A Pledge to Restore Our Democratic Values
I support limits on emergency powers. All government emergency laws, rules, regulations, orders, and directives must have strict time limits, not to exceed two weeks, without legislatIve review. (1)
I support the prohibition of all pandemic medical mandates enacted by federal, state, county, city, and private actors, including compulsory drugs, vaccines, vaccine passports, testing, and masking. (2)
I support the termination of all federal and state funding used to censor citizens, misinform the American public, or restrict communication between people. (3)
I support the elimination of all gain-of-function research and related activities. ‘Gain-of-function’ is defined as the intentional manipulation of microorganisms to make them more virulent, dangerous, or contagious. (4)
(1) The US' separation of powers doctrine and the checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution have been infringed by shortsighted laws that allowed the executive branch to declare emergencies and continue to renew them without input from the People or required review by legislatures. This pledge restores checks and balances to our system.
Legislative and administrative government activity must recommence by the end of two weeks. Legislative hearings on the emergency measures, notice and comment by the public, and approval by the legislature will be required in order to renew any emergency powers.
(2) The doctrine of bodily autonomy and the requirement for informed consent for medical procedures have been infringed with mandated medical tests and vaccinations.
(3) The First Amendment rights guaranteed to every American (freedom of speech, the press, religion, and to peaceably assemble) were taken from us, without any means of timely redress, by our governments--in collaboration with mainstream and social media companies. A 2013 amendment to the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act codified the right of the government to propagandize American citizens. Our rights must be restored, and the approval for government to propagandize its citizens must be revoked. This pledge encompasses actions taken by government directly as well as actions taken by media companies that receive government funding.
(4) Spending federal funds for gain-of-function research was officially banned between 2014 and 2017. Yet exceptions were made, including spending federal funds on coronavirus gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. American citizens are outraged at the harm this research has caused, and want it stopped for good.
This would be great to send to senators and state reps, governors, hospital administrators, school boards, universities....anyone and everyone who is falling in line with tyranny and pushing illegal mandates. We need to hold their feet to the fire!
I fully support this idea and the well-conceived and well written provisions within it.
The fundamental issue, however, it that a corrupt organization by nature does not cleanse itself. The political system and the powerful moneyed interests that control it will never allow these reforms to take root. They made it this way for a reason and there's too much interest in maintaining the status quo. America, and really the whole world, is a global cesspool of corruption.