These are 6 old slides of mine that I hope can help convince the naysayers why this may be the most important thing President Trump is doing right now. It could save the planet.
But then it seems the controversial research funded by NIH/Fauci to make H5N1 more transmissible was all a beat-up, with Ron Fouchier of Erasmus doing a 180 degree turnaround on his claims about the lethality of his lab-engineered virus. Apparently the virus he purportedly created was neither as contagious nor as dangerous as people had been led to believe... See my letter dated 17 December 2012:
'Deadly viruses'... Has the entire world been led down the garden path with this supposed threat? Was it all made up, like the Contagion movie, to set up the punters to be terrorised and coerced into being vaccinated over and over again, and trapped in a social credit system?
Wow... Looks like the Five Eyes countries are right in the thick of it... Who knew?!?! The supposed bastions of the 'free world' exploiting and enslaving the people!
You might like to view these sites concerning your response to me, by a citizen organizied group of Israelis themselves-see what they have to say about the experimental vaccine Netanyahu volunteered his own people for.
This is a great development to pull out of the WHO, but they are but a pimple on the butt of the UN, whose purpose is to manifest Agenda 2030, so they are, in a sense, a death cult. We need to pull out of the UN as well.
"Gain-of-Function research is legal. It is not legal to use Federal $$$ to do that research, in some circumstances. We can argue about the ethics of that another time.
My point is that it is legal to use a knife or a gun, but if you kill someone with that tool - you are a murderer.
It is the same with irresponsible research. It is the same with gain-of-function research. If that research kills people, yes- people must be held accountable.
Researchers designed SARS-CoV-2.
Researchers were responsible for its release (intentional or not).
A thorough review of the available evidence suggests that the emergence of a novel engineered virus is the least likely explanation for the event known as the ‘covid pandemic’.
The discovery of ‘novel’ viruses is a function of how determined we are to find them - the more we look the more we find, suggesting that the attribution of novelty to a virus is as much the result of a politicised process rather than something based on an objective analysis of its properties.
The features of SARS-CoV-2 do not appear to be as ‘special’ or ‘unique’ as claimed.
There is no good evidence that the many and complex hurdles in front of deliberately engineering viruses to become more pathogenic or transmissible in humans have been overcome.
The theory that there was a long-standing but hitherto undetected virus endemic in animal (and possibly human) reservoirs is difficult if not impossible to falsify.
There are other explanations which could explain the sudden and rapid global appearance and spread of a specific sequence than the spread of a novel virus. The available virological and epidemiological evidence does not adequately support either the lab leak or the wet market theories for the origins of the virus.
It would be more apt to refer to ‘Claim-of-Function’ than ‘Gain-of-Function’ research.
Virological research with the intention of enhancing pathogenicity is, nevertheless, unethical and unnecessary and as such should cease; this is true even though we believe the evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that the ‘covid pandemic’ was an iatrogenic phenomenon and was not caused by a novel and deadly virus. In this regard if there actually was a function gained by the virus it was the power to help trick humanity into a dramatic act of self-harm.
I imagine Jessica nudged you to write this tripe, am I right? Be careful of her, and stick to your (numbers) lane. Or, when you make outsize and controversial claims, cite a reference.
As with the questions we raise about the N Italy and NYC events, many in the self-appointed cabal of “medical freedom leaders” seem totally unwilling to engage, except by the use of ad hominems.
Pity, since rational debate could help us better understand what happened; it almost looks as if certain people are incentivized to stop that happening.
Look, genetic engineering is over 50 years old. you can move virulence factors between viruses or even create viruses de novo. The "usefulness" of certain genes or small segments in pathogenicity is widely known by virologists
So to me it seems grossly ignorant to make the claim "There is no good evidence that the many and complex hurdles in front of deliberately engineering viruses to become more pathogenic or transmissible in humans have been overcome."
Here's the thing. You can't necessarily tell which bugs you created will reproduce and take off in the world--most don't. So you do trial and error, design them, AND THEN YOU TEST THEM. Some will work. It isn't that hard to understand.
"And then you test them" how? Are you saying the testing is done by leaking or releasing them into the real world - and that SARS-CoV-2 was leaked/released and just happened to 'work'?
We do not deny that lab workers can get sick or be affected by the materials they are working with.
But the idea that a lab worker becomes affected/infected and a viral agent transmits from that person to other people (at all or in exponential fashion) is unsubstantiated.
If, as you note, lab accidents occur all the time, then the very fact that they do not result in even localized events involving an appreciable number of people is itself a 'non-existence proof.'
How do we know the viral agents can't 'leak' and get far, let alone created successive mass casualty events around the globe in a short timeframe? Because they don't; it's never happened - and there is no evidence it happened with SARS-CoV-2.
As Martin said in his comments, Profs Sunetra Gupta and Denis Noble disagree with your position. That's fine if you think they're wrong, but we would love for you (and others) to say why.
I will note that, based on his public statements, NIH Director nominee Jay Bhattacharya seems to believes SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was created or adulterated in a lab and made it into the wider world by hitching a ride on a lab worker and transmitting from that lab worker to other humans. He thinks the experiments being conducted were risky, shouldn’t have been funded, and were carried out in less-than-safe conditions. The research wasn’t accidental but the “leak” was.
Sunetra Gupta rejects the lab leak hypothesis and wet market scenarios and believes SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotic emergence event that occurred in China. It’s not an “accident” per se; it’s within the bounds of what nature can and does do periodically. GoF isn’t inherently dangerous, she asserts; we need it so that we can develop countermeasures against the pandemic pathogens nature produces.
It sounds like you agree with both of them in the sense that you think nature has given us viral influenza pandemics, but GoF resulted in a the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus pandemic.
I/We disagree with that and would appreciate substantive debate on the issue.
It is your claim in the last paragraph we dispute and do so with careful and nuanced analysis. Contrary to what you say it is indeed easy to understand because the claim 'deadly viruses made by mad scientists that sweep the globe' is just not credible. And it perpetuates a great evil.
Given you think I should stay in my lane how about taking on the arguments made by these two qualified Oxford dons instead:
I posted a Substack that comes down on the side of contagious diseases being contagious (i.e., pandemics are possible), though I didn't get into how it is scientifically possible to alter proteins in the effort to make them fit human receptors better (i.e., gain of function is possible).
I suppose i need to be the one to come in here as a non medic/scientist with the Thors hammer of real world evidence which destroys any notion of COVID being a lab leak virus responsible for excess deaths in 2020. You’re welcome!
No. Read the thread. The 'poor lady' is simply offended by the fact I don't agree with her. We need to stick to scientific argument and do so in a civil manner.
Martin posted here before I did and is quoting from his and Jonathan Engler's paper, which he is citing. The paper itself also cites sources (including you).
Respectfully, "stick to your lane" is the kind of credentialism we heard in 2020. We all have an interest in discussing/debating events that upended life as we knew it.
Dr. Nass, this may be a bit off topic, however all I can think about is Bobby’s confirmation and this whole Trump/EO and AI mRNA personal caner “vaccine” Ellison thing; it has me worried this topic may be used against Bobby on the 29th. How in the world would he address this …. Stuff? So in thinking about your email about calling/writing Collins and Murkowski and the list of all the politicians who will be “interviewing” Bobby, I wonder if the study that Nicolas Hulscher with Courageous Discourse just put out this am could be sent to the “interviewers”? It was peer reviewed and there is a really simple and straight forward graph showing the association between neuro sx and vaccines in 9 yr old children. I was thinking maybe they might back off using the label conspiracy theorist and throwing around that anti-vax jargon and give Bobby something to stand on when he says he simply wants safe vaccines. Would it be possible for you to write something up - like the way you do it- scientifically, factually, clearly but with that personal feel like you always do and then have it sent where we could all sign our names and send it to others for signatures and then have it sent to the necessary politicians? I probably have no idea of what a big ask this may be, especially of someone who seems to have invented 30 hour days, but I seem to be a bit out of control with the thought of Bobby not being confirmed. Please accept my apology if I am too out of line. Here is a link to the study.
It's critical to cover the tracks of the very criminals that started it and signed off on warp speed... it's the most successful global genocide since starvation...
Biden and Trump Administrations Commit Combined Billions to mRNA Vaccine Technologies
The Biden administration on Jan. 19 awarded $590 million to Moderna to develop mRNA flu vaccines with “pandemic potential.” On Jan. 21, his second day in office, President Donald Trump announced support for Big Tech’s $500 billion Stargate Initiative, focused in part on mRNA-based health solutions.
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
January 22, 2025
That does not strike me as Trump wanting to stop the ModRNA DNA vaccines, nor does RFK appear to have had any input in Trump's Stargate, probably with Bill Gates providing the funding, so where does exiting GOF begin and end with Stargate, one can but wonder?
Consider scum sucking swine like Gates et al, and nothing more needs said. I’m sure he considers himself invincible and like a god protected by his money. The ugly spud forgets that the hands of time stop for no one and he looks about as healthy as a well polished headstone.
1) DJT participated in the staging of a pandemic; he’s no hero on this.
2) Pandemics of viral spreading agents are not possible.
3) No, GoF is not another name for bioweapon development. Such a characterization empowers the perpetrators of the 2020 Human Rights Heist.
4) Lab leaks/accidents are low risk on a population level. The proposed transmission dynamics of a leak resulting in a series of events at the speed and with the pathogenicity purported are pure Hollywood.
5) The WHO must be exposed and dissolved. Same for every govt official and private/public partnership that aided & abetted global fraud.
There was no pandemic; there was Democide, fraud, and propaganda.
One of the biggest problems with the "spreading virus from Wuhan" story is that it is mechanistically implausible. Another challenge is there is no sign of a transmissible, risk-additive pathogen anywhere in any (time series) data until an emergency is declared and mass testing deployed in hospitals.
I'm not sure how you explain the incongruence but would love to hear more.
In Sept-Oct. 2024 George and Alex Soros bought 219 AM Radio Licenses in 40 different market places, around America from Audacy Radio. The cost was $415 Million Dollars or .50 cents on the dollar.
The FCC voted, without
due diligence with a
3-2 vote
(Dem vs Rep)
approving the sale.
Why should this scare the hell out of all “freedom-loving” Americans? Well if anyone knows who George Soros is then you know why.
Why this is a critical and more importantly, detrimental to America is because the idea Soros envisions for America.
Soros is “Hellbent” in tearing America apart! He’s been extremely successful in nearly every blue / democrat lead /controlled state in America.
President Trump recently signed an EO allowing for the development of an mRNA cancer treatment. I’m not sure why President Trump missed the memo, the “DoD-CIA” lead OWS- Bioweapon-Attack by means of a “So-called” vaccine for COVID, has killed more than a million Americans.
Upwards of 30 million people worldwide! Maybe more! What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong hey?
Well, IMO President Trump continues to take credit for OWS and saving millions of people worldwide.
That’s what’s wrong!
There’s no way on planet earth Donald J. Trump is unaware of such a deadly and devastating ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’ has had on populations all around the world! Please tell me why? Why Donald J. Trump isn’t aware of such a massive culling of human life?
Maybe I’m wrong here? If I am, I’ll be the first to apologize and take responsibility for my misunderstanding / mistakes. Something we seem to accept today.
“Right is wrong and wrong is made right”
There’s plenty of “Niceties” EIO’s President Trump has signed recently. Obviously with so much illogical nonsense being shoved / and forced down the American people’s throats, these past few years, common sense EO’s are now, all of a sudden seeming as though “Christ” has returned.
Anyone with common-sense could rattle off 100 EO’s for signature in less than an hours time. That’s how far off the rails these past few years have steered / changed the trajectory of America for the worst during the Biden admin.
Why’s this matter? Well, between George & Alex Soros buying up the largest AM radio licenses ever transacted and President Trump signing an EO for an AI generated mRNA cancer therapy, what could possibly go wrong?
The truth is, there’s a large, powerful group of “Globalist” who seek to control the world! One of their biggest problem is “people.” Millions of people, too many people, people of which must be culled in order to usher in their ultimate vision of a “New World Order”
I don’t think Soros will be airing “old-time” Lawerence Welk reruns nor will President Trumps signing of this mRNA continuation seek accountability for such death and destruction! Not to mention monetary damages to the “little-people!”
These Bioweapons have been the most deadly attack on humanity in peacetime, that I can ever remember. Also known as operation
Yes, he's doing things right now to placate (once again), his followers. Seems he's either playing 4D chess, or he's just too dim witted to understand.... It can't be both, simultaneously! He's playing ALL of us. If they didn't want him exactly where he is, he'd have been JFK'd. I cannot fathom anyone putting trust in one man. It's all theater, and the ending is tragic.
You are exactly right Stephanie. Thank you. Most people are elated for the common sense EO’s which anyone half asleep knows should be reversed! I don’t see the big deal, yet he’s doubling down on the mRNA Bioweapon under the guise of a cancer treatment? I’m tired of hearing the same old nonsense!
1.5 million Americans are DEAD because of OWS-BioInject, as I call it today! And we haven’t heard anything about stopping these shots!
Something I didn't realize, and I would guess a lot of other people too:
As stated by Dr. Mathew Maavak
"This withdrawal from WHO will not matter much as the United States is already de facto represented at the WHO by billionaire-backed entities such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Further tax cuts for US mega corporations will keep the WHO gravy train running."
Plus, maybe Trump promised Gates funding. Nobody knows what they discussed, but we sure can guess.
US Military — DOD — involved in Gof research in the 1980’s, perhaps even before then—at least the military officer that I know of worked on Gof—way back then.
Meryl, is it just me and my understanding (based on what my family witnessed) during the passing of a beloved family member, or does anyone else know what the meaning of gain-of-function actually looks like?
We seen a literal dead man walking, it unfolded within 3 Australian hospitals, in combination with 5g or any other radio frequency emitting devices such as mobile phones, wifi, and a bunch of evil doers working in the medical systems.
This family member was all but dead, dehydrated and starved to death under various guises.
I was with him during this process, it was horrible to watch and not be able to stop it... the night before his passing he tried to get up out of his bed 7 times!!
Seems to me that is gain-of-function research completed!
Why isn't the known gain of function proven to be done on US soil due to the 2022 study they published being investigated?
Geoff Pain as written extensively on the oddities around the high school study and wtf that high school children are involved in gain of function.
"The Student Supervisors understood why Omicron variant was Less Lethal and it has nothing to do with Spike.
They manufactured GMO Covid19 variants to make them more Lethal.
“Note, after 9 DPI there was only one WA1-infected mouse alive”
More infestation of the Nasal Turbinates and Lungs was achieved by squirting the Virus down the Nose. They plan to do that with People."
"They deleted the Furin Cleavage site in one synthetic virus to improve replication in Vero E6 cells. The vaccine virus candidates were stable after repeated passage in cell culture and were compared to ancestral SARS-CoV-2 in terms of Shedding and Pathogenicity. The synthetic virus is called WA1-ΔPRRA-ΔORF6-8-Nsp1K164A/H165A(abbreviated as Nsp1K164A/ H165A).
See WA1 in the figure at the top of this article, which comes from the FDA CBER group publication.13"
My feeling is the world would be better without evil geniuses manipulating cells to kill people. Additionally, better without injecting any thing into the body!
Was 'gain of function' ever a thing?
Or was it just theatre to create the 'pandemic industry'.
I challenged 'lethal virus development' back in January 2012, arguing it breached the Biological Weapons Convention, see:
But then it seems the controversial research funded by NIH/Fauci to make H5N1 more transmissible was all a beat-up, with Ron Fouchier of Erasmus doing a 180 degree turnaround on his claims about the lethality of his lab-engineered virus. Apparently the virus he purportedly created was neither as contagious nor as dangerous as people had been led to believe... See my letter dated 17 December 2012:
'Deadly viruses'... Has the entire world been led down the garden path with this supposed threat? Was it all made up, like the Contagion movie, to set up the punters to be terrorised and coerced into being vaccinated over and over again, and trapped in a social credit system?
Wow... Looks like the Five Eyes countries are right in the thick of it... Who knew?!?! The supposed bastions of the 'free world' exploiting and enslaving the people!
The IMF calculates this racket has cost $12.5 trillion...
Who benefited?
Biggest crime of all time!
Time to identify the perpetrators and bring them to account...
This is translated to English if needed.
Perhaps it was done with the intent of saving the people? Or was this done with the intention of reducing population? It is hard to read intent.
It’s not so hard to read intent when they keep pushing the vaccine at us.
Many people are fine. Many are not.
You might like to view these sites concerning your response to me, by a citizen organizied group of Israelis themselves-see what they have to say about the experimental vaccine Netanyahu volunteered his own people for.
THIS: The Israeli Peoples Committee Report.pdf
AND THIS, when I click the sites about the Hague question, get no response: In Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu has in fact imposed a massive vaccination campaign, even resulted in, using only the vaccine of the American
This is a great development to pull out of the WHO, but they are but a pimple on the butt of the UN, whose purpose is to manifest Agenda 2030, so they are, in a sense, a death cult. We need to pull out of the UN as well.
Программа ООН - геноцид человечества.The UN program is genocide of humanity. The UN is a terrorist organization.
Robert Malone on X today:
"Gain-of-Function research is legal. It is not legal to use Federal $$$ to do that research, in some circumstances. We can argue about the ethics of that another time.
My point is that it is legal to use a knife or a gun, but if you kill someone with that tool - you are a murderer.
It is the same with irresponsible research. It is the same with gain-of-function research. If that research kills people, yes- people must be held accountable.
Researchers designed SARS-CoV-2.
Researchers were responsible for its release (intentional or not).
Administrators funded and approved this research.
They all must be brought to justice.
7:43 AM · Jan 22, 2025
A thorough review of the available evidence suggests that the emergence of a novel engineered virus is the least likely explanation for the event known as the ‘covid pandemic’.
The discovery of ‘novel’ viruses is a function of how determined we are to find them - the more we look the more we find, suggesting that the attribution of novelty to a virus is as much the result of a politicised process rather than something based on an objective analysis of its properties.
The features of SARS-CoV-2 do not appear to be as ‘special’ or ‘unique’ as claimed.
There is no good evidence that the many and complex hurdles in front of deliberately engineering viruses to become more pathogenic or transmissible in humans have been overcome.
The theory that there was a long-standing but hitherto undetected virus endemic in animal (and possibly human) reservoirs is difficult if not impossible to falsify.
There are other explanations which could explain the sudden and rapid global appearance and spread of a specific sequence than the spread of a novel virus. The available virological and epidemiological evidence does not adequately support either the lab leak or the wet market theories for the origins of the virus.
It would be more apt to refer to ‘Claim-of-Function’ than ‘Gain-of-Function’ research.
Virological research with the intention of enhancing pathogenicity is, nevertheless, unethical and unnecessary and as such should cease; this is true even though we believe the evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that the ‘covid pandemic’ was an iatrogenic phenomenon and was not caused by a novel and deadly virus. In this regard if there actually was a function gained by the virus it was the power to help trick humanity into a dramatic act of self-harm.
I imagine Jessica nudged you to write this tripe, am I right? Be careful of her, and stick to your (numbers) lane. Or, when you make outsize and controversial claims, cite a reference.
I see you didn't bother to read the articles or follow the citations which include references to your work.
Calling it tripe without countering the arguments is unbecoming of someone who professes to be a scientist.
We raise serious questions that deserve serious answers.
Why are you so defensive? If you were secure in your claims you'd easily defeat my arguments without the need for childish insults.
Go on. Give it a go. Honestly, the world would be better for it.
As with the questions we raise about the N Italy and NYC events, many in the self-appointed cabal of “medical freedom leaders” seem totally unwilling to engage, except by the use of ad hominems.
Pity, since rational debate could help us better understand what happened; it almost looks as if certain people are incentivized to stop that happening.
Look, genetic engineering is over 50 years old. you can move virulence factors between viruses or even create viruses de novo. The "usefulness" of certain genes or small segments in pathogenicity is widely known by virologists
So to me it seems grossly ignorant to make the claim "There is no good evidence that the many and complex hurdles in front of deliberately engineering viruses to become more pathogenic or transmissible in humans have been overcome."
Here's the thing. You can't necessarily tell which bugs you created will reproduce and take off in the world--most don't. So you do trial and error, design them, AND THEN YOU TEST THEM. Some will work. It isn't that hard to understand.
"And then you test them" how? Are you saying the testing is done by leaking or releasing them into the real world - and that SARS-CoV-2 was leaked/released and just happened to 'work'?
We do not deny that lab workers can get sick or be affected by the materials they are working with.
But the idea that a lab worker becomes affected/infected and a viral agent transmits from that person to other people (at all or in exponential fashion) is unsubstantiated.
If, as you note, lab accidents occur all the time, then the very fact that they do not result in even localized events involving an appreciable number of people is itself a 'non-existence proof.'
How do we know the viral agents can't 'leak' and get far, let alone created successive mass casualty events around the globe in a short timeframe? Because they don't; it's never happened - and there is no evidence it happened with SARS-CoV-2.
To wit, it's fairly clear that "first" person-to-person transmission in the U.S. was no such thing.
As Martin said in his comments, Profs Sunetra Gupta and Denis Noble disagree with your position. That's fine if you think they're wrong, but we would love for you (and others) to say why.
I will note that, based on his public statements, NIH Director nominee Jay Bhattacharya seems to believes SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was created or adulterated in a lab and made it into the wider world by hitching a ride on a lab worker and transmitting from that lab worker to other humans. He thinks the experiments being conducted were risky, shouldn’t have been funded, and were carried out in less-than-safe conditions. The research wasn’t accidental but the “leak” was.
Sunetra Gupta rejects the lab leak hypothesis and wet market scenarios and believes SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotic emergence event that occurred in China. It’s not an “accident” per se; it’s within the bounds of what nature can and does do periodically. GoF isn’t inherently dangerous, she asserts; we need it so that we can develop countermeasures against the pandemic pathogens nature produces.
It sounds like you agree with both of them in the sense that you think nature has given us viral influenza pandemics, but GoF resulted in a the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus pandemic.
I/We disagree with that and would appreciate substantive debate on the issue.
It is your claim in the last paragraph we dispute and do so with careful and nuanced analysis. Contrary to what you say it is indeed easy to understand because the claim 'deadly viruses made by mad scientists that sweep the globe' is just not credible. And it perpetuates a great evil.
Given you think I should stay in my lane how about taking on the arguments made by these two qualified Oxford dons instead:
Are they as 'grossly ignorant' as me or more so?
Meryl. Blah blah blah. I’ve watched hundreds of hours of real world testimony under oath. I’ve read around 100 witness statements. It was no lab leak novel virus killing people in excess in 2020. Maybe you can work out what was?
I posted a Substack that comes down on the side of contagious diseases being contagious (i.e., pandemics are possible), though I didn't get into how it is scientifically possible to alter proteins in the effort to make them fit human receptors better (i.e., gain of function is possible).
[ ]
I suppose i need to be the one to come in here as a non medic/scientist with the Thors hammer of real world evidence which destroys any notion of COVID being a lab leak virus responsible for excess deaths in 2020. You’re welcome!
Tripe can be something offensive as well as foolish or worthless, did you offend that poor lady?
No. Read the thread. The 'poor lady' is simply offended by the fact I don't agree with her. We need to stick to scientific argument and do so in a civil manner.
Martin posted here before I did and is quoting from his and Jonathan Engler's paper, which he is citing. The paper itself also cites sources (including you).
Respectfully, "stick to your lane" is the kind of credentialism we heard in 2020. We all have an interest in discussing/debating events that upended life as we knew it.
The evidence that ends lab leak novel virus debates has been in from Scotland for at least the last 6 months. It’s over for those with eyes to see and hear.
Dr. Nass, this may be a bit off topic, however all I can think about is Bobby’s confirmation and this whole Trump/EO and AI mRNA personal caner “vaccine” Ellison thing; it has me worried this topic may be used against Bobby on the 29th. How in the world would he address this …. Stuff? So in thinking about your email about calling/writing Collins and Murkowski and the list of all the politicians who will be “interviewing” Bobby, I wonder if the study that Nicolas Hulscher with Courageous Discourse just put out this am could be sent to the “interviewers”? It was peer reviewed and there is a really simple and straight forward graph showing the association between neuro sx and vaccines in 9 yr old children. I was thinking maybe they might back off using the label conspiracy theorist and throwing around that anti-vax jargon and give Bobby something to stand on when he says he simply wants safe vaccines. Would it be possible for you to write something up - like the way you do it- scientifically, factually, clearly but with that personal feel like you always do and then have it sent where we could all sign our names and send it to others for signatures and then have it sent to the necessary politicians? I probably have no idea of what a big ask this may be, especially of someone who seems to have invented 30 hour days, but I seem to be a bit out of control with the thought of Bobby not being confirmed. Please accept my apology if I am too out of line. Here is a link to the study.
Respectfully, Marjorie
Meryl your CHAOS newsletter let’s the cat out the bag a bit don’t you think? In the meantime explain to me how this real world evidence shows a lab leak virus was killing people en mass in 2020. I await no reply.
There is just way too much incentive for these biolabs to create pandemics.
I hope that you have access to our President, and can educate him!
This is translated to English if needed.
It's critical to cover the tracks of the very criminals that started it and signed off on warp speed... it's the most successful global genocide since starvation...
Biden and Trump Administrations Commit Combined Billions to mRNA Vaccine Technologies
The Biden administration on Jan. 19 awarded $590 million to Moderna to develop mRNA flu vaccines with “pandemic potential.” On Jan. 21, his second day in office, President Donald Trump announced support for Big Tech’s $500 billion Stargate Initiative, focused in part on mRNA-based health solutions.
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
January 22, 2025
That does not strike me as Trump wanting to stop the ModRNA DNA vaccines, nor does RFK appear to have had any input in Trump's Stargate, probably with Bill Gates providing the funding, so where does exiting GOF begin and end with Stargate, one can but wonder?
Consider scum sucking swine like Gates et al, and nothing more needs said. I’m sure he considers himself invincible and like a god protected by his money. The ugly spud forgets that the hands of time stop for no one and he looks about as healthy as a well polished headstone.
1) DJT participated in the staging of a pandemic; he’s no hero on this.
2) Pandemics of viral spreading agents are not possible.
3) No, GoF is not another name for bioweapon development. Such a characterization empowers the perpetrators of the 2020 Human Rights Heist.
4) Lab leaks/accidents are low risk on a population level. The proposed transmission dynamics of a leak resulting in a series of events at the speed and with the pathogenicity purported are pure Hollywood.
5) The WHO must be exposed and dissolved. Same for every govt official and private/public partnership that aided & abetted global fraud.
There was no pandemic; there was Democide, fraud, and propaganda.
Jessica, when did you become a limited hangout? What is your background, exactly?
Hi. I'm not a limited hangout
Background here:
Our previous interactions here: (Summary of ongoing NYC investigation here:
Perspective on Lab Leak here: And here:
On use of term 'bioweapon' here:
The origins discussion/debate does matter
One of the biggest problems with the "spreading virus from Wuhan" story is that it is mechanistically implausible. Another challenge is there is no sign of a transmissible, risk-additive pathogen anywhere in any (time series) data until an emergency is declared and mass testing deployed in hospitals.
I'm not sure how you explain the incongruence but would love to hear more.
Does she ever respond to you? I looked but couldn’t find a response.
Not in these comments no. She did on New York. See article above
In Sept-Oct. 2024 George and Alex Soros bought 219 AM Radio Licenses in 40 different market places, around America from Audacy Radio. The cost was $415 Million Dollars or .50 cents on the dollar.
The FCC voted, without
due diligence with a
3-2 vote
(Dem vs Rep)
approving the sale.
Why should this scare the hell out of all “freedom-loving” Americans? Well if anyone knows who George Soros is then you know why.
Why this is a critical and more importantly, detrimental to America is because the idea Soros envisions for America.
Soros is “Hellbent” in tearing America apart! He’s been extremely successful in nearly every blue / democrat lead /controlled state in America.
President Trump recently signed an EO allowing for the development of an mRNA cancer treatment. I’m not sure why President Trump missed the memo, the “DoD-CIA” lead OWS- Bioweapon-Attack by means of a “So-called” vaccine for COVID, has killed more than a million Americans.
Upwards of 30 million people worldwide! Maybe more! What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong hey?
Well, IMO President Trump continues to take credit for OWS and saving millions of people worldwide.
That’s what’s wrong!
There’s no way on planet earth Donald J. Trump is unaware of such a deadly and devastating ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’ has had on populations all around the world! Please tell me why? Why Donald J. Trump isn’t aware of such a massive culling of human life?
Maybe I’m wrong here? If I am, I’ll be the first to apologize and take responsibility for my misunderstanding / mistakes. Something we seem to accept today.
“Right is wrong and wrong is made right”
There’s plenty of “Niceties” EIO’s President Trump has signed recently. Obviously with so much illogical nonsense being shoved / and forced down the American people’s throats, these past few years, common sense EO’s are now, all of a sudden seeming as though “Christ” has returned.
Anyone with common-sense could rattle off 100 EO’s for signature in less than an hours time. That’s how far off the rails these past few years have steered / changed the trajectory of America for the worst during the Biden admin.
Why’s this matter? Well, between George & Alex Soros buying up the largest AM radio licenses ever transacted and President Trump signing an EO for an AI generated mRNA cancer therapy, what could possibly go wrong?
The truth is, there’s a large, powerful group of “Globalist” who seek to control the world! One of their biggest problem is “people.” Millions of people, too many people, people of which must be culled in order to usher in their ultimate vision of a “New World Order”
I don’t think Soros will be airing “old-time” Lawerence Welk reruns nor will President Trumps signing of this mRNA continuation seek accountability for such death and destruction! Not to mention monetary damages to the “little-people!”
These Bioweapons have been the most deadly attack on humanity in peacetime, that I can ever remember. Also known as operation
“OWS-mRNA” Bioweapon.”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Yes, he's doing things right now to placate (once again), his followers. Seems he's either playing 4D chess, or he's just too dim witted to understand.... It can't be both, simultaneously! He's playing ALL of us. If they didn't want him exactly where he is, he'd have been JFK'd. I cannot fathom anyone putting trust in one man. It's all theater, and the ending is tragic.
You are exactly right Stephanie. Thank you. Most people are elated for the common sense EO’s which anyone half asleep knows should be reversed! I don’t see the big deal, yet he’s doubling down on the mRNA Bioweapon under the guise of a cancer treatment? I’m tired of hearing the same old nonsense!
1.5 million Americans are DEAD because of OWS-BioInject, as I call it today! And we haven’t heard anything about stopping these shots!
Very astutely stated!
Very well said!
Thank you Tony. I appreciate your kind words.
Something I didn't realize, and I would guess a lot of other people too:
As stated by Dr. Mathew Maavak
"This withdrawal from WHO will not matter much as the United States is already de facto represented at the WHO by billionaire-backed entities such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Further tax cuts for US mega corporations will keep the WHO gravy train running."
Plus, maybe Trump promised Gates funding. Nobody knows what they discussed, but we sure can guess.
It just means we will be funding them directly. That is terrifying.
US Military — DOD — involved in Gof research in the 1980’s, perhaps even before then—at least the military officer that I know of worked on Gof—way back then.
This is translated to English if needed.
Explain what you want us to read and why. Posting links without doing it is lazy and I take it as a scam. Especially when you keep posting it.
Why don't you just open it, lazy ass yourself, and see if it is worth reading. Then make a comment. I am not sure who is more lazy.
Read this and if you don't weep, you've lost something.
I'm a chicken little with a warning bell around my neck. I identify as a conspiracy theorist and my pronouns are " I told you so."
Meryl, is it just me and my understanding (based on what my family witnessed) during the passing of a beloved family member, or does anyone else know what the meaning of gain-of-function actually looks like?
We seen a literal dead man walking, it unfolded within 3 Australian hospitals, in combination with 5g or any other radio frequency emitting devices such as mobile phones, wifi, and a bunch of evil doers working in the medical systems.
This family member was all but dead, dehydrated and starved to death under various guises.
I was with him during this process, it was horrible to watch and not be able to stop it... the night before his passing he tried to get up out of his bed 7 times!!
Seems to me that is gain-of-function research completed!
Why isn't the known gain of function proven to be done on US soil due to the 2022 study they published being investigated?
Geoff Pain as written extensively on the oddities around the high school study and wtf that high school children are involved in gain of function.
"The Student Supervisors understood why Omicron variant was Less Lethal and it has nothing to do with Spike.
They manufactured GMO Covid19 variants to make them more Lethal.
“Note, after 9 DPI there was only one WA1-infected mouse alive”
More infestation of the Nasal Turbinates and Lungs was achieved by squirting the Virus down the Nose. They plan to do that with People."
"They deleted the Furin Cleavage site in one synthetic virus to improve replication in Vero E6 cells. The vaccine virus candidates were stable after repeated passage in cell culture and were compared to ancestral SARS-CoV-2 in terms of Shedding and Pathogenicity. The synthetic virus is called WA1-ΔPRRA-ΔORF6-8-Nsp1K164A/H165A(abbreviated as Nsp1K164A/ H165A).
See WA1 in the figure at the top of this article, which comes from the FDA CBER group publication.13"
My feeling is the world would be better without evil geniuses manipulating cells to kill people. Additionally, better without injecting any thing into the body!