "If you can't own property, then you will be the property".

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I think Hitler wrote his own laws to suit his plan. Aren’t we seeing that now?

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Worked with the downtown areas of big cities. First, let the gangs take over and destroy everything then get the government to fund revitalization program after all their buddies buy up the property on the cheap to get the handout from the government.

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Canadian Author and Keynote Speakers at the 2023 Stop 30x30 Summit, Elizabeth Nickson, has just published a great piece exposing the world elites' attempt to profit off America's protected lands through Natural Asset Companies ........................................................................


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Great article ! Sharing.

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This always was part of the plan, so we would own nothing and be happy, even the trees in our back yards.

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This is where nullification and localism comes in. States can nullify unconstitutional laws, and local communities can as well. Think sanctuary cities for property rights.

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Requires rule of law. Never happen. Chaos and lawlessness will rule long before Nullification can bear fruit. Weaponized migration will swamp every other “right”. The Empire is lost. Happens every 250 years or so. That’s us. US politics too insouciant to even knew we are at war. Sad.

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Agreed! No likes come from your message of warning, but Truth is sometimes difficult to swallow, when its alternative offers up lying hopes.


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These are all you need to listen to ...... it's all in these tapes...... MISTAKES were NOT made

This is all in the playbook.... https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-1969-day-tapes-predicted-the

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I have; thanks. Makes us seem powerless in the face of people who have unlimited wealth and power, people whose faces we never get to see. How do you fight against that? Given that the discussions about destruction of Western Civilization started in the 1960s, it is apparent no one either knew what was coming or, worse, no one who did know and who had the ability to slow it down or stop it.

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"No one can stop this" is my sentiment as well. The steam-roller is huge, heavy, and not at all easily made to turn from its direction. I once posted a thought to the cause:

That for any "revolution" to succeed, the military's full co-operation would be imperative and I actually thought it might see fruition, since it was THEY who suffered at the point of the needle in a big way. But those hopes are evaporated. The "steam roller" is moving ahead unabated.

As a Christian, it stands as a duty to warn the masses that this "machine" will not be able to be stopped. It will require the power of God, but God's Hand is being pulled away, so "heavenly help" remains afar off. The nations of the world will not submit, repent, or consider God as their Creator and Friend. Therefore, the God of Heaven, who "sets up kings and dethrones kings" has allowed sin and its fallout to ensue. The history of the world found in Scripture, depicts this very same plot for 6,000 years. Do we expect any changes in our day? What we can do must be done individually within our own hearts. Seeking outside solutions, such as political diplomacy, or the hounding of the "oversight agencies" to fulfill their claimed duties is grandiose indeed.

The answer to the world's problem rests in the wisdom of knowing Christ and His Promises, and obeying His Voice.


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Oh so very true. I see this as the beginning of the Tribulation, but friends say not. I think maybe because the entire planet is involved, and the Beast is near, I do believe.

Praying I’ll be in Heaven before he appears.

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My dear Sister Susan,

Thanks for the reply!

Faith-filled words saturates your sentiment. I'm wondering just what the percentage of the red-pilled think along those same lines. Sentiment aside, every Christian should now, with the very "ripe" field before us, strive to know the "doctrine" and then pursue a course that will help in the "war effort." But we first must acknowledge that our understanding depends upon Scriptural Authority, NOT the teachings of mankind. As it was "yesterday" so it is today. False doctrine permeates; floods even(!) the scene everywhere one looks for Truth. This is why it is imperative to mine at least the surface "ore" of the Word in order that we are not deceived.

As a few examples, all of which are sound Biblical truth, allow me to guide you aright. What authority do I have to do so? Not "authority," that comes from the Scriptures, but the DUTY to gently reprove false teaching, and replace it with "light" for one's walk in this world.

1. The "Beast" of Revelation 13 and the 18th chapter unequivocally frames the RC Paganized (Papal) system of religion. This is a "system" or "kingdom" which is described in Scripture, not a person. "The man of sin" can be said to be the pope, since he sits in the "seat" of the system, and is more or less in control of it, and he himself is complicit in all sorts of evil, as is his "church."

2. The "Tribulation" is parallel with "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" when the world will be thrashed from all quarters, and life will be miserable for the faithful AND the faithless, prior to Jesus' 2nd Coming. The Babylonian churches of "neo-Protestantism" these days turn the truth upside down.

3. The "State of the Dead" (wherein a "spirit-form" leaves the body upon death) is the doctrine of devils. It is taught across the board, and harbors the insanity which confuses and confounds the Truth. There are over a hundred verses in the Bible that support plainly as well as clearly allude the opposite of that false doctrine supporting "Spiritism." The truth is that when you breath your last, there is an "essence" of live, which God "breathed in mankind" at the beginning, which is sacred, but not conscious. God summons that energy HE created to return to Him, but the person is completely unaware, without knowing or feeling anything. This is known as "temporal death." Temporal, because it is temporary; on "hold" until the body is resurrected at the Second Coming. There is a THIRD coming, as well, when the execution of the wicked will take place after their resurrection. This stuff is elementary, every Christian should be fully aware of at least the basics as this stuff is.

Those three should bring on some frowns, but that's OK. It's a good start. No one likes to be duped, and so learning the (Scriptural) facts is the beginning of wisdom, so says the wisest King of Israel.

Here's a couple more just for good measure:

4. Christmas is TOTALLY Pagan and always was. It becomes a slap in God's face to join with Pagans in their celebration of the Winter Solstice and the "return" of their beloved Sun (god).

5. Easter, as well, is a Pagan "fertility" celebration having Zero to do with anything truly Christian. All of these dark, but dependable facts can be found out and realized if desired.

The time is coming when it will be very difficult to navigate and gather information such as this. All sources will be deleted, but God's Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached throughout the world, and then the end will come! We're getting close!

6. To make it an even "half-dozen!" Before Christ's Return in glory to gather His Saints, and raise the righteous dead from their graves, the "Beast" Power will mandate a "sunday law". It's prophesied to be sure. God's Word never fails!

I hope that by stepping lightly on your toes here, that I caused no lasting damage. My intentions are to bring light and truth to a dark and disturbed world, within my circle of influence. That's all. It's with good intentions, though it might be disturbing.



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Share this and help wake people up...the more people fight back, the more time it buys us to eventually stop this.....yes, this has been happening for a long time but most people were unaware..... now with this platform and others, we can educate the masses and that is clearly what they hope we don't do..... we, the masses, stop this...no one is coming to save us....

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Sister Stella,

I do hope these tapes will be informative. Sometimes through obscure avenues, we learn of the predetermined roads to be cut by the "elite" who run everything from finance to food. My bible predicts a seemingly chaotic world of pressures and injustice, and we would fare better through it if we prepare moderately for it, AND trust that "The indignation" be only for a moment, and that THEN, finally, Christ will come to destroy those wicked souls and all of their works, wholesale.. And the "saved" will then be whisked off to Heaven, to review the books for confirmation of the Executive Judgement. (still future) 'A LOT to cram into a single One Thousand Year period! But it'll happen.

It's been this author's repetitive hope that by lining out; exposing some of the dark lies which pervade the earth's scene, that a few honest souls will sit up and take notice, instead of complaining and contemplating a "fix" to the over-flooding apparent chaos which is not technically "chaotic" but rather broadly planned, with back-up plans just in case.

I'm looking forward to listening to the tapes which will hopefully manifest the plans of the puppet-masters. Actually, Satanic deception is so compete, that they are also "puppets" themselves, yet do not realize it. That's coming pretty soon.

Thanks in advance!


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Thank you, brother Ray! 🌞

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Damn I had sort of forgot that I got to hear the day tapes and thanks to sage... good to be reminded. Tho that had a much more psych manipulation nitty gritty feel than these soaring financial instrument creation docs. Thanks for the reminder of those tapes tho

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Yes...pass them on.....I find that some of the people asleep are able to listen and sometimes wake up....I think it being recorded long ago gives some the legitimacy of the claims as opposed to the WEF, Gates, Schwab info of today....

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Robert Kennedy spoke about this at an event. Black Rock is buying farmland in Ukraine and homes in the US. I don’t know what will wake people up

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This is a really scary webinar. I am going to have to listen to it in bits as too depressing. The presenters are very stoic and not hysterical at all - just laying out the facts. I learned about conservation easements when looking to buy rural property. It always sounds like a great idea. Who doesn't want to save the environment? The devil is in the details. Carbon capture is the other bogus asset class to be developed. I was at a presentation in SoCal where they introduced carbon capture technology using the ocean. What could go wrong? Then a gas company executive proudly proclaimed they were switching their pipelines to transport carbon. Her son and his grade school class approved of it so we know it is the right step. In the end, cheap clean energy will no longer be available hurting everyone but the wealthy.

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I hear you . Definitely don’t listen to it right before you go to bed. This is the stuff of nightmares. I have sent it to others. The only way to stop it is to get it out to as many groups as possible, ASAP.

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Finally finished it. James Lindsay made great contributions as always and all the other presenters were very good. So glad Dr. Nass linked it.

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What an insightful comment! Nailed, to the door, like Luther's truths to the RCC.

Thank You!


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I shared this with John Klar from Small Farmer Republic. He is an admirer of you and James Lindsey. I shared your warning to not be put off by the title which gave me neo-con chills.

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This is the 30 by 30 plan in the Great Reset. Elites will control 30% of the land and water by 2030.

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Thank you so much for this link. The hydra slithers in the darkness underground to complete its nefarious tasks. away from all light. Woe to us who do not heed. TERRIFYING .. I had NO idea of this agenda being foisted upon our civilization.

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fishy as fuck (pardon my french but seriously...) these guys clearly are counting on the majority of people not being interested in reading beyond headlines and slogans. keep 'em dumb, keep 'em fearful and we can push any agenda and the sheeple will be begging for it. ugh.

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Meryl, this is truly terrifying....we need to sue class action they cannot take over the commons that is pure marxism.

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"Global leadership has been impeded by limitations in the mandate of the WHO."

There it is: the aim to put in place a global government by allowing the anti-democratic, unelected WHO to mandate whatever it wants.

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The CORRUPT UN must go the same way the CORRUPTED World Health Organisation. We've terminated, the WHO on November 30th 2023 because Bill Gates became their main benefactor (INFLUENCER) and his policies conflict with humanity!

When were the dangers of Covid vax first apparent? As soon as the FDA illegally allowed an EUA to Big Pharma for their 'UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE' injection, when pre-existing SAFE anti-viral medicines were available but hidden from public view to justify the EUA!

With the deadly Covid injection (which they pretend is a vaccine) you're guaranteed a high percentage of serious permanent 'vax-related injuries' or 'vax-related DEATHS'. It's simply like playing Russian Roulette, with the added bonus that with every extra jab, your natural resistance to illnesses is reduced - exponentially.

Here's just another bizarre observation/prediction from a Proud Conspiracy Theorist;

The DEADLY injection they pretend is a vaccine, has already killed off a high percentage of the most vulnerable - the frail and elderly, but the true extent of the depravity demonstrated by Pfizer, Moderna etc, will become exponentially clear over the next decade. This is because the "SAFE and EFFECTIVE VAX Cure" is designed to kill women and babies during pregnancy.

The poison is then embedded forever, rendering women infertile! With no cure!

And Pfizer, etc, still enjoy IMMUNITY from all LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their POISONS!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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American Stewards of Liberty is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting private property rights, defending the use of our land, and restoring local control. Our strategies are unique, effective, and the cause of some of the most important victories for property rights in America over the last twenty years .................................................


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Scary, thank you for this information

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If I recall, Fitts said that San Bernadino, CA I believe has banned all WEF Agenda 2021 proposals in their city. Others are also working on outing these cons and protecting their communities. Local, local, local and in your county and state. Beating back the beast can be done.

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