Depopulation, money and power - the three are intertwined. The globalists don't want to share the earth's resources with anyone so reducing the population means the globalists get more of everything. Human life means nothing to them. We die, they thrive.
True. Still power and money though. I think we're really on the same page. :)
So clip shows people who want $$$
But limits.
Ill let you look at Ted talk, gates talking about depopulation... Then talking about vaccines m
Im no genius, but I said no vaccine for me. Yikes
These madmen have parents that were depopulation nutd.
They don't really want you're money.... Your death will do just fine
Depopulation, money and power - the three are intertwined. The globalists don't want to share the earth's resources with anyone so reducing the population means the globalists get more of everything. Human life means nothing to them. We die, they thrive.
He's yelling at him after.... Hispanics are great... They are southern Irish