Jul 24, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks for the great info as always!

Novavax used fetal cells in the testing of their product as evidenced by their publication in Science.

Novavax spokespeople are being squirrelie around what they're saying. For example, they say fetal cells weren't involved in the development, manufacture, or production. True. Notice the absence of testing in the statement.

The spokespetson reportedly also denied the fetal tissue being used in testing. Apparently they either hoped no one read the Science publication, they didn't know, or lied.





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I added this. MANY thanks!

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Here is the section re the fetal origin cells, which were used to provide a comparison to the insect-derived platform:

"By comparison with site-specific glycan processing of the spike protein produced in mammalian human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293F cells, both mammalian cells and insect cells exhibit extensive processing at most sites. In general, however processing of glycans on the 2019 CoV prefusion spike protein from insect cells was somewhat greater, particularly at sites 709 and 717, which were predominately oligomannose in spike from HEK293 cells but exclusively complex or paucimannose in spike from Sf9 cells (29)."

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You're most welcome 💜

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Thank you for reporting this!

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Yep, soon as enough people know this, the vaccines are gonna get upset, take their syringes & go home, just as Hitler & the Nazis did once The Public Became Informed what they were doing. Happens every time.

No need to indulge in holding anyone accountable. Merely knowing a thing causes it to disappear, like tumors once a patient has been given their diagnosis. That's WHY doctor's TELL their patients when they have cancer, right? Enough people knowing causes...

Can I get a Single Other Person to grow up enough to even DISCUSS taking action to stop this? We have several options where, once others see SOME people starting a thing & are willing to sign onto it, they will join too. Not merely One Person though: ENOUGH people so that the others feel safe enough to join it https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bystander-effect-solutionswatch-video/.

This is simple: create any appealing challenge to corporate power & influence. Sign onto it. Approach ALL the other anti-corporate power groups with it, showing how many have signed on. Once we get enough of them & their followers, go for someone with a huge following like Alex Jones or James Corbett.

Once this point is reached, anyone NOT signing on will lose all public face & we will have enough people to flip this to a legal attack. However, it doesn't happen unless I CAN GET other people to sign on.

It's legal, non-violent, can be done on the QT quickly & anonymously, & can get the mandates ended. All it needs is support here & now.


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Don't everyone volunteer at once. You can still pretend that Mommy and Daddy-Government will fly to your rescue because they really do care. I'm just talking about giving them some extra incentive to do so.

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All of these concoctions seem to be a witches brew, and equally diabolical. This one is getting close to the “eye of newt, toe of frog” formula.

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Gotta wonder what kind of new side effects this one will exhibit in the upcoming round of test rats, with it's "new & improved - now contains 20% more insect protein" ..... If they survive, maybe they vill enjoy eating Klaus's bugz.....

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Yes, what is with the fascination of the elites for bugs? You can also grow protein in tobacco plants, but they like bugs.

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Maybe because they aren't human after all? Just kidding, but you're right. It's very weird. But then they plan on having us eat bugs, so maybe these concoctions are designed to change our dna to tolerate bugs for food. Something we're not capable of doing now other than as an occasional situation, not long term or exclusively. 🙃

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People injected with insect DNA might develop antibodies against insects??

Then when they eat insects they will have an inflammatory or allergic response?

New customer base because of course those people will need to be treated for another "illness."

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Maybe it’s time to watch that old Sci-fi movie, ‘The Fly’ to see what happens next. Every sci-fi, horror, dystopian film of the past is becoming a documentary now.

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Precisely correct, yes.

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We are at war.

Most don't even seem to realize it.

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 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


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I don't twit, but the last one available to me had a good question:

Where is this dude now???

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I think he's just in retirement. After he governed Malaysia for 20 years, he resigned. He then came back at the age of 93 before 2015. I haven't heard about him after he left office again, but I strongly believe he's just in his retirement.

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"and the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard"

The Word of God has something to say about this.

Daniel 8

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and BY PEACE shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (emphasis added)

The Holy Bible: King James Version

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

Beautiful, clear report, Dr. Nass!

Hell no, no spike I'll grow! What could go wrong here? (Sure wish I had known about Shingrix before I took it, at GREAT expense.)

Funding for Novavax (https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/novavax-ab/company_financials). Per Crunchbase, Novavax is funded by 5 investors (CEPI listed twice, first 3 are primary investors). Government of United States of America and RA Capital Management are the most recent investors.

1. Government of United States of America

2. RA Capital Management

3.. Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) *

4. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

5. Innovations Kapital

* Founders: Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates, India, Norway, and World Economic Forum

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"Back in 2020, Operation Warp Speed awarded Novavax — another company that like Moderna, never brought a product to market before COVID-19 — a secret contract worth $1.6 billion (now being reported as $1.8 billion). It was one of the largest taxpayer handouts channeled through Operation Warp Speed." https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/novavax-covid-vaccine-nanoparticle-adjuvant/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=c585fc23-f20f-4634-890c-446577b56a5b

And this for a company that had never produced a vaccine and had no presence in the US. Sounds fishy and wormy.

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Thank you for your invaluable research !

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Thank you for alerting the world about this, but all I can say is “Ewww!”🤢🤮

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Excellent analysis, Meryl. Thank you.

For reasons you’ve provided, I can’t recommend Novavax to patients.

Also, it appears they’re still using the full-length spike protein with no thought to remove human-like epitopes to reduce autoimmunity.

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They claim to have specially selected "conserved epitopes" that make their vaccine works against all variants. Said at FDA meeting. But NOT said at last week's ACIP meeting. So the spike is not identical. It also forms a trimer--as described in the Science article also.

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Elsewhere, according to STAT, Novavax claimed that it was the adjuvant that made their vaccine have efficacy against Omicron. But FDA, again according to STAT, did not accept the company's efficacy data as it was derived from pilot vaccine lots made differently than the commercial product. So the vaccine was authorized with no data on efficacy against current strains.

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Thank you for an in depth look at the latest poison offering. It was enlightening and disgusting. I feel I am armed against specific attacks thanks to you!

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They'd like people to believe that patented bioweapons (spike protein) become innocuous when engineered using insects instead of direct mRNAs transcriptions..

They're delusional, we're tracking them 24/7...

"7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston"

…It’s not a vax. It’s just a direct bioweapon…


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This is seriously unbelievable.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

I don't believe this will EVER end because there are too many in positions of power who could very well do something but the trouble is that they, too, are complicit. How do we get out from under this? It'd seem Divine intervention is the only possibility and if that were to arrive, I have no idea what that would look like.

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Thanks to everyone who liked my comment. Just an unbiased observation on my part.

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I don't have to say there is something completely wrong with this product. But it goes further than that. What's completely wrong is the missing human decency or even sanity of those pushing this product and the corrupt functionaries at the CDC who OK'd it. These people should be locked up for years but they won't be locked up. Instead, whether or not they gain their objective, to make billions of dollars, is dependent on one thing only, the market's response. Welcome to late-stage capitalism. Making as many of us as sick as possible for a profit.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you for continuing to bring truth to those willing to accept it. Your research helps those of us without the knowledge and means to share with others. I look forward to reading and sharing all that you send.

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When a product is free, it means that you are the product - run for the hills!!!

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Thank you 🙏🏻 My employer has mandated Covid-19 vax. Tried to pressure me to take Novavax because I’m breastfeeding and refused the mRNA shots! They absolutely are scoundrels.

Im facing disciplinary action, likely to be dismissed after 13yrs service.

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I am nearly six months out from my "defacto resignation" for not taking the shots. It's been an emotionally bumpy ride, but I have my health, my integrity, and a family that supports me 100%. Take care of yourself and your baby in the days to come.

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I am so sorry, but you've done the right thing for you and your baby. Your employer should be thrilled to have a critical thinker as their employee. Another employer will and you will be better off.

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Present them, or rather tell them they go get you, via their own research, the proof of any of these quackzines and demand they provide all studies that show safety & efficacy and point them towards, for example any jab makers trial docs, such as all that dumped by Pfizer and ignored by FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, MHRA, UKHSA, UK Public Health, ONS, EU, ISRAEL etc and then ask for the pregnancy and infact data and whether your employer is so certain he should 'mandate" yourself and baby to these killer products!

I'll save you some time here:

Go to 2hr22mins here : ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vib7amAtfCMJ/ from Albert the Eagle88's presentation re his VAERS dashboard! ) and listen to OB/GYN Jim Thorp, reel off the staggering pregnancy and birth defect outcomes of these jabs, which is about to be published!

Make your employer watch just that short segment and then tell them these jabs are proven, to spread via breastfeeding and well known to kill such unfortunate babies of jabbed mothers! Then ask them to reconsider their ignorant position!

Good luck with your employer battle and retaining your job.

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There are ways around it. Many have stymied employer mandates and either kept their job, or sued and gotten compensation!

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