When I see the mainstream media headlines recently, it's almost like those in power are upset they cannot provoke Russians enough into striking back. Because the moment it happens, the plan is ready - war is declared, emergency announced, elections cancelled, mandatory conscription in the western world announced (as Ukraine cannot continue the war), and who knows what else, while they are hiding in their luxury resort bunkers. It seems Russians see through the game, which is why they do not respond as expected. But for how long?

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"Elections cancelled" appears to be their aim...

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I remember being scared yet awestruck as we passed thru the Tigris river valley region in Old Babylon...sky lit even in daylight from massive rockets flying right overhead. Can't describe it but now I see they want war...it makes rich pockets full. So much for the poor dead. God help us all

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Part and parcel of NWO.

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Are we missing something? The US govt is not the boss. Netanyahu is. Of all that money to Israel and Ukrainia, much comes back to congressman and senators. He needs war's distraction to clear Gaza of its residents. 20 years ago they found oil and gas below Gaza...$150,000,000,000 worth. With $50,000,000,000 they'll blow a channel through Gaza from Mediterranean sea to the Gulf of Aden using US nukes. Net, $100,000,000,000 plus enduring revenue + all that Mediterranean cost line for luxury homes. Oyvay! A bonanza.

So, Israel needs war and until we address it as the murderous greedy creature it is, we waste time.

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Yes, it's a key fact that is routinely ignored in DC and the mainstream media. Remarkable, really. A psychopath escaping justice by going on a rampage while authorities look on and occasionally make bleating noises.

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The MSM is almost all owned by the same chosen tribe. Don't be surprised it reports nothing important.

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Oy vay indeed....

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It's personal vendetta for some of these very powerful people who want to "stick it to Putin" whatever the cost because he chose to put national interests above those of the banking cartel. If they are so brave, they should pick a deserted island and fight him there on their own, but, being cowards as they are, they prefer someone else to do the fighting for them.

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Some things to consider This escalation of war has a complicated history most of us “useless eater peasants” are not privy to..

Angela Merkel (Germanys former chancellor )…

Minsk agreement that never was honored for Russia.


Funding so many bio-weapons labs right on the border of Russia is very threatening and that’s what’s gone on inside of Ukraine…

Imagine if Russia did that in Mexico (Tijuana)…almost an act of war just doing that.

There are many other countries to put labs in than right next to a country with nuclear weapons… or were they doing it to deliberately threaten Russia.

And why was hunter Biden involved in ANY of these labs as an investor!!!

Is a drug addict the type of person who should be allowed to be involved in bio warfare internationally or even domestically!?

You’ll have to search THAT topic using BRAVE browser because Golum Google and DuckDuck NO! Are not showing it to you anymore. Hiding the evidence

www.nypost.com might show something if you search for Hunter and Ukraine bio weapon labs

Also Russia has ALOT of natural resources - the highest reserves in the WORLD of Natural Gas, gold, minerals, oil, … many other gobblelists would love this pirate booty.

They also have a lot of gold reserves -



This is all much more complicated with a long history than lame stream media will share with the public.

Restrain just parroting the script the tv actors are reading from.

Use your critical thinking brain and discernment.

(look up Victoria nuland voice recording and visits to Ukraine around that same time - and possible involvement in regime change in Ukraine in 2013).


And this listen at 5 mins


“Russia will have some Nice surprizes on the battle field “she says…how twisted and sick.

Peace is what we need, not MORE WAR!

Where are true peace ambassadors these days.

Many in USA are making money (using tax payer funds) selling weapons to Ukraine (who use OUR taxpayer money to pay for them!)

We need that money used HERE in USA!

So many homeless, drug addicted, open borders, gas and groceries cost double and triple what that did when Trump was running the show!

This is disgusting!

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This may have come to a crisis this past weekend, with Russia having to warn the US through deconfliction channels. Scott Ritter has reason to believe that Russia identified some specific targets, which I would expect to be the precise locations and depths of some governmental-elite nuclear-bunkers, myself.

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Appreciate the article, Dr. Nass! That one may help me change a mind or two.

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One should never forget important cultural differences. Contrary to DC, the Kremlin doesn't brag. One has to be reminded of the fact that even during the cold war and the Cuba crisis, the Soviet Union NEVER failed its obligations (trade, treaties), nor did that happen during the SMO. The explanation is that the Bolshevists failed to destroy traditional Christian moral and ethics, hence the speedy revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. This is the reason of 100% failure interpretation of Russian weakness: behaving according to international law which implies, no carpet bombing, destruction of civilian targets and similar war crimes. Compare that to what the Clinton & successor regimes did and remember Wesley Clark ""we're going to take out 5 countries". Then, consider the promise to Gorbachev for reunification of Germany: "NATO will not move one inch to the East". Can it be any surprise that Russia no longer takes the West seriously? Nowadays that implies Russia can defeat NATO and related ilk without the use of nuclear weapons because NATO has no defense against hypersonic missiles. The promise to deliver them to US adversaries is being fulfilled already and still "in progress".

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There would not have been a Cuban missile crisis if The us had not put nukes in Turkey. Russia let the US save face by not mentioning those nukes. still in Wiki, unless that has been scrubbed.

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The issue of nukes in Turkey won't disappear from Russian archives. It's one reason why Russian media are banned / sanctioned in NATO countries. The missile crisis didn't slow down the drive for hegemony till the "too far" point was reached and that was the US-paid and organized "Fvck the EU" coup d'état in the Ukraine, revealing that NATO countries support the Nazi ideology unconditionally. The latter should emphasize the impact on Russia (govt. and population) as every individual there lost relatives and friends in the war against the Nazis. Hence every Russian is familiar with this too:


On the Anglo-Saxon roots of German Nazism



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Thank you for the further detail. Appreciate it! I wonder if this is even in school history book here in the US any more. This was just another US being a bully incident.

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It wasn't in my Dutch history books either. Later in life, one of my colleagues was a military intelligence officer. He could no longer continue his function because that had caused him to fall in love with Russian culture (that was during the cold war!). So I brought him printouts of telex messages I could receive from the Russian fleet, which he literally tore from my hands and translated. Those messages used the Cyrillic alphabet which with the computer program I wrote, could be printed on a machine using the Western alphabet.

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Well said. If only more people thought like RFK JR and President Trump. War is never a good answer to ANY disagreements. Nuclear war will end any possible disagreement for humanity FOREVER.

Maybe that's the answer as far as these warmongerer's are concerned. Maybe they think they can go live in their underground bunkers (which we know they have and are massive) and ride out the nuclear winter. That's just how insane these people are.

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RFKjr and the guy they keep trying to shoot are likely to get my vote

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Good news. They are taking action

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Here's the STUPIDEST thing: All these wars, all these bombs, and the possibility of nuclear weapons deployment - - -

What effect will that have on Climate Change??

Just think of the CO2 emissions!

Not to mention the devastating effects on the real estate market.

(PS folks - this is how we know climate change is a scam. No serious voices speaking about how WAR will affect the environment.)

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To be fair, I think the folks running things in the US still believe they are protected by geography. Besides - look how much real estate will be available after WWIII!!!!!! Glows in the dark, but still. Also I do not thing any governments in The West conglomeration really care about climate change except as a tool to get more control, and a way to make more money.

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== They are Both Wrong; Here's Why ==

Sorry, but they are both wrong for the following reasons:

1. Putin will not use nuclear weapons. He knows that the moment he does he ceases being "a rational actor" and it's better to take him out (via intelligence agencies or a missile) and get a replacement who will be offered incentives to stop Putin's idiocy (like removing some sanctions).

2. India and China have already told him never to use nukes. If Putin ignores their advice, they will have no choice but to cease trading with him because the rest of the world will cease trading with India and China if they don't. Since only India and China are keeping Russia afloat, that's the end of the Putin regime. The oligarchs will get rid of Putin so that they can conduct business and travel freely again.

3. Bullies needs to be stood up to or they keep going. The is universal whether it's in the school yard or in Eurasia.

4. The nukes that would be used are tactical (thus small)—not intercontinental ballistic. Given that the front is beside or actually in Russia, is there an actual use for them in which the fallout doesn't come back onto Russia? Answer: no.

5. RFK Jr. and Trump like to ignore what Ukraine actually wants. Ukraine wants to turn Westward. Who the heck wants to live under Russia's boot? Russia is, outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, a shithole. Honor what the sovereign country of Ukraine actually wants.

6. There have been almost a dozen "red lines" (complete with video clips of Putin or a surrogate saying them) that have been crossed. No nukes.

7. Russian nuclear doctrine says that they have the right to use them if their territory is invaded. Yet they haven't done so. Why not? See the previous reasons.

I like RFK Jr. a lot but he simply hasn't thought this through. Each passing day (and every crossed "red line") shows that Russia will not use nukes. Putin made a gross miscalculation by invading Ukraine but he's not stupid. He'll never be able to come out of a bunker again if he uses nukes.

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So who is the bully here? The women and children of Donbass who had to cower on the floor behind their sofas EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for eight years since 2014 from Kyiv regime never knowing if they wake up alive? Or people burned alive in Odessa? Or those innocent unwilling men in Ukraine not allowed to leave the country and chased like cattle to throw to the meat grinder. Any minute of prolonging this war is a very inhumane thing to do, that endangers everyone on the planet so that Zelensky puppet masters can achieve their insane goals of world domination. If you want to fight Putin, do it, but please spare the rest of us from your personal vendetta fights.

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You have a very small and incomplete view of what's happening there and the larger ramifications of letting Putin get what he wants.

Appeasement didn't work with Hitler. But perhaps you don't study history?

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I do not recall Putin burning people in gas chambers, so please stop calling everyone you do not like Hitler. By the way, there is historical evidence that if England DID negotiate with Hitler, WWII could have been averted. Again, go fight yourself if you want, leave everyone else alone.

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Don't be silly. Hitler wanted what he wanted and so does Putin. Putin has been planning for his war for over a decade, that's why he stockpiled $600 billion USD ($300 billion of which has been frozen).

Ukraine doesn't want to live under Russia's boot.

If you like Putin so much, go live in Russia. The rest of us want to live in free countries—and that includes the Ukrainians.

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You're willing to bet your children's lives that you're right, are you?

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Yep. It's been 2.5 years, almost a dozen "red lines" crossed—including an invasion—and he hasn't used them. In fact, after Xi told Putin not to use nukes (i.e. "I won't be able to continue supporting you if you do that"), he mentioned nukes just once. Then Ukraine invaded and he did nothing despite the fact that Russian nuclear doctrine specifies precisely that reason as justification to use them.

How much more evidence do you need that Putin understands how much worse it will get for him if he uses a nuke?

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So that's your argument not to do it? Otherwise it's perfectly fine to commit mass murder and endanger all of us? You people are seriously insane

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Putin is the mass murderer. Get your details correct.

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Have you read any of the things Putin has said about this conflict? You have to go around the US Corporate "News" channels (Google doesn't work either) to find them, but when you do you find that he has been the ONLY voice of sanity in this mess.

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lol. Sure, the guy who has been indicted as a war criminal is the only voice of sanity.

Are you evening reading what you are writing?

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I know my facts, and know multiple people whose family members were killed in Donbass way before Putin interfered. I even know how many (millions) of people were killed when people who now fight Russia were looting it in the 90s. If you do not like Putin, take it with him, leave the rest of us alone.

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I don't think you do know your facts. Putin has been eyeing Ukraine for a long time now and he's been interfering there for almost two decades.

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Hmm, let me tell you a secret - Russia has been "interfering" in Ukraine for hundreds of years, it even started there!! And why do you worry so much about Ukraine, is it a NATO country? If not for outside interference, they would have figured it out between each other a long time ago as they did for hundreds of years. In any case, whether Putin is a "good" or "bad" guy, is irrelevant. When you have a mass shooting, the first thing you do is de-escalate and minimize casualties, not escalate it further and see what happens. I am assuming you have your luxury bunker ready and cannot wait for your unlimited war emergency powers to go into effect, as you seem to be so willing gambling with our and our children's lives. And how do you know you cannot negotiate if you never tried? (unless you want war, of course)

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Ukraine gave away its nukes in exchange for getting support from the West (and especially the USA) if something like this happened.

The West is keeping its word—something you don't seem to care about.

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Idiotic...your comment is totally idiotically immature. Slap the bear, no reaction, keep trying until the year's patience runs out.

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Thank god you weren't around during WWII.

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You and the US military establishment are talking as it the Russians are not actively preparing for a war. If i was Putin I would be getting my new friend China to use their powerhouse manufacturing abilities to set up for making munitions, missiles and drones. Meanwhile in the US Biden has not been making replacement of such weapons given to Ukraine a priority so if the US went to war tomorrow they would be short of military supplies. Don't expect Putin to sit on his ass and not prepare for war.

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Stop this war mongering. Putin is insanely restrained considering what he and his country has to deal with. I do not feel threatened by Russia in ANY NATO country EVEN though NATO weapons kill Russian children almost on a daily basis.

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I agree. As seen in Tucker Carlson's interview he is calm and practical. I emphasize Practical as he is aware that he needs to maintain his military. I did not say he would initiate war. He will be prepared to defend Russia or pursue war that protects Russian interests. I subscribe to the principle of maintaining a strong military to deter enemies and opportunists. and avoid conflict. Russian people seem a lot more content with their government today than 30 years ago.

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If I thought that RFK jr could control the White House as much as Cheney controlled the Bush White House, then I would feel better.

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Some things to consider This escalation of war has a complicated history most of us “useless eater peasants” are not privy to..

Angela Merkel (Germanys former chancellor )…

Minsk agreement that never was honored for Russia.


Funding so many bio-weapons labs right on the border of Russia is very threatening and that’s what’s gone on inside of Ukraine…

Imagine if Russia did that in Mexico (Tijuana)…almost an act of war just doing that.

There are many other countries to put labs in than right next to a country with nuclear weapons… or were they doing it to deliberately threaten Russia.

And why was hunter Biden involved in ANY of these labs as an investor!!!

Is a drug addict the type of person who should be allowed to be involved in bio warfare internationally or even domestically!?

You’ll have to search THAT topic using BRAVE browser because Golum Google and DuckDuck NO! Are not showing it to you anymore. Hiding the evidence

www.nypost.com might show something if you search for Hunter and Ukraine bio weapon labs

Also Russia has ALOT of natural resources - the highest reserves in the WORLD of Natural Gas, gold, minerals, oil, … many other gobblelists would love this pirate booty.

They also have a lot of gold reserves -



This is all much more complicated with a long history than lame stream media will share with the public.

Restrain just parroting the script the tv actors are reading from.

Use your critical thinking brain and discernment.

(look up Victoria nuland voice recording and visits to Ukraine around that same time - and possible involvement in regime change in Ukraine in 2013).


And this listen at 5 mins


“Russia will have some Nice surprizes on the battle field “she says…how twisted and sick.

Peace is what we need, not MORE WAR!

Where are true peace ambassadors these days.

Many in USA are making money (using tax payer funds) selling weapons to Ukraine (who use OUR taxpayer money to pay for them!)

We need that money used HERE in USA!

So many homeless, drug addicted, open borders, gas and groceries cost double and triple what that did when Trump was running the show!

This is disgusting!

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It's bad enough that RFK, Jr. not only disguises genocide as Israeli self-defense, but also that he spontaneously rose to defend "Rabbi" Shmuley Boteach against the humiliating defeat he suffered in a debate with Candace Owens on Piers Morgan by showing his own father being deceived by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a Lubbovitcher Rebbi, both father and son being completely ignorant of the two-tongued messaging of Schneerson and fundmentalist Jews generally as set out by the late Israel Shahak in "Jewish History Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years" and "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel." For example, it is virtually unknown to non-Hebrew readers that Rabbi Kook said "The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews--all of them in all different levels--is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the soul of cattle," a sentiment expressed pervasively in varying phrases by the Israeli fundamentalists because "the scholarly authors of these books [for the goyim]...have willfully omitted reference to such ideas." (JFII, xix-xx). It helps to explain their twisted enthusiasm for the genocide. It's bad enough that RFK, Jr. is all on board for global warming via man-made carbon emissions and is determined to go green to save the planet, another globalist fiction (not to deny peak-oil concerns). He needs a week watching Heartland Institute videos on YouTube. But it is damn pathetic to see him hide just the very critical fact that msm has been hiding from the American public about these long-range missile strikes by pretending that what's at stake is "permission to use" or "depth of penetration" when Putin has been very clear what this issue is. Instead RFK, Jr. continues the mainstream media lies with a narrative that makes it seem as though Putin is rather arbitrarily and subjectively interpreting the "use" and "depth" as an act of war:

"The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. ...At a time when American leaders should be focused on finding a diplomatic off-ramp to a war that should never have been allowed to take place, the Biden-Harris administration is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war. In the words of Vladimir Putin, long-range strikes in Russia 'will mean that NATO countries — the United States and European countries — are at war with Russia.' Some American analysts believe Putin is bluffing, and favor calling his bluff. As the Times reported, “‘Easing the restrictions on Western weapons will not cause Moscow to escalate,’17 former ambassadors and generals wrote in a letter to the administration this week. ‘We know this because Ukraine is already striking territory Russia considers its own — including Crimea and Kursk — with these weapons and Moscow’s response remains unchanged.’” These analysts are mistaking restraint for weakness."

By contrast Putin has been clear and explicit that the issue is not "use" of missiles provided nor "depth of penetration." The issue is that due to their proprietary software these long-range missiles cannot choose their targets, be launched or be guided to their targets without hands-on operation by USA or UK military personnel and satellite data, which as Putin states plainly, will put NATO directly at war with Russia. That is a hard clear objective fact, not an interpretation. I don't deny that RFK, Jr. and Trump are our last best hope but the duo remain not only a sickly hope but one that the Deep State Globalists and neocons have given every indication will never come to fruition.

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Yes, some sicko psychopaths are currently playing Russian roulette with the lives of billions!

If Putin feels cornered he and his generals may do what other non military political morons think he won’t , and just push the launch buttons and blow the world up.

This is insanity!

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