Trump is absolutely crushing it! God Bless the President!

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When he said he was going to dismantle the deep state, he wasn't fooling around! He had it all lined up and ready to go.

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It is all theatre. It is time for you to wake up some more. The cbdc is already in place with stablecoins. Cbdc is going private public partnership route

Stop being deceived by Trunk. He is an actor playing his part in the demise of the USA

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Okay, so now YOU have to show us your work. And what does Congress know about The Plan? Not that WE will comply 😡😡😡

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So are you for or against monetary control by marxist, sociopathic, unelected bureaucrats allowing us to access OUR money based on what “they” think about our freedoms of independent thought and speech? it’s been what? 2 weeks and you are already an expert on bashing golden man? Or have you been practicing for 8 years? GTFOH…. None of the shit you stated has had any effect on us so far…We AMERICANS Love our greenbacks… and if this rouge Federal Bank commits to this level of control, we’ll just start our own monetary system… fuck them…

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You need to learn about public/private partnerships. That is the era we are now in. This CBDC has been rebranded and will form as stable coins. Ripple is a good example of this, making people think we are out of CBDC trap, we won't be, it will be under a private partnership, which also means you cannot request a FOIA to get the information.

It is common knowledge if you follow the geopolitical agenda. There is no two party system. It is a uniparty. Different cheek of the same arse to put it bluntely. Different actor in the lead role, but agenda is the same. Perception is everything in the fake world in which we live and your perception and many more like you, have had your perceptions manipulated.

It is most unfortunate that all the Trunk supporters have been deceived once again.

I hold no political views, so save your time trying to attack me based on the program that you are running about perceived opposition. What i am doing is paying attention and ignoring the distractions put on by these fake saviours.

All the information is out there in the public sphere for you to do your own research.

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Americans have become so easy to dupe.

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Right… we(loosely)call them democrats…

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Lol, exclude the trump cult followers.

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Going to give the Globalists/World Bank kittens

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No no no no! They are cruel to humans. Imagine what they would be like to our four legged friends!

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Poor kittens!

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Jan 24Edited
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It would be helpful if you posted description of your links, some info, not just a bare link that for all we know could be a spam or porno site.

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The link is to the twitter post I screenshot. I assumed people knew that.

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Substacks can be confusing, follow the lines to the right to see who is commenting on what...

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I was referring to the link by kim above.

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It IS spam.

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... said the person who clicked on "t.co" :P... Sounds trustworthy to me :P...

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Seriously, SmithFS - you're complaining? Please just envision Dr. Nass working fast and furious to keep up with all this! She doesn't have time for all the niceties you might desire.

EDIT: My mistake, SmithFS. I now realize you were not complaining about links posted by Dr. Nass. I apologize.

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Farmer, the comment was not referring to Dr. Nass. Learn to follow the vertical lines...

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I was referring to the link by kim above.

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Unfortunately, SmithFS, "kim" is a bot probably in a "phone farm" in India and extremely annoying. They periodically change their message, but they're selling and/or diverting you. I tried, at one point, "reporting" to Substack such posts. Didn't do any good. The best course of action is simply to ignore. You'll learn these obvious ones. Never click or reply to them.

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It’s supposedly a survival guide to identify edible plants … I didn’t get as far as the boobs

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They are definitely poisoning our food AND water to make us sick. Chemtrails are destroying life on the planet, dropping terrible toxins onto all.

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This would satisfy half of my greatest concerns. I hope he also goes against a digital ID.

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Trump has supported digital ID since 2017. Now he’s pushing for AI and mrna and VP Vance is invested in mrna with money pop Peter Thiel.

16 Apr 2024

AmplifyBio and RNAV8 Bio Announce Strategic Partnership to Support mRNA Therapeutic Developers from Sequence Design to GMP Manufacture | AmplifyBio


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Thank you, Dr. Nass, for being the early bearer of this news. This is absolutely awesome! The threat of a CBDC has loomed large and would have been a blow to our personal and national sovereignty; medical freedom; our constitution; everything that has been so hard fought for; transferred governance to central bankers; international power brokers. I am so grateful for Robert Kennedy's leadership in collaborating with President Trump. And so very grateful for President Trump. All indicators so far are that he learned the lessons of his first four years in office and the next four years out of office well. He really wanted to drain the swamp and has come a long way in figuring out how to do it and with what personnel.

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IF Kennedy gets confirmed. I pray he will, but a lot of people don't want him in since it'll impact their profits.

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We must have Kennedy since he knows all the rocks to turn over!

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People over profits… if you don’t follow that, time and time again fate will demand you lose it all….

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Australia has gone "fully banking digital" and other countries are following - be nice to see a reversal of that policy and cash become available once more.

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Thanks for warning me not to be a tourist in Australia! I've already cut the UK from my list of vacation spots.

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AMEN to that -- NO Australia, New Zealand or UK!

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UK still has cash

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Good! We already have enough idiots here. Please continue to stay away.

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Don't forget neofascist Canada!

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Ha! Stay there voter…eat your vegimite while you can still get it…

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You certainly do.

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If you are going to be a tourist, then it makes sense to go to a country where the Exchange Rate is very much in your favour and Australia and New Zealand are the obvious choices, because you drive your money further and you get much more "bang for your buck" than if you holiday in England or America for example, where the Exchange Rate is NOT in your favour.

I've been to both AU and NZ and they are beautiful countries and NOT overcrowded like the UK is now - my take on the people, is that they are friendly and accommodating and if you want a really good holiday, I would suggest either and from the countryside, it would be a memorable experience, which is what "good" holidays are all about.

When you holiday, go to the newspaper shops and look at the photo card racks and buy the pictures you find there, because they are professionally taken and do a much better job than your camera ever would, then buy a photo album and put your shop bought photo cards in it, in the order you visited and saw what you saw and you will have a wonderful record of your holiday, you won't ever forget and which your friends will enjoy looking at too - total cost, a few bucks - and with the Exchange Rate in your favour, peanuts in costs really.

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I'm Australian. We still use cash here. The big banks have steadily been closing the small branches for several years now, but simply to consolidate in-person banking into larger branches. It's not really all that different from what the big box stores do. Fewer bank tellers means bigger profits.

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UGH! Dear God help us!!

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That's a lie, cash is still available, I live in Australia so you think I might know hey

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This substack is a psyop and most of the comments are lies whether the person making the comment knows it or not.

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Ah-harr me-hardi, you obviously haven’t been on this Substack long if you think it’s a psyop.

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I have read, listened to and studied this woman for years before Substack existed.

I don't make statements like that unless I'm sure.

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So you’ve returned to an author’s Substack who you’ve studied for years and have determined sure is a psyop (yet here you are) to make assertions she’s a psuop without one single piece of evidence, then promote your own Substack (e.g., “I would need to start another Substack”).

Big allegations! Not an iota of evidence.

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Not helpful if you can't be specific

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I would need to start another Substack dedicated to the subject.

You can find out if you look around but I'd do it soon if you want to know.

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I’ll bet you’re not a pirate…

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It's a family name. I don't have a ship, no.

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That felonious government down unda is cocky because it disarmed its citizens.. take a hard note on that.

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Do you actually think if the rest of the world converts to digital currency the US will not?

That is not reality.

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Glory, Glory Hallelujah!! We are saved!! That plan is one of the biggest globalist tools to utterly dominate us and our food supplies. No Mark of the Beast!!! Yippeeeeeeeee!

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No, we're not saved. This helps in one area, but the strong push for AI in medical nanotech is VERY concerning. DJT is doing many good things, but the AI push is not good. THAT is where the mark of the beast will likely come into play. Could be used against those who won't get a chip in their body, to mark them as not worthy of food, etc.

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They won't need chips. That's ancient tech. Once all medical records are available to AI processors anyone can be manipulated via DNA and altered via mRNA.

My guess at this point is CBDC doesn't belong to the US so it's being rejected so the US currency of choice remains the standard for the world.

The US will move to digital currency. It's only a matter of how.

I'm not sure I agree that Trump is doing many good things. If one only considers the immediate and superficial aspects of what he's doing it can look good, but there is a lot more than what first meets the eye or mind.

The AI deal is The Beast System. The digital currency that accompanies it is an accessory.

I pray everyone uses discernment and loves the truth no matter what it is.

Or they will lose their soul in the Great Deception.

Find God now. Not Trump.

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"My guess at this point is CBDC doesn't belong to the US so it's being rejected so the US currency of choice remains the standard for the world"

The CBDC. It is more of a process than a thing. A CBDC "belongs" to the central bank that deploys it. Each central bank can have their own CBDC, but the globalist eventual goal is to have one CBDC - a single world programmable digital currency through which every financial transaction in the world is processed, approved or disapproved and penalties levied for attempted transactions not pre-approved by the system. This should be unacceptable to any human, but the globalists are selling it to a number of countries based on better security, faster transactions, and prevention of money laundering (all true). What they do not tell people is that once in the system you are trapped forever, you will have no privacy anywhere, you can be debanked any time any place with no reason given, and you will be a de facto slave.

By denying connection to any form of CBDC, you decide what to buy, not the system, which will have no access to individual purchases, and will not be involved in individual financial transactions thus preserving privacy and anonymity.

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Thanks for explaining this. Appreciated.

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Amen! Well said, Pirate Studebaker We all were given free will, and we have until are last breathe to choose. The main concern around the world should be the missing children. Not A I Not money ! Not material junk . Were are already in a digital control around the world , but people are too spoiled and blind to see it. Satan is a very cleaver and deceitful , but he cant create only destroy.. He know his time is very short and he knows God wins , but he will try to take as many souls to hell with him. I also agree that Trump is doing many good things, but he cant do it all, he is only one man. We all know God wins in the end and we all will be judged. But it still goes back to where our the children ?? With out children in the world , there will be no future. John 14:6 says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". This verse states that Jesus is the only way to reach God the Father. Acts 2:38 Peter says, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins" Thank you ! Meryl Nass, you have worked so hard to help humanity. God bless

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I hope you don’t trust trump as he is setting the stage for nwo stuff. Trump is a con!

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Be Not Concerned, be aware and express grattitue. The Swamp is being drained for anyone with eyes to see.

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They may need to do something to undo the ill effects of pseudo-uridine helping mrna penetrate the cytoplasm and nucleus which is implicated in hyper progressive disease, but the thought of more harm than good comes to mind.

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Good grief.

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What you've written is blasphemous. I pray for you.

By giving your worship to a man you forsake God.

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Ahh yes, but will he write an eo to stop the digital ID... AKA mark of the beast

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What is a digital ID? Couldn't any type of identification we use on a computer be called a digital ID?

Isn't the critical point where the digital ID links to the CBDC? Doesn't preventing this linkage deny centralized control?

Will President Trump levy huge tariffs on countries that use a CBDC?

Sometimes we may have to pay more to keep our freedom, privacy and other rights.

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Well, I think the digital ID is based on retinal scanning. I think some travelers are already in the system, although I don't fly so can't say for sure. The precursor to the digital ID is the Real ID, which has appeared on most driver's licenses without our knowing. I went in to the DMV and changed my license back to the old version, but that will not be possible after May 2025 when the law changes. My license is good until Dec 2025. If they succeed in their scheme, we will all be in a digital concentration camp (per Catherine Austin Fitts) with a "social credit score" like the Chinese citizens. I agree that our freedom may cost more, both in money and effort.

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President Trump, with this EO, has broken the chain that would connect individual digital IDs of any kind to programmable CBDCs. In a country where the two could be linked, it would mean instant slavery, as every financial transaction could be controlled, approved, denied, and people could be debanked for failure to obey the masters. This EO applies only to individuals to keep financial transactions private without 3rd party (government) access or interference. Any country that does not follow suit should be viewed as attempting to enslave its citizens and that should never be acceptable. This is a very significant action by President Trump, because once the people are enslaved, they will be under intense surveillance 24/7, they will have no rights, and zero freedoms. Once entrapped in the system, the state will determine if anyone is allowed to drive anywhere, the state will determine if you get health care, the state will determine what you can and cannot eat, when you can or cannot eat it and how much you can have or not have. The digitalID will be connected to a behavioral scoring system, like ESG. People who gain or lose points will be rewarded or punished as the case may be . Lose too many points and you will be debanked. Once you are debanked you will be unable to buy anything and left to die or perhaps euthanized. You will have no choices, because slaves have no options. You will be dehumanized. This EO needs to become law as soon as possible. Only evil people with bad intentions will vote against it, so you will learn who they are. It should also become a constitutional amendment and defended at all cost.

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If you truly believe this I hope God opens your eyes.

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Believe what?

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Thank You Dr Teacher Meryl Nass. OMGOODNESS I was hoping wow... No Pandemic Treaty, No Transgenderism, No WHO, Only Male and Female, No Paris Climate Accord BS wow, everything I was hoping for, no CENSORSHIP, Put a GAG on the CDC, HHS, FDA, No vaccine mandates, NO EV"s LOL I am happy for us people of the USA and the world hopefully other countries will follow.. No foreign AID for 90 days LOL All in 4 days, TRUMP has done more in 4 days then any president in my life time has done for all the existential threats to freedom including except maybe Kennedy, but they made sure what he wanted to do for this country and his people he did not do by murdering him..LOL he told the WEF DAVOS crowd to their face what he did and was going to do LOL, I know they are all walking around DAVOS in shock and SAD LOL.. Now they finally know what a bad day looks like LOL..

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I'm in shock... happy shock! Trump is absolutely crushing it!!!

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Do not feel like The Lone Ranger LOL, because I have been in shock since Monday LOL..

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Good grief, trump has to be the best con ever.

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The demolition of the Davos Devolutionary Death Cult is delicious!

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Don’t be fooled. The Davos crowd are still alive & kicking. They still have immense power. It’s really just a question of what scheme/racket they’re going to cook up next.

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We can't afford to think the Globalists are easily defeated. They are brilliant and ruthless, and they have unimaginable worldwide control of high level politicians, government bodies, and any influential institution or commercial enterprise you can think of. President Trump's actions/pronouncements, although very encouraging, are just 'shots across the bow' for now. The fearsome opposition hasn't even begun to return fire.

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You're right.

What Trump is doing now is called "calming the marks". It's part of the con game. It's called a "con game" because it means a confidence game.

Trump is rallying confidence in the dispirited "marks" (US citizens) in order to get us to trust him enough to take us to the next level of the con.

The next level is a lot more damaging and harder to escape. Increasingly so until we find ourselves on the slaughterhouse floor.

That's all this is. The citizens of the United States will be fleeced and slaughtered.

Watch. Jesus told us to do just that. Thank you, Jesus.

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Yes and how the cult cannot see who their leader really is.

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And how large the cult is. That has surprised me.

I am increasingly discouraged about humanity.

When I listened to his inaugural speech which was nothing more than greed and ambition and avarice and pride I thought surely people will see now....but no.

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They are holding him up like a new AH. Acknowledging him on the big screen. It was 9 months in that AH withdrew from the League of Nations. He also hosted the Olympics. They may try to lump any successes in with failures down the road which could be a design from day 1… to get to a point in a few years where even discussing things associated with his policies becomes a crime.

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All very possible.

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not a matter of being fooled, it is a matter of accurate assessment.

The globalists are in full panic mode.

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In your imagination.

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It’s left me wondering if something else is going to arise……. He’s definitely pushing the M R N A scenario and meeting up with his buddy B G….. sorry Meryll, not convinced on what this looks like and what is actually being prepared

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This is great news, indeed. There are of course thousands of digital currencies running around. I am curious to know they define Central Bank Digital Currency. This may be critical language indeed.

Perhaps we need an another EO that that prohibits the prohibition of using any currencies alternate to the Central Bank currency of the United States government. That would indeed lay the ground for a healthy and fair economic system.

And after that, an EO that prohibits any party damaging or diminishing the commons of nature, from which we all derive our prosperity.

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Ideally we would use debt free US Treasury notes rather than private Federal Reserve debt money.

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Can you tell me more about these? What these would be used for - to buy crypto?

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Bill Still: The Secret of Oz, Dave Strickler:


"2009 Bill Still :What's going on with the world's economy? Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing - and this may only be the beginning. Could it be that solutions to the world's economic problems could have been embedded in the most beloved children's story of all time, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"? The yellow brick road (the gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy's silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were powerful symbols of author L. Frank Baum's belief that the people - not the big banks -- should control the quantity of a nation's money. Debt free money."

97% Owned: How is Money Created | Documentary Film, Independent POV:


"When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it's essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does this mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when the monetary, and financial system, breaks down?

A film by Michael Oswald, Produced by Mike Horwath, featuring Ben Dyson of Positive Money, Josh Ryan-Collins of The New Economics Foundation, Ann Pettifor, the "HBOS Whistleblower" Paul Moore, Simon Dixon of Bank to the Future and Nick Dearden from the Jubliee Debt Campaign."

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Mark with any due respect you have no idea what is transpiring. The issue is Centralization of currency vs decentralization, with the later wresting control from the globalist banksters.

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I am very clear about the central bank, central control of currency issue. And it is very dangerous of the CB''s got that control. The momentum we are seeing toward decentralized, autonomous currencies is very heartening.

I would like to see an EO that prohibits restrictions on use of currencies alternate to the existing USD. Trump could reverse himself, and would if the banks gave him a big enough piece of the action. He has no principles, and no loyalties, and has zero commitment to keeping his word. That is why I would like to see this further EO. Though i suppose he could rescind that too, if they offered him enough vig.

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Digital currency, "Biden Bucks"? Just more Control, they'd know when you bought something, where, it's cost, and if you were allowed to have it.

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Every time you use a bank card of any kind they already know the information about you and your purchases.

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Sounds good. Is there another shoe dropping? Hope not.

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Who needs CBDCs to control you?

Trump joins tech oligarchs Larry Ellison and Sam Altman to launch ‘Stargate,’ featuring AI control grid and mRNA ‘vaccines’ for countless diseases

Trump wasted no time giving us the long-awaited follow-up to Operation 'Warp Speed' during his first term.


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so ya think... The Art of War, Sun Tzu

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More 4d chess nosense

nonsense. You can just say "I don't care".

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But “trust the plan”.

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Sun Tzu was a psychopath. And likely never existed as a living person.

Only as a psyop.

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Accurate assessment.

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Seems like great news. But truth is that Bitcoin etc are already the CBDCs. I realized a few years ago everything is traceable with Bitcoin, not “private and decentralized”, like they said. People are being lured into CBDCs by crypto… and I fear a giant rug pull is coming. Exchanging USA’s gold reserves for a supposed Bitcoin “reserve “??? … sheer madness.

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There’s a big difference between CENTRAL BANK (i.e., government) digital currencies and various free market bitcoin. It’s like the difference between a federal prison and a luxury hotel.

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You are falling for the ruse. They are all owned by the same entities.

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same thought -- asked this of another person - not following how stablecoin can achieve totalitarian control like a CBDC, can you explain? I can decline a bank's stablecoin right, just like not using my bank's app, but a CBDC issued by the gov't and required to interface with any gov't function (think pay taxes, use the cbdc) - just don't see the same risk/path to control w stablecoin as w the cbdc, what am I missing?

FS - thinking about this right?

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no that is incorrect, you make the error of eqivalencty. Many Cryptos are decentralized and untracable. Current BC is centralized. Some Cryptos are now backed by physical gold. The External Revenue Service has been announced. Pay attention

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As you say THIS IS HUGE!

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It’s a fake out. Trump’s gonna use stable coins instead, which are also programmable.

Staying vigilant from California. 👋🏼

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not following how stablecoin can achieve totalitarian control like a CBDC, can you explain? I can decline a bank's stablecoin right, just like not using my bank's app, but a CBDC issued by the gov't and required to interface with any gov't function (think pay taxes, use the cbdc) - just don't see the same risk/path to control w stablecoin as w the cbdc, what am I missing?

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