Our country, the United States of America, MUST walk away from the WHO.

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Get rid of Tedros and the entire WHO, that’s what’s next!!!

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Tedros is a war criminal.

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They will just replace Tedros with another criminal. This doesn't end till those who have done this are brought to justice. Real justice. We are in a war. A silent war. But a war.

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After their trials vax them all very heavily, then off to execution they go! We the people just cannot tolerate this nightmare ever again. I’m normally a very compassionate person but not in this case.

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As I keep saying of the WHO (and the CIA), we probably need to nuke these agencies ... just to be sure. (They are the real threats to our "national security.")

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Threats to the entire world! Looks like things are becoming clearer to many and they are losing !

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AIPAC and its affiliates I'm certain are involved.

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May 25Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks Dr. Mass, for keeping us updated. I’m sure the wrench in their plans had a lot to do with your efforts and all the people you have educated on this!!! Your tireless and exceptional work is gratefully appreciated, especially by those of us who wish we could do more to prevent the tyranny they are trying to put in place. May God and the universe bless you!!!!

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What a gem you are Meryl and your invaluable voice is clearly making a difference! God bless you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✝️💟

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Today I'll be first. I'll try to emulate Meryl as the early bird who gets their man (please excuse the mixed sayings).

Thanks, Meryl for always being up at "the Crack of dawn" to expose the creeps WHO threaten us.

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May 25Liked by Meryl Nass

Hope you guys still doing rally today. Wish I could be there but at work. Pray success for this rally and for all battles on this matter

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They want that One World Government yesterday. Hope no one let's there guard down. Thanks for the update Ms Nass.

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Can't understand why the African countries would want, or let, a bunch of rich white men to tell them what to do.

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At the end of the day is all about equity.

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I hate that word "equity."

No such thing. Just exists in the DEI unicorn fantasy world.

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They certainly do not appear to learn from history do they?

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Especially when that murdering psycho "Dr" Rochelle Walensky told pregnant women that taking the covid DeathVax was safe.

They learned nothing from giving women Thalidomide and DES during pregnancy.

Or maybe...they did learn something...and did it on purpose to maim and murder babies.

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EXACTLY!!! Naomi Wolf has a book out that proves Pfizer knew how dangerous the death shots were for pregnant women and they and Walensky pushed them anyway. Naomi's website is called "Daily Clout". These Luciferian Scum, who literally think they are Gods, are hellbent on wiping out at least half the population so that they can have the globe as their own little playground.

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Naomi Wolf was on Infowars yesterday.

Starts at the 6 minute mark. Here is the link:


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Wow! I didn't see this interview. It was amazing. Thank you so much for sending it, Kathleen. Have a wonderful night. Patty

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Sleepy Joe wants to bribe them with healthcare on the hook of the US taxpayer if they'll sign off.

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Billy Bob Gates with the man boobs will release another bioweapon.

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Billy Boob Gates IS a bioweapon! IMHO.

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Vax him over and over and then off to execution he goes!! Hey, if they want to take down the population the guilty psychopaths go first!! We the people will finally celebrate!!

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It's just about ready and for bird flu!

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They will probably start with banning the sale of milk and eggs first.

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I'm not giving up my cream for coffee or my eggs or my meat.

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"they will have to take it out of my cold dead hands"

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Mine too!

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I am right there with you!!!

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So eloquently stated, my dear Kathleen.

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My "like" button still doesn't work...glitch with Substack.

Or, Deep State interference.

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You know they are already going to say any virus people get is the bird flu to advance it!

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If Obiden signs this, it will be just one more of MANY reasons that he should be arrested and tried for treason!

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Obama will insist that demented Joe sign it.

And Lady MacBeth Jill will make sure it happens.

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I hope so, because then they too can be tried for treason and also be executed by the time it's all over! Nuremberg 2.0 cannot get here soon enough and it had damn well better come!

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You are more optimistic than I am about Nuremberg 2.

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If Jill loved Joe Dementia even a little bit she would never push him as she does. I have zero sympathy for either of them and they both need to be thrown in jail for the rest of their lives. Yet, it’s just interesting to watch play out.

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Jill is more in love with power and money.

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And don’t forget to vax him many times first.

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No one is brought to justice because those can do the 'bringing" need it just as badly, themselves.

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Until ALL 535 congresspeople (US) sign off on any WHO interference in this country for any reason, there will be no victory to be claimed.

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And those who sign their names FOR it should also be tried for treason and in the end for mass murder and great bodily harm to the masses!

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Follow the money on at least 1/2 of them.

I contacted Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) and expressed my objection.

Received a word salad response back about the "good" the WHO does.

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Tell them to read what the 49 senators, 24 governors and 22 attorneys General had to say about this and then ask them who is correct

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Contacted Sen. Fetternan (D-PA) also and asked him to oppose the WHO treaty/amendments.

Another word salad response.

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Now we know Rep. Summer Lee must not be elected again ! He represents $$$$$$$$$$$,

$$$$$$$ not the people!

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She also supported the Hamas Squad in Congress.

Considering there are a lot of Jewish people in her district and that horrible massacre at the Jewish Synagogue in 2018 happened in her district.

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I received the same type of response from Sherrod "Clown' Brown in Ohio.

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Do they think they will be exempt from the tyranny that are supporting?

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Most certainly, without question.

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My prediction is they won't give up ... because this project is simply too important to their future plans. So they'll huddle up and come at this another way.

Some people thought the Censorship Industrial Complex might have been sunk or suffered a serious blow when "Scary Poppins" (and the "Ministry of Truth") was exposed and embarrassed our rulers ... or when the Twitter Files were released ... or when two Congressional Committees started doing some worthwhile work ... or with "Biden vs. Missouri."

To which I say, "Not so fast, my friend!" The Censorship Industrial Complex is bigger than ever and just as active as ever. It's probably the same with the WHO Treaty and amendments - they'll just change their game plan.

A word of warning: The world's true rulers probably also now know (even more) how dangerous "citizen journalists" like Dr. Nass are (and Substack). This knowledge tells me they might become a little more serious about throttling this particular threat to their programs as well. So ... we should buckle up our chin straps even tighter.

One suspects the Deep State crowd is not amused that they can be thwarted by a small cadre of citizen journalists on Substack or in the alternative media. My prediction: Even more and brazen censorship is coming.

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Arguably, the key planks in these amendments dealt with fighting the scourge of "misinformation" and "disinformation."

Well, from the POV of the WHO, their altruistic "One Health" campaign just suffered a major setback caused by a small band of enemy calvary hitting them on their flanks with volleys of misinformation and disinformation.

Again, their generals won't be amused by this defeat. Their answer will be an even stronger effort to eliminate this threat.

They will say, "See what these extremists just did to the world? We can't let this happen again."

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Right. They won't give up as long as they are paid fabulous salaries by "somebody" to come up with ever-better methods of murdering their fellow human beings.


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So we have chance to regroup ready for the next battle!

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I vote NO on the WHO. Period. We don't need these monsters!

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Granted, if it were only that easy.

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Thank you, Dr. Meryl!!! I am forever greatful for all your work and commitment to fighting this! God bless you always!

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It seems to me the World Health Assembly could try to patch together a presentable draft and then distribute it for ratification. I can't imagine they will kick the can, because the longer the delay the more backlash and resistance will be seeded.

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The WHO bureaucracy is limited by having to get a 2/3 approval by member states on a treaty and a 50% on the IHR amendments. Frightened of vote. They want to engineer a bogus consensus and right now they can’t.

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But will they punt with a cobbled effort rather than delay? Delay is their death knell. :) I am very excited, Doctor. Working on an article t help undermine them....

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All citizens must say no if they want a furture

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Be aware that the UN goons who have come in over the border as immigrants will likely reassemble and try to impose/enforce this evil.

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