About damned time🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"it was a lottery as to which batch the [victim] received."

no way

my sense is that the deployment and monitoring of the batches was surveilled in a much more granular fashion

see the excess deaths in red states post jab rollout compared to, say, new york

i'm sure a lot of these signatories are well intentioned, but this essentially ignores premeditation

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I imagine it was partly based on population. You can’t give the entire state of Maine (1.4M) a toxic batch. That would be too obvious.

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Spot on. I said exactly the same thing. A lottery is random. This was not random. The batch roll out was cold, calculating and murderous.

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Thought similar until many New Yorkers/New Jerseyans, etc. got sick or died post-jab.

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we still don't know what the long-kill toxicity is

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Thanks Dr. Nass for some encouraging news on New Year's Eve....19 countries want to stop these toxic vaxes. It is unbelievable that this fiasco was not been stopped by every country. The lack of protest about all the deaths and injuries shows... it's all about population control!.

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Hallelujah 💥💥💥💥💥🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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Great news! Now when do the trials begin for their well planned death shots, their intentional crimes against humanity?

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HOPE for Today - New Year's blessings to you Dr. Nass ...

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"The letter was sent today to the Prime Minister by Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren, with 35 Dutch signatories."

Gideon! One in the same man; a repeat post of him making mincemeat out of former Dutch PM and current NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte. Yes, it's a rerun, but wow, what a show.


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Real Humans. Thankyou to each and every one of you.

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Keep up the good work

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Of course America isn’t one of these countries, now are we? NO! Why?

My answer is much too long and diabolical! Simply put, I believe we are one of the “Forces-Against” STOPPING THE BIOWEAPON INJECTS!

And it’s not because of money. Not at all, it’s something much bigger, much larger than money. After all who needs money? Especially when,

“there aren’t any customers!”

Between the “Covid-Attack” now “Smart-Dust” what will become of humanity?

Remote-Controlled animatronics? Or something thereof? Absolutely unequivocally, YES!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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We never apologize, never back down, never acknowledge mistakes…it’s not a very promising record

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What’s so disconcerting about OWS / Frankenshots is: millions have been killed worldwide! Millions more disabled worldwide! And still more death prematurely are keeping the “Death-Rate” all cause mortality rising!

What do we hear from both, the outgoing and incoming admins.?



This is the worst peacetime attack on humanity ever! Why isn’t this “First $ Foremost?”

The dollar sign $ is not a mistype, it’s part of, only part of a much larger plan against humanity! (Maybe Bill Gates would Call it Climate Change) so we must “Kill-the-Useless-Eaters!” They fart too much!

“Too much of anything is a bad thing!”

“We the People” are sick of it! I know I am. We’re being played in ways, today more people, nearly 10+ million people, switch sides and voted for Trump.

The “Sleight of Hand” continues.

So too are the coming,

“Days of our Lives.”


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Right CherylBray. So right it makes me realize how deep the “Deep-State” is. So right are your words it makes me wonder if, Trump, though I have my reservations about his motives, I’m not sure if he’s being forced to. My gut instincts say he’s being forced to nominate some of the people he so far has nominated. There’s no way in hell I would nominate any “Covid-Fraudster!” Trump’s nominated numerous so far. Why? OWS / Bioweapon Injections are a “Death-Shot” among many other things.

Time will tell.

Thank you CherylBray. You’re spot on saying:

“We never apologize, never back down, never acknowledge mistakes.”

I appreciate your reply.


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Trump is w.r.o.n.g. in calling ConVid "the China virus," as it's pretty common knowledge that the damnable poison was made RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLD U.S. of A., by Arch-criminal Ralph Baric and his team of international ghouls. ARREST BARIC AND HANG 'EM ALLL!!!

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I agree with you Troll.. when Obama froze funds for GOF research do domestically and abroad it didn’t stop Fauci! Nope between Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Lab, yes we made it worse! Whatever it is…. They called it covid but according to Moderna’s Own CEO Bancel said…. “we never had access to the physical virus to design the product!” AYKM? So what did they design / inject into the bodies of 5.5 billion people worldwide? Cancer is part of it with the SV40 and Pseudoephedrine, plus 55 undeclared additional chemicals found through a peer reviewed study. Oh and let’s not forget about the DNA fragments! There’s multiple mechanisms of infection and or varying degrees of illnesses.. nothing about healthcare whatsoever!

Which leads me to believe the same way the CIA whistleblower who came forward and interviewed with Catherine Herridge, she explained the CIA is using a “Direct Energy Weapon” which reeks havoc on the mind, body and soul! Literally it messes you up, but good! Can also KILL YOU! If, if the poison which I believe has been injected into billions worldwide, can be triggered with such a deadly Direct Energy Weapon.

Where’s this leave humanity? God knows. My personal opinion is, the

“Globalist-Agenda” includes the demise of half the world population! If not more. Remember the “Georgia Guide Stones” were blown to pieces / literally destroyed and the area cleaned up in less than two weeks! Why? Well again IMO, the stones last written message was for earth to survive the population had to be 500 million or less. There’s too many dots which connect. Some are way off others spot on. Either way the determination of a

“New World Ordered” Govt. is filled with individuals seeking to fulfill in part this new world order goal.

Thank you Troll for sharing this information. So much today depends upon everyone helping each other try and figure out / understand what is what.


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..ummm.. you're preaching to the choir..we were told it's a "chimeric" virus, but Baric himself invented the "no-see-ums" serial passage mutation process and crowed about adding an S protein to a humanized mouse lung cell that could then infect other humanized mouse lung cells. When you ask anyone off the street why they would do that, they say they have no idea. Duh.

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LOL, one thing I favor the most Troll, is when other people know what’s happening. Obviously you certainly understand all about the who’s, what’s and why’s which is so important today. All of us “useless-eaters” myself included, must keep what it may seem as very little pressure on the monstrous “Globalist-Elites!”

Individually not so much, collectively though, we can push back against, make our understandings known, against the overwhelming desire these monstrous-evils have to “Conquer & Control” all of us.

One concern I have is when AI takes over. Primarily because the govt will have total control over the users and who has access to it. There’s a small window today for all of us the access AI but that’s window is getting smaller by the minute.

AI is a piece of the Globalist’s overall strategy. A huge part in order to take total control and enforce their dominance over those who survive the next round of whatever type of Bioweapon Attack! Covid was only a test!

Thank you Troll I appreciate your insightful comments. We can’t let up, not for a moment.


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And May God intervene in stopping the monsters in 2025🙏🙌

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I believe God is our only hope for any sort of intervention against these most demonstrably “Evil-Globalist”AwakeRedPilled.

Thank you we must keep “Shining the Light!”


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I think this much is clear; the US is in the grip of this monster and its influence is such that it can't be repulsed internally.

The Nazis were pounded into submission by the Allies; the US will probably need Divine intervention to end this madness.

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I think you’re absolutely correct Tamenund. This is so massive and on every level throughout all parts of Govt. and private companies.

Why it’s called a “public-private” partnership. It’s deliberate that much is clear. And they’ve been planning this for decades. I call it the “100 Year Plan” which was designed to take down America.

Lastly, it’s mirrored throughout every Western World Country. Every piece of the plan has been implemented within each country’s borders. Step by step, the narrative is identical, the actions are identical and the end result will be identical!

A “New World Order!” Not Trump / Vance can stop this nor can any other involved nation’s leaders. It will take WWIII, which is not my desire, though it is the desire of some involved.

Like I said, this is massive in scale across all Western World Countries.

Thank you Tamenund for sharing your insights.

A “Devine Intervention” is most definitely needed IMO.


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We must keep 🙏 crying out for justice - as it is IN HEAVEN - so be it on Earth.

it was the cries of the people that moved Yahweh to intervene in releasing the slaves in Egypt.

He instilled RIGHT and wrong in our souls. Wrote His Laws on our hearts.

No-one can deny they KNOW not that they are doing evil.

Our soul cries out for JUSTICE because it has divinely established.

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Absolutely AwakeRedPilled, “Justice as it is in Heaven!” So it must be here on Earth and overcome this most profound “Evilness” once in the shadows and has now been illuminated!

Helping others understand how dire this is has become paramount in my life. Not in any sort of “it’s my way or the highway” instead in a way of reasoning with facts. Facts of how “evil-entices” with deception so cunning, it’s difficult to separate from God Fearing people.

Thanks again AwakeRedPilled. Thank you very much.


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I’m telling you AwakeRedPilled we need more and more people, “Praying” the same “Prayer’s.”

These evil people will not stop! I have hope but little faith Trump can stop these “Monstrous-Evils.” Otherwise America and the world will be finished!


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Book of Revelation outlines what must come to pass first -

Only when the abomination declares himself to be GOD in Israel and demand worship will Yeshua return.🙌

This is a timeline that only Yahweh knows. We must abide in Christ, try to do good and protect innocence where we can - but stay close to Yeshua and pray pray pray because their is GREAT POWER in fervent prayer. 🙏

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There is absolutely great power in prayer AwakeRedPilled. I’ve been praying for more and more people to awaken from the “ills” of their lives and ask forgiveness from our Lord Jesus. I do believe many more people have awoken from, realizing how they were lied to, threatened with and in millions of cases, allowed a “Bioweapon-Injection” without giving it a second thought!

It is quite clear how evil has come out of the shadows and is now illuminated. Millions and millions of people must continue to awaken from the darkness these monstrous

“Evil-Globalists” have inflicted upon us all! Including our children and grandchildren!

I have faith in prayer and in humanity. Most people are decent and good. Most, not all as we’ve seen.

Thank you AwakeRedPilled for your support of our Lord and Savior Jesus. I am grateful.


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There are MANY millions flocking to JC. Many comments below sermons on You Tube and elsewhere are testifying to that fact from ALL over the world.

He turns things to good to those who love Him and seek His Face.

Jesus said seek and you WILL FIND, …

He doesn’t want robots (unlike the cabal), we have free will to chose to love Him or not.

It is a marvelous miracle to behold new believers flocking to His open arms.

Beautiful indeed.

Keep praying for their hearts to be opened and their understanding.

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You’re so right AwakeRedPilled. I have also seen many people fleeing the “realm’s of Evil” and to Our Lord’s open heart and merciful love. There is an awakening happening.

Thank you again AwakeRedPilled.


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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Widespread DAVID, as they say IMO, is a grave understatement! Good God not only the Doctors, but so many other people involved to coverup this entire

“Covid-Attack!” And it’s still happening! I don’t think most people understand how dire the “Covid-Fraud-Attack” was and is still happening.

Dr Francis Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1979 which was signed into law in 1985. Still in effect today, Dr Boyle termed the phrase “Frankenshots” and called both Covid and the Bioweapon Injections, “Weapons of Mass Destruction!” Most people haven’t any idea the world was attacked in this manner! This is a no joke event! Never before have we seen anything remotely like this happen in peacetime, or anytime for that matter.

I can’t imagine what’s next? They’ve gotten away with this what’s to stop them now? Then meaning the “Globalist”

Thank you for sharing this information DAVID, I will add it to my collection of nearly 3,500 documents and videos since lockdowns began.

I am grateful.


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Happy New Year 2025 Meryl 🎉🎄🎇

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You do excellent work! Happy New Years 🎈

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But these are not the governments of these countries calling for an end to the shots. What country has actually ended the shots? What country has said nobody can get the shots anymore?

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Only when ALL vaccines and mRNA poisons are stopped forever can we rejoice.

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Oh I just read another substack answering my question of what the MSM actually covers. https://open.substack.com/pub/stylman/p/reading-between-the-lies?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=8ykvo

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Everyone should check out Rebecca Beck's link.

It has an easy-to-understand diagram.

To search for detailed information on Bill Gates' grant recipients, click here:


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