Excellent analysis, Meryl.

These are indeed the narratives being pushed.

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If govt everywhere would just get out of the way, the world would sort it out. Govt is and always will be the problem. Someone else telling you what you can do or what is good for you fails every single time. Only laws or lack of laws that remove govt from the private sector are good for people.

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Especially since they don’t know the first thing about what is good for people since they don’t care about our welfare.

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? I look forward to proposals on how to reverse this US coup.

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It breaks my heart to hear my beautiful, clever daughter say she doesn't want kids, then states it's because she can't afford it or some climate bunkum... Apart from anything it's a retirement package that's worked for 350,000 years if the Homo naledi remains tell us anything.

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Referring to humans as “workers” is always a red flag.

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Translates to "slaves."

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Once again, thanks for reading the NYT so we don't have to.

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Gandhi said that the worst form of warfare was poverty and deprivation. The wealthy elite have one thing in common: They see the earth as a possession, the most of which they control. What if you owned not just factories, but the fields where all food is grown, the mines where all minerals are harvested, the mortgages of the people who worked in the factories, the car loans for the farmers, ranchers, miners?

With such an unbridled love of money, this loveless acquisition has brought us all to a crossroads. Divided and alone we are among the lemmings, as one, pulled into the dark abyss.

Amazed at the achievement of the technocrats: The Perfect Worst Government.

The designers of this 'auto-utopia', this AI perfected fearless future, are the same ones who have engineered so many highly profitable disasters and wars. Their families, Quisling lovers of money and exceptional privilege, have been allying themselves with clever tyrants for millennia.

The new frontier? Same as the old frontier.

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But... to what end? I mean.... what good is it to have all the money in the world, with workers just trying to live? There's nothing worth living for then for them. They'll just get old and die. There's no joy in having slaves.

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There are a multitude of perverse pleasures which the wealthy propound.

Owning people is one of the originals.

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Absolutely - well said and true as always.

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The takeaways are that they want to depopulate. The writing is on the wall. Yes, the process of depopulation is a process that has been happening for a few decades. The International Bank of Settlements and others involved seem to be okay with the depopulation. The depopulation is clearly part of the hoarding the wealth and resources scheme.

Thank-you for sharing.

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The BIS was supposed to be dismantled after Smedley Butler refused to lead the banker’s coup on Franklin Roosevelt, but he conveniently died before it could be. Just interesting timing for his death I’m sure and there was nothing nefarious about it.

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That sounds nefarious to me. It sounds like the BIS seems to have a sketchy past littered with shady 🤔 characters

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as well as littered with inconvenient bodies...

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Regarding young "workers" (people), in addition to the damage done by the clot shots, we are harming them with "mental health care". I can't tell you how many young people I know who have been led down the dead end path of SSRIs, etc. Assuming they survive this treatment at all, their brains are scrambled. And, they're literally being targeted. I see roadside signs, "Call now, providing therapy and medication management!". Except there is no therapy except to tell you some BS like you must have some sort of chemical imbalance in your brain, this of course after administering a BS questionnaire developed by a marketing department of pHarma.

They are further targeted by the fentanyl pouring across the open borders. The SSRIs leave them ripe for despair which leads to recklessness and mistakes that nowadays kill you instantly.

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And check the “sudden knowledge” that transgenderism is a few years down the road they find out they really like what God and nature really made them to be, but too late they now understand maybe all the blather to change was not such a good idea.

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Check out psychiatryredefined.org for a sane approach to evaluate the individual essential biological health and deficits for each person based on decades of censored but documented info which does not benefit BPharm but does humans.

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Biden recently declared war on mental illness and I bet that’s why you are seeing those signs. I think it was last Friday when he announced that.

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SSRIs also decrease libido, in some cases permanently. Something to think about if we're discussing population.

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Now is a good time to adopt kids, to get them away from the system, so we can lose as few humans as possible to various methods of genocide for people trapped in the system. Also, lots of parents dying, sometimes both parents. If those kids don't have extended family who can adopt them, they are screwed unless someone adopts them.

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My thoughts are about kids who may become orphans in next few years, not forgetting those in care already.

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Sadly, I think we may need to get start trying get them lined up for rescue before they get to the point where they have to "go into care" - because, once they do, they're probably force-vaxxed if they don't already have paperwork. And then it's too late. We need to save the "genetically unmodified" kids as the highest priority, since they are really the only ones who continuation of the human race depends upon. And given that "shedding" has been proven to be a real thing, as much as other orphans need saving too, if they are shedders I probably would not be willing to let them live in my home with me. Hopefully there will be others of their kind who will help them...

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Donald, was on YouTube last night and an interesting short by two young podcasters:

Stressing how “Coddled” senior citizen are. The seniors need to “step up” their game since many are having tooo much FUN...

Thus the night before the NYT article.

I was wondering WHY the verbal attack by two young men... and then the article...

Division: Old Age = Uselessness ...

Sound familiar?

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But who will teach these fools how to work, a work ethic, a determination to succeed, when their AI and the push for all electrical autos and anything else they dream up and think is so necessary suddenly is not there.

They are imbeciles not knowing math skills, reading skills, no critical thinking so who will lead them out of their misery - certainly not the two young podcasters.

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We absolutely cannot fund social security, Medicare and pay the interest on the debt. We’ve known this for over 40 years. They have been hiding the problem through inflation and they raised the social security age to 67 for my generation. People forget that many of us are already on the 67 plan. The borders are open on purpose. They need workers to collect social security taxes. The reason digital currency is coming now is that they cannot continue to print money without inflation getting uncontrollable. Sounds like they are beginning to prepare the public for the bad news...

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That's certainly what Those Who Profit from the status quo want us to believe. That hasn't stopped Them from printing QE money to Pluto and back & handing it to central banks to buy up all the assets & prop up the stock market. They could absolutely fund SS IF They wanted to, by lifting the annual cap on salaries. They could also hand everyone a UBI high enough to live on simply by taking some of that money, a strategy which would SAVE us more money than it costs because it would end poverty, and we could then hand pink slips to all the means-testers & other bureaucrats who maintain the poor at the poverty level, for even more savings. https://daviddegraw.org/peak-inequality-the-01-and-the-impoverishment-of-society/

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Ezekiel Emanuel scripted the die off for Obamacare when he reserved health support for the healthy between 15 and 45, survival of the fittest worker bees. Ungodly hateful inhumane “utilitarianism” which is the opposite of compassion, love and beneficence. Those besotted by the presumed sophistication of the NYT seem slowest to awaken to the death march it glorifies. Our gas chamber is invisible to them. Praying they awaken.

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The only thing that has to be done is to get the money back from those who stole it from us in their Covid and climate warming psyops.

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Interesting anaylsis. Let's think about trends! US Lifespan is down to 76.2 years from 79.5. Ed Dowd says 30% of workforce has been harmed by the RNA injections and are causing a massive workers shortage. Go to an Aldi's and see the decrease in their food selection since they work with low cost producers who are having problems hiring and etc. Think about the decrease in fertility rates created by the injections. Is open borders being done to compensate.? Has there been any anaylsis about the number of seniors who have died because of the Covid/Injections. Where are the insurance statistics?

The US has not capped medicine with socialized medicine which caps medical costs at 10% of the countries GDP. In US it is almost 20% of GDP and is the feeding trough for the hogs. Is this whole Covid exercise a method of creating wealth transfer and reducing healthcare costs. Who is pulling what strings to change the US demographics? Corporations? Younger workers are cheaper! Federal Government? Cost of caring for retirees keep rising and we spend SS dollars on other social programs including supporting the illegals! Eugenists? We only want young workers and no useless eaters! All three? We certainly don't want people to live into their 90's because they embrace the 7th Day Adventists Life style. Is the fate of 99.99% of world population being determined by 00.01% of the population? We certainly don't need all these people if AI becomes the decison maker for all things!

Why is it that we only get baloney sound bites out of DC? What think tank is running the show?

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I suspect vax AEs are far higher in elders than we imagine. Vast majority (greater % than non elder population) probably don't get reported, because "they're old".

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The Lyin NYT's never fails to reveal who they really represent. Corbett's Bohemian Grove video was odd. Maybe you can figure out why. Even Ben Franklin infiltrated clubs he abhorred to understand what the U.S. was dealing with in London and Europe.

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It's the graphic!

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The NYT is, in essence, confirming a depopulation agenda exists, subtly, with its flimsy debunk. My question is "Why is this being done?" Fostering a division, which this article does with masterfully, is an agenda in its own right. If division is the real motivation for the article's publication, what is the actual goal being targeted using that tactic?

There may, or my not, be a depopulation goal. Great efforts, by many people, and a huge amount of time, always a limited resource, will be required to sus out the truth. What is the point in going through all that? Even if the end result is a final determination of absolute truth that there was in fact a depop goal it will be too late to avoid the impending outcome of the only logical real goal.

As humans, we have many methods available to keep us united even as the "division army" advances.

Recognizing those efforts made to divide us becomes easier by the day. Just look with your brain.

Once you make the connection that the purpose of the action in question is to create or reinforce division you'll be astounded when you begin to see it done relentlessly. You may be only one individual human but if you can detect and defuse that "division bomb" before it detonates in your brain you will be acting to make all those divisive efforts less "profitable" for the perpetrator(s).

Even better, when you see the tactic in use, make one comment to another person that acknowledges humans are masterful social beings that, through their voluntary interactions, make the universe a better place, for everyone, every day.

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Couldn't we simplify it with "I am a Child of God". YOU are a child of God too. Jesus says to love one another, avoid contention. Those that seek to stir it up will fail when we don't fall for it, and are united.

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No. That too is divisive.

"humans are masterful social beings that, through their voluntary interactions, make the universe a better place, for everyone, every day" contains no covert reference to group identity yet does not deny that groups exist.

Thank you for your comment.

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But, but,... I thought the automation was going to reduce the number of jobs and the need for workers.

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