They really think we’re stupid. What a bunch of larcenous psychopaths

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The trouble is, 90%-95% of the global population does appear to be stupid. Not necessarily useless eaters, but stupid nonetheless.

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It’s a depressing thought, isn’t it? 😬

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The Vaccinated

Have Nothing To Be Proud Of.

Start There.


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They were goat roped, but also self shackled.

Not only is there nothing to be proud of, actually they are fools,

knowing little about health...

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Love ‘Ya

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The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those

Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.

Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.

Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons

That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.

So Tell Them - To Their Faces:

“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”

You Owe Yourself That.

They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.

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Poetry! Love it.

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They’re “all in this together”...


Some silence is deafening.

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When They Are Standing On A Ledge

It Only Takes A Wink.


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One of the most impressive Covid documents I’ve read to date got me to thinking about the tsunami of unexposed Covid scandals. By my count, there are at least 10 … and they are all massive.


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I Believe his words were:

“Poised” for emergence.

- We’ll get there.

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Although I Do Not Think It Is “Airborne”

... But Baric Said “It’s Ready”


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icloud sent this to my junk mail…

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Don't tell everybody, whoever was that smart will get fired!

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Oh my.

They can't even forecast the weather accurately beyond a few days. And yet we can forecast an explosion of resistant bacteria?

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“Forecast”? What these functionaries are doing requires NO degree of prescience.

Those who light the fuse are predicting an explosion.

Any questions?

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Yes, are you suggesting they have released antibiotic resistant strains into circulation?

How would they release this bioweapon...

Especially without infecting themselves?

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Conway, yo ask, "How would they release this bioweapon..." Study the covid phenomenon! They created a mild bio-weapon, released it (not "leaked") and then provided the (for too many) lethal injections as the bigger bio-weapon.

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Very tricky and conniving.

I don't think a bacteria can be released the same way, is all.

Eg, there ain't nothing slow kill about that. Injecting an antibiotic resistant bacteria into the body would kill you in a number of days.

Plausible deniability would be... Impossible.

Crippling your mitochondria with plasmid like domains on a spike protein is slow. Unless you are unlucky and get a bad dose that concentrates in one area because then the organ will fail. Myocarditis, seizures etcetera.

And since mitochondria decline as you age anyway.

Lots of room for plausible deniability.

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With strained deference, where have you been for the past three years?

Please research recent presentations by Dr. David Martin, starting perhaps with his dissertation at the European Parliament COVID3 summit in Brussels.

Since these characters are notorious for possessing inoculants even BEFORE THE CORRESPONDING PATHOGEN is announced to the public, “especially without infecting themselves” is something of a self-evident, moot point.

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Case in point, the covid shots were patented a full decades before the virus was, by the same patent clerk.

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I know. I've been following it all along. I learned about the lies and obfuscations from the gov't agencies as a student, half a century back.

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Oh right.

So you suggest they have a vaccine for the bacterial strains they're intending on releasing?

I mean it's not entirely implausible. I hope their vaccine is super efficacious and not one of those 60ish percent reduction in severe illness like meningococcal B etcetera.

Cause dying of sepsis doesn't sound too nice.

I wonder if perhaps ozone, hydrogen peroxide, or certain essential oils like tea tree might be of use to manage this if it eventuates?

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Dr. David Martin.

Am I suggesting an actual curative will be made publicly available for whatever gain-of-function nightmare “leaks” next?

Surely you jest.

Plenty over the past years have died of sepsis “etcetera” while available treatments existed, but were WITHHELD.

You’re free to believe whatever your tolerance will indulge. I prefer truth to immovable debate. And an abundance of evidence exists which effectively counters the appropriated “Science” of the state narrative.

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I find your method of communication a little smug.

Holier than thou.

But, you do raise some good points.

I am simply trying not to make assumptions.

And no, not for widespread release but for themselves.

See the issue with biological warfare is for it to be done well it also poses a significant threat to your allies and enemies alike.

Unlike viruses, bacteria is little more challenging to inoculate against

It typically doesn't spread quite as rapidly as respiratory viruses but with everyone's immune systems already being extinguished... Aging them quickly by destroying their mitochondria...

It'll be a blood bath.

So, I am just trying to get ahead of them. Let's say this is exactly what the plan is. How do we best minimize the risk to ourselves and our families?

Obviously antibiotics won't work.

Certain places like hospitals will be higher risk than others and those can be avoided.

But treating and preventing infections?

Beyond living in bubble wrap what other options are available and how is this bacteria spreading? Droplets? Contact? Insect bites?

I'm trying not to die.

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They don't have to " release a thing"! We've had increasing numbers of antibiotic resistant strains of all kinds of organisms since the '80', for a variety of reasons, only 1 of which is animal feeds.

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So what's going to significantly increase the rate?

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Again, no need. They introduced heavy immunosuppression via the covid shots. It as the only way to keep the spikes from being rejected, and it sets the recipients up for lethal colds, or any other organism that they encounter.

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That's not "forecasting"; the explosion happened decades ago.

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Actually it's not forecasting. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics within the agricultural industry globally, combined with the extensive antibiotic prescriptions for patients (who "just want to feel better and get back to work asap" instead of riding it through) from GP's, and then the excessive overuse of antimicrobials (disinfectants; there are other options like UV) within the hospital settings, has accelerated and forced mutations within the halobiome. The commensal (read good guys) bacteria are trying to survive just as much as the pathogenic (read bad guys) species, only for the health of the commensal bacteria and us, there has to be balance. The actual pathogenic bacteria are far fewer than the commensal and they are normally held in check. But even too much of the good guys is not great for us. We evolved with this teeming microbial world. Then we learnt how to kill too many of them, too indiscriminately. Antimicrobial are good, its just we are always bringing an AK47 to a knife fight.😉

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The masses have become science illiterate therefore easy to convince the sky is falling. We’re screwed!

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Naw. Methinks the nuts are screwed.

Survival is the best revenge.

Survival is a byproduct of DISCERNMENT.

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They are science, language and history illiterate; this proves it.

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give everyone immne suppression and then blame excess deaths on something else, got it.

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The entertainment value of the pronouncements of all of these agencies would be priceless if they weren't so destructive.

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If these elites were the infallible sages they portray themselves to be, they’d be wrangling their mega-fortunes in lottery tickets, rather than enriching themselves by way of Big Pharma democides.

Yet another proof of the demonic revelling in gratuitous harm and murder. NONE of it is about the furtherance of public health...

“...wickedness in high places” and more than several of the lowest.

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Takes a trained mind to see behind the curtain. Pandering to the fear based mindset is actually rather easy as Dr. Nass points out. Fear pandering is simple obfuscation dressed up differently.

The good news is that an increasingly larger number of people do not believe this non science. Oddly there are some who are well educated who have become parrots.

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Sure that's not just well indoctrinated?

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Parroting pays handsomely...on this side.

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Excuse me, I'm not fluent in gibberish, despite Kamala's bes efforts; does this come with an English translation? I recognize the words, but the sequence is meaningless. It doesn't take 89 wasted pages to say nothing meaningful. Antibiotic resistance is not new, after all, and such inanity as presented here and in the booklet serve no use in resolving it at all. If this is what all the universities are producing, all I can say is Maranatha! It's time for us to go!

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Such a pleasure to read your trenchant and comic analyses. I keep thinking of that George RR Martin character named Hodor who answers every question or remark by saying "Hodor" Or that old man in a movie I barely remember who responds "Toyota" to everything anyone says. They just babble in abstractions that mean absolutely nothing interspersed occasionally with their key words. That list of contributors has got to just be people wanting a OneHealth publication credit, though we are more doomed that we even thought we were lol, if it took all of them to create that "document". Hodor. Toyota.

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Where is the mention that Glyphosate IS an antibiotic an is pumped into our environment as fast as they can mass produce it

Role of glyphosate in the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria?

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 76, Issue 7, July 2021,

"The second hypothesis is the role of glyphosate as a possible driver of antibiotic resistance in microorganisms because this compound has been widely used by humans in agriculture over the last 40 years.11 Glyphosate is a phosphonic acid widely used as a herbicide worldwide (and is also an antibiotic drug) and used in particular countries of the intertropical zone at doses that exceed all those possibly used in normal agriculture, but also in the cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)."

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It was originally patented as an antimicrobial 😉

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No more laws, no more money, No more "science" Congress, border a joke. Plasmids containing antibiotic- resistance coding regions in the shots. I will only vote for candidates with the least amt of funding. RFK jr is honorable.

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Theoretically plasmids carrying antibiotic (Ab) resistant genes could incorporate into our gut microbiome for persistent presence in our bodies. Ab resistant in plasmids are used as a selection tool in recombinant lab experiments.

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🎯RFK Jr. is anointed for this very hour.

(“ab” indeed. Note the explosion of new mass-marketed pharmaceuticals with proprietary suffixes of “ab”, “ib”, and “vir”. Expand your thinking on just such epiphanies.)

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How Artificial Intelligence Could Help Advance One Health

Feb. 25, 2023

“The latest chatbots and other AI tools open new avenues for raising awareness of the merits of One Health (OH); here are some ways they could be used, recognizing both the potential and the limitations”


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Delete resistance.

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Just watched Dr. David Martin's dynamic and profound presentation referenced below by Cheeps:

https://globalcovidsummit.org/experts/drrobertmalone/vaccines/videos-the-international-covid-summit-iii-in-the-european-parliament-brussels Please folk, see what he said, and had predicted 20 yeas before from his knowledge of patents.

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RE: Antibiotic resistant microbes is a phenomenon unique to Western pharmaceutical interventions. The over use of toxic monotherapy antibiotics or mixtures of microbiome killing oral Western pharmaceutical antibiotics has compromised our ability to cure previously treatable organisms but that is not the case with Chinese herbal formulas. The Millennia old Chinese Materia Medica contains hundreds of very effective nontoxic microbe killers and when blended together in formulas along with herbs to protect the digestion from the bitter purging properties of these usually bitter antimicrobial herbs they are still very effective. Chinese Herbal medicine is infinitely more malleable, safer and more effective for infections than any of the Johnny One Note antibiotic prescriptions we see prescribed by infectious disease MD’s in the West!

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Can these formulas be adapted for animals stuffed together in factory farms? Might even be cheaper than adding the chemical antibiotics to feed. Anybody working on that?

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Exit the WHO is insufficient. We need to exit the UN. It was never a democratic organization, but always dominated by un-elected elites. It's always been a colossal waste of money.

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