On Gain of Function research and why Exiting the WHO and ending this research is critical
These are 6 old slides of mine that I hope can help convince the naysayers why this may be the most important thing President Trump is doing right now. It could save the planet.
In case anyone has forgotten the #1 reason to ban Gain of Function (Biowarfare) research, it is because it simply cannot be conducted safely. Lab workers get bitten by the infected animals or stabbed by their hypodermic needles, cultures are dropped, infected lab workers unknowingly expose others. This is from a yearly federal report on accidents using dangerous microorganisms in high containment facilities, where 4 accidents continue to be reported weekly, week after week, year after year.
Then there is the problem that scientists share their viruses and reagents. The pandemic treaty draft below, which I screenshot, required nations to share pathogens with pandemic potential (biowarfare organisms) globally. What a disaster!
What does Gain of Function mean? I explain it below, and then reveal another pandemic treaty screenshot, which shows that the WHO actually wanted there to be LESS regulation of high containment lab research!
The risk of pandemics has been seriously hyped for the past 20 years. Furthermore, we have been propagandized to believe that pandemics come from “viral spillover” to humans, something that (apart from seasonal flu) almost never causes a pandemic.
Below you have my analysis of why the WHO and other multinational, globalist institutions have gone all out to convince us of their false pandemic narratives. They have spun this in such a way that it could give them total control over the planet.
Was 'gain of function' ever a thing?
Or was it just theatre to create the 'pandemic industry'.
I challenged 'lethal virus development' back in January 2012, arguing it breached the Biological Weapons Convention, see: https://over-vaccination.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/open-letter-to-paul-keim-nsabb-30-jan-2012.pdf
But then it seems the controversial research funded by NIH/Fauci to make H5N1 more transmissible was all a beat-up, with Ron Fouchier of Erasmus doing a 180 degree turnaround on his claims about the lethality of his lab-engineered virus. Apparently the virus he purportedly created was neither as contagious nor as dangerous as people had been led to believe... See my letter dated 17 December 2012: https://over-vaccination.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/submission-to-cdc-hhs-17-december-2012.pdf
'Deadly viruses'... Has the entire world been led down the garden path with this supposed threat? Was it all made up, like the Contagion movie, to set up the punters to be terrorised and coerced into being vaccinated over and over again, and trapped in a social credit system?
Wow... Looks like the Five Eyes countries are right in the thick of it... Who knew?!?! The supposed bastions of the 'free world' exploiting and enslaving the people!
The IMF calculates this racket has cost $12.5 trillion... https://www.reuters.com/business/imf-sees-cost-covid-pandemic-rising-beyond-125-trillion-estimate-2022-01-20/
Who benefited?
Biggest crime of all time!
Time to identify the perpetrators and bring them to account...
This is a great development to pull out of the WHO, but they are but a pimple on the butt of the UN, whose purpose is to manifest Agenda 2030, so they are, in a sense, a death cult. We need to pull out of the UN as well.