Democrats and Republicans form two intramural wings of a wholly corrupt Corporate War Party.

As such, I say write the pledge as pure in spirit as to what you intend and forget mollifying two private captured and corrupt parties that are largely theatrical.

You may end up Horseshoeing an alliance that will become a peaceful resolution.

The Two Party illusion is crucial to funneling the masses into tribes, but the chiefs of "both" tribes are Finkle and Einhorn. They are the same. Yes I did. Yes I did just tie a political set of points in with Ace Ventura.

I'll be over here on the Etch a Sketch if you need anything.

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Both Dems and GOPs do not want to go after Fauci for GoF. Trump on 8-5-2022 in Wisconsin repeated his CCP virus source again, as if Fauci had zip to do with emerging this coronavirus from animal to human via GoF. Some Conservatives do want to investigate Fauci. Certainly it appears as if CCP is complicit with Fauci, given the money transfers from the US government, with civilian taxpayer money funneled through EcoHealth Alliance from Fauci and with larger US DOD money apparently funneled differently.

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While I agree that the Democrats and the Republicans are two sides of the same coin, it would be utter foolishness to allow the current party to remain in power. There really needs to be a new party by the people, for the people. There also needs to be clear separation of the state and private corporations, no more funding from pharmaceutical companies of any kind. You do not make business out of your peoples' health.

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We have basically not had a democracy since 1913, and it's because people are asleep. If people wake up, parties do not matter. The Republican party is already being "recycled" into a new party by the people, for the people, of which you speak.

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Trump tries to sell political positions which approach the truth, but not positions which the political center absolutely refuses.

I can go around saying the vaccine is mass democide, an opinion which maybe 5% are willing to believe at this point (but wait till next year). Trump has to wait until next year to be able to say that. And it's harder for him because he pushed the vaccines.

Trump also can't say the "Western world" is basically run by a network of satanic pedophiles, even though he probably knows that to be true. He can't tell people what they're unwilling to accept.

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YES to "No Gain-of-Fauci"!

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"No Gain of DARPA"

Therein lies the problem. Fauci did not do an Eco Health workaround on his own.

And that's the problem that we have been dancing around for over 60-years.

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https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/russian-mil-declares-ukraine-origin THIS, if true, is the real problem. And while I don’t think Putin is a good guy, this sounds reasonable to me…🧐

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Yeah I just did something on this RE: manufactured pox viruses.

The location of each lab (Wuhan, Ukraine) doesn't concern me as much as who is running it (indirectly).

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Get rid of the childhood vax schedule all together. It's unnecessary, but I know that's a non-starter. Get rid of all virus research. It has given us nothing but trouble. I know that's also a non-starter.

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Yes to gain of function ban! A lot of people are scared of catching "the virus" and actually believe that masks and vaccines being required by those around them makes them feel more safe so there would be pushback by many to oath#2. The propaganda of fear has affected democrats more than republicans. Some considering our selves Democrats would still sign.

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I’ve done a little cleanup to fix a few punctuation/grammatical issues and perhaps(?) make this more palatable to a Democrat.

Do you think we can incorporate a quote? I’ll add it but realize it may make it too lengthy (although it may help them understand why #1 is so important).

A Pledge to Restore Our Democratic Values


I support limits on government powers conferred by emergency declarations. All government emergency laws, rules, regulations, orders, and any other directives must have strict time limits not to exceed two weeks. Legislative and/or administrative government actions must recommence immediately at the end of two weeks. Emergency declarations may never be renewed without legislative hearings on the rationale for the emergency measures and their alternatives.

I commit to defending Americans against authoritarian infringements on their rights in the name of emergencies, as F.A. Hayek wisely warned:

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”


I support the prohibition and immediate revocation of all medical mandates enacted by federal, state, county, city, and private actors, including compulsory mandates for vaccines, vaccine passports, testing, and masking.


I support the termination of all federal and state funding used for propagandizing the American public, censoring citizens, or restricting communication between people.


I support the elimination of all gain-of-function research, including the intentional manipulation of microorganisms to make them more virulent, dangerous, or contagious.

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I support a requirement that in order for a treatment or vaccine to be required by law and/or provided by taxpayer funding, that all data related to approval, efficacy, adverse events, and ingredients be made completely available for public scrutiny at any time.

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Basically the law already requires this, in the sense that all licensed drugs/vaccines must have the info in the public domain, and unlicensed drugs/vaccines by law cannot be mandated. But our government officials ignored the law and mandated experimental products, and sued to prevent release of legally required data.

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So what does a pledge matter then? Sorry if I’m late to the discussion, but thanks to this I’m in a place where I’m reevaluating the whole shebang here and finding even past data for things I assumed safe to have had injected into my kids severely lacking. Because they skipped the whole required by law detail we’re bombed back Step 0 now.

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A pledge is a tool for mental clarification of values. Margaret Anna Alice tweaked that in effect below.

I think a pledge is only part 1 of a two-part process that is needed.

I am asking Meryl to seriously consider expanding her work outward to add a second-part that sends individual pledges to our federally elected representatives and formally asks them also to sign the pledge and then to sponsor legislation to strengthen the existing laws and to strengthen penalties and law enforcement for violations to be much more than any cost of doing business treatment.

Progressives have Action Network through which theoretically almost anybody can start an automated petition to federal elected officials, but I remain unaware of any comparable tool for Conservatives. While I do not have experience with this tool's outreach, I believe mostly we have to have our own mailing lists and contacts, but that very often petitions qualify for help from Action Network's mailing lists.

I consider this to be a non-partisan sub-stack. This pledge is non-partisan. I pick up flavors from the entire political spectrum here, all focused on concern about non-reversible harmful over-reach and illegal activities.

LifeSite, the Catholic newsletter, incorporates petitions. Catholics are politically both Progressive, Liberal Democrat, Republican, and Conservative. This pledge seems to correspond with LifeSite's Catholic viewpoint toward the mandates' over-reach, especially the vaccine and the lock-downs of churches and the orders censoring clergy in Canada and USA.

Many progressives, prominently Naomi Wolf and others, strive to unite with the conservative camp precisely against the treatment mandates that this pledge identifies in order to protect people from harm. These medical mandates are illegal and harmful one-size-fits-all bully demands that violate our Constitutional rights regardless if we are Progressives or Conservatives. Each of us must willingly without coercion make decisions of what goes into our bodies, contacts our bodies, and/or makes any impact upon our bodies, minds, and spirit.

The pledge should be forwarded through an automatic petition-type process to the pledgers' elected federal officials (100 Senators and 435 US Representatives=3 per pledger) asking them to take the pledge also and to take action to put these values into legislation. Automation to state or local officials becomes intricately much more complicated to the point it becomes practical to only recommend pledgers send their pledge to these officials and ask for them to the same.

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Meryl is correct. Please go to Childrens Health Defense and/or NVIC websites for legal verification of this being discussed.

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I just realized "Democratic Traditions" should probably be "Democratic Values" as Democrats have a knee-jerk reaction to "tradition" due to its association with conservatism. Tweaked accordingly.

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Love your tweaks!

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Thanks, Meryl! In case you missed my note about this, I just changed "Traditions" to "Values" as that will be more appealing to Democrats.

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Oops, I just noticed you were responding to that note, so never mind this last one ;-)

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I believe Margaret Anna Alice's fine-tuning is appropriate. These are minor but constructive changes that fine-tune Meryl's excellent clarity: May wish to spell out numbers and put the mathematical numerical symbol in parens; quotes provide justification (mission).

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I think there is another thing, not unique to covid. Once a treatment/vaccine is enforced by state or Federal law (childrens vax schedule in mind). Providers of the treatment and mandators must make all transparent. There is nothing that may be proprietary. All data, adverse or not, all ingredients must be laid bare for all to study and evaluate. That needs to be a requirement before the mandate can happen. I include children’s vax schedule as a mandate here.

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There should be no medical mandates.

I understand the children's vaccine schedule is being "upgraded" to mRNA technology. Can anybody trust the medical system to provide proper informed consent when it historically provides false info to parents, appearing ignorant of the fact that the oft identified insert ingredient thimersol contains mercury, because mercury is in this way not required to appear on ingredient label by the FDA? Those without thimersol usually have an aluminum adjuvant.

The Children's vaccine schedule should never have been mandated, because all those vaccines were tested WITHOUT scientifically defined PLACEBOs, which, in effect, converts all their safety and efficacy claims to scientific fraud. See CHD and NVIC websites.

Robert F. Kennedy has often spoken of the importance of the MANDATORY pharmaceutical product paper INSERT that has a MANDATE to be 100% accurate and transparent in terms of ingredients and all observed symptoms from the trials. They are not allowed to exclude any symptoms as they have the burden of PROOF (not association) that the symptom was not caused by their product. This is a very high scientific standard that is basically impossible for a manufacturer to meet, and so it becomes fraud if they omit without proof.

I agree all must be transparent and nothing can be hidden under the darkness of the proprietary cloak.

Medical treatment mandates are illegal under the US Constitution as violations of our God-Given inalienable rights.

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Absolutely the children’s vaccine schedule should be immediately abolished for all the reasons you have stated.

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Add #4 for sure!

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It is true that Democrats would never agree to it. Democrats as a group have been heavily propagandized to believe that only people on the "far right" or "crazy Republicans" are against vaccine mandates or against censoring "misinformation" about COVID. Nothing can convince them that many on the left (left of Democrats) are very concerned about our loss of civil liberties.

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I agree that both the Democrat and Republican parties will never support the proposed pledge, and therefore, people who identify as members of either party--but especially the Democrats--will not agree to the pledge. But, I suspect that there are an increasing number of people who used to think of themselves as supporters of the traditional two parties who now find themselves as "none of the above". They may indeed be open to supporting the pledge. Given how the two parties are used to keep Americans in political lockstep, I am in favor of anything that will tend to break their hold on the people.

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Exactly! There are only two types of people who will sign.

1. The folks who can see what is going on,


2. who are in the 1/3 who might change their minds, will be interested.

The rest have been too propagandized to reach regardless of party or previous party affiliation. :(

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If you can find 5 people in government to sign this, I will be amazed.

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It's election season! They will sign this along with all the other items they will promise to support/uphold...until they get in. Then, whoosh, all gone!

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I doubt it. This is in writing, it can be used as evidence. A statement they have made can always be said to have been taken out of context.

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I do appreciate your optimism!

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There are many outliers. Progressives and Democrats cannot be lumped into a block, although they were most captured and more deeply by the big pharma and big tech narrative, only because Trump was the President they couldn't give any credit to where it was deserved.

If a Democrat had been the President, we might have seen some Dem pushback, but instead we saw the demonic hate machine speed up to mock Trump's sharing helpful truths about various natural medicine treatments and the existing drugs: IVM and HCQ.

It was at that precise point I saw the media trounce on Trump with uniform messages that falsely mocked Trump's sharing critical information about alternative treatments and nutrition that I already had studied and knew to be credible suggestions backed up with many studies in the NIH and MedPub databases that I had already previously read.

This was the first time I saw the crack open through the propaganda psychosis driving me to dismiss Trump as the kook the mass media and the progressive movement, especially Daily Kos, had made him out to be, when this was a lie.

There are countless Progressives and Democrats who are chronically ill and/or vaccine damaged that know or suspect the cause of their life-dampening disability was a previous vaccine. These people were already educated about the Dr. Thompson whistleblower at the CDC who participated in the data-destroying party that little black boys were much more likely to become autistic from the MMR vaccine in specific and other vaccines in general than infants of other races, but all infants of all races were becoming autistic associated with the MMR vaccine statistics. Many of the non-partisan patient support groups strongly suspected vaccines. Dr. Judy Mikovits supplied the missing links as her books came out about the Plandemic.

These people already knew that the CDC also refused to publicly debate the water fluoridation issue with Dr. Connett, a PhD Chemist, who knew the scientific falsehoods being promoted by the CDC. The CDC has a long history of lying about science, and many progressives had already been involved in 3 decades of push-back with their government representatives making promises to eliminate the revolving doors that never happened. It was the environmental progressives that understood that water fluoridation products being added to our drinking water came from carefully tracked waste shipments identified as the most toxic waste to be found in the USA identified as Super Fund waste. It was progressives who best knew that the federal protection agencies were almost all compromised from revolving doors with the corporations they were supposed to be regulating. It was widespead corruption.

The "anti-vaxxers" never fit into ONLY the conservative mold. It's just that it appears that only conservative politicians have been quickly vocally sympathetic about the violation of the rights. The lying MSM has created the false impression that anti-vax is only a conservative issue, but progressives are also anti-vax and anti-water fluoridation and anti-GMO food and anti-pesticides and toxins in our food, too. Monsanto wasn't voted the most hated US corporation for several years in a row without progressives and Democrats joining conservatives in this non-partisan issue, but most progressives remain ignorant that Monsanto is owned by Bill Gates and Rockefeller as well as Bayer. Please see Organic Consumers website for more info.

I grant that the bulk of people still wearing serious masks and insisting upon "space" are likely on the left, but some Republicans are doing this, too. I grant that the psychosis has much more overwhelmed the left and that those who have not broken through the psychosis yet seem to overwhelmingly be the most politically active supporters on the left, with some outliers including Naomi Wolf and the journalist from Brazil. Then we have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and several other long-term out-spoken vaccine critiques who have been split down the middle in terms of coming from left and right.

I submit the no medical mandate issue is bi-partisan. We've been lied to within the narrative that has guided us into polarization that does not actually exist in reality.

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Even a 50% mortality rate in the injected over the next few years? Half of them losing a family member to (take your pick -non covid) reasons? I think the truth will seep out from under....

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"no government support of any kind for gain of function research"

All GOF research, government or privately funded should be banned.

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Hi Dr Nass,

I used to vote Democrat, but am so disgusted by the last two years, I am pretty done with them, both parties have failed us miserably, although there a few outliers, such as Sen Johnson. I understand what you are saying, that perhaps some of the very rabid, defend- the- current admin-at- all- costs sort of person might not like number three. But I think it is essential to keep this in the pledge to prevent future actions of a similar sort from happening again. We should at least attempt to do something along those lines. Also, I love item number 4. If they had stopped funding that junk, we might not be in this mess.

Thanks for all you do.

I love the "no Gain of DARPA". That's kind of where we're at now with who is running the show and driving ridiculously dangerous things onto an unsuspecting and overly trusting public.

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Saagar Enjeti of Breaking Points did a powerful monologue about the rise of social libertarians: People who want to be left alone and not be told how to live. As a leftist that is disgusted with the censorship, wokeness and authoritarianism of my former allies, this is my new tribe. They are the audience for this pledge, which could serve as an organizing tool to find each other.


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Technically, I believe GoF research is already illegal under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. In many respects, it’s not about banning it so much as adherence to the law. When the law is violated, no one seems to pay a penalty, so it continues (like so many things).

A similar view might be taken on medical mandates, which violate constitutional rights; as does limitless ‘emergencies’ and censorship, which the executive uses to sidestep the constitution.

The letter of the law is only as good as it is upheld and enforced.

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The Dims will never go for this, because they lose their Nazi stronghold on America!

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I agree with the intentions, but really, you're acting like the Constitution doesn't already address these things. Listen to RFK, Jr. on this topic - he's very eloquent. There is no pandemic or emergency exception for any of our rights under the Constitution, nor does the Constitution give government that power. Informed consent for medical procedures is already the law. No business may be deemed "unessential" and closed without due process of law (4th Amendment). The right to freedom of the press, speech, religion, assembly, travel, association, are guaranteed without exception. The Federal Reserve System which printed relief checks out of thin air and gave the government money to pay hospitals bonuses for following the NIH death protocols and pay Pfizer and Moderna for their kill shots, is unconstitutional. No schools would have closed if we ended the government monopoly on education. Gain of function research is not one of the enumerated powers of the federal government, so it's already prohibited. None of the harmful COVID actions would have been possible if we just got back to the constitution. Everyone is asking "How can we reform the system?", but that question is totally irrelevant and unnecessary. Just follow the law, the highest law of the land, the Constitution. Period. Problem solved. The question is, "Do we really want to be free?" Freedom is hard. It means giving up the "security" of various "safety nets" like social security, Medicare, and welfare. But there was a time when those programs didn't exist, and charity picked up the slack. Yes, it's hard, yes it's scary, but that's life. We need to grow up and stop looking to Daddy Government to take care of us.

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This is absolutely true. The question is how do you stop the Military (DARPA) from doing Unconstitutional things behind your back. There are more pieces to the puzzle, Corporations, Mega billionaires, Dark Money, Lobbying. The Constitution doesn’t address these things unless I am missing something.

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Hi Leslie, thanks for your thoughts. When Rand Paul was a boy he worked in his dad Ron's office in Congress, and he said that no lobbyists ever came around because Ron's voting record was 100% constitutional. To benefit a lobbyist, a large corporation, a billionaire, or a dark money organization, Congress must exercise a power that the Constitution doesn't allow: to benefit an industry sector or some other special interest group by writing a law that does not apply equally to everyone, which is the basis of a republican form of government and of equality under the law. Ron Paul knew that, so he always voted no on such legislation. Corporations and billionaires have bribed Congressmen to get those special favors. John D. Rockefeller said, "The best business to be in is the government business", and "Competition is a sin." He knew the value of getting government to protect him and destroy his competitors. This is why corporations and banks love big government and socialism, because they can control it. They know there are too few constititionalists in public office to object to their power grab. They want a monopoly, and under the Constitution, there's a free market, because Congress has no power to intervene in the market. Therefore established corporations and banks have to compete with young, hungry, innovative, hard-working competitors who can take away market share and profits, and they don't like that. The problem is that the voters don't understand the value of the Constitution, and they don't monitor their representative's voting record to make sure they're following it. To the contrary, often they pressure their representative to stick his hand out and try to get unconstitutional appropriations for their district. This is the key to everything - getting 51% of the electorate to value the Constitution - that is the whole battle. It involves each of us reaching out to our neighbors one by one with educational materials until the job is done. Regarding dishonest behavior by DARPA, or the CIA, for example - working on secret and immoral off-budget projects, that's where the quality of people's moral character comes into play. The congressional oversight committees must do their job with integrity, and not be bribed or threatened to back off. George Washington and the other founders understood that a republic can only survive if the people are religious and moral. He said you can't even have a functioning court if people are not bound by their oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. If they don't believe they are accountable to God for their words and deeds, then they will be tempted to benefit themselves at the expense of others if they think they can get away with it. I'm not saying there are no atheists with high moral integrity - there are, and thankfully so. Maybe they were raised by parents who did believe in God. But in general, when most people in society are no longer internally accountable to God, the level of morality will decline. It's also important for public servants to understand that they have a duty to serve the people, who are the real sovereign in America. That's why they're called public servants. They are not to use their power to lord it over the people. That's the tyrannical system of the kings of Europe that our founders fled from. Someone might say my goals are unrealistic because it takes too much money to get elected to office these days, so elected representatives have to pay back their donors with special favors. But I say the candidates have to make it clear that they will honor their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, period. These days, it costs next to nothing to put up a website containing the candidate's views on the issues, and to upload a video interview with them talking about the issues. Anyone with a phone and internet access can find out what a candidate stands for. So it actually costs less than ever before to run for office, as long as you don't try to win by having the best advertising on network television - that's what costs money. But that is only aimed at low-information voters. Again, once people understand the Constitution and how important, indeed, vital to the country's survival it is that their representatives follow it, then they will be motivated to pick the candidate that will best keep their oath of office.

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Bravo, Ari! I hope you are considering a run for office, or at least being an advisor or advocate. You spelled it out beautifully--it's all right there in our founding documents.

Here in deep blue California, a man in our freedom group is offering a course on the Constitution, and people, young people, are attending. And from what I hear, revival is happening all over the country. Let's just hope enough people wake up before it is too late.

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Truth Seeker, I am wondering if your freedom group is aware of the New California State movement. www.newcaliforniastate.com This is actually a totally Constitutional movement that is within days or weeks of happening. Might I suggest that you go to the website, it’s very extensive & learn what it’s about. It’s based on the Constitutional split of W. Virginia from Virginia? It has been in the works for some years. It will be the 51st State in the United States? This is not some pie in the sky dream, it is the result of very diligent hard work of very dedicated people. New California will be totally Constitutional, Republican form of government. As an aside there are also movements starting in Illinois and Nevada. New York will probably be next. It is thought that by 2030 there will be 60 States in the United States. New California will be the first & very soon. There is a phone number for you to call at the bottom of the website if you have questions. Or every Sunday & Wednesday evening at about 7:10 pm PST there is a Zoom call open to the public where you can listen in & ask questions. The last Zoom call was a presentation of Dr. Douglas Frank about voter fraud. I’m not sure if Sunday will be another presentation, in which case no questions can be asked, so calling the number & asking to speak to Paul Preston is your best option?

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Thank you for this information Leslie. I will definitely check it out and share with the patriots!

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Ari, thank you very much for reply. I agree 100%.

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I don’t need the government to think for me!

Thank you I will do all my own thinking and decisions for myself.

Liberty or death.....

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