Yes and please dig a hole 6'X3'X8' and step to the edge after your injection, donuts and orange juice will be served for your (our)convenience, thank you, it has been nice knowing you.

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deletedAug 24
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You got right to the heart of the matter!

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Think the majority of people have found out the hard way.. a month of protection (debatable) then months or years with a crippled immune system.. with a jackpot possibility of ending up with a fast growing tumour.. sounds like the deal of lifetime switching your health for their wealth.

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But whatabout all the social media likes and hearts. Totally worth it

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I'm still hearing: 'unrelated' and 'could have been worse'.

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Imagine thinking that injecting aluminum, mercury, MSG, formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, fetal cells and other toxic ingredients is going to support the health of the living human body! This is the new science that says believe what we say no matter how outrageous or unbelievable it is. These are nothing less than Crimes against Humanity for the globalist New World Order Madness genocidal agenda. They want us dead and if we are sick in the meantime, that is even better.

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Same goes for the food industry also regulated by the same shambolic three letter agency the FDA…. It’s okay for food giants to adulterate food too .. high corn fructose … glyphosates… apeel…. Inflammatory Seed oils canola…synthetic sugars .. hydrogenated fats … the list is endless .. the shift away from real food to highly processed plastic wrapped fodder so capture the health big pharma happened to miss…. your last chance seems to be RFK because no one else in the White House seems to be free from kickbacks.

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Blast furnace incineration sounds like good plan for this stuff.

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Astounding that so many people are falling for this nonsense!

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Why aren’t these people who get these shots — number 9 NINE now I think — institutionalized? This is insane. And it’s not stopping. Why is it not stopping?!!!!!!

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You know why. They can't stop. They can't admit the truth, because the plan is to do it again.

Being able to inject people offers too many possibilities for control to simply give it up.

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I can’t believe we are living thru this.

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Your key words here "we are living" Jon

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Some of us are dying though this too.. worldwide extermination at the hands of billionaires … there should be a ceiling to wealth so you don’t get to play GoD.

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The billionaire class isn't even the real 'bad guys'. Not at all. There's the trillionaire class above them, and, those who print "money" (mon-eye, think....eye of Horus) out of thin air. THAT is power.

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Yes, I understand why there are people who want to keep injecting others, but the people who keeping lining up to get this crap are seriously disturbed.

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I think they deserve what they get-- stupid is as stupid does.

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I completely get that it is difficult to grasp how others could still be lining up to take these shots. But, 'enlightenment' cannot be handed out on a silver platter. MANY people, many, simply lack the bright consciousness that those much fewer in number seem to possess. Nothing more, nothing less.

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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ has a lot to do with it too.

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I agree .. to use something from Ghandi..

There is enough in this world

To supply people’s needs.

But not enough to supply people’s Greed.

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Also Ghandi:

“It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence. Violence is any day preferable to impotence. There is hope for a violent man to become non-violent. There is no such hope for the impotent.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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Oh please violate me. Stick it right in me. I want it so bad. Sorry to kind of sound gross, but this is what I imagine the cult members saying while they line up wearing their compliance blanket ("mask"). "Vaccines" have *never* ever been 100% "safe and effective". Ever! This is a fact. There has *always* been risk and it's almost always been impossible to know if shots even really work. (If people aren't getting sick is it because of the shot, or is it because of natural immunity, or is it because of the environment at the time, etc. There are way too many variables to determine 100% that shots work IMHO) In today's world where more people get sick from whatever they've been injected with that was supposed to "save them" from getting sick, it has never been more apparent. My argument is, and always has been, if someone wants to get the largest organ they posses (skin) injected and penetrated by a foreign substance and they are into that... hey, be my guest! But don't ever, ever, *ever*, demand that someone else does the same thing you do just because you are afraid. If there is even a one in a BILLION chance that I could be maimed or killed by something, I have the right to make a choice to say NO. It's just that simple. How dare someone else demand that I risk my life, my ability to make a living, and my general health to reinforce their false sense of "security" or "safety". Someone asked why I wasn't wearing a "mask" in the thick of "covid" and I said I didn't want to. They went on to state, "you must not care about me". My answer... you're right.... I don't. That sounds cold, but when it come to our health, our ability to work to provide food and housing for ourselves and our families (the ones we DO love and care about) we *must* be selfish. It's okay to be selfish when it comes to our own health and well-being. Sorry for the rant. This subject gets me riled to no end. :) Thanks again Dr Nass.

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100% correct Rob! You have just described my feelings for the last 4 1/2 years! How my friends and most of my family laid themselves down for this crap is so totally beyond me! TG my immediate family and I were on the same page! People actually lined up in the dark outdide during a snowstorm where I live to get poked with an unnecessary, untested injection. It boggles the mind!

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The needle is the best way to bypass your immune system the skin the lungs are g t he first entry point to outside bacteria/viruses .. and usually this gives the immune system some time to build an effective response.. by sticking the toxin straight into the body .. overwhelms the immune system and takes out the weakest … build up the immune system it’s easier than trying to repair vaccine damage.

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They have ZERO shame.

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Evil doesnt do shame

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Protection for a few weeks, heart damage for life. Great trade-off.

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And theres zero proof theres even protection for a few weeks.

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Soooooo worth the risk of myocarditis, brain bleeds, turbo cancer, transverse myelitis, stroke, SADS …..

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I was in a store today and spoke with the salesman. I asked was he going to college, he said covid changed his plans and didn't explain further. I said what a pity all the protocols were unnecessary. He took the opposite position and said I was getting wrong information from dodgy sources and that covid killed an enormous number of people. I said the CHD had a good newsletter, and mentioned RFK Jr. He wrote him off as the guy with the 'worm in his brain.' Hopeless. This is the situation outside the echo chamber. How long will it take to break the spell?

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It is most difficult to learn to accept that what you describe here in your interaction is exactly what Free Will can look like.

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Dr. Gordon says "It takes around a week or two after getting vaccinated for antibodies to rev up..." This is why they called people "unvaccinated" until two weeks after the shot. So, if you contracted covid or were injured or killed within two weeks of your last shot, you were "unvaccinated". Let that sink in.

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Wow. That sounds about as ridiculous as "asymptomatic". I cant believe people who felt great believed they were deathly ill and needed to quarantine and wear muzzles. smdh

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The Darwin Awards ceremony will be huge, this decade. Big Harma keeps racking up the Crimes Against Humanity.

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Bunch of dimwits

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Keep your Second Amendment and be ready to fight because this is where we are going.

Get organized. If they come after you at your house and all your neighbours are coming out showing their Second Amendments, it could be a game changer.

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Trojan Horse - U.S.-Mexico border - It is not immigration but invasion. A lot of those men are motivated for a better life so if they receive an invitation to join a Special Force, military style, where they could have a salary, training and after x years, the U.S. citizenship, there is a lot of chance that they jump on the proposition. They are the one who could come after you.

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Good. Let 'em. They will be easy to spot and eliminate preemptively here in overwhelmingly "white" rural America. South and Latin Americans, Africans, Arabs, and other stand out like sore thumbs.

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Whoa, let's not have racism. Lots of fine Americans of different nationalities. Think of Willie Mays and Hank Aaron, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Muhammed Ali, Cesar Chavez, Ralph Nader--just to name a few famous ones. Need to focus on "the content of their character" and their behavior before making judgments.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

It is not racism. I have made no judgments. Don't foolishly assume or accuse. It is merely an acknowledgement of how easily recognizable those ethnicities--who constitute overwhelmingly the illegals flowing across the border now (there being very few Europeans if any, right?)--would be in my area and existing demographic.

Please tell me you are not one of those sad people who thinks bringing up race in any context makes someone racist. The brainwashing is hard to resist, I know (and the self-hatred / white guilt, if you are indeed "white")... but for God's sake, man! You've made it this far (to Dr. Nass' substack), so please continue to free your own mind and perspective.

(And, not to be a jerk, but I could easily double or triple your list... and with immigrants, descendants of slaves, etc. possessing of far more valuable attributes and contributing much more meaningful things to our society than merely being athletes. Switch off the game and open a book!)

[I could be even more obnoxious and accuse you of being racist, because in identifying only black and/or Hispanic athletes (aside from Ralph Nader, of course), you reveal that you may value only these people's athletic prowess and physical strength and not what is in their minds. Dig it? This would be very au courant of me, too, what with the Victim Identity Industrial Complex we have in today's woke world... But I'll let you off the ropes now. Sorry; just enjoying typing away while drinking coffee!]

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That's a fine sentiment to have, but they have a solution for that: Get jabbed or lose your job.

(You didn't think they were really going to show up at your front door, did you?)

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I think the commenter above (and most of the rest of us here, I would wager) would be well past concerns about keeping jobs at that point...

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I certainly can't speak for everyone, but the three most vocal 2A people I know all caved for the jab; two of them simply shrugged and took it without question.

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Same here... but because they are older citizens who still believe the lie that government is here to help. (They are veterans, receiving pensions and social security, so perhaps it is understandable.)

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A nice thought, but they have weapons that make the 2nd amendment

all but worthless. Best bet is to keep your head down and off their radar.

Live by the Golden Rule. Pray….

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The Founders of our country would disagree with such flimsy-wristed philosophy.

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The founders were dealing with an agricultural society where most people could provide for themselves; a misguided government edict could be met with a shrug.

We're now slaves to our debt, and most people are working for someone else; that loss of a paycheck could mean foreclosure, a child pulled from college, or an automobile repossession.

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So doing nothing then is the solution? Wow...

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Or homeless with an empty belly. It is called democide when a government is behind such an evil plan.

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Energy weapons are far from flimsy. Do your homework before

you face them guns a blazing.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

Yes, I know.

So you advocate what exactly? Doing nothing? (I hope you will at least have the class and patriotism to support those of us who will fight to throw off your own oppressors.)

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Do not underestimate the level of brainwashed and indoctrinated folks that are out there.

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What I don't understand is: Why do the globalist pro-population-control wankers want to kill off the stupidest of us, over whom they most easily can rule? They must gin up some truly awful bioweapon for which their "vaccines" actually provide protection at some point, to kill off us skeptical dissenters....

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