Trump wants to force other countries into buying our GMO and other poisonous "food." This was most distressing to hear, especially because I thought Trump was on RFK Jr's side.
President Trump just took many positive actions! What did Biden and Obama do in the last 12 years??? They nearly destroyed America. President Trump can't read minds..but people have to let him know this issue you mentioned... is not the way to go. I feel the same way you do...Big AG has poisoned America's food. The Food Industry further destroys it with processing and chemical additives. Then, the Medical Industry makes big bucks with its toxic drugs and injections. This has been going on for almost 7 decades. American's mental & physical health went from the top to the bottom. People must be Pro-Active...Leave a message on the White House comment line. Deluge your representatives with phone calls, letters and emails. We are supposed to be the government...and it should listen to us.
Yes, Trump was clearly a better choice than the alternative... And he's done some good things. Yet... he's always been a corporatist. He's impressed by the tech billionaires. He likes shiny things, like fancy technology. And "Warp Speed" medical products.
Yes, we need to revitalize production of things Americans need here in the USA, but this is concerning, and totally expected:
Has Trump ever been closer to nature than an over-groomed golf course? An artificial mono-culture maintained with synthetic fertilizers & herbicides?
Trump's support for the $500. "Stargate Initiative", focused on mRNA "solutions" to health issues, is also a concern. Synthetic modified mRNA in a lipid nano-particle is gene-modifying technology. It's already been developed for administration by inhalation.
I left a comment on the White House comment line about the American people don't want AI. Others have to do the same thing! President Trump knows nothing about nutrition..I wouldn't even want people to see me sitting with a friend in McDonalds. It serves foods I consider...Heart Disease Specials. I left other info too. People need to to be proactive.
Thank you, Barbara! You are right- we all need to do what we can.
Picking up a (hopefully landline) phone, and leaving messages on the White House comment line, and with our public servants in Congress, and in our towns, cities, counties, and State governments- this is something we can all do.
We must stop allowing ourselves to be distracted, to be divided against each other. A war is being wage against humanity on so many levels. We cannot allow the globalist technocrats to win.
Our secret weapon is genuine loving kindness for each other.
This they do not understand.
(Does McDonald's serve food? Or food-like substances? There is zero actual evidence that saturated animal fat causes heart disease or any disease. Higher cholesterol is correlated to lower all-cause mortality. Both are essential for cellular structure, hormones, our BRAINS are made mostly of fat & cholesterol.
Dr. Paul Mason explains - 'Lies, Bias & Big Pharma: Accident or Design?'
'Now is the time to take back control of money – Its creation, its value and its flow. By so doing, we can begin the task of regaining control of our world."
Neil Oliver: "...Our so-called leaders knowingly talked nonsense that destroyed lives and turned society upside down and inside out. The people responsible are wildly exposed and cannot convincingly deny any of it. Why I ask, would anyone trust them about anything else?....":
"...that in the end all we have to fear is a handful of old men. Old men with noodle arms and bloated guts. I see that handful could swiftly be chased out of sight by A Few Good Men easily. Those desiccated ghouls would be chased out of our Lives never to return... We're not just Millions, we're billions and we all know what we know and we all think what we think. All that's left is to act on it. The world in which they would have us live is Only Make Believe, the fantasy of bitter old men..."
Neil Oliver: 'It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes':
"'The time has come again to be rid of the whole rotten lot of them'. Neil Oliver says the 'self described elite' have been carefully and deliberately dismantling Western democracies and holding on to power for too long."
You know the history of the 1918 flu epidemic, I'm sure. The pattern was the reverse of covid: the government lied that the flu WASN'T rampant and/or lethal, cuz there was a war on. When the governments finally addressed the problem more openly and honestly, the people didn't trust the government's health policies when given to the public.
With covid, we have the reverse: the government lying that covid was the worst.disease.ever therefore we should surrender all autonomy and march in lockstep with syringes in hand. When the next bad wave of illness strikes -- and it will, of course -- people won't believe the government even wheh it offers sane health policy.
Exactly! The last 4 years has been a re-run of Kenneth Grahame's classic tale "Wind in the Willows". It is easy to ascribe the personalities of Mole, Ratty, Badger and Toad to the human luminaries who continuously purvey their program of falsehoods to a skeptical audience.
Neil Oliver is a treasure!
Yeah Neil! You hit the nail on the head bruv!! 👍🤓
Trump wants to force other countries into buying our GMO and other poisonous "food." This was most distressing to hear, especially because I thought Trump was on RFK Jr's side.
President Trump just took many positive actions! What did Biden and Obama do in the last 12 years??? They nearly destroyed America. President Trump can't read minds..but people have to let him know this issue you mentioned... is not the way to go. I feel the same way you do...Big AG has poisoned America's food. The Food Industry further destroys it with processing and chemical additives. Then, the Medical Industry makes big bucks with its toxic drugs and injections. This has been going on for almost 7 decades. American's mental & physical health went from the top to the bottom. People must be Pro-Active...Leave a message on the White House comment line. Deluge your representatives with phone calls, letters and emails. We are supposed to be the government...and it should listen to us.
Yes, Trump was clearly a better choice than the alternative... And he's done some good things. Yet... he's always been a corporatist. He's impressed by the tech billionaires. He likes shiny things, like fancy technology. And "Warp Speed" medical products.
Yes, we need to revitalize production of things Americans need here in the USA, but this is concerning, and totally expected:
'Trump Withdraws Proposed Limits on PFAS Chemicals in Industrial Wastewater' -
Has Trump ever been closer to nature than an over-groomed golf course? An artificial mono-culture maintained with synthetic fertilizers & herbicides?
Trump's support for the $500. "Stargate Initiative", focused on mRNA "solutions" to health issues, is also a concern. Synthetic modified mRNA in a lipid nano-particle is gene-modifying technology. It's already been developed for administration by inhalation.
A.I. is another dangerous technology Trump is embracing. Better to develop it here than in China, I suppose...
When humans have been GMOed and had nano-tech installed in us, will we still have "natural rights"?
I left a comment on the White House comment line about the American people don't want AI. Others have to do the same thing! President Trump knows nothing about nutrition..I wouldn't even want people to see me sitting with a friend in McDonalds. It serves foods I consider...Heart Disease Specials. I left other info too. People need to to be proactive.
Thank you, Barbara! You are right- we all need to do what we can.
Picking up a (hopefully landline) phone, and leaving messages on the White House comment line, and with our public servants in Congress, and in our towns, cities, counties, and State governments- this is something we can all do.
We must stop allowing ourselves to be distracted, to be divided against each other. A war is being wage against humanity on so many levels. We cannot allow the globalist technocrats to win.
Our secret weapon is genuine loving kindness for each other.
This they do not understand.
(Does McDonald's serve food? Or food-like substances? There is zero actual evidence that saturated animal fat causes heart disease or any disease. Higher cholesterol is correlated to lower all-cause mortality. Both are essential for cellular structure, hormones, our BRAINS are made mostly of fat & cholesterol.
Dr. Paul Mason explains - 'Lies, Bias & Big Pharma: Accident or Design?' )
Great comment
More Neil Oliver:
'Now is the time to take back control of money – Its creation, its value and its flow. By so doing, we can begin the task of regaining control of our world."
'WORLD WAR III is HERE!' - Neil Oliver warns of incoming FALLOUT over Israel and Iran
Neil Oliver: "...Our so-called leaders knowingly talked nonsense that destroyed lives and turned society upside down and inside out. The people responsible are wildly exposed and cannot convincingly deny any of it. Why I ask, would anyone trust them about anything else?....":
Who watches the watchers? Who guards the guards? | Neil Oliver:
Neil Oliver:
‘….our way of life is being taken apart…we are being pushed & herded into a new feudalism….’
Neil Oliver: What kind of society are we living in!?
"...that in the end all we have to fear is a handful of old men. Old men with noodle arms and bloated guts. I see that handful could swiftly be chased out of sight by A Few Good Men easily. Those desiccated ghouls would be chased out of our Lives never to return... We're not just Millions, we're billions and we all know what we know and we all think what we think. All that's left is to act on it. The world in which they would have us live is Only Make Believe, the fantasy of bitter old men..."
Neil Oliver: 'It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes':
The elite that has taken almost all the money is now after everything else as well | Neil Oliver:L
Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver:
United Nations THREATENING national sovereignty as world approaches breaking point:
Neil Oliver: 'The green agenda we’re being sold is absolutely not green':
It's time to think the unthinkable. 'It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes':
'Self described elite' are 'deliberately DISMANTLING' Western democracy - Neil Oliver - YouTube:
"'The time has come again to be rid of the whole rotten lot of them'. Neil Oliver says the 'self described elite' have been carefully and deliberately dismantling Western democracies and holding on to power for too long."
WOW I approve this message and have nothing to add.. Will Save and Share..
Thank you, Meryl!!
You know the history of the 1918 flu epidemic, I'm sure. The pattern was the reverse of covid: the government lied that the flu WASN'T rampant and/or lethal, cuz there was a war on. When the governments finally addressed the problem more openly and honestly, the people didn't trust the government's health policies when given to the public.
With covid, we have the reverse: the government lying that covid was the worst.disease.ever therefore we should surrender all autonomy and march in lockstep with syringes in hand. When the next bad wave of illness strikes -- and it will, of course -- people won't believe the government even wheh it offers sane health policy.
Poor RFK, JR has his work cut out for him.
And now, a word from our vaccinating sponsors:
I think Neil Oliver is absolutely an amazingly trustworthy and extremely helpful individual!
That's a good one! Great to get it expressed so we can all see the picture we knew was there.
Neil is spot on.
I look forward to the free people of this magnificent planet crushing the Davos plague....soon.
Always like Neil.
Nobody says it better than Neil Oliver.
Herd immunity is happening. Thank you for your well stated wisdom. 🙏👍
Neil Oliver is The Bomb!
Must agree - Neil nailed it.
Exactly! The last 4 years has been a re-run of Kenneth Grahame's classic tale "Wind in the Willows". It is easy to ascribe the personalities of Mole, Ratty, Badger and Toad to the human luminaries who continuously purvey their program of falsehoods to a skeptical audience.
Bracing for the next attack...