I was at Kaiser ER on Sunday night for a large corneal abrasion. The ER doc just hadta slip in "Did you get your booster?" I told her I don't let that kind of sh!t anywhere near me.

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Drs are salesmen nowadays. I go in for physical cuz it reduce my insurance cost and 3 years ago the dr. tried to sell me extra insurance during this visit for cancer. I said to the doctor why would I vote against myself by buying extra policy for cancer ? I'm eating well, healthy no meds. it is sickening.to watch. I didn't go in this year it's not even worth the insurance discount when they have real patients who need their time

Our priorities in society have been hijacked.

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This is the world of corporate medicine. Doctors and nurses are no longer independent medically minded doctors and nurses. They’re merely medical employees carrying out instructions from management, and management is lawyers, accountants, and the occasional non practicing executive doctor.

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Yep. Disgusting.

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I'm pretty sure we've "got" that.....at least SOME of us... by now....

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This is what you can expect to see when capitalism-amok's run it's full course: Capitalist PIGS.

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NO this is Deep State Industrial complex Eugenics depopulation

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That's that kind of language we need to use, and to SAY IT LOUD.....even being in a hospital is putting you in danger of getting vaxxed by tranfection, sorry you had to be there at all. Effing self spreading jabs, they want us all dead asap it seems. Get that NAC and Zinc in you at least...

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I was listening to Dr. Mercola and reading Thailand Medical News and Great Game India late in 2019 and early in 2020. I knew and continue to know what to do. This ain't my first rodeo... BTW: Be really careful when talking to docs about the shot. You can get kicked out if they don't like the way you talk.

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I no longer talk to any medical industry docs, or go into hospitals or dr offices for any reason. Problem solved, life span increased.

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Well, that's just fine and dandy-- until your eye gets poked with something and you wind up with a nasty corneal abrasion that needs real attention or you lose your eyesight. Good luck with that, kiddo, or how about a broken bone or a serious accident. Duh.

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I am not saying it's what I would prefer, but under these circumstances, ie iatrogenocide, I have revised my needs assessment for health insurance as to be more damaging than helpful. I would rather be blind in one eye than dead or injured from the jab. And believe it or not there are alternatives in most cases. Hospitals are full of 5g, nanos and spike proteins and with staff jabbed those persons also emitting things known to damage. It is not a good situation at all. Just my truth.

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Ah, more extremist PARANOIA. For those of us who actually NEED our eyesight, we choose differently. As for you? Fine. GO BLIND. That's YOUR choice. Big Whoop.

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IMO: "Our Sec. Of Defense, Top Generals, Admirals, Are Idiots'!

"Insurance Company Discovers Triple Vaxxed More Likley to Get COVID than Unvaccinated"


"Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Used by HHS were 'Conducted' in Red China"


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Sounds like a response my husband would give! We have to be our own advocates.

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Exactly to which do you refer? Problem with posters is they are frequently UNCLEAR. Otherwise I wanna say: You really need a divorce lawyer. Get rid of this "doubting Thomas" sonofabitch. Sheesh. What is WRONG with women?

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This is a Troll

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Why would you say that?

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Clearly he didn't read properly. And doesn't give apologies.

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When hunters have the mind of a 12 year old

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The hunter has become the troll

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bet that put the crimp on their day

More the better given the nastiness of so many of them who think they walk on water

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And we should always keep in mind that, before we start looking at "efficacy", virtually all these injections are NOT NECESSARY.

What would have happened - assuming perfect efficacy - if all these people had no injections and got covid? They would have sniffled and coughed for a couple of days, needing little more than rest, and been fine.

This virus is only genuinely dangerous to those who are either very elderly, and/or have some serious underlying conditions. (Even then, it is treatable - but that is yet another argument.)

Given that these injections are not necessary, once you add on top the fact that they are useless, and then on top of that, the fact that they can be so harmful, the situation changes from the absurd to the perverse.

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"This virus is only genuinely dangerous to those who are either very elderly and/or have some serious underlying conditions."

This is not quite true. Remember that Covid-19 was engineered to be a bio-weapon. My perfectly healthy 43 year old unvaccinated husband caught covid-delta last fall and suffered a massive stroke (from a massive blood clot). He is now permanently disabled, and he may never speak fluidly again. The deadly spike of the vaccine lingers longer, especially when people keep going back for repeat injections, but it is present in the virus, too.

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And early treatment with the dreaded horse paste or HCQ he might get have avoided that. I’m very sorry for your situation. Denial of early treatment killed a relative and guilt has destroyed the life of the remaining spouse. The corrupt government is to blame for both losses.

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Yes, Delta and Wuhan originals were more dangerous but, as Zefram says below, they were treatable.

Medicine is not a precise science. There will be octogenarians (eg. Silvio Berlusconi) and Septuangenarians (eg. Donald Trump) who got the original strain and were successfuly treated for it.

Criminally (not "unfortunately") those treatments were actually banned for almost everyone else.

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So sorry that happened to your family lol

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prove there is a virus...win a million bucks

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Oh it gets worse, much worse... The jabbed are now mutation-factories for variants. It's just a matter of time before they create a more lethal version, which will spread unhindered among the jabbed.

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My fear is being around jabbed people. Which is just about everyone. I was at an event last night with everyone there jabbed and likely boosted - I KNOW I'm going to get covid in the next few days.

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Maybe natural herd immunity will protect you.

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I am doing the prophylactic iodine nasal spray - I hope that works. This will be like a science experiment!

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Gargling with scope or other containing cetylpyridinium will also help keep viral load down. Betadine makes a sore throat gargle that will do the same.

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It probably does, but I think every time the vaxxed spread just a little bit different virus content, so I am just not fit for a couple of days or ill with feaver for a week and without a fever another week in worst case.

That is what I notice, and without the fever I mostly test negative again for covid, but I still spread it am almost sure

It is worse than numbers of any kind show.

I test very sometimes because I don't want to infect vulnereable people, do the tests myself and am I not registrated as a person how had the covid virus four times now, am I not jabbed or whatever. Lots op people I know tell me exactly the same as I just told you.

In my opinion the jabbed aren't more often ill than I am or the people I know OR they are somewhat ill all the time, only the severness differs. And the jabbed ones I know who have this for about almost a year or something, don't registrate all those illnesses except when they are as ill was the first time a got covid, they go to see their doctor or to do covidtest the doctor does for reasons I don't know, because when I see them ill like that, to me it doesn't matter which virus or whatever caused it: you are not going outside because you are too ill and when it is a little bit better, I am not going to be ill in the neighberhood of people, because I am not giving them a very big chance of becoming the same miserable as I was. I never did by the way, even before covid I had some really really serious colds once in about 3 years or so. Colds I had a lot, can be bad too but almost never is really severe, lots of people have a cold and are able to work and everthing a bit less energy and I headache and a running nose or closed nose and that's it... but worse? I stay at home or keep myself away from healty people.

But all those many many people are not represented in 'the statistics' I think, and they get more and more. Slowly, but it happens.

And because of the declining defences of vaxxed people, I don't think stronger and or more harmfull virusses will going to occur. I guess they even get less and less harmfull, if I do understand a very little of virus-take-over rules the (real!) science had formulated like 150 years ago for the first time, and being proofed by reality since...

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New mutations are always less lethal for the unvaccinated. This is true of the variants we have already seen.

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Never mind the details, THEY never do

who seek control and more to pad their already overbloated pockets

This virus is only genuinely dangerous to those who are either very elderly

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I am 80 and have yet to have a sniffle

when friends, who are much younger (two of them dead following the booster), have tested and been sick, one hospitalized, who got the fully regiment of juice

Twitter permanently suspended me for stating I opted for therapeutic protocol

Spring of '20

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Love you are 80 and still kicking and on the net!!

Gives me someting to aim for! Iḿ in my 60s...

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Perfectly stated, thank you.

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It's also well documented to be strongly negative in the 0-14 day period.

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Absolutely, the time that is never included...I blogged about this mid 2021 using Israeli data

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Were you able to somewhere find how many people died in this two weeks?

Some countries of institutes take even three week period.

I thought 'they' say the vaccin needs some weeks to be at full defense capacity. If it is true, I don't know, I guess so. And if we just state it a fact, then is, to investigate 'vaccine efficiacy', statistically relevant to start collecting data from the moment possible and that is problably two weeks after injection.

But what I cannot find nowhere is why adverse events shouldn't be present or relevant during those two first weeks after being vaxxed. And why just two weeks? The adverse events are numerous till...like 6 weeks? After that there are still a lot of adverse events being presented but less numerous, although, I don't know, they are more severe??

So my question is: why this to weeks and not 6? Or a lifetime which they are going to need really badly I am afraid at some moment in future.... what a lot of 'evil pencil people' are there bound to be discovered. And that is the good part of this deadly and or damaging drama...

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Around 15 days according to the Israeli data the risk of getting COVID returned to baseline from a peak about 2.3x higher than baseline at day 8 post shot, then there was good protection for just a few weeks, then it sank quickly.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

Do you know perhaps what exactly were the components of this 'good' protection? I can't find it anywere. I can find stuff about spikes and whatever things to 'explain' how the gen therapie vax which isn't a vaccine of course, 'works'.

I really like to know that, because I think that it prevents people from getting sick, and that is 'good' to at least 'flatten the curve'. But....I don't think it is 'good'. I do think the people are infected and the gen therapie prevents their bodys from starting up a proper defense against the virus.

I also think the gen therapie so called vaccine also prevents the body starting up a defense against at least all coronaviruses.

And my second question is about why side effects are being investigated only starting 2 weeks post injection? If the gen therapie sorts out effects, negative or positive against a virus, is not really relevant, when searching for an investigating side effects like illnesses and death.

I think they can exlude also like week 4 to 8 post injection, when they feel like it. It doesn't make sense, but so is, and even more in my opinion too, excluding the first 2 weeks after injection...

Why is everybody accepting this, also the sience guys from universaties haven't got a clue that investigation a phenomenon is not of any value if the investigater remove data showing their assumptions were wrong, or would proof something else then they wanted.

Investigations when manipulated this way, aren't investigations but fraudulent actions serving propaganda, which is the opposite of everything the investigators say is important to them, and have no value at all, and certainly not scientific relevance

Everbody knows this, and why aren't real scientist standing up now to save their universities? And why is noboding proposing to close them? If people are educated there, don't no know nothing about the least necessary elements for valuable investigations, it are fraudulent institutes, saying you learn a lot and now we know that isn't true at all!

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Alex Berenson (I know, he’s anti-ivm) has written about that a lot. The “Worry Window” after the first shot as it causes weeks of immunosuppression. Many contract and die of Covid then and are counted as unvaxxed.

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I think we're talking about two different things but don't disagree. I think it's misleading to talk about immunity "turning negative" during the first 14 days (assuming you are referring to the FIRST injection, not the boosters) because it was never positive!

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No, that is true but immunity was at some level I don't know, and it gets lower the first two weeks... or do I don't understand it either😬...?

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Vaxes suppress immunity, but immunity is normally positive if unvaxed.

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I think you are making unproven assumptions not based on known science. If what you are getting at is that there is an enormous spike in deaths and severe AEs during the first 14 days after the FIRST injection (Not Bossters - they have a different AE profile) then I completely agree with you - it is beyond dispute and is, of course, why authorities want to classify vaccinees as unvaccinated during this period. But the reason(s) WHY are, and please correct me with references if I am wrong because I am always open to learn, not yet clearly understood. The "official narrative" claims that "it takes time for the immune response to kick-in". We simply don't know and remember, as conveyed to me personally during a multi-center RCT by one of the world's leading Immunologists, "We are lucky if we understand 10% of the human immune system".

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Thank you for posting this, I am going to send it along to a few people who will make use of it.

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I've always thought that, ultimately, it will be the Insurers who expose the truth. If they don't their profitability will fall dramatically. So far (see the German example of the Insurance CEO getting fired for blowing the whistle) they have managed to contain the Insurers, BUT they won't work for free and, unknown to many, the Insurers are actually immensely influential - possibly more so than the Banks. Si IMHO, it's only a matter of time.

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I saw a tweet of a chart that that showed who owned what in this country. BlackRock and Vanguard own all of the drug companies and insurers as well. So actually, they are paying themselves or as some conspiracy theorists have mentioned, it is just another way to launder money.

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That's an exaggeration. It is true that Blackrock and Vanguard, through their various funds, own large chunks of everything. But the Banks and Insurers in particularar still have a large participation by quiet money - private money mainly old money interests. Who also own large chunks of Blackrock and Vanguard!!

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The Banks??!! That is nowadays I my perception sort of synonime of 'publicly known criminality of endless sizes' and I wonder what's the difference to us, because I don't know more than like 'they own a lot too and it never is going to be returned to us as long as they are in charge...also hidden rulers of our world I suppose..

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Louisiana is apparently divesting of anything (overtly?) Blackrock by year's end. 👀

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I recall that the paper still makes the claim of positive protection agains serious illness at 150 days, despite the negative VE for infection.

Seems to me they’re still sticking tot he vaccines do no wrong narrative. Hilariously, they blame the negative VE on “confounding” -- but not the positive VE, of course.

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Here in Maine the death and hospitalization rates parallel the vaccination rate--but we lack age stratification data.

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It is worse than it appears. One, why start at 14 days, and is that 14 days post the second shot? We have studies and numbers that show the jabs initially lower resistance. If the vaccinated cohort tested positive prior to 14 days were they then in the unvaccinated cohort? And again, was it really about a five week window post jab one, and so one is only in the vaccinated cohort two weeks after jab two?

So the study needs to be redone, and the jabbed tracked from day one of the first jab. Also, all cause morbidity and mortality needs to be done with the same groups. (Then all results for jabs becomes negative) Even better, the results should be broken out via demographics.

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Of course you are completely right!!! But have you tried to take some statistics and correct them to what it suppose to be for as far possible of course and there is always a minimum and a maximum amout of how many people are wrongly counted and or rightly counted and everything in between is that what reality represents.

Now it you do this, than you see why people how care for money and don't give a shit about people, did I superstupid trick about which I honestly must say that every school university are whatever that did not publicated correctional statistics must be publicly being marked as a NON SCIENCE CAPABLE institute although I fact you should close them all of course and that is by far not enough to prevent the founders from their criminal behaviour I am afraid and when marked, we know where they are and where we are sure everthing they teach can be true but propaganda as well

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Great post. Throwing it at my entire vax X’d friends and family on Facebook.

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They would be so happy!

I guess that if they do not attack you on it, progression is kicking in! Good look to you;-)

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This looks like a share piece with those still buying the "government is your friend" and vaccines are safe and EFFECTIVE narrative. Shoots the poop out of the EFFECTIVE part. good post. Obviously the US gov agencies did a nefarious job and not their real job.

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I love how the chart skips over the first 14 days, because what is a little 2 week negative efficacy window.among friends???

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Indeed, see my comment below.

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But but but.... how will I get my free toaster if I don't take the #6 injection???

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If you look at the charts of the infection waves you see a variant only takes about 3 months to sweep through a population. After that there's no longer any reason to attempt to prevent it with a vaccine. The entire vaccination campaign was pointless from the beginning. Since these new variants have such a low fatality rate there's is no way to measure a potential benefit.

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You nailed it. And there is NO scientific evidence having a shot makes your covid less lethal.

Its another lie.

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The health insurers and life insurers are the industries bearing the financial brunt of side effects and negative vaccine efficacy.

I've had Kaiser insurance for 20 years and I'm thinking of letting it go at the end of the year. My friend has an insurance where she goes to a smaller clinic for care. These past two years have made me rethink allopathic medicine altogether.

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Unfortunately, I.grew up with the false notion that the US the best health-care system of all industrialized nations. However, In recent years, from reading and speaking to many doctors and other medical professionals, I have found that yes we are at the end of the scale, but, again unfortunately, the wrong end. We have the highest costs, the least effectiveness, the most botched procedures, and the mortality rate in the free world. Again unfortunatrly, many of us are facing the fact that big pharma controls the doctors rather than the other way around. We are hopefully also acknowledging that much of our healthcare systemic problems have been connected to Fauci, Gates, a corrupt government, and science community and unrestrained greed of the pharmaceutical industry. And, of course, sites like this one have very much helped too spread the word, as evidenced by Meryl's outstanding subscribership. If you will allow me to give the unprofessional advice of a layperson - the best antidote for covid or any other malody is truth.

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"How Much Did 'Benedict Hunter Biden', Biden's? Make Creating COVID-19"!

'I expect we will be seeing a lot on this in coming days/weeks but wanted to provide some context. At this point it appears that Hunter Biden was at least indirectly involved in the creation of SARS-COV2. Think about the gravity of that statement and then consider if that explains the continued cover-up. Let me explain.'


"Who Told You In 2021 That Peter Daszak & Ralph Baric Created COVID?

Another "conspiracy theory" turns out to be true this week."!


A lot of Lawsuits! 10/06/2022!


How the Pandemic and the deaths of 6,548,093 people could have been avoided.


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Well, that was never a question if you paid attention to the ARR, or absolute risk reduction factor which was published to be less than 1% for both pfizer and moderna mRNA injections. 95% effective they stated from the get go...that is the more useless RRR, or relative risk reduction factor, and now we see how much of a MAJOR lie that has become.

In fact, big pharma plays this game with every drug/vaccine they invent and market.

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