I love your response to him.

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Same. Perfect response.

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keep 'em hopping, Dr. Nass! Thanks so much for all your labors!

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NewsGuard is funded by the US government and Big Pharma.

The baddies.


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Jul 3Liked by Meryl Nass

AND, the WHO!

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Those "guards" at NewGuard are bad dudes. They are not backing down though. If anything, they are becoming even more brazen and aggressive in their attacks. That tells us something ... ominous.

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Federales and globohomopedo satanist cabal has Newsguard's back

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Wow Kathleen! Go Sherlock! I did not think to question his source due to 1. The name sounds so neutral and academic and 2. He was polite in his tone and gave back up data behind his question - just never associate those two characteristics to the Government or the bad guys. Guess I have some learning to do! Thanks for posting this!

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I had read somewhere that Bill Gates also gives them $$$.

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The last paragraph in the article says it all

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Could not agree more. Completely outrageous

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This is my shocked face 😆

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If that reporter thinks those shots are so safe, he should take a couple of them just to prove it.

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Guys like him are only dealt with when one of his own are touched by his blatherings. Even then, the narrative is so strong in him that he’d probably deny his error no matter who it cost him.

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John Gregory is nothing but a whore for the Deep State.

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So we're supposed to trust studies by the FDa and other gubberment agencies again? I don't think so. Thanks Dr. Nass for that awesome rebuttal!

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Over the target.


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smack down 💪

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And with such grace and aplomb‼️

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Meryl Nass

Nice counter-punching, Dr. Nass! Sock it to 'em!

These hired guns of the administrative class so often scheme up plans to silence the do-gooders such as yourself. But like Mike Tyson said in an interview once:

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

Way to knock them back on their heels with evidence-backed truth!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 4Liked by Meryl Nass

I'm glad you engaged with him and then posted your full answer on your Substack. Now we can see how much of your response he publishes in his coming hit piece.

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As if you have time to keep having to set the record straight. I don't know where you get all your energy. Thank you for taking the time so others can understand how these misinformation-checkers operate, and how the bird flu is not all it's hyped up to be. Much appreciation, Marin.

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Great answer Meryl!!

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Kick ass, Dr. Nass.

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Got ‘em over a barrel, Meryl.

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Jul 3Liked by Meryl Nass

I read the most interesting book several years ago that implored the readers to *only* pay attention to the endpoint of all cause mortality in clinical trials. The author kept reiterating over and over and over that the primary thing that should matter in a trial is the all cause mortality outcome and that other end points could be endlessly manipulated to favor pharmaceuticals. Since reading that book my eyes have been opened to the trickery and fraud in the pharmaceutical industry. It helped me to understand why so many people are on pharmaceuticals in the US, why they usually “need” more, why so many people are constantly chronically ill, and why they usually are getting worse progressively.

It was interesting to learn that the end point of the remdesivir trial for Covid was changed mid study (which is generally considered unethical) from looking for an ACM benefit to seeing if it shortened the hospital stay. Wow. It’s just blatant fraud over and over again. I understand why they do it. Lots of money and public trust is on the line…

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Jul 3Liked by Meryl Nass

Will be very interested to hear what the eventually published "fact check" says .....

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A measured, lucid, and devastating response. I hope other doctors and writers find inspiration in your style.

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Awesome rebuttal!! 10/10 I especially like the (sardonic) "Had you been working on issues of vaccines for over 25 years as I have....." LOL!

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What was the p-value for the difference between the two groups? It seems a large enough difference to be statistically significant but I didn’t see an exact value. Also seemed like a lot of deaths in less than 3 months for a study that size. Unless they were murdered or died as a passenger or not-at-fault driver, the deaths are related until proven otherwise.

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Even car accidents can be adverse events due to syncope or blurred vision or slowed reaction time.

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Exactly - that is why I specified MVA death as a passenger or not-at-fault driver (although this is still a little6 questionable).

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If They can classify a murder/suicide as a C-19 death then why not an adverse event? I am being somewhat hyperbolic, of course.

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Actually, brain inflammation can contribute to violence against self and others which is why I didn’t exclude suicide as a potential med-related COD. Every death must be studied in detail, including full autopsy to rule out any medical contribution (except MVA as a passenger possibly).

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