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The Global Health Security Agenda is Obama’s silent instrument for smashing up the Old World Order - no one has heard of it but it has been controlling vital parts of global policy since it was quietly unveiled in 2014. Only a few of us perhaps realised how critical vaccines could be to international stability. When I looked up the GHSA in British Medical Journal Rapid Responses I found only one direct reference in a letter I wrote in March 2019. Maybe Obama is an evil genius but destroying government is probably a lot easier than running it. This is pretty twisted. Anyhow, this was my letter:-

Rapid Response:

Information and Misinformation: the Global Health Security Agenda

These trends in global politics [1] (and most particularly Italy) simply cannot be talked about without reference to the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) which never gets to be mentioned in the mainstream news media. It is hopeless to lament the election of a right wing government in Italy divorcing it from the appointment of Italy and its erstwhile centre-left government to head the GHSA in 2014 [2], leading it to push vaccine compulsion. This, as a matter of record: it began in the White House [3] and was enshrined in Barack Obama's executive order of 4 November 2016 [4].

It is conceivable that the public would be less resistant to concern about measles if the quid pro quo was not in effect surrendering the right to refuse whatever vaccine products a government bureaucracy might choose to nominate, now or in the future.

Nor is it helpful to cite random "facts" about measles [1]. For instance, in Brazil, how many of the 10,262 cases for 2018 were confirmed? Is it really possible to believe there were no cases in 2017? How far is any of this real, and how much an artefact of simply looking? Brazil is a country of approximately 210m, so how many "red rashes" which might have been measles [5] did not get reported in 2017?

It is not good enough to leave it to national or global bureaucracies to decide what truth is: not in the past, not now. There is no global emergency requiring this departure.

[1] Owen Dyer, 'Measles: alarming worldwide surge seriously threatens children, says UN' BMJ 2019; 364 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l981 (Published 01 March 2019)

[2] John Stone, 'Re: MEPs devise strategy to tackle vaccine hesitancy among public -Echoes of WMD', 26 March 2018, https://www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k1378/rr

[3] 'Italia capofila per le strategie vaccinali a livello mondiale', http://www.aifa.gov.it/content/italia-capofila-le-strategie-vaccinali-li...

[4] Executive Order 13747, 'Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure From Infectious Disease Threats', https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-11-09/pdf/2016-27171.pdf

[5] WHO 'Measles – Brazil 'Disease outbreak news 11 June 2018, see figure 1, https://www.who.int/csr/don/11-june-2018-measles-brazil/en/

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Everybody on the planet knows Covid came from BATS and has been engineered for years, by Faucci & friends, to be as dangerous as possible against human beings. It's also a well known fact that Faucci's 'GAIN OF FUNCTION' (Bioweapon) experiments were originally carried out in the USA (N. Carolina Etc,.) until it was deemed "TOO DANGEROUS" to carry on such experiments on US soil! So China was incentivised to carry on the deadly experiments in Wuhan labs. Probably working simultaneously on expensive cures (incorrectly called vaccines) in the adjacent laboratories.

Amazingly, within just a few months, two identically engineered mRNA vaxxes appeared. Impossible, considering how secretive the Pharma industry is. Then several other injected solutions appeared all within weeks of each other (A MIRACLE?) None of them work and all can be dangerous or DEADLY.

In spite of millions of Deaths post vax world wide, the Cull continues? Unbelievable, when you realise that in 1976 Bog Pharma pretended to have an injected 'CURE' for Swine Flu. They were given TEMPORARY IMMUNITY from LIABILITY to inject US citizens.

After 50+ US citizens died POST-Swine Flu vax, the US government stopped the 'EXPERIMENT' because just 50+ fatalities occurred - caused by Useless DEADLY vax.

This time, Big Pharma are so entrenched into Governments and Controlling bodies such as CDC & FDA, that they can carry on this depopulation CULL unhindered and without consequence.

Remember, the CONCESSION for NO LIABILITY was supposedly TEMPORARY in 1976, but Big Pharma make the rules now and stupid, incompetent Governments now take responsibility for all Big Pharma MURDERS & Life impacting Vax injuries. Crazy world?

Big Pharma probably had influence in changing the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' TWICE over the past 10 years because their lame ineffective injections do nothing to STOP or arrest the spread of the man made poisons.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced and life will get back to some sort of normality.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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Mick thank you for this summary

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