What to do as a mature human being?

Ignore the MSM fear porn. Can't believe people still tuned in to that trash.

Educate lovingly one person at a time.

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My view it is a fear tactic and we should ignore the con job!

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I am still baffled because as I understand it if a bird or cow gets bird flu and recovers then the chicken eggs are fine, the cows milk is fine and the chicken can sit on our dinner table. So what is the big deal with bird flu??

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The big deal is that when flocks / herds are allowed to recover, they're immune to the next variants and the vaccination racket collapses. Apart from that, viruses "like" to live as well so killing the host isn't a good strategy. IOW by allowing animals to get infected, over time the effect of such viruses goes below the radar, great for producers, consumers and trade but that's exactly what vaccine producers hate most.

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All agencies connected to this Bird Flu Fear Promotion.need to be disbanded. We have had enough of supporting bums who are on the take and have absolutely no integrity...I would not trust anything murderous scum have to say. Those who .can callously slaughter millions of living creatures are the lowest form of humanity. There is a Creator who made every living thing...and you are not going to get away scot-free!. I would not want to be in your shoes!!

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They are the ones spreading the misinformation and they are the ones that created this criminal tool, just like propaganda? I'm sure our current government has a plan for controlling this type of control tactics on humanity, I wish they would share it and get it going🫤

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There has always been a non-Pharma treatment for any HxNx flu that can be used proactively tp prevent transmissions not only in poultry but it works on humans as well. There is so much in the medical literature on EGCG and Theaflavin, but not surprisingly ignored.

Here is an apatent on using them both together with poultry: https://patents.google.com/patent/US8916211B2/en

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That's an awesome combo to use!!!


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It's actually a good thing that it's spreading to so many different animal species. What are they going to do then--kill every animal in the world?

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No only the ones us serfs eat, since were supposed to embrace eating bugs instead.

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So you think that shooting aluminum & mercury into your body could be harmful, when our beloved 50 Billion in Fraud fines & leader in cause of iatrogenic death/ Big Pharme says different?

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You seem to have lost your way, look at what you are replying to before replying is a good guide.

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And we are one of the animals they want to get rid of as well...

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So glad RFKjr is here to help stop this madness!

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We have a number of acres of land that is adjacent to over another 60 acres! We have thousands of birds living on our property and the adjacent properties!! I walk it constantly with my lab who will find anything upon are travels! Amazing I am finding NO dead birds!!! Not one!! This is another big scam as we are seeing! I also believe they are poisoning the geese they are finding in our surrounding parks that is management by state and federal agencies! We have geese that come and hang out all the time to drink and eat from a few small ponds!!! Guess what….no dead geese!!! We don’t spray, or put down anything toxic and neither do my neighbors!! The land is pristine and untouched. I also have 40 layers that are located near are home and we have had different flocks for over 20 years! We’ve only had them die once in a while from old age! The biggest threat to birds are all the stray cats roaming around that we feed! They love a fresh bird!

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I have chickens and cows and no one is going to be testing any of them! My concern, though, is that this is all a framing tactic to "PREP" us for the release of their next gain-of-function bird flu that actually kills.

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Yup my fear too.

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Feb 24Edited

So unbelievably ridiculous! Much to do about nothing, really....not to minimize actual deaths, just questioning the validity of the call for such culling and potential vaccination of both livestock and humanity with relatively untested product!

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Thank you very much Meryl for this clear presentation!

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Excellent summary & reference! Thanks.

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Once they start mass PCR testing animals and people then thousands or hundreds of thousands of fake cases will be reported. The sheep will panic as they did before and comply with whatever lockdowns and/or jabs they “mandate”.

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Dr Nass - hopefully you have briefed RFKj & Dr Bhattacharya on this?

We CAN’T have another plandemic.

Just NO.

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The cruel, painful/distressing reported culling methods and all other methods of culling the chickens are totally unnecessary, and so are quackcines for any animals, including humans. Stop the horrifying gain-of-function insanity, make engaging in it punishable by a minimum of 35 years in prison, no parole. This bird flu hysteria is utter BS. Thank you, Dr. Nass, for the excellent slide deck and all the other knowledge you successfully impart, for the truth you share so often and so compellingly! Enormous blessings to you!

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