Meryl I don’t know how you keep fighting so hard. God bless you. This is so frightening and Orwellian.

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

One of the worst mistakes the US made was signing on with the UN

and 2nd was allowing it to squat on our soil

They are for the most part, an annoying, hands out 3rd world 'please sir may I have more'

much like Oliver in the Dickens novel

Sadly we pick up a massive amount of it

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

To paraphrase: "Suppressing speech in order to protect free speech." Is it possible that the UN has become such an Orwellian cartoon? Apparently so.

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

Klaus Schwab is concerned that the WEF is loosing significance on the world stage. When did the WEF EVER have significsnce in a positive way?

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

How do we beat this when our government isn't on our side? If even 15 of them were on our side, they would be loud and vocal modern day Paul Revere's, warning the people of what's coming. And not just about speech and medical freedom. But also economic freedom, freedom to raise our children according to our own religion or values, the right to disagree without being classified as a hater and the right to hear open debate about draconian policies like those planned to mitigate climate change, etc. Praying for divine intervention.

I was horrified when seemingly none of those running for office in 2022 seemed to want to take advantage of their campaign to address the vaccine and pandemic management issues. Maybe they think we have enough time to get there over several years. I'm not seeing that as plausible at all. This WHO coup is enough to realize what an insane gamble that is, if that's what they're thinking.

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

I just asked the wife what she thinks & she said, "tell them to piss off I'm busy." Fair call, piss off UN the wife's busy.

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

They all have their roles in this coup-d”etat.

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The UN is pretty big. Different parts of it have people who believe in it and think it's mission is noble. Those folks will go and do the right thing without realizing that the entire organization is a travesty.

In February 2013, the education arm of the UN, UNCTAD, issued a report declaring that the US Minimum Wage would have been $21/hour if the US congress critters had allowed it to increase with inflation alone (since 1968). Three years earlier in 2010, Amanda Noss, Supervisor for Data on the American Community Survey (the thing we don't answer the door for) team at the Census Bureau, clarified for me that the US Median Wage was $24,542 for everyone. [Marilyn Geewax, the Business Editor for NPR was on copy on the thread and expressed that she would like to know too].

Think about that. Median is half above and half below. So half of the people living in America were doing it on LESS than $25,000 dollars a year. HALF of us. That is insane... but you'll never hear anything from the UN about alleviating poverty by raising wages to levels that allow savings and prosperity.

The next year, the Obama administration made the Median wage be $33,000 for women and $44,000 for men. How that happened in a deep recession we have NEVER emerged from - only Obama's handlers know.

But UNCTAD got the ball rolling with their report. By 2016, I heard comedians on Gootube joking about the $21/hr figure. That was 10 years ago and our wages are still a farce. A zero to the left congressman in NY named Dan Goldman wants to raise the US Minimum Wage to $17/hour. That isn't a correction - it's a joke. (Be sure to let him know.)

I thought of all this when I read the paragraph about "tensions" in society. I thought, that's rich, now they suddenly care about tensions, when they should have been fighting for the people to have fair wages for their entire organizational existence. Financial lack in a social system based entirely on money is horrific. It just is. You can't survive in a normal productive way. Living on the street is dangerous and definitely not productive.

We live in a brutal monetary system that the UN never attempts to correct. We have a right to be here and be able to take care of ourselves in this system.

But with a government, the US congress in this case, that could care less and would rather hang out on Epstein's Island - We The People have been totally screwed. When I was a kid I could never understand how someone could get a mortgage. What would they do if they lost their job? How would they pay the mortgage? What if they didn't have savings to cover it? Maybe if they didn't have a job right then, the payments would be waived until they did? Just how kids think.

The UN is worse than nothing. It's just a giant heap of stinking bureaucratic crap on the side of a New York street. It needs to be defunded, dissolved and it's top echelon held accountable for ALL of it's fraud schemes:

**Iraq - World Food Program for Iraqi oil (Listen to Ronald Bernard's first video on Gootube for how the cash was handled).

**Kosovo - Human trafficking with Dyn Corp; the movie The Whistleblower with Rachel enlarges on that theme with a true story from another Eastern European country I can't remember.

**Mali - UN peace keepers trafficking women and kids

**Haiti - Cholera contamination after the US engineered earthquake that earned Haiti the nickname "Painistan."

**Rwanda / Burundi Genocide - So much for that on peacekeeping and protecting the innocent.

**UN Election Observer Missions - I tried to be on one of these for Liberia. I spoke with a woman who had done it and she said they were not paid for 6 months AFTER they got "in-country." She said the sexism was off the charts and told me not to do it.

That's just what I can remember. There's a lot more. I bet when it is all said and done, the UN will be toast. We'll either put the perps in jail or burn the place to the ground or both. These jokers do seem to want the French Revolution on a global scale. Time to dust off the guillotines and ship them to Basel and Geneva.

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

"... requires addressing underlying societal tensions..." "...sets out the relevant international legal framework..."

Wow. Maine's Secretary-General has Maine wholly ceded to the One World Order, just one small step away!

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

Off topic, but those here will no doubt appreciate learning about this...https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/federal-judge-cdc-release-v-safe-texts-covid-vaccine-injuries/?u

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

They scare me because they are so crazy and evil. Reading 2Chronicles 7:14 every day and praying. THANK YOU dear Dr Meryl for ALL your work and tenacity to help our country. I’m praying for God’s blessing upon you🙏❣️ EVERYONE- Pray🙏

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

They'd better be careful, the wife is not happy.

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Censoring for free-speech is like WHAT?

"Fighting for peace"?

"F--king for chastity"?

We learned this from Vietnam, right?

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

I am surprised that so many strong and intelligent people in the USA are not able to find the Achilles heel of these tyrants - WHO, UN - who are destroying the planet and killing people. These criminal organizations are in your country, therefore you are morally obliged to destroy them!

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The oligarchs believe they can subjugate humanity by censoring information, imposing digital money & digital ID.

However, they are few - we are billions.

That document is appalling.

Another one on that site has this heading:

“Challenges to the greater realization of global vaccine solidarity in aid of the fuller enjoyment of human rights”.

Stalin could not have come up with more....Stalinist wording. Unless he added “Comrades!” at the start.

(For the record, I’d say the oligarchs are a weird hybrid alliance of communists & fascists: WEF-CCP; Schwab-Xi.

Each side thinks they’ll dispose of the other lot if/when they formalize their global government. Our job is to - somehow?? - take power away from them.)

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Jan 17Liked by Meryl Nass

Love them posters!! True genius!! Thanks Dr. Nass!!

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