Mar 18Liked by Meryl Nass

Better! But I suggest that the first time you use the acronym, WHO, you just spell it out. That’s because too many people are just totally ignorant of this issue.

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This is why France has already passed a law criminalizing criticism of the country's medical policies, to the tune of 45,000 euros and one to three years in prison. And Canada is on the verge of passing a hate speech law, that in all probability will encompass any criticism of the government as hate speech, to the tune of life imprisonment. Gulag, anyone?

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Mar 18Liked by Meryl Nass

That is similar to the "lazy reader" one they did in Germany. They made two versions, the simple one with about 10 sentences that could be read in 2 minutes but with a QR code on the bottom. The more detailed & complicated one was a fold-able flyer with 4 small pages of info always with a QR code for quick access to the website where thorough info could be found.

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They are both good Meryl. Do not discard the first one.

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Mar 18Liked by Meryl Nass

I think this is exactly the level you want to hit. Well done. A few specifics:

I agree with David Bundrick about spelling out WHO.

Avoid the use of Dictator. It's too argumentative, too early in the document. Move it to second place.

Replacement text: "The WHO Director-General (who isn't a physician) would decide which treatments you will get, which you will be prevented from getting, and what information you and your doctor will be allowed to see."

Put quotes around "human rights." change "in" to "from."

I wasn't a fan of the two graphics in the heading of the previous draft: They made it too cluttered.

Be sure to include the web addresses of the two organizations.

I hope this flyer will educate people far and wide.

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We are not just ANY nation. We are the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, each state is sovereign and we do not have to allow the former terrorist Tedros, to tell us what we can or cannot do. We are a free nation, not Biden’s slaves.

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Mar 18Liked by Meryl Nass

MUCH BETTER than the first rendition - EXCELLENT improvements.

But: "7. The WHO removed human rights in the International Health Regulations amendments. The WHO thinks our basic human rights are negotiable!"

I think you are being way too kind here. I do not think The WHO gives a damn about our rights whatsoever and instead feels they do not exist and that those individuals and groups that hold the power (such as The WHO) can dictate to the people of the world as they so choose. Remember, The WHO 'one health' approach puts wild animals and plants on the same plane as humans.

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Mar 18Liked by Meryl Nass

"Our Mission is to bring awareness of the W.H.O.’s pandemic treaties and to get them rejected by Australia. Our Mission is to have both of these documents rejected by March 2025.

We understand that the next election may be as early as August 2024 or March 2025. Whatever the month, we have until May 2025 to get the W.H.O. treaties rejected by March 2025.":



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I like this version a lot better for people who don't know anything about it. Only thing, I would emphasize earlier in the document and vehemently, that individual countries must comply and this "treaty" will override their rights to rely on with their own constitutions.

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This is cool because it passes the zero attention span test, I got the message scrolling thru without having to read every word. Or any of the words.

If we had time to read maybe we wouldnt be in this messy pickled messy

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

We're inundated with handouts. I immediately want to know the issue, action expected, and the source of the handout. Okay, if I may:

CITIZENS ALERT!! By July of this year, the World Health Organization (the WHO) may dictate health care in America. The WHO seeks power to ...

1) legalize liability-free, experimental, unlicensed vaccines

2) impose vaccine mandates

3) impose quarantines

4) impose lockdowns

5) impose border closures

6) restrict treatments

7) restrict information available to you and physicians

8) surveil online activities and censor disagreement with WHO narratives

The WHO plans to achieve this through ...

1) a Pandemic Treaty voted on this May by its 194 member states including the

United States

2) Amendments to International Health Regulations voted on this May by these parties.

(These Amendments are being negotiated in secret and might not be

revealed until after ratification. Why?)

The Amendments will go into effect for countries that ratify them by the end of May, 2025.

The Treaty will go into effect for countries that ratify it as early as July, 2024. The Treaty gives the WHO free reign to create rules for "pandemic preparedness." The WHO's current budget is $3.6 billion per year. It projects funding of $31 billion per year for its future bureaucracy.

The WHO is building a biowarfare agent library that requires member nations to share "potential pandemic pathogens" (biological warfare agents), decode their genomes and place their sequences online in public databases--virtually guaranteeing lab escapes and future pandemics.

This agenda attacks the U.S. Constitution, our national sovereignty, and our individual autonomies.

Click these links to Door to Freedom and the Sovereignty Coalition for actions to take and more info: xxxxx and xxxxx

Brought to you by Dr. Meryl Nass [titles and qualifications]

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Put in a link to the group that has more info... Talk about who is funding who..and US relationship to WHO, explaining why the US would acquise to WHO and why it would be legally binding on US citizens... maybe overlap with this new anti-tik tok bill that gives the president of the US all sorts of power.

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I like it but think you need to be even more direct about how it will destroy our Constitution-it isn't just a "massive attack." Basically our God given rights will be completely gone, if I understand this WHO stuff correctly.

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Very nice. Clear and concise!

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Excellent. Please tell us what else we can do.

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