Ditto that! I was raised in a time when a child could play safely outside, pronouns were only part of sentence diagramming, birth certificates were embossed as permanent, medications were conceived to improve health, and food wasn’t cause for suspicion.
I suspect sanity will eventually prevail. These clowns are busy overstepping their remit. While Adams might be happy eating what he enjoys, denying others that right is a bit much. Will they shut down all those steak joints next?
I’m mostly animal protein. This is sickening. Who do these asshats think they are ordering what food I can eat? I live in middle America and we won’t stand for this. A beef producer I know had a burglary of all his personal freezer full of his beef. Will we be looking for black market meat in time?
NYC politicians are experts at creating black markets.
They raised the taxes on cigarettes so high that an organized crime black market arose overnight to avoid the confiscatory taxes. New York has the highest inbound smuggling activity, with an estimated 53.2 percent of cigarettes consumed in the state deriving from smuggled sources in 2018.
I question whether mRNA-free isn’t ALREADY a black-market meat supply. Despite “Non-GMO” labelling currently in use, can we actually be certain of our food supply integrity, since we now know the 🤥 character of the very agency providing such assurances?
I shop the perimeter of the store mostly and no processed food but now—yes, the real food I kind of trusted before is now at risk of being polluted by certifiable crazy monsters like Gates. I’m doubling down on my local suppliers. I have room for a large garden but farmers markets are all around. I’m going to do my best, but now I pray for protection from my very food. Food runs a healthy body—something pharmaceuticals can never do. Type 2 diabetes can be cured by food. Many programs and doctors are doing this now but people won’t give up their sugar and carbs to see the benefits. Docs get a few hours of nutrition training only and then tell us bullshit as they hand out medication. I fire docs the minute they talk low fat, cholesterol and statins.
I’ve been looking for that small label on fruits and veg already. Disgusting. I sure don’t trust this either. FDA documents say the ingredients of the coating are “generally known to be safe”. That means they just take the words of the manufacturer. Gates is involved in this too. That’s all I need to know, Cheeps.
I'm ~95% and closely following the advocacy being done by Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Zsofia Clemens, and many others who are witnessing amazing success with patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, mood disorders, obesity, and even cancer. Arguably, it's the cleanest and most natural diet for human beings.
Till they get their grubby hands and mrna into the cattle. Which is already happening. Its called Sequivity. Seek private farms or companies that do not use that.
Is there a database for such pledged ranchers/vendors? The government is getting its tentacles into every level of consumer goods!
There are many waiting on death row for crimes against single individuals, far less heinous in gravity and scope than what these indemnified suits have perpetrated against world populations.
Look up grassfeed beef. A friend of mine who worked for the USDA taught me about this when I was having gall bladder problems. Grassfed beef is documentedly actually good for you and these are small farmers who would never use mrna. We get Butcherbox, but used to get White Oak pastures, which is really expensive, but the processing was designed by Temple Grandin, so utterly humane. Aldis often has New Zealand grass fed less expensively. You have to be careful as it needs to be grass fed grass finished otherwise the label will be gamed as the organic people can be just as greedy as anyone lol, kind of like when the corporations started putting "free range" on everything, including the cat heroin filled (I swear it is lol) Temptations being
"free range". I bet there are mrna free co ops starting up that you could find on the internet.
Farmers' Markets around here often have ranchers that sell meat (and fish) directly to the consumer. I have friends who order half a steer from a small cattle ranch for their family and freeze what they aren't using.
Basically we have been and are lab rats. I feel like iv been given a micky or ruffed. Ive been given a drug/gene therapy without my knowledge or consent. I believe they should be sued! This is an outrageous and illegal action. Is this why everything, i mean everything is an emergency, disaster or plandemic right now, including our border. To unbalance, overload and overthrow us into shocked comlpiance?
A real threat to tracking someone's food intake is that you could put vaccines, or even poison, into the food which you know that they are about to eat.
For this reason, governments should not be allowed to know what is on your grocery list or your dinner plate.
They can get around that by just plain old starving people. These monsters are totalitarians pretending to care about the planet. They will starve people eventually. Stalin anyone?
Food rationing is an imaginable progression, and likely where these imps plan to go with provisions for the unwashed masses...but never for the gentry.
More likely steak from endangered animals they have killed just to get an exotic meal. Gorilla meat anyone? Only $1000/plate. Pocket change for those guys.
Maybe they should also start tracking the carbon footprints of electric vehicles from the moment they are manufactured including all their source components, batteries, and rare earth metals until disposal, and factor that into the eco score of each owner resident.
Even worse than that are the carbon footprints of all their extremely subsidized Solar panels & Wind Turbines which in balance generate little to none of useful energy. And yet 85% of a solar installation is paid through your taxes and power fees in New York state.
De-populationists, eugenicists… they think they are gods, that they alone have the answers to a world they see as ’sick’ due to 'human infestation'. They think they can improve on God’s creation, whether it be crops, animals or humans. Controlling food, entertainment, religion, education, reproduction, private property, money and law gives them god-like power over the lives of individuals and nations. ‘Totalitarianism' is their drug. They need to be cut-off, completely from their supply. They are also complete LIARS… they follow the father of lies.
On October 30, 1975, the New York Daily News ran with the headline "Ford to City, Drop Dead" after President Gerald Ford denied the city's request for federal funding assistance. The city was in decline then due to many things like mismanagement, corruption, and crime.
Mayors Ed Koch and Rudy Giuliani turned the city around into a thriving place to live and visit.
Now it' headed down the drain 10x worse than before. This mayor can barely put a sentence together and has rapidly destroyed the city in a short time following in the footsteps of his mentor diblasio - real name Warren Wilhelm Jr. (changed for votes). Both are tools that were/are being puppeted by hidden forces at the expense of one of the greatest cities in history.
Where are all the lawyers for the biggest community of restaurants in the world including hundreds of steak houses like Delmonico's? Where are the civil rights attorneys?
Plan ahead. Come in a comfortable, self-sufficient RV.
We Floridians are struggling with housing costs in this Free State of Florida. I reckon it’s the price paid for being the target destination for migrating sectors of so many disenfranchised patriots.
Google says Public institution means an institution that is operated by or controlled by the Federal government, a State, or a political subdivision of a State such as a city or county. The term public institution does not include a publicly operated community residence which serves 16 or fewer residents
They will start in the nursing homes first. Starve them. But then some serve basically gruel now. Then schools. Kraft Lunchables will soon be on plates there. Kraft got a big contract. Plastic cheese and questionable sausage with crackers and skim chocolate milk because--fat!
This comes from the bunch that shutdown the perfectly good Indian Point Nuclear Power plant which was replaced with CO2 belching gas generation. This cap on red meat consumption won't even come remotely close to make up for the CO2 they are creating by having Indian Point NPP stupidly shutdown. Morons. They don't have a clue about GHG emissions. This is all virtue signalling, and as usual us lowly serfs must pay for corrupt, wealthy politicians egos.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention! No doubt, it won't take long to be implemented everywhere! We are living in extremely deceptive & harrowing times!! Our hearts go out to the many Cattle Farmers here in Australia. It is absolutely absurd to think that cattle are causing issues in the atmosphere. Australia has pretty clean air....we are a huge country comparable to the US in size, with only 25million population?! What happens to the thousands of Farmers in our Country? Our Region in QLD is known as the Beef Capital of Australia. I am 70yrs of age, & was raised mainly as a vegetarian. We did eat some meat, but certainly not every day. My husband was used to meat every day, but since being married some 43yrs ago, enjoys the meatless dishes I prepare that contain legumes, eggs, etc. Why should the whole world be made to conform to some sick idiot's, demands!? I am beginning to understand why some people simply decide to "bow out" of society. The past 3 yrs has been all too crazy for words, & given the agenda's decided by the WEF, the WHO & the UN, is out there in our faces now, we can expect much worse, unless the general populous opens their eyes, ears & minds, to rebel against the nonsense!? Thank you again for providing the "truth" covering many topics!
I recall from an article about the 4th Reich/IR's Great Reset. From Tessa Lena, possibly. There was some technology that would let them track any produce down to the individual lettuce or tomato level. Like an edible microdot or something. Everything will be monetised when they BBB, including nature itself. Of course, you need a global control grid for that, eh Elon Starlink? But the idea of living in the woods, cutting down trees, and eating wild game, would be a non-starter in their dystopian visions.
Justified of course on the grounds that food surveillance would let them enhance 'public safety'. After how well they did that with their biomedical surveillance during the Plandemonium, I have to say 'no thank you' and 'stay away from the cows, and the tomatoes'.
Collectivism, this Neo-Bolshevik Neo-Feudal takeover, it is never good for the people. We have centuries of history telling us that simple fact.
This is a global takedown, by The Monster and its enablers.
My thoughts are the Globalists are killing too mant too fast and the sophisticated systems they rely on will fail. They will die. Something like 90 percent will die. Some prepper types will live.
Their hubris to think they can meddle with the mind-bendingly complex systems that keep ~8B people alive, without causing unanticipated effects. They really do think they are Gods.
But they've also been preparing. To what extent, who can say. Enough to ride out the mob remnant as it comes for them, maybe.
With this level of psychopathy, logic is not a requirement. They are, literally, crazy.
The constant BS is sickening. At this point I am thankful to be living in middle America, but I know they will eventually come for us too.
I'm so over all this. I just wish it would go away. I don't even recognize my country anymore. We live in northern Idaho.
Ditto that! I was raised in a time when a child could play safely outside, pronouns were only part of sentence diagramming, birth certificates were embossed as permanent, medications were conceived to improve health, and food wasn’t cause for suspicion.
“We aren’t in Kansas anymore.”
I couldn't have said it better. Thank you.
I suspect sanity will eventually prevail. These clowns are busy overstepping their remit. While Adams might be happy eating what he enjoys, denying others that right is a bit much. Will they shut down all those steak joints next?
I hope you’re right.
I have three (3) books to recommend to anyone who still thinks meat consumption contributes to global warming:
1. Defending Beef - Nicolette Hahn Niman
2. Sacred Cow - Robb Wolf, Diana Rodgers
3. The Great Plant-Based Con - Jayne Buxton
Meat and dairy.
What in blazes is next?
They can file this gaseous insanity (with the rest of their naked-emperor ramblings) in that sunless crevice, where it belongs.
I'm incredibly sensitive to the food control issues. 1) I'm a "carnivore" (literally); 2) It's a telltale sign of moving to a authoritarian regime.
I agree with your sentiments!
I’m mostly animal protein. This is sickening. Who do these asshats think they are ordering what food I can eat? I live in middle America and we won’t stand for this. A beef producer I know had a burglary of all his personal freezer full of his beef. Will we be looking for black market meat in time?
NYC politicians are experts at creating black markets.
They raised the taxes on cigarettes so high that an organized crime black market arose overnight to avoid the confiscatory taxes. New York has the highest inbound smuggling activity, with an estimated 53.2 percent of cigarettes consumed in the state deriving from smuggled sources in 2018.
My daughter lives on Long Island. Told her I’m done with going into the city. Been there. Done that.
I question whether mRNA-free isn’t ALREADY a black-market meat supply. Despite “Non-GMO” labelling currently in use, can we actually be certain of our food supply integrity, since we now know the 🤥 character of the very agency providing such assurances?
I shop the perimeter of the store mostly and no processed food but now—yes, the real food I kind of trusted before is now at risk of being polluted by certifiable crazy monsters like Gates. I’m doubling down on my local suppliers. I have room for a large garden but farmers markets are all around. I’m going to do my best, but now I pray for protection from my very food. Food runs a healthy body—something pharmaceuticals can never do. Type 2 diabetes can be cured by food. Many programs and doctors are doing this now but people won’t give up their sugar and carbs to see the benefits. Docs get a few hours of nutrition training only and then tell us bullshit as they hand out medication. I fire docs the minute they talk low fat, cholesterol and statins.
Something new to be on the lookout for...and not in a good way.
The FDA has deemed it “safe”.
Need I say more?
I’ve been looking for that small label on fruits and veg already. Disgusting. I sure don’t trust this either. FDA documents say the ingredients of the coating are “generally known to be safe”. That means they just take the words of the manufacturer. Gates is involved in this too. That’s all I need to know, Cheeps.
The imprimatur of Gates OR the FDA means only one thing to me now: ☠️☣️🚮
I'm ~95% and closely following the advocacy being done by Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Zsofia Clemens, and many others who are witnessing amazing success with patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, mood disorders, obesity, and even cancer. Arguably, it's the cleanest and most natural diet for human beings.
Till they get their grubby hands and mrna into the cattle. Which is already happening. Its called Sequivity. Seek private farms or companies that do not use that.
Is there a database for such pledged ranchers/vendors? The government is getting its tentacles into every level of consumer goods!
There are many waiting on death row for crimes against single individuals, far less heinous in gravity and scope than what these indemnified suits have perpetrated against world populations.
Look up grassfeed beef. A friend of mine who worked for the USDA taught me about this when I was having gall bladder problems. Grassfed beef is documentedly actually good for you and these are small farmers who would never use mrna. We get Butcherbox, but used to get White Oak pastures, which is really expensive, but the processing was designed by Temple Grandin, so utterly humane. Aldis often has New Zealand grass fed less expensively. You have to be careful as it needs to be grass fed grass finished otherwise the label will be gamed as the organic people can be just as greedy as anyone lol, kind of like when the corporations started putting "free range" on everything, including the cat heroin filled (I swear it is lol) Temptations being
"free range". I bet there are mrna free co ops starting up that you could find on the internet.
Farmers' Markets around here often have ranchers that sell meat (and fish) directly to the consumer. I have friends who order half a steer from a small cattle ranch for their family and freeze what they aren't using.
Try Good Ranchers.
🎯 Their efforts have been in the food supply chain for years, even prior to the human vax roll-out, by all the same players!
I wouldn’t be surprised to see meat—not only poultry—shortages, as livestock is destroyed due to mysterious disease incidence(post-vax).
🤔So curious that injections would actually have the reverse effect on health and communicability...
This article addresses more than the pork supply.
Basically we have been and are lab rats. I feel like iv been given a micky or ruffed. Ive been given a drug/gene therapy without my knowledge or consent. I believe they should be sued! This is an outrageous and illegal action. Is this why everything, i mean everything is an emergency, disaster or plandemic right now, including our border. To unbalance, overload and overthrow us into shocked comlpiance?
I have been on Keto, mainly Meat for 3 years. Saved my life. They literally will kill me with this plant diet.
Which of the 3 books would you recommend the most?
Defending Beef 😃.
The others get a little bit more technical and The great Plant-Based Con provides a lot of historical context. I highly recommend them all actually.
The potential for danger here is immense.
A real threat to tracking someone's food intake is that you could put vaccines, or even poison, into the food which you know that they are about to eat.
For this reason, governments should not be allowed to know what is on your grocery list or your dinner plate.
They can get around that by just plain old starving people. These monsters are totalitarians pretending to care about the planet. They will starve people eventually. Stalin anyone?
Food rationing is an imaginable progression, and likely where these imps plan to go with provisions for the unwashed masses...but never for the gentry.
“Steak for me, bugs for thee.”
More likely steak from endangered animals they have killed just to get an exotic meal. Gorilla meat anyone? Only $1000/plate. Pocket change for those guys.
Theirs is a narrow window of luxury.
Very soon, their wealth and influence will mean nothing...and a dark judgement follows.
1 order stalin with a side of hitler mao salad hold the mrna.
They are fooling many people.
They don't care.
One of the reasons why I never shop at a grocery store that has their own "card" for lower prices, deals, and coupons.
Years ago I told the clerk there is no reason why some grocery store needs to keep track of my purchases.
Yup. Don’t have one.
You all know what to do. Boycott Globalist Express & use CASH!!!!
Remember the movie Escape from New York?
A more appropriate movie would be the Lord of the Ring trilogy.
Even those in the shire would eventually be attacked, had Frodo not thrown the ring into the volcano.
You can buy time, that's all.
But this is Escape from Planet Earth.
On the Musk express to Mars.
Maybe they should also start tracking the carbon footprints of electric vehicles from the moment they are manufactured including all their source components, batteries, and rare earth metals until disposal, and factor that into the eco score of each owner resident.
Somebody should tell those child miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to dig faster. /s
Even worse than that are the carbon footprints of all their extremely subsidized Solar panels & Wind Turbines which in balance generate little to none of useful energy. And yet 85% of a solar installation is paid through your taxes and power fees in New York state.
De-populationists, eugenicists… they think they are gods, that they alone have the answers to a world they see as ’sick’ due to 'human infestation'. They think they can improve on God’s creation, whether it be crops, animals or humans. Controlling food, entertainment, religion, education, reproduction, private property, money and law gives them god-like power over the lives of individuals and nations. ‘Totalitarianism' is their drug. They need to be cut-off, completely from their supply. They are also complete LIARS… they follow the father of lies.
On October 30, 1975, the New York Daily News ran with the headline "Ford to City, Drop Dead" after President Gerald Ford denied the city's request for federal funding assistance. The city was in decline then due to many things like mismanagement, corruption, and crime.
Mayors Ed Koch and Rudy Giuliani turned the city around into a thriving place to live and visit.
Now it' headed down the drain 10x worse than before. This mayor can barely put a sentence together and has rapidly destroyed the city in a short time following in the footsteps of his mentor diblasio - real name Warren Wilhelm Jr. (changed for votes). Both are tools that were/are being puppeted by hidden forces at the expense of one of the greatest cities in history.
Where are all the lawyers for the biggest community of restaurants in the world including hundreds of steak houses like Delmonico's? Where are the civil rights attorneys?
CBDCs are right around the corner. Florida here I come
Plan ahead. Come in a comfortable, self-sufficient RV.
We Floridians are struggling with housing costs in this Free State of Florida. I reckon it’s the price paid for being the target destination for migrating sectors of so many disenfranchised patriots.
My backyard is big enough for a few trailers.
Where’s my future zip code?
Texas too! (I’m in Tx)
I’m in TX too!
I'm in Texas three.
I KNOW you are, Dr. John!
I am moving to Florida next year. Did you know DeSantis made Bidens CBDC illegal in Florida?
DeSantis has his own Rumble channel.
Why, yes I did
What is meant by “public institutions,” in this context?
Google says Public institution means an institution that is operated by or controlled by the Federal government, a State, or a political subdivision of a State such as a city or county. The term public institution does not include a publicly operated community residence which serves 16 or fewer residents
Ok thank you! That’s what I was thinking. But you know that once this “test phase” is done, they’ll come after private food service businesses.
Restaurants, cafeterias etc…
They will start in the nursing homes first. Starve them. But then some serve basically gruel now. Then schools. Kraft Lunchables will soon be on plates there. Kraft got a big contract. Plastic cheese and questionable sausage with crackers and skim chocolate milk because--fat!
So like ANY privately owned restaurant will be considered a public institution?
Not yet… it’s the boiling the water while the frog is in it adage.
Probably! They are trying to kill us, semantics mean shit.
And I’m a chef, I’ll find out soon enough
Then there will be a mass exodus from NYC. Those remaining will be malnourished and unable to defend themselves when the barbarians invade......
Amazing how humanity always thinks it can outsmart human nature
"Then there will be a mass exodus from NYC."
I admire your optimism, but it's unwarranted.
The last three years have shown us that NYers are some of the most servile people walking the earth.
Then let NYC go further downhill. Plenty of other places to visit.
It’s so arrogant!
It just keeps getting crazier and crazier! Are you a chef in NYC???
Schools and universities...maybe hospitals.
This comes from the bunch that shutdown the perfectly good Indian Point Nuclear Power plant which was replaced with CO2 belching gas generation. This cap on red meat consumption won't even come remotely close to make up for the CO2 they are creating by having Indian Point NPP stupidly shutdown. Morons. They don't have a clue about GHG emissions. This is all virtue signalling, and as usual us lowly serfs must pay for corrupt, wealthy politicians egos.
Dear Dr Meryl,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention! No doubt, it won't take long to be implemented everywhere! We are living in extremely deceptive & harrowing times!! Our hearts go out to the many Cattle Farmers here in Australia. It is absolutely absurd to think that cattle are causing issues in the atmosphere. Australia has pretty clean air....we are a huge country comparable to the US in size, with only 25million population?! What happens to the thousands of Farmers in our Country? Our Region in QLD is known as the Beef Capital of Australia. I am 70yrs of age, & was raised mainly as a vegetarian. We did eat some meat, but certainly not every day. My husband was used to meat every day, but since being married some 43yrs ago, enjoys the meatless dishes I prepare that contain legumes, eggs, etc. Why should the whole world be made to conform to some sick idiot's, demands!? I am beginning to understand why some people simply decide to "bow out" of society. The past 3 yrs has been all too crazy for words, & given the agenda's decided by the WEF, the WHO & the UN, is out there in our faces now, we can expect much worse, unless the general populous opens their eyes, ears & minds, to rebel against the nonsense!? Thank you again for providing the "truth" covering many topics!
Kind Regards,
Carla & Joe.
QLD, Australia.
But it is OK for some nutjob to push you in front of a subway car in NYC.
Red meat is the only source for heme iron which is vital to prevent anemia. Red meat keeps the body strong and healthy.
Who the F do these petty tyrants think they are? Oops, answered my own question.
And how exactly will they be tracking the food?
I recall from an article about the 4th Reich/IR's Great Reset. From Tessa Lena, possibly. There was some technology that would let them track any produce down to the individual lettuce or tomato level. Like an edible microdot or something. Everything will be monetised when they BBB, including nature itself. Of course, you need a global control grid for that, eh Elon Starlink? But the idea of living in the woods, cutting down trees, and eating wild game, would be a non-starter in their dystopian visions.
Justified of course on the grounds that food surveillance would let them enhance 'public safety'. After how well they did that with their biomedical surveillance during the Plandemonium, I have to say 'no thank you' and 'stay away from the cows, and the tomatoes'.
Collectivism, this Neo-Bolshevik Neo-Feudal takeover, it is never good for the people. We have centuries of history telling us that simple fact.
This is a global takedown, by The Monster and its enablers.
My thoughts are the Globalists are killing too mant too fast and the sophisticated systems they rely on will fail. They will die. Something like 90 percent will die. Some prepper types will live.
Their hubris to think they can meddle with the mind-bendingly complex systems that keep ~8B people alive, without causing unanticipated effects. They really do think they are Gods.
But they've also been preparing. To what extent, who can say. Enough to ride out the mob remnant as it comes for them, maybe.
With this level of psychopathy, logic is not a requirement. They are, literally, crazy.
Maybe this is tinfoil hat territory, but maybe tracking is part of the reason for this new toxic dip for produce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U__Uc7GPj4o